Thank you, again to everybody who reviewed. Before I write anything else, I want to just warn you now that I replaced Mr. Kelly with Mr. Graven because I wanted to add a kind of psyco principal for humor (I'm sorry if this upsets anybody, but I really never though Senator Kelly should've been principal, anyways). Ok, now that I've warned you all, here's some more of my yet to be titled fanfic (any ideas for a title, anybody?). Anyway, I hope it's enjoyable and I just want to add that I tried to write Kurt's dialouge reflecting his diction, but I don't think I was doing it right so I tried my best to write him but it was hard...well, you tell me what you think! Also, I just wanted to comment about Fred and Tim's relationship and say that I have a similar situation that RogueFanKC has and that was kind of the inspiration for it. I have this one cousin who is just so popular and pretty! LOL! The worst thing about it though, is that she's not really mean! Anyway, I decided to use Fred to reflect a similar situation (of course they're guys, but the feelings are still the same). Anyway, enough with the insight. Hopefully, in the next part, Crystal's mutant powers will be known (there are slight hints here), but I don't really want that to really be the focus anyways...anyway, here is the third chapter. Thanks for reading, please review, and most of all, enjoy!
Disclaimer: Same as Ch 1 and 2
With a bundle of new text books and worksheets, Crystal struggled down the hall, wishing she could walk without drawing so much attention to herself. It seemed if everybody was staring at her, whispering and laughing at her feeble presentation and dull appearance. Her face flushed and she suddenly felt very hot.
Whimpering and trying to quicken her pace, she finally reached her locker. Still straining, she reached out her right arm from underneath her books and fiddled with the knob. Her hands nervously trembled. One time. Two Times. Three times and still she could not manage to get the combination right. Twelve…twenty seven…elev-
Her books fell out of her hands, hitting the floor and forming a disorganized pile of open textbooks and papers. Soft snickering arose throughout the hallway, and Crystal quickly knelt to pick up her things. I'm such a klutz, she thought, growing hotter with every moment, how can I be so clumsy?
Suddenly, Crystal felt very dizzy and light-headed. The sickening feeling she was already feeling escalated into something more, herself growing very nauseas. Placing her right hand to her forehead, she closed her eyes tightly to try to relax and stop the disorientation she was feeling.
Then it was over. Crystal's eyes fluttered open and she looked around without delay, making sure nobody was staring. Working even faster then before, she gathered her things as best she could-which turned out to be a chaotic clutter of her belongings in her arms-and stood up. What was that?, she wondered as her Aunt's voice came into her head; Crystal, how many times do I have to tell you to eat healthy? Crystal sighed, Maybe Aunt Helen's right…maybe I should start eating healthy…
She reached out to try opening her locker again, but impulsively pulled her hand away. The knob was unbearably hot, scorching metal in fact. "Ow!" Crystal yelped, but she managed to scarcely hold onto her books. At the outcry, her fellow peers drew their attention to her which led her to bow her head, her long, unkempt hair hiding her blushing face. When she felt their harsh glares leave her, she turned back to her locker and frowned. Why is it so hot…?, she asked herself, perplexed. Hesitantly, she reached out for the knob again. Before touching it, she reluctantly stopped, then, with a deep breath and turning away with shut eyes, she grabbed it.
Nothing. A sigh of relief escaped her and she went back to attempting to open her locker. Finally, she did, and she carelessly threw her books in, happy to alleviate her self of the weight. Still extremely warm, she took off her white sweater and threw it in there as well, leaving her scrawny arms bare. Finishing, she grabbed her lunch, which she had put in their earlier that morning, and closed the locker shut. A sensation of dread returned to her, churning her stomach without mercy. Out of all classes, besides maybe gym, she hated lunch the most.
In the library, Evan and Kurt finally found Scott, studying quietly by himself at a round table. "Don't you understand, Scott?" Evan was saying, quite loudly.
"I understand that you two have got to be quite," he whispered harshly.
"Oh, sorry," Evan lowered his voice. "The thing is-"
"I know; Jean and Duncan were nominated." Scott tried his best to show he didn't care, but his voice had grown a bit edgy.
"Well, what are you going to do, Scott?" Kurt chimed in.
"I don't know! I mean, nothing."
"What do you mean, nothing?! I bet that right now-as we speak-Duncan is asking Jean to go with him to the Winter Formal while you waste time up here in the library when you should be down in the cafeteria!" Evan declared.
"Shh!" came from a few students.
"Sorry," Evan muttered.
"I have to finish up this research paper," Scott rationalized, "Besides, everybody knows that the nominated Kings and Queens go together."
"See, that our point, Scott," Kurt began, "You have to get nominated!"
"Me?" Scott frowned, "I don't think that's going to work; there are all ready three nominees."
"Granted," Evan agreed, "But rumor has it that you came in fourth; you're the runner up!"
"Which means if you can get one to quit or talk to Mr. Graven…"
"No! This is stupid, you guys. I'm not going to ask them to quit. And I'm definitely not going to go and talk with Mr. Graven. I don't even want to be King. The whole thing is stupid."
"Is Jean stupid?" Evan questioned.
"Yes-no-I don't know. Listen, Jean can do what she wants. I doesn't bother me either way; we're just friends. Let her go with Duncan. Or maybe not. It's none of my business. Now, if you don't mind, I really got to finish this. Hey-don't you two have to be in class?"
"Well, uh-" Both stammered staring at each other.
"Oh no!" Kurt blurted out, "My math teacher is going to - oh no!" He hurried out of the library, Evan after him.
"We'll see you later, Scott. Just remember what we said, man! This can lead to-"
"Shhh!" angry students whispered harshly.
"Gee, sorry!" Evan then ran out, leaving Scott to contemplate what both Kurt and Evan had said.
Fred pushed his way down toward the cash register, picking up various quantities of food and placing them on his tray along the way. Usually, he didn't eat as much as he was planning to today, but he was more depressed than usual and he needed to do something to cheer himself up. Over his shoulder, he could see his cousin Tim, receiving congratulations from various students along with Duncan, Taren, Jean, and Jenny. He gritted his teeth and placed a third pack of pudding on his tray. He hated lunch more than all his other classes. It was the only one in which he was entirely alone, all of his friends having lunch the period following his and he loathed it. All by himself, he would sit at a table in the corner and stuff his face uncontrollably. His peers would stare fascinated or shocked, and of course, many ridiculed him behind his back, laughing at his weight and stupidity.
"That'll be-" The women at the cash register cut herself off, "Oh my, sonny, that's a lot of food for one person, don't you think?"
"Just how much is it," he grumbled.
She frowned and said after a couple moments of contemplation, "$21.75" Glowering, he placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and some change.
"Here." Trying her best to smile she took his money and handing him his change.
"There you go. Have a nice day."
"You too," he kind of mumbled as he headed to his table.
However, firstly, he'd have to embarrassingly make his way through the cafeteria, trying his best to push his way through tables and chairs. "Excuse me," he muttered each time he passed by a table, growing redder with every instance. A sickening sensation formed as he grew nearer to the table filled with all the popular jocks and cheerleaders. Maybe they won't notice me…, he thought hopefully.
"Hey, fatty, think you got enough food?" Duncan yelled out to him and began laughing obnoxiously, Fred standing just a foot or so away from the table.
"Duncan!" Tim snapped and eyes glaring, himself looking a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed.
"What?" He asked with some arrogance, but Tim was no longer paying attention.
"Hey, Fred," he said, his voice strained and forced. Fred glanced around the table. Taren had her hands to her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter. Jean seemed preoccupied with being disgusted with Duncan, obviously angered by his cruelness, while Jenny looked up at Fred with wide frightened eyes. Roucher was still laughing stupidly, following Duncan's suit, who was pompously staring at Fred with disdain, a haughty smile spread across his handsome face.
"Hey…" he mumbled awkwardly and then, without a word, pushed away, wanting his best to leave them. Their laughter rung out as soon as he was gone and he felt wholly humiliated. He gritted his teeth angrily, trying to fight the urge to run back and beat them all up, but his eyes suddenly spotted his table.
Somebody else was sitting there. It was a gaunt, skinny girl with tousled hair who was meekly eating her lunch while trying to avoid all eye contact with her fellow students. Fred didn't know what to make of it but barreled over to her, his feet vibrating the whole cafeteria upon impact. When he reached the round table in the corner, he hovered over her breathing heavily. She looked up startled.
For a moment they just stared at one another, neither knowing what to say. "I-" The girl began uncertainly when Fred spoke up.
"Can I-" he began to ask but interrupted himself, pausing as insecurity swept over him. I'm not going to ask her if I can sit here! Say if she says no? Then what?, he thought. He cleared his throat and his expression grew intimidating and threatening, "You're sitting at my table." Her large, nervous eyes widened and she immediately sprung to her feet and began to gather her things.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I, uh, didn't realize that you, uh, sat here. I'm always in the way and I, uh, really didn't mean to bother you, or anything, and, um, I, uh, I'm really, really sorry." She spoke very quickly, her words slurring together in one barely coherent jumble, and she never looked at him as her glare remained focused on staring down at the table.
"Good." Fred said strangely after a moment, a bit surprised, and sat down as she was preparing to leave. Watching her, he suddenly felt bad, and started, "Uh…you know…uh…well, you can still sit here if you like…"
"Oh, no, that's ok…" she trailed off with a quivering voice.
"Oh." Fred said flatly, suddenly feeling stupid for saying anything.
"I, uh, wouldn't want to be in the way. I'm sure there's plenty of places for me to, uh, sit and uh, eat of course. I won't bother you anymore." However, when she glanced around the cafeteria she saw all the tables were occupied and a sinking sensation filled her as she uttered a moan.
"It won't bother me!" Fred blurted out without thinking, and hated himself for it afterwards. Turning scarlet he stared at the wall and quickly grunted, "I don't care either way."
"Oh…" Staring at her feet, strands of hair falling across her face, she said, "Ok." Surprised, he looked back at her.
"You mean, you'll sit here? With me?"
"No! I meant, uh…well, I thought…but, I'll just leave…" she trailed off, discomfited.
"No, I uh, didn't mean that. You can sit down. It's a free country and all…" Fred was having difficulty with his words.
"All right. Thank you." and so she sat, rather sheepishly, glancing at the wall for a while before staring down at her lunch, which was a mush peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, a fruit punch, and an apple. Studying her, he noticed that her hands shook with every movement, whether it be lifting her sandwich or drink to her mouth or wiping her sticky hands with her napkin. Also, her eyes appeared sad and uncertain of herself. Not wanting to stare for long, Fred immediately began to eat his large lunch almost like an animal, himself growing very nervous and anxious. He figured if he kept eating he'd ease his tension and wouldn't have to talk with her and say something stupid. As he gobbled, she took small bites, looking like she was having difficulty swallowing as if fighting a lump in her throat.
The silence ensued for ten minutes, both only glancing up at one another intermittently and then quickly glancing back down. Finally, noticing her meager meal and feeling like a pig for eating so much, Fred asked, "Uh, do you want some?"
"Oh!" she was startled by his voice, accustomed to the silence. "No, that's all right. Thank you, though."
"Well, ok…I was just wondering, because, uh, well, I don't really feel like eating anymore…" he lied, forcing himself to push his tray of food-although much of it had been eaten-away from him.
"Oh…um…well, I guess so…" she placed down her apple, having already finished her sandwich. Hesitantly, she reached out toward his tray with her shaky hand, but couldn't decide what to pick as if trying to see what he would think of her.
"I recommend the chips-they're actually kind of good. Well, you know, if you, uh, like chips, that is." He wouldn't allow his eyes to meet hers, so he stared at the wall, then the ceiling, and then the floor.
"I like chips!" she exclaimed eagerly, grew red and shrunk back into her seat with a nervous laugh. She grabbed the chips and began to munch on them nervously. "Thank you."
"Oh, uh…yeah…uh, your welcome, I mean…uh, what's your name?" He suddenly inquired, realizing he did not know and was stupid enough not to ask.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should have, uh, introduced myself before and I guess, I, uh, forgot…my name's Cryst-" she interrupted herself and then continued, "Crys. Crys Waters."
"That's, uh nice. I, uh, always liked that name." He said, idiotically, and felt himself grow hot again.
"Thanks," she laughed nervously again, and asked, "Um, what's your name?"
"I'm Fred. Fred Dukes. Uh, my friends sometimes call me Freddie, but uh, you can call me that if you want to."
"All right. Well, it's uh, very nice to meet you Fred-or uh, Freddie."
"You too," he managed to mumble, noticing that she had timidly offered her trembling hand for him to shake. Uneasily, he extended his hand as well, his arm so stout and hers so bony, and clumsily, the two shook. Then, they withdrew their hands back to them timorously, and smiling shyly, they glanced away, both feeling extremely embarrassed and wondering what the other one was thinking.
Disclaimer: Same as Ch 1 and 2
With a bundle of new text books and worksheets, Crystal struggled down the hall, wishing she could walk without drawing so much attention to herself. It seemed if everybody was staring at her, whispering and laughing at her feeble presentation and dull appearance. Her face flushed and she suddenly felt very hot.
Whimpering and trying to quicken her pace, she finally reached her locker. Still straining, she reached out her right arm from underneath her books and fiddled with the knob. Her hands nervously trembled. One time. Two Times. Three times and still she could not manage to get the combination right. Twelve…twenty seven…elev-
Her books fell out of her hands, hitting the floor and forming a disorganized pile of open textbooks and papers. Soft snickering arose throughout the hallway, and Crystal quickly knelt to pick up her things. I'm such a klutz, she thought, growing hotter with every moment, how can I be so clumsy?
Suddenly, Crystal felt very dizzy and light-headed. The sickening feeling she was already feeling escalated into something more, herself growing very nauseas. Placing her right hand to her forehead, she closed her eyes tightly to try to relax and stop the disorientation she was feeling.
Then it was over. Crystal's eyes fluttered open and she looked around without delay, making sure nobody was staring. Working even faster then before, she gathered her things as best she could-which turned out to be a chaotic clutter of her belongings in her arms-and stood up. What was that?, she wondered as her Aunt's voice came into her head; Crystal, how many times do I have to tell you to eat healthy? Crystal sighed, Maybe Aunt Helen's right…maybe I should start eating healthy…
She reached out to try opening her locker again, but impulsively pulled her hand away. The knob was unbearably hot, scorching metal in fact. "Ow!" Crystal yelped, but she managed to scarcely hold onto her books. At the outcry, her fellow peers drew their attention to her which led her to bow her head, her long, unkempt hair hiding her blushing face. When she felt their harsh glares leave her, she turned back to her locker and frowned. Why is it so hot…?, she asked herself, perplexed. Hesitantly, she reached out for the knob again. Before touching it, she reluctantly stopped, then, with a deep breath and turning away with shut eyes, she grabbed it.
Nothing. A sigh of relief escaped her and she went back to attempting to open her locker. Finally, she did, and she carelessly threw her books in, happy to alleviate her self of the weight. Still extremely warm, she took off her white sweater and threw it in there as well, leaving her scrawny arms bare. Finishing, she grabbed her lunch, which she had put in their earlier that morning, and closed the locker shut. A sensation of dread returned to her, churning her stomach without mercy. Out of all classes, besides maybe gym, she hated lunch the most.
In the library, Evan and Kurt finally found Scott, studying quietly by himself at a round table. "Don't you understand, Scott?" Evan was saying, quite loudly.
"I understand that you two have got to be quite," he whispered harshly.
"Oh, sorry," Evan lowered his voice. "The thing is-"
"I know; Jean and Duncan were nominated." Scott tried his best to show he didn't care, but his voice had grown a bit edgy.
"Well, what are you going to do, Scott?" Kurt chimed in.
"I don't know! I mean, nothing."
"What do you mean, nothing?! I bet that right now-as we speak-Duncan is asking Jean to go with him to the Winter Formal while you waste time up here in the library when you should be down in the cafeteria!" Evan declared.
"Shh!" came from a few students.
"Sorry," Evan muttered.
"I have to finish up this research paper," Scott rationalized, "Besides, everybody knows that the nominated Kings and Queens go together."
"See, that our point, Scott," Kurt began, "You have to get nominated!"
"Me?" Scott frowned, "I don't think that's going to work; there are all ready three nominees."
"Granted," Evan agreed, "But rumor has it that you came in fourth; you're the runner up!"
"Which means if you can get one to quit or talk to Mr. Graven…"
"No! This is stupid, you guys. I'm not going to ask them to quit. And I'm definitely not going to go and talk with Mr. Graven. I don't even want to be King. The whole thing is stupid."
"Is Jean stupid?" Evan questioned.
"Yes-no-I don't know. Listen, Jean can do what she wants. I doesn't bother me either way; we're just friends. Let her go with Duncan. Or maybe not. It's none of my business. Now, if you don't mind, I really got to finish this. Hey-don't you two have to be in class?"
"Well, uh-" Both stammered staring at each other.
"Oh no!" Kurt blurted out, "My math teacher is going to - oh no!" He hurried out of the library, Evan after him.
"We'll see you later, Scott. Just remember what we said, man! This can lead to-"
"Shhh!" angry students whispered harshly.
"Gee, sorry!" Evan then ran out, leaving Scott to contemplate what both Kurt and Evan had said.
Fred pushed his way down toward the cash register, picking up various quantities of food and placing them on his tray along the way. Usually, he didn't eat as much as he was planning to today, but he was more depressed than usual and he needed to do something to cheer himself up. Over his shoulder, he could see his cousin Tim, receiving congratulations from various students along with Duncan, Taren, Jean, and Jenny. He gritted his teeth and placed a third pack of pudding on his tray. He hated lunch more than all his other classes. It was the only one in which he was entirely alone, all of his friends having lunch the period following his and he loathed it. All by himself, he would sit at a table in the corner and stuff his face uncontrollably. His peers would stare fascinated or shocked, and of course, many ridiculed him behind his back, laughing at his weight and stupidity.
"That'll be-" The women at the cash register cut herself off, "Oh my, sonny, that's a lot of food for one person, don't you think?"
"Just how much is it," he grumbled.
She frowned and said after a couple moments of contemplation, "$21.75" Glowering, he placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and some change.
"Here." Trying her best to smile she took his money and handing him his change.
"There you go. Have a nice day."
"You too," he kind of mumbled as he headed to his table.
However, firstly, he'd have to embarrassingly make his way through the cafeteria, trying his best to push his way through tables and chairs. "Excuse me," he muttered each time he passed by a table, growing redder with every instance. A sickening sensation formed as he grew nearer to the table filled with all the popular jocks and cheerleaders. Maybe they won't notice me…, he thought hopefully.
"Hey, fatty, think you got enough food?" Duncan yelled out to him and began laughing obnoxiously, Fred standing just a foot or so away from the table.
"Duncan!" Tim snapped and eyes glaring, himself looking a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed.
"What?" He asked with some arrogance, but Tim was no longer paying attention.
"Hey, Fred," he said, his voice strained and forced. Fred glanced around the table. Taren had her hands to her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter. Jean seemed preoccupied with being disgusted with Duncan, obviously angered by his cruelness, while Jenny looked up at Fred with wide frightened eyes. Roucher was still laughing stupidly, following Duncan's suit, who was pompously staring at Fred with disdain, a haughty smile spread across his handsome face.
"Hey…" he mumbled awkwardly and then, without a word, pushed away, wanting his best to leave them. Their laughter rung out as soon as he was gone and he felt wholly humiliated. He gritted his teeth angrily, trying to fight the urge to run back and beat them all up, but his eyes suddenly spotted his table.
Somebody else was sitting there. It was a gaunt, skinny girl with tousled hair who was meekly eating her lunch while trying to avoid all eye contact with her fellow students. Fred didn't know what to make of it but barreled over to her, his feet vibrating the whole cafeteria upon impact. When he reached the round table in the corner, he hovered over her breathing heavily. She looked up startled.
For a moment they just stared at one another, neither knowing what to say. "I-" The girl began uncertainly when Fred spoke up.
"Can I-" he began to ask but interrupted himself, pausing as insecurity swept over him. I'm not going to ask her if I can sit here! Say if she says no? Then what?, he thought. He cleared his throat and his expression grew intimidating and threatening, "You're sitting at my table." Her large, nervous eyes widened and she immediately sprung to her feet and began to gather her things.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I, uh, didn't realize that you, uh, sat here. I'm always in the way and I, uh, really didn't mean to bother you, or anything, and, um, I, uh, I'm really, really sorry." She spoke very quickly, her words slurring together in one barely coherent jumble, and she never looked at him as her glare remained focused on staring down at the table.
"Good." Fred said strangely after a moment, a bit surprised, and sat down as she was preparing to leave. Watching her, he suddenly felt bad, and started, "Uh…you know…uh…well, you can still sit here if you like…"
"Oh, no, that's ok…" she trailed off with a quivering voice.
"Oh." Fred said flatly, suddenly feeling stupid for saying anything.
"I, uh, wouldn't want to be in the way. I'm sure there's plenty of places for me to, uh, sit and uh, eat of course. I won't bother you anymore." However, when she glanced around the cafeteria she saw all the tables were occupied and a sinking sensation filled her as she uttered a moan.
"It won't bother me!" Fred blurted out without thinking, and hated himself for it afterwards. Turning scarlet he stared at the wall and quickly grunted, "I don't care either way."
"Oh…" Staring at her feet, strands of hair falling across her face, she said, "Ok." Surprised, he looked back at her.
"You mean, you'll sit here? With me?"
"No! I meant, uh…well, I thought…but, I'll just leave…" she trailed off, discomfited.
"No, I uh, didn't mean that. You can sit down. It's a free country and all…" Fred was having difficulty with his words.
"All right. Thank you." and so she sat, rather sheepishly, glancing at the wall for a while before staring down at her lunch, which was a mush peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, a fruit punch, and an apple. Studying her, he noticed that her hands shook with every movement, whether it be lifting her sandwich or drink to her mouth or wiping her sticky hands with her napkin. Also, her eyes appeared sad and uncertain of herself. Not wanting to stare for long, Fred immediately began to eat his large lunch almost like an animal, himself growing very nervous and anxious. He figured if he kept eating he'd ease his tension and wouldn't have to talk with her and say something stupid. As he gobbled, she took small bites, looking like she was having difficulty swallowing as if fighting a lump in her throat.
The silence ensued for ten minutes, both only glancing up at one another intermittently and then quickly glancing back down. Finally, noticing her meager meal and feeling like a pig for eating so much, Fred asked, "Uh, do you want some?"
"Oh!" she was startled by his voice, accustomed to the silence. "No, that's all right. Thank you, though."
"Well, ok…I was just wondering, because, uh, well, I don't really feel like eating anymore…" he lied, forcing himself to push his tray of food-although much of it had been eaten-away from him.
"Oh…um…well, I guess so…" she placed down her apple, having already finished her sandwich. Hesitantly, she reached out toward his tray with her shaky hand, but couldn't decide what to pick as if trying to see what he would think of her.
"I recommend the chips-they're actually kind of good. Well, you know, if you, uh, like chips, that is." He wouldn't allow his eyes to meet hers, so he stared at the wall, then the ceiling, and then the floor.
"I like chips!" she exclaimed eagerly, grew red and shrunk back into her seat with a nervous laugh. She grabbed the chips and began to munch on them nervously. "Thank you."
"Oh, uh…yeah…uh, your welcome, I mean…uh, what's your name?" He suddenly inquired, realizing he did not know and was stupid enough not to ask.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should have, uh, introduced myself before and I guess, I, uh, forgot…my name's Cryst-" she interrupted herself and then continued, "Crys. Crys Waters."
"That's, uh nice. I, uh, always liked that name." He said, idiotically, and felt himself grow hot again.
"Thanks," she laughed nervously again, and asked, "Um, what's your name?"
"I'm Fred. Fred Dukes. Uh, my friends sometimes call me Freddie, but uh, you can call me that if you want to."
"All right. Well, it's uh, very nice to meet you Fred-or uh, Freddie."
"You too," he managed to mumble, noticing that she had timidly offered her trembling hand for him to shake. Uneasily, he extended his hand as well, his arm so stout and hers so bony, and clumsily, the two shook. Then, they withdrew their hands back to them timorously, and smiling shyly, they glanced away, both feeling extremely embarrassed and wondering what the other one was thinking.