Character Death: This is the last chapter of this story: The ending leaves it open for a different story to take place. I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you for all the reviews and PMs :)

Hermione got away with explaining the spell was a combination if fiendfyre and the killing spell. Vance and Birch accepted it and also accepted that Bella did not want the exact incantation being used in case it fell into the wrong hands. Hermione's hand indeed had a scar across her palm, the skin was new and shined. It caught Maia's eye as she stared at the gleaming flesh.

"And she'll be alright?" Hermione asked for a least half a dozen times.

"Pet I take care of her every day and most nights, she'll be fine. We'll come meet you in a few days but go and enjoy yourself with Andy. Christmas shop, spend hours in book stores, drink muggle energy drinks." Bella laughed at the last bit.

"Will you be lonely?" Hermione asked.

Bella was laying over her in the bed, "Mmmm if it gets too bad I'll portkey you home yeah?" She touched Hermione's silver ring. "Make love to you and then send you back."

Hermione laughed underneath her and then looked serious, "What if I miss you?"

Bella's eyes softened, "Oh Pet." She kissed Hermione deeply, Andy would be ready to go in a few minutes. "You won't miss me you'll have Andy to take care of you."

"I wil miss you. Who will hold me and kiss me goodnight?" Hermione pouted.

"Andy, you know she gives good kisses."

Hermione flushed slightly. Bella leaned over and whispered, "Our soul Pet, not our bodies." She pulled back from the whisper with a smile and pressed a kiss again to Hermione.

"Are you ready Hermione?" Andromeda called from the bottom of the stairs breaking their kiss off.

"Coming." She pressed her lips to Bella once more and descended the stairs to a waiting Andy.

Andy took Hermione's arm and in a slight pop they were gone. They reappeared on a staggeringly huge lawn, the house loomed above them uncomprehendingly massive and dark.

"Is this a museum?" Hermione asked confused.

"Welcome to Black Manor." Andy said taking Hermione's hand and approaching the huge iron door ahead of them.

Hermione stared at the vastness of the home that now belonged to Bella. She had seen the vaults at Gringotts but the house, it was impressive piece of wealth. She could not fathom the wealth that stood behind the size of a house this large. Bella hated it, refused when they were bonded to move to her childhood home. She did not want their children raised in such a place.
Andromeda and Hermione's footsteps echoed in the empty passageways. Hermione was impressed by how everything gleamed as if it were cleaned every day and how it seemed it as if the house was just sitting waiting for the return of its occupants.

"The house elves still keep it up, I visit from time to time." Andy explained, "Draco occupies one of the smaller houses on the estate but the main house is Bella's."

Hermione nodded, "Where is the maze?" She asked remembering the story Bella had told her, Andromeda paused and looked at her.

"How did you know about that?"

"Bella told me that the two of you would go into the maze to get away from Cissy when you were young."

Andy's smile widened at the memory. "I'll show you in a moment, I just need to get some things from the library. Don't mind the portraits in the hall they're rude."

As they walked the portraits whispered mudblood, blood traitor, spawn of evil. Andromeda pushed the library door open. The collection of books made Hermione's head spin, how could any one person ever read this many books. Andy slide a ladder in place and moved it along until she found the level she wanted. She ascended the ladder and pulled a book from its place. She scanned it quickly and tossed it down to the floor, she did this with several more tomes before she was satisfied. All the while Hermione walked along and stopped when she saw the little battered book on a bottom shelf.

"Andy." She breathed picking the book up carefully. It was Bella's book, the book that had mummy's ring in it. A copy of it laid in the nursery at home for Maia to play with.

Andy looked over and laughed, "Oh Merlin that is an old book. Don't open it though it's Bella's. You should bring it back to her, she might show it to you."

Hermione nodded and put the book carefully in her pocket being sure not to open it or touch the inside pages.
Andy picked up the fallen books and hide them into her cloak. "Come." She held her hand out to Hermione. "I'll show you our maze."

Andromeda led her to the entrance of the maze, it was massive, nearly as tall as the one from the Tri-Wizard Tournament, as they entered the archway the entire lit up with tiny lights that glowed in various shades of blue and green. The lights reminded Hermione of her Beltane bed with Bellatrix, Andy nodded when Hermione made the observation. "I think she modeled it a little after the maze. I used to come out here when Bella left and I missed her, even after my parents disowned me. They couldn't keep me out of the maze. It was my maze with Bella." Andy explained, "Keep hold my hand or it will throw you to the entrance."

Hermione entwined her fingers with Andy's, she drew back a little the deeper into the maze they went, "It's alright it's just trying to make you leave the maze. Once we're in the center you can add your blood and you won't have that feeling alright?"
They walked for nearly ten minutes winding this way and that, Andy led the way, she knew the pathway in her sleep. The path through the maze was well worn as it had known Bella and Andromeda's footsteps over the years seeking out the center of the maze.
They arrived at the center, a little stone stand with a bowl sat in the middle. Hermione looked confused, Bella had always talked about a cottage in the middle.

"It's hidden." Andy explained, "You don't know the secrets of the maze yet. Don't let go of me." She warned, Hermione slipped her arms around Andromeda as Andromeda approached the little stone stand and bowl. "Give me your hand." Andy said as Hermione held it out, Andromeda drew her wand out and cut along Hermione's palm and then her own. She squeezed their hands together, "Blood of my blood I will keep your secrets." Their blood mingled into the bowl and disappeared. Almost as if a shimmer of a mirage appeared before them Hermione found herself standing with Andromeda outside a tiny little wooden cottage.

"Come." Andy said, their palms still smeared with mingled blood. Andromeda pressed her palm to the door and then pressed Hermione's. When they entered the cottage there was already a fire in the hearth, Hermione frowned in confusion. "It's bewitched to heat the room even when we're not here."

"Who made this place?" Hermione whispered still holding onto Andromeda.

"Bella. She gave it to me for my 11th birthday. Of course she's made improvements on it over the years but this cottage was my present when I turned 11 and got my letter to Hogwarts."

"Is it safe to let go now?" Hermione asked suddenly aware of their closeness.

Andy laughed, "Of course."

Hermione held her breath and slide away from Andromeda waiting to be thrown from the cottage. She let out her breath and laughed, she spied a picture on the mantle of Bella and Andy as teenagers sitting on a beach. Bella's arm around Andy's waist, they kissed in the photo and laughed looking at the person taking the photo. Bella tickling Andromeda and then kissing her again. There were dozens of photos around the room, scorch marks on some of the walls and surfaces. Andy swallowed and picked at a surface.

"We used to fight."

Hermione nodded looking at the deep gouges. She and Bella fought but never with wands. There were remnants of childhood around the room, dolls on a wooden chest in the corner, Bella and Andy's initials carved into a windowsill. Hermione touched a deep gouge by the fireplace and felt Andromeda come up behind her, her hands slipped around Hermione's waist.

"Andy." Hermione said gently turning to face her, "What do I do?"

Andromeda brushed Hermione's hair back over her shoulder, her eyes searched Hermione's face, without answering she pulled Hermione into a kiss.

Hermione woke the next morning curled up next to Andy, her top was on but her bottoms seemed to be missing. She glanced around the room. The previous night was a complete haze, she remembered the wine, remembered the kisses and going to the bed. Andy was topless laying over the blanket, the room was unnaturally warm. Hermione could see snow falling through the window. They were not in the maze, rather they were in a much bigger room.

Hermione crossed the room to the door and opened it, there was a long corridor with other doors leading off of it. They had made it to the hotel in Vienna. The snow was so thick on the ground outside it looked like a Christmas card.

She heard Andromeda stir behind her in the bed. "Good morning Angel." She said ringing the bell for tea to be brought up and the paper. Hermione went back to the bed and crawled under the blankets. Andromeda pulled her over and put her arms around her, Hermione cuddled into her embrace. Andromeda made no move to cover herself when the house elf arrived with the tea and paper.
Hermione sat up and began to pour it while Andromeda opened the paper. She gasped and put her hand over Hermione's to prevent her from pouring the tea.

"What?" Hermione asked pulling the teapot up.


The last sound Hermione heard was the teapot smashing on the ground.