With a New Heart: Unpredictable Future



I do not own Love Hina, or Katawa Shoujo. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. Katawa Shoujo is owned by Four Leaf Studios.

Time has passed, and things really have been busy. Keitaro was anxiously waiting to get to take the entrance exams. That was a lot of pressure. He also knew most of the third year kids were also stressing out about this as well. He did take some deep breaths. He decided to do something about it. He was going to calm the kids down in his class. He had Misha by his side so she could translate to Shizune. He also knew this was going to apply equally to her. He knew that Misha wanted to become a sign language teacher, and continue to get special training. He started his speech. He told the class straight up, that he was proud of their hard work. He also told them he was taking the same exams as they were. It wasn't new information. However, it started to sink in that maybe they needed to take it seriously. Keitaro ended the speech. Mutou nodded, and he was impressed. Keitaro got to the point very quickly. He also noticed the look of terror in some of the student's faces. He decided to speak up.

"What Mr. Urashima is saying is true," Mutou said bluntly.

"Well...what if we're not ready for the exams," One student asked.

"You will have to figure it out," he said. "You really can't get into any school without first taking the national exam."

"That is true," Hanako said. "I'm looking forward to them."

That got the class going. Hanako really has gained her confidence to say that she is going to do something. Misha noticed, and she saw that Hanako was not nervous at all. If anything, she was ready to tackle the exams. This was something that Misha would have to ask about after class. Mutou after all was giving his lesson. Keitaro was continuing on with his studies. He was paying attention and taking notes. Mutou noticed this was unusual. However, he let it go. There was no point in calling him on it. In fact, he has been making sure the other students were taking their notes. Later after class, Misha came to Hanako. She clearly wanted to know exactly why Hanako was now a little braver than she normally is.

"Well...it's kind of hard to explain," Hanako said.

"I see...so you're just attacking life?" Misha asked.

"That's one way to put it yes," Hanako answered. "Plus, I've seen Mr. Urashima help everybody out here."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Misha asked fairly.

"That's simple," Hanako said with a smile, "he just did it without fear."

"I get it; you're tired of darting off like a scared bunny rabbit."

"Yes, that's exactly it."

"I get it now," Misha said.

"Also...you probably should just go for whatever you want to," Hanako said, catching Misha off guard.

"W-why should I?" Misha asked nervously

"That's easy," Hanako started to answer, but was backed by Keitaro, who heard the conversation...and signed everything to Shizune.

"If you don't," Keitaro started, "then you will live a life of regret...though hopefully it's within reason."

Misha, and by extension Shizune both got it. Keitaro took a while to get it, but it happened. Hanako already got it, and is making her plans. Misha and Shizune both got it. Now was a problem of putting it into practice. Keitaro reminded them they would have plenty of time. He left the class to take care of business. He knew the exams were coming up and he'd have to make arrangements. He wasn't ignorant of the fact that there were other ronin that were exactly in his position. He also knew that there were others like him who had backed off, and actually lived life. He got to the library to continue studying. He was doing well when he heard a loud thump form behind the shelf. He got up and he saw Yuuko rubbing her head.

"Are you okay?" Keitaro asked.

"Sorry...I disturbed you..." Yuuko started, before taking things personally.

"It's okay," Keitaro said softly. "Were you looking for something?"

"Oh...I was putting a book away on the low shelf..." She said sheepishly

"Be careful," Keitaro said, "I hope the cart wasn't that close."

"It was..."

"It probably should be with arm's reach."

Yuuko bowed and went back to work. Keitaro just nodded and he went back to his studies. After, Keitaro knew he had to go register. The deadline was coming close, and missing it wasn't an option. Keitaro did eventually register, and he was on time. With that out of the way, he decided he was going to go to town for lunch. It was a very busy day. He did run into Makoto who had surprisingly finished a lot of work. She was doing work to set up for the graduation that would happen after the exams. Keitaro greeted, and she recognized him. For her, it was something of a break. She didn't want to talk about exams, or work.

"Are you heading out for lunch?" Keitaro asked.

"I am," Makoto answered.

"Is there anyplace in particular you want to go?"

"Yes...it is getting boring at the cafeteria."

"A lot of the students have recommended the Shanghai," Keitaro said speaking up.

"I think I have heard of that," she said.

"If you want, I can walk with you there," Keitaro said.

"Thank you," she said. "I hope that I don't become..."

"Nah, it's not a problem," Keitaro interrupted.

Keitaro and Makoto did make their way to town. It didn't seem like a long walk, as Makoto did use her cane to see if there was anything in the way. Once at the Shanghai, Keitaro came in and got a seat. It was a different girl who had to cover for Yuuko, since she was busy at the library. They made their orders, and it was quick. The two ended up talking about how things were going. Keitaro has told Makoto what happened when he went to go see the Hinata. He did admit that improvement still was needed. He also told of Motoko's reaction to the Yamaku's Kendo team. That caused Makoto to laugh. Keitaro was confused, but Makoto explained.

"Our Kendo team is just the same as any other Kendo team," Makoto explained.

"I'll be honest, they put out a lot of effort just the same," Keitaro said.

"Yes, though that girl was impressed I take it."

"Well...stunned is a better term for it."

"Well our captain, he has done most everything with just one arm," Makoto said. "He actually lost his left arm in a very nasty accident."

"I've got a feeling he was left-handed before then?" Keitaro asked.

"He was, though he never let it get him down."

"I'll be honest; these kids are destined for great things...if they work hard, and remember what's important."

"That's true," Makoto said. "After all, a lot of the third-year kids are taking their college entrance exams more seriously."

"I would hope so," Keitaro said. "I can say with honesty it stinks being a ronin."

"I do have to admit something to you," Makoto said. "In my younger days, I was a third-year ronin."

"I never would have guessed..."

"Many people are surprised, but it has worked out."

"You know, I think everything will work out," Keitaro said.

The two got their food...rather small sandwiches, and some tea. They ate, and they continued to talk. After, Keitaro paid up. He helped Makoto out. She smiled as he led the way. He made sure she was hooked to his arms. This was helpful when crossing the streets. When they returned, Keitaro lead her back to her office. She did ask him to help out to bring in perspective teacher's aid candidates to her office. He obliged. An aide had to quit because he got a teaching job in America. Keitaro went to the gates and to his surprise he saw the candidate was Naru. She had applied hoping to get some experience. However, she did pray that the invasion to get Keitaro to the Hinata wouldn't come back to haunt her.

"Hello," Keitaro said, "Welcome to Yamaku Academy."

"Good afternoon," Naru greeted bowing, "I'm here for the teacher's aide job."

"Follow me please, and mind the stairs," Keitaro ordered.

Naru knew that Keitaro had to follow the rules. She decided not to talk. That would probably make things worse for herself. Once they reached Makoto's office, Keitaro had her sit in the reception area until called. She sat down, very nervous. She was a half-hour early. Makoto was aware there was a new hire today. Keitaro alerted the director, and he was allowed to show her in. He decided he was going to give her the tour of Yamaku if things worked out. Naru was invited to take a seat, and the interview started. After about an hour or so, Makoto noticed that Naru really was serious about wanting to take this job. She nodded, and told Naru the good news.

"You have the job," Makoto said. "My advice...ask Keitaro what you should do."

"Thank you," Naru said. "I won't let you down."

"You are dismissed," Makoto said with a smile.

Once Naru came out she was relieved. Keitaro knew she got the job. He decided he'd take Naru on the tour first. Yamaku was a very extraordinary school, and he too was in awe of what it had to offer. After the Tour, Naru was very impressed. She had questions, but felt like it might not be appropriate...or worse...she was scared to ask them. Keitaro picked up on it, and he decided to calm her down. He asked the very first question to get the ball rolling.

"Naru, what do you think?" Keitaro asked.

"I think it's very impressive," Naru said.

"Naru...do you want to know the secret on how I lasted this long?" Keitaro asked.

"What do you do?" Naru asked.

"It's not really hard, it's doing what you can to help others," he started. "Trust me, it'll help you out."

"That makes a lot of sense," Naru said.

"Yes, also...take responsibility for your actions," Keitaro said. "Honesty and not complaining will go a long way."

"That's also very true," Naru said agreeing.

"Finally, don't sell yourself or anybody else short," he finished. "Trust me...I'm 100% proud of my students."

Naru was impressed. Keitaro had given her the key on how he survived. It all boiled down to "don't be a jackass." After, Naru left the same way as Keitaro. She took the bus back home after she received her packet form the main offices. Her journey was just now starting. However, Keitaro was well into his. He was a little nervous, but yet excited for the future. He went on to the rest of his day. Some time had passed, and Keitaro had taken his first college entrance exams. He ended up passing with flying colors. Then...he had the appointment to Waseda to take their entrance exam. It was harder than the national exams, but he aced those exams as well. He was very happy. He didn't want to give up his job as a teacher's aide. Far from it, he wanted to continue to work for Yamaku. He felt like it would be a lot more rewarding. He did run into Hanako who was in great spirits.

"Hello there," Keitaro greeted, "How have things been gong for you."

"Things have been going well," Hanako said. "I aced my exams, though they were difficult."

"I understand completely," Keitaro said. "Have you thought about what you wanted to do?"

"I haven't...but...it's okay," Hanako said sweetly.

"You and everybody else have come along way," Keitaro said. "Your graduation is coming up really soon."

"I know...it sucks that I may have to leave my friends," Hanako answered.

"True...but...you still can talk with them."

Hanako got what Keitaro was saying. She never thought to get a social media account. Though at this point, she was going into phase two of her own life. The same was true for everybody else. Keitaro realized that it only got tougher from here. He didn't know if he'd still have a job tomorrow, but he continued to look ahead...and also continued to be selfless. In the same time, he was able to find an apartment nearby so he could move off of campus, which freed up a room for a student who needed it. Keitaro came up to Naru who was placed in a different class since Keitaro was still assigned to Mutou for the time being.

"Hello," Keitaro said, "How are things so far?"

"It's fun," Naru said. "I was assigned to the sign language class, and I find myself learning and participating."

"It's a good idea," Keitaro said. "Though taking notes is rough since she believes in immersion."

"True, though...I think I can do a lot better," Naru admitted.

"Take your time," Keitaro said. "You know that Rome wasn't built in a day."

Naru took his advice to heart. Keitaro smiled. He decided he was going to have fun now that the exams were over. He did get word that Kanako was going to come to Yamaku after all. She had been working very hard to help pay for her way. Their parents also had been working hard for her tuition as well. The Foundation did give Kanako a steep discount due to her grades. They also will assign her with a girl who is blind to live next door with her. Nobody knew what was going to happen next, but things always have an interesting way of developing. How they'd react would be anybody's guess, but it does always will happen. As for Keitaro...he's looking forward to his future because he has quite a few possibilities.