Hey guy's im back! Hope you enjoy the update!

"What in the WORLD were you children thinking?" The blonde woman chided as the three teens sat silent, too afraid to explain themselves.

"What if one of you had gotten hurt?" She asked with command.

"Well...he was robbing the store and we wanted to help..." the black haired girl mumbled

Zoro couldn't pick up on it but he swore she looked like a little kid he knew.

"You three could have been killed! Do you have any grasp of what that means?" She yelled. Glaring at Luffy as he just kind of zoned in and out.

"Yeah...dead means ya ain't comin back." Luffy called out rudely as he chewed one of his fingernails.

"Are you trying to be funny young man? Because, your little antics do not amuse me."

She lowered her voice as she got on the level of a now distraught Luffy.

"Noooooo! I wasn't tryin to be funny scary lady!"Luffy yelped trying to explain himself.

"Good lord Luffy calm down...she isn't gonna do anything to ya." Zoro said as he glared at the blonde woman.

"How would you like it if I threw you in jail? 'Zoro the demon'?" Goodwitch drawled sarcastically.Infuriating Zoro.

The familiar girl finally spoke up.


Zoro almost felt bad for his rubber friend.

Even though it was his fault they were in this mess.

Actually no. He didn't feel bad.

Not at all.

"Young lady...CALM DOWN!" The blonde woman yelled at the now crushed girl.

Her expression quickly changed from an angry one to a concerned one.

Zoro proceeded to roll his eyes.

"I understand you three are strong. But still you need to leave things up to the professionals..."

"But people were gonna get hurt." The girl spoke now with conviction in her voice.

"And it's never the right thing to let innocent people get hurt when you can do something about it!" She said. Almost yelling at the middle aged woman.

Luffy then had a big grin on his face.

"HELL YEAH! Besides...fightin's always fun." He said through a huge grin.

Zoro then decided it was his turn to say his piece.

"I don't believe in any of that super hero crap the kid's spouting off,or my idiot friend. Someone started a fight and we ended it,end of story." Zoro glared at the woman like an angry dog.

He looked to his left to see a now depressed looking girl and an pouting Luffy.

"Now don't be so hard on them..." A voice called from the back leaving the Blonde now known as Goodwitch looking betrayed.

"Why...hello Professor Ozpin." Goodwitch said curtly.

The old man sent a kind smile back at the blonde.

"And hello to you ."

He then set a plate of cookies and three glasses of milk down on the interrogation table and stared directly at the girl.

"...Silver eyes." He said as he stared hard at the girl.

"Hey...old man. I'm gonna eat these now." Luffy said as he inhaled the plate.

"NOOOOOO THOSE WERE MINE!" The girl yelled as tears flowed down her face.

"Young lady. You would like to be a hero wouldn't you?" He asked at the now ecstatic girl.

It seemed like any mention of anything huntsman or hero related seemed to brighten the kid up a bit.

"Yes. I do. More than anything...even those cookies stupid head ate." She said half serious,half scolding Luffy.

"Finders keepers..." Luffy mumbled back.

"So...Ruby Rose is it?" He asked the girl.

"Y-yes sir." Ruby replied shyly.

"Where in the world did you learn to fight like that?" He as he closely studied the girl's body language.

"Haha...s-signal academy..."Ruby praddled on nervously.

Zoro and along with pretty much everyone else in the room could see right through her.

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" Ozpin drawled. Staring hard at the now very nervous Ruby Rose.

"Uhhh...one teacher in particular." She clarified quickly

"Well. There's only one scythe wielder I've met with that level of skill before."

Ruby now beamed with pride.

'This girl changes on a dime.' Zoro thought as he Side glanced at the happy girl.

"Yeah! That's my Uncle Qrow!"

Dammit! Why did that name sound so familiar!

"I was terrible before he taught me his sweet moves! Now I'm all like WAHHHHHTAHHHH..." she yelled karate chopping Luffy on the head.

"Sorry!" She said quickly placing the straw hat back on his sore head.

Luffy grinned a smile so wide it closed his eyes.

"Haha no big deal. You just reminded me of the guy that gave me this hat!" He explained happily.

"Speaking of that hat. I had a student once who wore that. Extremely powerful man..."

Luffy then jumped out of his seat,his face inches from the shocked Ozpin.

"Shanks! Do you know where he is? Have you seen him?" Luffy rattled off questions as Ozpin looked down.

"No...not for a long while. I'm sorry."

Luffy then laughed and leaned back into his chair.

"Haha no big deal! I just wondered..." he said as he palmed the top of his hat,drifting into another day dream.

Ruby just seemed to kind of smile at him.

Zoro cracked a smirk. He heard the story behind that old hat a million times.

"Now Ruby. Why would a little girl like you attend a school for warriors?" Ozpin asked kindly.

"Because,I want to be a huntress." She said, staring deep into Ozpin's eyes.

"I only have two years of training left before I can apply to beacon..plus my sisters going to be a huntress..."

As Ruby spoke on and on Zoro finally had an epiphany.

A black haired little girl,an annoying blonde with a temper and a habit of following him around,and a dusty old crow.

Damn. Did the kid grow up...

A stern voice broke Zoro out of his day dreaming.

"And you? ?"

"None of your business...my goal doesn't concern you so don't worry about it."

The tone shocked Ruby and Goodwitch.

Goodwitch had ever seen anyone take such a tone with Ozpin.

Not since the last time she had seen Qrow anyway.

She had to admit,the green haired punk reminded her alot of the man.

He definitely wouldn't be a peach to train though.

The old man softly smiled and took a look at Zoro's katanas,now placed in the corner of the room for "safe keeping".

"Well. It's fairly obvious actually ." He said through a thinly veiled smile.

"Whatever. If you honestly wanna know...I'm going to be the greatest swordsman this world's ever seen." Zoro declared staring dead into Ozpin's eyes.

"Why,that's a tall order considering the man that sits on the throne..." Ozpin almost teased Zoro.

Daring him to go on.

"I don't remember asking for your damn opinion. I'm gonna be the one to beat the old bastard." Zoro growled.

Needless to say Ruby thought this was the coolest thing she'd ever seen.

"Soooo...awesome..." she said with sparkles in her eyes.

Luffy only sat with a knowing smile.

"Well. I believe in you Zoro." Ozpin said steadily.

"I don't need your damn belief..." He scoffed.

"All I need are my swords,my body, and my will. The rest is just a waste of time." Zoro growled.

Ruby seemed to be vibrating at this point.

"Sooooooo...COOOOOOL!" She yelped.

"Quiet." Goodwitch hissed.

"Sorry." She said quickly.

"You all know who I am?" He asked.

"No." Luffy replied.

"A pain in the ass." Zoro remarked.

"Headmaster of Beacon." Ruby said softly.

"Would you three like to go to my school?"

"More than anything."Ruby replied.

"Sure why not it'll be fun!" Luffy giggled as Zoro rolled his eyes.

"Wherever the rubber man goes I go." Zoro mumbled.

When Goodwitch gave him an odd look he replied.

Zoro only glared and turned his head.

Ozpin then smiled to Goodwitch,and with a roll of the eyes and a groan It was settled.

"Well,Ok." He said simply. Waving the three off to pack their bags.

-As Ruby was walking back home she heard Zoro yelling for her to come back.

"Hey! Kid listen...you're around 15 right?" He asked looking down at her.

"Yeah...why?" She asked shyly, still kind of intimidated by the tall teen.

"Do you remember traveling to Isshin Dojo...when you were around 5? You were with your sister?" He asked with intensity.

"I don't remember...that was a really long time ago..." she asked concentrating.

Then her eyes brightened.


Zoro only groaned at the old nickname.

He then smirked and shut his eyes.

"You grew up a lot kid...it's great to see you again. How's the old man?" He grinned.

"He's alright! Hehe and I'm not sure he'd be too happy with you calling him an old man."Ruby teased.

Zoro's smile grew even wider as he reminisced about Qrow.

"I'll kick the old bastard right in his ass!" Zoro replied with wild eyes.

"OH! Yang'll be so excited to see you!"Ruby yelled happily.

"Hmph...I won't." Zoro growled with a blush.

"Damn woman...couldn't even call me by my name."

"Well...I did forget your real name too..."Ruby said with a shy grin looking down.

"Whatever..." He pouted,marching off into the opposite direction.

"Wait. ZORO WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" She yelled off in the distance.

"I gotta go find Luffy!" He yelled back, dumbass didn't even wait for him. He couldn't have gotten that far...

"Zoro that's the wrong way! Luffy went to the north side of town!" She yelled at the annoyed young man.

"I know what I'm doin!"Zoro yelled back.

"Zoro wait up!" Ruby yelled. Chasing the clueless swordsman down to help him find his way home.

Well I hope you all enjoyed this! I know its a long time coming and I promise from here on out ill update MUCH more frequently! Anyway...I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and please review!