Nick heard Adalind crying in the bedroom. She was standing in front of the mirror and tugging on her clothes.

"Adalind, what's wrong?"

"I'm fat and bloated and ugly. That's what's wrong. How can you stand to even look at me?"

Nick shakes his head, and walks over to her. Putting his arms around her and speaking softly in her ear. "I love looking at you. Every day, I am so grateful that I get to look at you. Watching you is one of my favorite activities. As well as touching you and listening to all of those noises you make when I touch you just right".

He saw his wife blush, and continued, "And watching you as you grow our child inside of you, makes me tremble in knowing there is nothing more beautiful I will ever have in my life."

Tears shimmered in Adalind's eyes, she looked up at Nick and smiled, wondering if it was possible for a heart to burst with all of the joy and love she was feeling for her husband in that moment.

A tear falling down her cheek, Adalind asked "You really still find me desirable?"

"If you knew just how badly I want to take you right now, you would think I was under the musai's influence again."

Adalind smiled at the memory of that night. It had been amazing and Nick had been insatiable. If he really did want her the same way now as he did then, she could no longer doubt the way her husband saw her.

His hand caressed her belly. "You are a miracle to me. Everything I have ever wanted, I'm holding right here in my arms.

Trubel had gone for a bike ride. The bike a gift from Nick and Adalind as a way to give her her freedom, but still show her they cared.

So the expecting couple was able to take some time to be intimate, knowing that soon enough, those opportunities would be few and far between.

They took their time. Going slow. Nick being as gentle and tender as possible. While he could never get enough of his beautiful wife. He also did not want to risk triggering labor, as he knew stress, and strenuous activity could do.

His fingertips slid down her body, slipping under her shirt, feeling the soft skin underneath. His lips went to her neck, placing feather like kisses along the pale column.

A sigh escaped Adalind lips as she drifted into a world of bliss created by her sexy husband.

Adalind told her boss that she would be taking the next six months off to focus on her family. She was do in about two to three weeks, and she needed to finish getting things ready.

Harrison Berman was of course upset about losing his best lawyer. Adalind had made millions for the company and was a solid force in building its reputation as the best in Portland.

He also did not like the fact she was a hexenbiest having a grimm's baby.

It was no secret in the office that Adalind was married to a grimm. It was shocking, surprising and impossible to believe if it was not for the fact that most of them had been at the wedding and seen first hand how much in love the couple was.

They also knew Nick Burkhardt was a cop, and that any objections with the pairing were best kept quiet. No need inviting their heads to be decapitated.

But Berman was not a lausenschlange who was going to let this happen. He believed the child of a grimm and a hexenbiest was an abomination. He also believed Adalind must have been brainwashed by the grimm and forced to be with him and have his child. That it was Berman's duty to take her and make her realise how foolish she had been by not killing the grimm, but instead pretending to be in love with him.

Berman called some man he knew who believed as he did. It had taken several months, longer than he would have liked, but the plan was set into motion.

Twenty strong wesen were hired to take Adalind, lock her in a wharehouse, remove and kill her baby, and turn her back into the hexenbiest she was supposed to be. They would also set a trap for Burkhardt and kill him too.

Things did not go according to their plan.

Adalind sensed that there was something wrong. A few of her colleagues were acting strangely, a little on edge.

Berman though, seemed very excited, as if in anticipation for something. He kept looking at her. Casting glances, and smiling in a way that said he knew something that she did not. It was a creepy smile. One that made the changed hexenbiest feel that there was something very bad about to happen.

And she was right, several wesen dressed entirely in black came into the office. Berman rushed out. Adalind heard him say to the men, "Not in here you idiots, you were supposed to grab her in the parking lot.

Through their psychic link, Adalind called out to Nick. Showing him exactly what was happening.

Hearing his wife's distress and seeing the images she was sending him, Nick rushed to his car. He called Hank and told him Adalind was in trouble. Hank said he would call for backup.

Nick drove as fast as he could, swerving to avoid any vehicle in his way. He prayed he could get there in time. He sent Adalind a mental signal that he would be there soon. He was coming for her, she just had to hold on until he got to her.

Kelly Kessler Burkhardt came through the malay, taking down four hundjager. She looked at her daughter in law. "Word had gotten around that someone was hiring thugs to kidnap a hexenbiest who was pregnant with a grimm's child. Knew that had to be you. Anyway you can call my son and get him over here?"

"He's already on his way." Adalind replied, knowing there was no time to tell the woman about the psychic link.

A desk flew through the air, landing on several very large wesen.

Kelly rose her eyebrows at the blonde, impressed with her abilities.

It was late in the afternoon, so most of the staff had already cleared out, those left were wesen that believed it best to hide in an office until all was clear.

Unfortunately, the stress of using so much of her powers and of being attacked, caused labor pains to start shooting through her body. Thankfully, her water had not broken yet, so her baby was still safe.

Relief washed over Adalind when Nick came rushing in, easily disposing of any wesen that attacked him.

Realizing he was about to lose, Harrison Berman decided to play one last card and came out of his office holding a gun, pointing it directly at Adalind's baby bump, she was too focused on handling three wesen to see him.

Nick called out. Tried to warn her, but was unable to in time.

However, Kelly did see and dove forward, putting herself between Adalind and Berman.

The bullets hit the mother grimm in the chest, and she fell to the ground.

Adalind turned to her boss and used her powers to break his neck, then dropped to the ground to her mother in law.

Nick ran to his mother, tears flowing from his eyes. He tried to stop the blood pouring from her body but it was no use.

Adalind, whose vision was also blurred with tears, tried to use her powers to heal the woman, but was unable to get a focus on how. Too many bullets, too severe injuries. The labor pains she was feeling were of no help either.

"Mom, please." Nick cried "Just hold on, I've already called for back up, they'll bring an ambulance."

"It's ok Nicky, I protected my family, like a mother should." Kelly's voice shook as she cupped her son's face. She turns to Adalind, "you take care of him. You're his whole family now." Her other hand moved to Adalind's bump. "You and the little one"

Renard, Hank and Wu came in with the entire squad of officers, handcuffing any of those still alive and carrying off in body bags any of those not.

They found Nick and Adalind next to a now deceased Kelly Burkhardt.

"What happened?" Renard asked.

"She died saving us." Adalind answered, placing her hand over the area Kelly's hand had been.

Nick could not speak, nor could he control the sobs and tears spilling from him. The gang gathered him up and piled he and Adalind in the back of a car, heading to Monroe and Rosalee's house.

Nick was going to need the support of all of his friends right now, and the wesen couple needed know about what had just happened, so the fuchsbau could contact the wesen council.

The labor pains had calmed down, do to no longer being under great stress, so Adalind said nothing about the earlier pains.

Monroe and Rosalie were surprised to say the least at finding, Nick, Adalind, Hank, Wu and Sean Renard at their house. However, the moment Hank explained what happened, they jumped into action. Setting Nick and Adalind down on the couch and offering what comfort and support they could. Both knowing the loss of a loved one was more than difficult to deal with. Rosalie left for a few moments to notify the wesen council, incase a breach had been made.

Nick had not said a word since they pulled him away from his mother's body. He mostly clung to Adalind, as if afraid she would slip away.

Renard called Hank's phone, he had pulled some strings and talked with some wesen that owed him favors. Kelly Kessler Burkhardt's body would be delivered to a funeral home so Nick could bury his mother properly. One body was easy enough to hide. Most of those investigating the incident were more curious as to why the head of a law firm had hired thugs to kidnap one of his lawyers. The captain was going to spin things so everyone would believe Berman was obsessed with Adalind and wanted her for himself. Seeing her married to someone he thought was beneath them, and her leaving the firm to have that man's child, pushed the disturbed man over the edge. Luckily his neck had been broken some how in all the chaos, and he was no longer a threat.

Nick and Adalind smiled with relief that everything was able to be smoothed over.

Nick asked Monroe to call the funeral home and ask them to cremate his mother's ashes. He and Adalind will take a trip someday and bury the ashes in his father's grave. So his parents could be buried together, like it says on their headstones.

Adalind squeezed her husband's hand in agreement, assuring him she supported him and was by his side in all things.

"I should call Trubel, tell her everything that's happened."

"I can do that, Adalind. I tell her to come over here. We'll make dinner. Let you guys take it easy tonight, after the day you've had."

Adalind smiled at him with thanks. Bolts of pain were going through her again. Sharper this time. She had a feeling that her baby would be coming into the world sooner the expected.

Still she said nothing. She had read about false labor pain and did not want to get Nick worked up incase that was what this was. He had been through enough. He did not need any more trauma today.

But an hour later, as she was about to walk upstairs to freshen up, that's when the clear sign came that the newest Burkhardt was about to make his entrance.

"Guys, Adalind's water just broke." Nick called to the other's

The grimm handed his truck keys to Monroe. Trusting the blutbad to get his family to the hospital safely.

Nick climbed in the back with Adalind, coaching her through the breathing and keeping her as calm as possible.

They got her admitted in and into a delivery room. Nick refusing to leave her side the entire time.

Adalind squeezed Nick's hand with great force, but not once did the soon to be father flinch. He just smile at his wife. Telling her she was the most beautiful being in the world. That he loved her and knew she was going to be an amazing mother.

Nick saw the baby, saw his beautiful daughter, placed his hand on her when the nurse laid her on Adalind, and then he heard the doctor say "You're not done yet, there's another one coming."

Sure enough, soon Nick and Adalind's son was placed on the new mother's chest.

Once the touch sense had been done, the nurses took the babies away to clean them up.

Nick kissed his wife deeply. "I love you so much, Adalind. You are remarkable." He kissed her hands. "We have twins! You gave birth to twins!"

"I know, Nick. I was there. And I love you too. You are going to be a great dad. I have no doubt about it."

After spending a little more time with his family. Nick thought he should tell the others.

There was a chorus of congratulations and surprises at it being two babies instead of one. Everyone was very happy for the new parents. And everyone wanted to know what their names would be.

Nick admitted he was so overwhelmed with everything that the names had not been decided yet.

However, it seemed Adalind had already thought that out.

"I was thinking we name our daughter Diana. In mythology, she is the goddess of the moon and the hunt, what better way to honor her father's legacy."

"It's beautiful." Nick said, "What about our son"

"Kelly, for the woman who gave up her life to protect her grandchildren." Adalind said softly.

Nick felt his eyes grow hot. He only nodded his head in agreement. Unable to speak from all of the emotions blocking his throat.

He was certain that even if he lived a thousand lifetimes, he would never be able to express how grateful he was for this incredible woman.

The parents stayed in that hospital room for hours, just holding their children and being thankful at the miracles they had been given.

Life would continue on as it as a way of doing.

Monroe and Rosalie got married in a beautiful ceremony. Nick was the best man. (He wore sunglasses the whole time. To keep his eyes from going abyss black at seeing wesen) Adalind was the matron of honor. (Rosalie's mother had objected at first. Thinking Rosalie's sister should be in that spot. At least until said sister destroyed grandmother's wedding dress. And even though neither Monroe nor Rosalie liked that dress, they were not going to say a thing about how it all worked in their favor.) The babies were kept in cradles near by. All of the eisbiber women volunteering to keep an eye on them.

Everything went flawlessly.

Nick could not help but think how strange life was.

If he had never gotten his grimm abilities, than he would have never met Monroe. He would have never been able to introduce Rosalie to Monroe. And the two wesen would not be getting married.

He also knew he would not have Adalind or his children.

So many odd series of events had to happen for him to have so much love and happiness in his life.

Yes, there had been a lot of heartbreak, but Nick was certain he would go through it all again, just to have his family.

When they had gotten their children home from the hospital, Nick had stayed up late that night and for several nights after, just looking at Adalind and their babies. He had a family and they were safe. They were with him and they were safe.

He was blessed in so many ways.

Nick looked around at his friends and family. At everyone laughing and having a great time. He knew no matter what life threw at them they could get through it together.

Because that's what family did. Especially his.

This is the last chapter for A different Path. I hope you all enjoyed.