"The world of Fanfiction is like the world of cigars. Everyone has an opinion, and no one is anymore right, or anymore wrong than any other." - The Dark Lord Andros
So, for this story's wrap up note, let's clarify a few things before we get to the review responses.
Yes, this story is ending, but, not the overall plot that Andros intended and I promised to uphold. However, as I mentioned previous, we decided that it would be best, if the rewrite was shortened and used as a tie in. The, I suppose you'd call it "legacy story" remains largely the same. However, it's going to be told differently. The destination remains, but, there's a better path to it than we've been using so far.
And for those who've asked, no, the next story in this legacy won't be a "rewrite of a rewrite." Rather, a reverting continuation.
The fandoms that will so far be included in the next story are Star Wars, LOTR, Yu-Gi-Oh, Elder Scrolls, and Dragon Age. There may or may not be more added in the future. But, with the exception of Star Wars, very few will have anything more than certain aspects brought over.
And now, to the part everyone's going to skip to. My responses to reviews. Please note, I'm copying the reviews 100% verbatim. So just keep that in mind before you tell me I made a mistake when copying them over. :) And if I offend anyone with my snarky and snippy attitude, I apologize.
Chapter One:
ObsessedWithHPFanFic: "Great first chapter and Harry's a bit scary. Thanks for sharing!"
Response: I appreciate it. It's always nice to know that someone enjoys what I put time into making. It makes it feel like I'm not just killing time for no reason.
roger9481: "This has fot to ne the biggest piece of shit that I've ever read. Do us a favor and kill yourself"
Response: I took a look at your profile. If you've such an issue with what other people are putting out, write something yourself.
wilddogg23: "Definitely like your teacher. He does have a few very good stories but they are rather intense and bone-chilling. Kinda like Stephen King really. Please keep up the good work but also remember to forge your own path as well"
Response: It makes me smile to know that there are people who are able to look past the unorthodox methods employed by my mentor in order to see the stories he likes to tell. I hope you'll stick around to see where the story goes.
(Guest Review) Nym: "I like the beginning. Please update soon! :-)"
Response: As ye wish, so shall I do. ;)
Chapter Two:
hellfire45: "Good but as harry is the heir of slytherin and ravenclaw wouldn't he own 50% of hogwarts not 25"
Response: Under normal circumstances, yes. This is actually something that will be addressed in the next story. But, kudos for pointing it out. I'm glad someone picked up on it.
Lord Asmodeus: "Inherited the heart and soul indeed."
Response: This flatters me far more than words can describe.
ObsessedWithHPFanFic: "Quite the revelation that Harry has Goblin blood running through his veins. Thanks for sharing!"
Response: Glad you think so and seem to be enjoying yourself.
Chapter Three:
ObsessedWithHPFanFic: "Good first meeting with the Greengrass clan. Thanks for sharing!"
Response: Thank you for taking the time to review.
Dieter17: Ok, that's enough for me. I could work with the clothing and the 'him just being given power like candy on Halloween' even though you started losing my interest rapidly, but this just took it to far, I mean 'I have seen inside your heart, and I have found you undeserving of the gift of life. In the name of justice I now sentence you to oblivion' SERIOUSLY !? I literally slammed my head on my desk, multiple times. Now that I'm on a rant I might as well continue. First of all did you just have to hand him everything ? minor magic before he was 11 ok, Tom could do the same, but the titles, properties and power that comes with it were totally unnecessary. Your Goblin connection runs through Slytherin so just focus on that, Le Fay and Drakul (really?) make it totally unrealistic. You should've just gone with Potter, Peverell (maried in Potter so possible), Black heir (Sirius is still alive) and Slitherin. Now onto properties and businesses, properties are suprisingly believable given what other stuff you came up with, businesses however are not, he basically owns Magical Britain, there is no way that the owners would just give 100% to 1 person, I don't know shit about business management, but I doubt that somebody who didn't start the shop (or inherited it) and ows 100% of it happens a lot, certainly not for an entire shopping district . You could've just spread small percentages over his titles so together they exceed 50%, that would've been much more believable. You also didn't to let him have all of Magical Britain, just a majority percentage in important businesses. Now I have no doubt that if I were to keep reading this, he somehow would've been able to transform in a giant dragon of some kind or maybe some kind of special eyes/seals given your massive chuunibyou complex, but I won't be there to see it."
Response: I give you the same response I gave roger9481: if you don't like it, write something better. I do thank you though. Because every review gives me a small sense of satisfaction. In particular from a flame. Knowing that you had to take the time to write this up and hit send, amuses me. Now run along with your empty profile.
Chapter Four:
(Guest Review) Guest: "Is the Peverall family an oc damily you invented? Or ist it a reocurring typo that drives me bonkers and you mean the Peverell family? Because no Peverall family exists in any HP book.
have a nice day"
Response: Yes. I noticed this myself during a reread. All I can say is it must not bother that many people and given there's only been this one comment on it, I've not bothered to go through and change it. I might now that this story is moving to the next iteration. I've not decided yet if I'll go through and clean it up or not.
ToddGilliss: "good luck on continuing with this story"
Response: Many thanks
skifast: "good so far at the end of chap 4 should it be 25k or 25g not 2500g? will be looking forward to the next chapter"
Response: That's a placeholder that got through to the final draft. Regrettable, but not story killing IMO.
Ace Trainer Jessie: "Great story."
Response: I thank you.
desdelor97: "This was a great chapter. Please keep up the great work."
Response: I"m glad you've found yourself enjoying everything. And I intend to continue the legacy forward.
rmiser1994: "fantastic so far ~ can't wait to read more! ."
Response: The next iteration shan't be too far away.
Chapter Five:
ObsessedWithHPFanFic: "What a bunch of crap with the way Harry is throwing around his money. Come on, it's not realistic."
Response: People always seem to fixate on the money. I find this amusing. Lucius throwing around money to grease the wheels of the law is fine. But an eleven year old throws money around casually to start garnering attention to himself for as of yet unrevealed purposes, and *puts on clown makeup* EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS! *Joker hands*
desdelor97: "This was a great chapter. Please keep up the great work."
Response: I"m glad you're continuing to enjoy everything.
Akuma's knight: "More"
Response: The next iteration is upon us. :)
ToddGilliss: "looking forward to seeing this story moving forward good luck"
Response: I hope to see you with us in the next iteration.
Minase 2928: ":)"
Response: :)
Dragonwitch13: "This story is excellent and different, I would love to find out how it continues. People's reactions at Hogwarts etc. Please continue, it's nice to read something different"
Response: 3 This is one of the most flattering things people have said. I'm very grateful and I hope you'll continue on with us to the next iteration.
lordblink: "Well, this fic is most certainly on the darker side of the tracks, but I'm definitely liking it so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will continue to develop. Keep up the great work!"
Response: I intend to continue it forward. :) I hope to see you along for the ride.
woodzrox: "Very nice, please keep it up!"
Response: :)
Chapter 6:
roger9481: "Really hoped this story would have killed itself by now:
Response: Your profile is still void of any writings of your own.
Mestophile: "I'm looking forward to the continuation of this story very much. I see a lot of possibilities and it will be extremely interesting to see where you take it. Consider me hooked!"
Response: There's no higher flattery to hear from someone than "I'm hooked." This brightens my day more than I can stay, and I hope to see you when we cross into the next iteration.
TOWTWUKER: "Wise words from a wise man."
Response: Yes, Andros is one of the wisest beings I've ever had the honor of knowing.
AraelStannis: "Welcome back! I'm okay with whatever direction you take this story. Hopefully there's still a focus on the characters because character driven stories have a lot more leeway on how interesting the rest of the plot needs to be. I'm just happy there's going to be more :)"
Response: Character development and focus is a core part of what I'm going for with this story. It's something I feel is required for a good story. Focus on the characters, and in my experience, the plot will take care of itself.
Well, there we have it. The prologue is being written, along with Chapter One. I look forward to seeing what people think when the next story is finally put up.