Kyouya pauses to let a small cow child run past him, the boy clutching a giant purple bazooka. Another child also follows, dressed quite smartly and dragging along a large book. Kyouya will assume this is not his problem until the cow uses the weapon.

He continues along his way, and swiftly realises that it's definitely going to be his problem anyway when the cow shrieks in surprise and Kyouya is swallowed by the randomly tossed bazooka.

The crack was loud in the quiet room.

Kyouya staggers back a step from the impact, his stomach felling...numb. He looks down to see a rapidly spreading red stain on his school shirt.

He blinks, watching as the floor tilts and his lower body appears to blur into two before slipping back into one. Dots started encroaching on his vision, pushing his sight into a narrow tunnel.

A muscled arm wraps Kyouya's throat from behind as the other hand holds a cold barrel to his temple. It's a clear attempt to restrain him, meaning they need Kyouya alive.

Kyouya slowly raised his head to see the herbivore standing in front of him, the man's stunned expression turning gleeful at actually injuring Kyouya. There are four more people, on the floor and heavily injured but hauling themselves to their feet.

Then the pain hits and Kyouya stifles a scream.

[You have unlocked 'Monster']

Kyouya latches onto both of the man's wrists. In one smooth movement, Kyouya ducks and pushes back into the person, pushing the hands away and up. The gun to his head falls as his grip snaps the wrist holding it.

The man in front of him tenses in increments, as if moving in slow motion, finger moving to compress the trigger.

Kyouya frees a hand to slam an elbow back before catching the slowly falling gun, then spins them both around and yanks the arm he's still gripping along with him, twisting it up behind the man's back so Kyouya now has a meat shield.

The man in front fires three times in succession, too slow to hit Kyouya and too slow to stop once he sees his companion. Two of the bullets sink into Kyouya's dance partner. The man flops so Kyouya drops the arm and instead grabs a fistful of the herbivore's collar.

The first bullet from Kyouya's newly acquired gun slams into the man who just shot. His gun barks out three more bullets until it clicks empty; heart, throat and forehead respectively because Reborn is really quite the teacher.

Kyouya drops the gun and throws a sickle bone for the last adult as his shield jerks with more shots landing. Kyouya drops the corpse to the floor after, all six of the people in the room now dead.

Kyouya looks down to his shirt as everything abruptly lurches back to normal speed.

The red is spreading rapidly, the wound opening even further from Kyouya's movements. He squeezes his eyes shut but when he opens them it does nothing for the bright splotches of white in his vision.

He raises a shaking hand to hover over the wound. It feels hot – too hot, like Kyouya is burning up from the inside. Purple flickers in his vision and blood begins to pour from him. He stumbles to the side as his body tells him the room is moving and barely manages to catch himself on the large garage door.

The small door opposite opens so fast it slams into the wall. The bright lights overhead reflect off the guns as suited men and women pour into the room.

Kyouya lets out a shaky breath. "Activate: Monster."

He blurs with his speed, sliding past the crowd and jumping to land on the last herbivore's chest, out of firing range and perfectly positioned to push his thumbs into the man's eyes.

Kyouya digs deep to get a good grip then wrenches the head around to cut off all the screaming. He uses the falling corpse to backflip off, about mid-way grabbing the head of the woman approaching from behind and completing the flip only to ram a knee into the base of her neck.

There was a wet crack and squelch. Kyouya drops back to the ground and she falls a second later, her neck disturbingly long.

Kyouya turns to the others, only to the last one slam the door shut as they escape. They clearly didn't expect Kyouya to be here or they would have brought an army. Is this meant to be subtle? Was there a need for stealth?

He breathes through the burning pain in his abdomen. It's spreading out to his limbs, making them shake and tremble. Perhaps twenty minutes left, if he doesn't get immediate medical attention?

Kyouya takes a step forward.

That's plenty of time.

Kyouya slams through the door and sprints for the closest, the adults turning to him, still moving far too slow. Kyouya veers left suddenly to kick off the hallway's wall and land on the nearest man's back, his weight ramming the man's head into the opposite wall.

Kyouya drops down and throws the now unconscious man forward, meaning the rest need to either skitter back out of the way or catch the man.

Kyouya dashes out from behind and spins on a foot as he reaches the next herbivore, the kick catching them by the temple with Kyouya's heel and the force throwing them to the ground head first with a hollow thud. Kyouya is already moving to the next.

His body protests, already entirely numb. His clothes drag down, heavier from his blood soaking in. With this movement, maybe ten minutes before it's irreversible? He stomps on a knee, hearing the crunch, and punches strait through the sternum as they fall.

An old riddle occurs to him.

Kyouya ducks under the line of fire, snatching up an abandoned gun and shoots three in succession. They slam into the woman's chest, throat and forehead in a perfectly straight line up the middle.

When is a monster not a monster?

Kyouya pegs the gun and its force send another to their knees. Kyouya uses them as a springboard to get further down the hallway and they go down with friendly fire.

What was the answer again; when you love them?

He lands on the last, tackling them down to the floor and straddling their chest, pinning one arm down with his leg.

No, that doesn't sound right.

He catches their other wrist and twists until something breaks, the gun clattering to the floor. He drops the arm and rips a knife out of the sheath on the herbivore's bullet proof vest.

Oh, Kyouya remembers the answer now, it's a trick question.

He slams the weapon hilt deep and wrenches the blade up, opening a large cut through the vest, the clothes and the skin.

Monsters don't change.

Kyouya tosses toe knife carelessly over his shoulder and digs for the heart.