Of Defiant Eyes and A Hockey Mask

Touka groaned as she slowly came around, slipping free from the darkness.

Although she wished she hadn't.

Her limbs hurt from being twisted outwards at awkward angles where she could vaguely see they were tightly bound with heavy chains to the splintered legs and arms of an old chair. A thick, dull throbbing lingered in her mind making it hard to think about even that for too long.

In an attempt to focus her thoughts she scanned her surroundings which barely consisted of anything other than four off-white walls, the ceiling, a surprisingly clean floor and a metal surgical tray in the far corner. Not a single one of those rang out with familiarity in her mind so she changed her tactics and tried to think back to how she'd made it here.

Then her heart plummeted and her chains rattled wildly.


No. They'd taken him. That ugly brute had beat him like a rag doll and she wasn't able to stop him.

Her blood boiled like flesh in a furnace.

'I'll kill him for this, whatever it takes. I'll-'

Her eyes flew up towards the door in front that had creaked open slowly on its rusty hinges. A tall, broad shadow hovered in the frame and twitched his fingers so that they gave a sickening crack.

Touka's eyes burned into him, swimming in a glistening sheen of hate and a sweet lust for revenge.

Jason didn't even notice. He couldn't care less. However the venom in her voice he did notice and by hell did he love how it sent a shiver of need to tear the girl apart right down his spine.

"What have you done with him?"

A disturbed chuckle left his abnormally large lips from behind the white hockey mask and Touka pressed her back hard into the chair as the brute leant closely in, his putrid breath falling onto her pale skin.

"Only what I'm going to do to you. Or maybe more…I'm not sure yet. That depends on how well you can scream."

Touka fought hard to hold back a shudder. This man was a maniac and for the first time she felt a twinge of uncertainty on how far gone this one's sanity really was. Her chest felt tight with worry for the book worm she'd grown to like and fear began to creep into her veins at the thought of what this animal might have done to him already.

"You sick bastard. If you've- mmph!"

Jason clamped his monstrous sized hand firmly over the young ghoul's mouth and grinned with pleasure. His shoulder's twitched in anticipation.

"Sh sh sh shh… I don't think you heard me. I don't want you to talk. I want you to scream."

Touka's violet eyes grew to orbs and deep in the dark depths of her pupils shone the crystal clear reflection of a syringe and the glint of a large, sharp needle at its tip.

Oh god no.


He won't.

He can't.

Nobody can be that insane.

Touka's pale lips parted behind the crushing weight of his palm and a scream ripped from her throat as the brute drove the needle straight into the white of her eye.

Excruciating pain laced through her eye, quickly spreading to her head, her heart, her lungs. In seconds she felt like her entire body was on fire.

It was hot…so hot… white hot.

She didn't even relies he'd removed his hand to hear her better.

With a sick, twisted grin Jason removed the needle from underneath her eyelid which had clenched tightly over it and watched in bliss as the violet haired ghoul withered in agony, her wrists and ankles thrashing hard against the chains with enough force to ruin her skin already.

He watched, chuckling as he reveled in her pain until her scream become raspy.

Touka's scream faltered and she clung onto that fault like the last star in the night, using it to force her back into the reality. Determination coursed back through her and she sank her teeth hard into her tongue to cut off her voice and to help divert the pain.


She was not going to let this sick bastard win.

Not over her.

She had to get Kaneki and get out of here.

Her mouth began filling with a sharp iron taste.

Jason's chuckling stopped and his eyes burned with fury as he watched in mild amusement while the defiant ghoul twitched in agony. He was about to begin his next round of punishment already but stopped when he saw the thin, crimson line of blood trickle from the corner of her mouth.

A devilish grin curled at the corners of his massive lips while sinister thoughts unraveled behind the white mask he wore.

"Good girl. Good girl! But that wasn't enough. We don't know your name yet, do we? Oh we need a name!"

Touka heard a distant, metallic clunk and the sound of the brute's heavy footsteps as he strode closer once again.





She stiffened, her entire body tensing as she looked up and her determined eyes locked ferociously with his, still lined with a now dulling pain. Then they fell to the crude, heavy metal object in his enormous hand and narrowed slightly.

Touka swallowed back her fear in distaste as a mouthful of her own blood slipped down her throat with it. She didn't care though. Right now she had bigger worries on her hands and an even more terrifying hunch of what he was going to do with the tool in his hand.

Jason snorted in disgust as she took her attention away from his and grabbed her chin in a crushing grip before forcing her pale face upwards so that those sweet, defiant eyes met his once again.

The violet haired girl clenched her fingers hard, letting her nails sink into her palms to hold her body strong. She would not buckle to him. She would not tremble. It just wasn't in her nature to do so.

Jason's eyes flicked briefly to her clenched hands, chuckling as he noticed his original plan was no longer an option if her fingers were hidden. Since he wasn't prepared to let go of her face either he opted for his second choice.

Touka stared straight into his devil's eyes as she felt the jaws of the tool open and the brute slipped it underneath her soft hair, letting it come to rest either side of her earlobe.

"Now, let's find out what your name is, shall well?"

Touka said nothing. Not a single sound left her lips.

Even when the pain began she would say nothing.

She felt the cold metal grip her tender skin a little harder and a single, solitary thought that made her heart clench crossed her mind.

'Kaneki-kun…what has he done to you…'

Touka's eyelids clamped shut in anticipation of the first wave of pain that was yet to come.

Then the tool snapped shut.

Authors Note:

Phew! That was tough. It got dark pretty quick too, I think even I'm surprised at how quickly that escalated!

Sorry for the lack of Ayato in this chapter but I can guarantee he will be in the next one and there will be more interaction between Touka and Ayato in the following chapters.

Anyway, thank you so much to those who have commented, favourited and read this fanfiction so far! You're support is literally what is keeping this one going.

As always, let me know what you think please and I am always open to comments, suggestions and advice.