
Heyo, back with another chapter of the God Arc. The last bit of the last chapter of God Arc was a bit off since my mind kept travelling elsewhere, most specifically AUs of other animes.

I'll try to make this short and not let my hand slip. Okay? Okay, start the story!

Keiko straightened her posture as she sat on the recliner that was across the other which was occupied by Hephaestus, now, instead of taking possession of the telescope that was propped next to him; he was in control of Tsuneo's body. Above his scarlet hair was a halo of pure light and popping out of his shoulder blades were his two wings which he had shrunk back into a reasonable size.

The girl crossed her legs as she placed her hands on her lap, showing an image of etiquette. "Now, Hephaestus, as you can see on your left wrist," The God pulled up his arm to see a bracelet in the hue of purple, similar to the one on Keiko's left wrist. "Is a small, magical portion of the Celestial Robe from Hakku's. If anything happens, just cut it off and we'll be notified immediately. Once the dilemma is solved, it will reform itself on its own quickly."

Hephaestus nodded his head. "Yes, I know that, Katsuragi. You don't need to introduce me this. After all, I was the one who invented the Celestial Robe and even after five hundred years of imprisonment, I still know the Hagromo like the back of my hand."

Keiko rolls her eyes. Of course he does, she thinks before the God spoke up again. "But before I depart, may I ask a question, Katsuragi?"

The brunette perks up and nods, surprised that the God was inquiring her despite the fact that he has so boisterously proclaimed that he had a vast amount of knowledge just a few moments ago. "What is it?"

Suddenly, a shadow passes over his face, making him look grim and intimidating as his crimson eyes shone in a similar manner of a wild fire. "The masters of my other brothers… They are not your boyfriends… are they?"

Oh. Keiko merely shrugged and looked away, contemplating how to answer his query. Hephaestus bore his eyes onto the girl, discharging heat that was over two-hundred and forty degrees, hoping that the girl would notice his menacing aura. Unfortunately, the girl was unsuspecting as Red Riding Hood had been in the forest with the Wolf, as he had observed since the start.

Finally, she shrugged a shoulder and answered with, "Not sure. I haven't met them yet."

The God only kept staring at the brunette, his heat turning over to four-hundred and eighty-five degrees. But the girl was still ignorant.




Keiko held his arm as the God walked limply, his eyelids drooping, revealing distant eyes with a small dash of gray in them, hinting a bit of obscuration on his eyesight. She was helping him out to the gate just in case he might trip and fall down to his holy face and partly because he requested it himself. Lest if the God of Fire was truly in full power and/or in his own body, he would've been walking normally and seeing more accurately but in this case, his energy had yet to be sized for him to truly grasp his host's body. As they walked over to the front yard, Hephaestus attempted to bicker.

"Honestly, I don't understand why Tsuneo chose you for a lover. A rotten, no-good girl that walks over boys and play with them. If Tsuneo hadn't had that weird feeling for you, you would've been turned to ashes by then." The God hissed, his hazy crimson eyes sneering at the girl.

Keiko just frowned as she pushed her glasses back into her face, trying to be oblivious of the acid that he spat with absolutely no grace. "Everyone's a hater, huh?" she mutters before they reached the gate and she opened it with a creek. She looks up to him as he rested his weight onto her side. "Take over Tsuneo if necessary, okay? Other else, just use his telescope and keep on producing fire. That'll be all."

"Right. Notify me if Vintage attacks." Hephaestus closed his eyes and reverts back to his host, his crimson orbs turning to indigo and his scarlet hair dying themselves back into their healthy glow of blonde.

Tsuneo blinks as he was finally in control of his own body, squinting a bit before nodding down and found himself face to face with Keiko. They both flush their faces and she immediately lets go of his arm. She steps back as the blonde awkwardly placed his hand on his neck, averting his look away from the brunette.

"Ummm… so, uhh… I will go now." Tsuneo said and began to walk away.

Keiko quickly gathered herself and called, "Tsuneo."As he heard his name, he looks over his shoulder and found Keiko's face staring at him, her eyes showing a glint that indicated remorse. "Please take care of yourself."

Tsuneo felt again another lump in his throat. Keiko Katsuragi was an exceptionally trained person about her emotions. It was always hard to fathom her as her graceful features were always vague, more so are her actions and especially her face. Up from toes to her face was a body of etiquette along with an air of peculiarity, mouth forming into an emotionless frown and eyebrows leveled to a height that distinguished her jaded emotions against the reality that they both despised.

But as correctly hidden she was with her genuine feelings, Tsuneo Kujou himself had a keen eye which he was famously labeled for. Beyond a pair of opaque glasses that which light helped to hide her round, brown eyes, were a swirl of emotions, trapped in a part where her emotions were more expressive than any part of her could show.

The blonde swallowed as he realized how much of a burden has been placed on her shoulders, how much it caused for her to suffer despite her not having anything to blame upon, how much reluctant suicides she has been performing without any hint of doubt. And the worst part of it was that she doesn't even know she's been killing herself off.

"You too, Keiko."

Realizations like these were always the things that would make Tsuneo's silver tongue to be tied into a knot. So he only said what he deemed to be the most reassuring thing to the distressed brunette. He turns before he could take a look at her face and he hastened his steps.

But even without glancing towards her, he could feel Keiko's stare behind his back. And he didn't know what sort of emotions showed within it.




Keiko went back inside the café-pseudo –house silently before she planted herself on an armchair. She leaned back on the comforting block of pillow and was about to go into another one of her deep reveries before a voice pulled her away from it.

"So, that's three Gods in custody. With Konan's curse lifted, you can take it easy now." Hakku said with a shrug of his shoulders, showing the barest of a proud grin.

The brunette's gaze turned to him, her eyes boring into his before shaking her head a 'no'. The purple-haired demon cocks his head when he received her answer as he didn't know why this revelation wasn't a good thing to their conquest.

"No. I still need to work on this, especially in Shiro's case. I've ditched him so surely he would be furious." Keiko explains as-a-matter-of-factly before she straightened her gallant posture and placed her right hand on her chin, contemplating as she closed her eyes. "Also…"

Hakku leaned on the back of the armchair Keiko sat on and leaned in close. "Also?"

She opens her eyes, two swirls of brown appearing behind clear glasses. "There's this one guy that I need to capture as quickly as possible."




Yuu Goido happily jogged his way on the street as he held the re-wrapped gift box he gave to Katsuragi the other day under his arm. A big smile stretched into his lips before his hand travelled down to his pocket and took out his phone.

The GPS signals of Keiko Katsuragi's whereabouts were getting more and more adjacent and he was ecstatic. It was definitely a good idea to stalk into the brunette's background, even though it was a bit crude and un-gentleman-like. He placed the device back into his pocket, looked up and found a rather familiar building; the Grandpa Café which Keiko's family ran. Yuu's smile turned even bigger. But as he narrows down the house behind his boxed spectacles, a sudden swarm of feelings ran over the teen.

Hm, that's strange. Even though he had never visited the household until this, why was there this strange feeling of nostalgia? His pace slows down a bit but then the image of the beautiful, glassed brunette came into his mind and he made his feet run faster within a second.

Yuu reaches the gate and he breathed in, the cold, November air seeping into his lungs but he didn't care. He was here now. He steps near the little gate the Katsuragis humbly set up and he looks at the small mailbox. The brunette's family name was engraved in large, bold letters while names of the people who occupied the house were written in smaller ones.

Katsuragi Maru, Keika, Eru, Keiko.

Two names were strangers but the other two were definitely some people he knew, with one being his oh-so beloved. He stretches his neck a little to see the café of the Katsuragi's but could only make out about a fraction of it and nothing more.

The front yard, however, was clear to him so he stared at the humble piece of land which they clearly took care of. Green grass dominated the area while on the most corners of their lot had some decently trimmed bushes, accompanied with uniquely-detailed gnomes and pots. A few circular vessels filled with geraniums and snapdragons were present in some parts in their home, specifically the first floor's windows, and they were small but definitely not unnoticeable.

The umber-haired teen inwardly smiles. In comparison with this home and his abode, they were completely different. The Goido household was big and expanding, with traditional Japanese architecture and most of the rooms was fancy and over the top and you can easily lose your direction inside the entire house. Whereas to see this home, it was small and modern, somewhere where you definitely cannot get lost upon and was splashed with a bit of Western designs but that somehow even made it more welcoming and not to mention utterly humble.

Yuu was about to comment more on how this place was cleverly built before his attention was snapped towards a small box located right next to the mailbox's left. It had a circular center, colored in the same shade of brown as the box was and any half-wit could make out what it was.

He was about to jab his thumb into doorbell out of desperation to see if anyone, specifically someone, were to answer his call but when he was about to, he heard the clicking sound of a door being unlocked and he forgot to breathe.

Yuu instantly snapped his gaze towards the door which was opening bit by bit and then he could hear a voice. Keiko's voice. God, those were music to his ears and he couldn't have enough of it. The door fully opened and Yuu could finally see her.

Keiko was dressed in a white dress shirt with a navy-striped vest over it, with a gray skirt that hid her thighs down to her knees, along with white socks and dark sneakers. Her red scarf snaked around her neck, covering her snugly away from the cold and Yuu could feel his heartbeat going faster and faster.

Keiko was looking over her shoulder, talking to someone but Yuu was too distracted by her appearance to acknowledge whoever she was talking to. Finally, she turns her head and she finally recognized his impromptu arrival. With a grin, he decides to greet the girl. "Hey, Katsuragi!"

She widened her eyes and slams her door to her back and Yuu thought he registered a muffled noise when the door closed but, eh, who cares. They could finally go to their date that he's been planning now! "Y-Yuu! You're here!" Keiko shrieks, her adorable face coloring and the other teen pushed his glasses up to his face.

"Mmhm, I am indeed here." He grins again. Keiko's face hardened and she glared at him and Yuu felt his heart skip a beat. Even her glares were adorable! "I brought the gift. You left it there at the library and I thought I could give it back to you. After all, it is yours."

The umber-haired teen took out the box and placed it on top of the mailbox before continuing. "Say, while we're here, do you want to go out? I know this really fun arcade we can go! Of course, I'll be the one to pay, don't worry. So are—"


A sudden word sliced Yuu's attempt to persuade the brunette into half and he looks at Keiko with widened eyes.

She was looking solemn, her back half-turned to him and… Wait, why was she looking so sheepish!? God, that's too cute! Please stop torturing his heart! She averts her eyes, her mouth forming a small frown and her actions reminded Yuu about a certain girl he had adored before she met her.

A girl with brown hair and eyes, too similar with what she had, with a face similar to hers and a personality that could only be described as sheepish but determined. The only difference was that Keiko was real and she… was not.

"D-Don't come so suddenly without my consent."

Yuu did a tiny double-take when she said that, cutting him off of his thoughts. "Eh?" he mumbled, his eyes widening a bit.

She turns her back fully to him and she opens the door to her house. The brunette then looks over her shoulder, the end of her scarf and hair tailing behind her and said, "I don't like pushy people." before she entered the house disappeared from his peripheral.

Yuu could feel his heart sink. Of course. Of course he was being too pushy. What was he thinking, arriving so suddenly? Disappointment swelled inside of him and he looks down, his mouth twitching downwards with grief.

A small sigh escaped his lips and he walked away from the gate, leaving the gift right there as defeat filled him.




It was another day at school and all the boys of both the classes A and B had mixed up in P.E. Yuu, of course, grouped himself with his band mates. Ayutarou stretched somewhere near them, Miyazuke was conversing with Hiro but Eru was nowhere to be found. Yuu whipped his head around to look for the goofball but it seemed he was somewhere else again.

Huh. He must've seen a fire truck. But as he looked around the area, a small sight that was out of the norm caught his eye onto the side of the track, covered in trees but the colors were as clear as day. It was white, along with streak of chocolate brown and it interested the umber-haired boy to no end.

Suddenly, without his consent, his legs started to move and so did his lips. "Uh, guys, I need to fetch something, you go ahead." And thus, he sprinted, not feeling the curious glances his band mates gave him.

He nimbly climbed up the stairs and looked around the pathway before his neck snapped to the right and beyond his glasses was the same color that he had glimpsed before.

It was a girl and it was no other girl either… It was the brunette that adored.

But then again, she wasn't.

Yuu almost thought he was dreaming because there was no way Keiko would wear… wear… THAT!

The student took off his glasses and looked straight at the spot where Keiko was standing and his jaw stretched downwards.

She had donned a white sailor uniform with a dark tie, the skirt reaching up above her knees with dark stockings and brown shoes. But what was the most fascinating to the boy was that her upper hair was tied back into a long ponytail by a white ribbon.

Yuu thought he was going to have a stroke. He could feel all of his blood reaching up to his face and his entire body shook at the beauty that was in front of him, her attractiveness all beyond Earth. She looked like the exact replica of her favorite game character back then… In fact, it's as if she came out of the game herself.


Suddenly, Keiko herself blushes and was about to walk away before Yuu pulled himself out of his un-charming gaping. Oh God, she probably thought he looked like a pervert. "W-Wait a minute!" he shouted as she turned her back again and padded away.

He quickly dashed, as if he was going to lose her and tackled Keiko to the ground. The girl lisped a small shriek while Yuu sat up in front of her, grabbing her by the shoulders and looked at each other's eyes, both pairs now un-obscured by clear glasses.

"K-Katsuragi-san! Is that really you!?" he asked, nearing his face a bit more to see her clearly. S-She's even wearing a bit of make-up! It's like she was an entirely different girl!

The color of her face becomes as red as a shining apple and she looks to left and muttered weakly, "G-Goido-kun… y-you're too close…"

'KUN'! SHE EVEN SAID THAT HONORIFIC HE THOUGHT HE WOULD NEVER HEA—Wait, what did she say? O-Oh… Blushing furiously, Yuu slowly got away from her and sat on his knees while Keiko was lifting her head off of the cemented ground.

"Uh, s-sorry about that but…" His voice almost faltered. "You look really different. Did something happen, Katsuragi-san?"

When Keiko finally steadied herself, she met his eyes and quickly looked away, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth and Yuu's heart felt like it was melting. If love was meant for the weak then he was very, very, very weak. "I-I'm sorry… E-Everything just felt so… so… different ever since yesterday and I… I don't know what came over me."

Her voice was barely a whisper and it was filled with warmth and sheepishness, a brighter contrast compared to her usual deep, ice-laced voice. She was acting so like Kechii… With her timid expression, on-the-spot clothes, he was having a hard time believing whether or not this was reality. He slowly picked up his arm, rolled up his sleeve and pinched himself, casing Keiko to tilt her head.

Pain. He felt absolute pain. With these thoughts in mind, Yuu's heart made a leap for joy and he broke out a grin so big, it showed all of his white teeth. "WELL YOU LOOK AMAZING, KATSURAGI!" The boy pulled her into a tight embrace, burying his chin on her shoulder.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed how red Keiko's ears became so he pulled back and saw her face going so red and hot; Yuu thought her head was filled with lava now. She looks down, a flustered mess, akin to Keichi so, so much… "E-Erm… Thank you." She said through a whisper.

Okay, Yuu's heart was beating a mile per second now. If it wasn't possible, his grin became wider as he took Keiko's hand and lifted both of them up, she looking very flustered, like the damsel in distress Yuu always wanted to her to behave (of course, not perverted in any sense, mind you).

But then there was a question in Yuu's head that's been nagging. "Hey, Katsuragi, how did you get inside without getting caught like… that?" he asks, tilting his head a bit.

Keiko looked confused at first before looking down and suddenly, Yuu almost thought there he saw a ghost of a smile on her face. "I've got my tricks…"

The boy's heart skipped a beat and he beams. "Well, are you free this lunch? I could accompany you!"


He took her stuttering as a 'yes'. "Great! Then it's a date! Meet me at the rooftop by lunch." He stood up and began to run to the other direction but not before glancing back. He saw Keiko looking very flustered and confused which made a part of him feel utter bliss and triumph.

The date that he has been dreaming for many, many days has finally come true.





OH MAN, ALL THOSE TIME WASTED JUST TO WRITE THIS. But anyways, I don't think I'll write Yuu's arc anymore since all of my motivation to write this is gone but I can do prompts of whatever the heck I can do!

Okay, that's all! If I'm lucky, maybe I can finish Shiro's arc? Who knows, I'm a procrastinating piece of trash so that's not likely.