-At a Certain House-

"Wow. Torrapu, are you serious about that gender bending fan fiction thing?" Shiro asked as a sweat dropped from her head.

The raven-haired girl grinned. "Of course! Gender bending is now my fave!" She said while holding up a peace sign. Then her smile became a frown. "Also, stop calling me that."

Shiro smiled hysterically. "Well… I don't really care though, but what if you'll lose your notebook again?"

"Hehehe… I didn't really write this on paper but on the computer!"

"But what if it will all be erased again like the one you said in the chatroom that your computer had a virus and it erased all the files?"

Miru gave her an irritated look. "Okay, now you're just discouraging me…" She groaned.

Shiro grinned. "Huehehe… Sorry, sorry."

Kazuka just watched them with a smile until finally spoke. "But why a Gender Bender, Blee?"

Miru turned to him. "Because…!"

"We had an event that we would draw gender bends of characters in TWGOK and she went all out." Shiro interrupted as she pointed at Miru.

"Aw, c'mon!" Miru whined as she threw a pillow at Shiro.

"But it was true!" Shiro responded as she ducked.

Kazuka just smiled again. 'So… the story?"

Cherry blossoms yet again blew in the spring. The petals danced through a certain a school. On the hallways, a green haired boy walked, holding papers on his left hand. He was walking quite slowly. And soon he turned around with an irritated face and yelled, "Why do you keep following me!?"



"You looked lonely, I think…"

The green haired boy widened his eyes. "Oh…" Silence surrounded them. He placed his hand on his head and smiled at the girl. "S-Sorry for yelling at you then…" After he spoke he turned around and began walking. But suddenly, he stopped halfway. "Oh… Hey, what's your name?"



He went to her as soon as he saw her and grabbed her by her shoulders and yelled, "Where were you!? You got me worried sick, dammit!" He was angry but his eyes showed concern at the girl.

"I-I'm sorry then."

He sighed for a brief moment and let go of her shoulders. He smiled. "So, do you want to go home now?" He asked with a slight blush. He offered his hand to the girl.




The sun was blazing, waves crashed and children were having tons of fun. The green haired walked to her with a beach ball in his hands. He grinned. "Hey! Don't you wanna' play!?" He sounded ecstatic as he held up the beach ball.

"N-No thank you…"

"Eh!? C'mon, I changed quickly just play on the beach with you!" He said with a bit of disappointment. The girl didn't say anything. He sighed again with and stared at girl until he finally asked, "Why?"

"I-I don't really want to go out…"

He paused for a while. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up with a smile. "C'mon! Let's have fun while summer is still here!"

"…" She stuttered but manages to reply to him. "Y-Yeah!"



It was another spring. The green hair stares at the girl intently while holding her hand. He had a slight blush on and was smiling brightly. Silence surrounded them while the wind blew.

Finally, his mouth opened with same smiled and said. "I've always liked you… So… Will you be my girlfriend…

The girl widened her eyes.

Keiko-chan?" He finishes his confession.


-Maijima Private High School-

Meanwhile, at the Maijima High School… It was just another normal semester. The hallway has no students running around and was very quiet. All the classes over there were just having a normal lesson. All except for one class. Class 2-B was now on their subject History. It was very silent and the eyes of the students were staring at the teacher and some were doing notes. But some students were glancing at a particular brown haired girl who was wearing glasses whose seat was just on the third row and three seats before the first desk. The girl wasn't taking notes nor listening to the teacher of course. But all she was staring at was her PFP. She was playing and kept pressing buttons, ignoring all the glances coming from the boys and girls of the class.

On the screen, there was a green haired boy confessing (the same one as I wrote on top). After finally pressing the O button, she pushed her glasses to the bridge of her nose and smirked. She had little smile on her face. Her neighbors had a worried look as they stared at her. After a few seconds, a black haired teacher went near the desk of the girl while holding a history book.

He smiled at the student who was playing her PFP. "Now Katsuragi-chan, what's more fun than playing in my class?" He asked with sarcasm in his tone. Keiko looked up to the teacher with an expressionless face. He was waiting an answer.

"Oh. Just let me reach a saving point, Nikaido-sensei." She answered, which, wasn't enough for the black hair.

Nikaido then had an irritated look and twitched his left eye. He raised his history book and… You guys know what happened.


It was already break time. Keiko walked the hallways with a very irked look as two bumps were on her head and a bandage right on her forehead which was covered by her bangs. Some students looked at her and their sweats dropped. They were assuming she was scolded again by the mean Jaguar Teacher, Nikaido Yuki.

As she walked, she pulled out her PFP, switched the on button and began playing again. 'Damn that Teacher, my games weren't bothering anyone!' She thought as she gamed through the hallway. 'Why does he have to scold me anyway? I didn't do anything wrong… I passed his test, behaved and stayed steady on my seat, why the hell do I have to get punishment!' It was very unfair for her, in her perspective, of course. She kept pressing buttons as she walked, and as she did, she managed to clear a game. After clearing it she stopped and without notice, the wind blew, making her long hair sway. She stroked her hair to her left ear and smiled. 'Whatever. The Real World is just crap. The perfect world is the 2-D World.' She giggled. 'For I am the Goddess Of Conquest' she looked up front. 'It is my home!'

"Hey! Otamegane!" Someone suddenly shouted. It was a boy's voice of course.

Keiko notices it and turned around and saw a familiar guy running. He was running on a fast pace, which the brunette got startled as he came closer. As she did, she fell down and as well as her PFP and ducked. The boy quickly jumped above her and landed safely behind. Keiko continued to put her hands on her head.

"Yo!" The black haired guy greeted her as he stayed on his position (which was like kneeling) while grinning. Keiko turned around and her face suddenly got irritated.

"Oh. It's just you." She stood up and reached for her pocket. But she didn't reach anything. Her eyes widen and turned around to face the floor. Then suddenly a gasp came out from her, only to found out the guy, who jumped over her, was stepping on her precious PFP.

"Kyaaaahhh!" She cried. And then paused like she became stone.

The boy cocked his head. "Huh?" he mumbled. He looked down to the direction where Keiko cried, and saw a PFP under his foot. "Oh." He smiled just like that and removed his foot from the PFP by standing up.

Keiko knelt down to the PFP and grabbed it. Seeing the screen, she almost wanted to cry. 'DAMMIIIIT REAAAAAAL!' She cursed eternally in her mind as she stared at the console which was very broken. The screen was shattered, the buttons were almost falling out of the console and what's worse, it was almost like it was cracked to pieces like an egg getting cracked by a stupid chef. She stared at the PFP with her jaw dropped and slowly looked up at the guy. He was smiling at her but Keiko wasn't pleased. Not one bit. For a gamer, getting her PFP broken was unforgivable. Especially to a person who isn't apologizing.

The black haired guy scratched the back of his head and said, "Hahaha! Sorry about that, Otamegane-chan!" he said as he stared at her.

"Tch." was Keiko's reply. She ignored him and walked away. But he stopped her by grabbing one of her shoulders.

"W-Wait a sec!" He said. "I-I need you to do me another favor, Katsuragi." He continued.

Before Keiko did anything, she sighed. "What is it?" She said with an angry voice as she turned around.

He placed his hands on his pocket and asked, "Can you clean the rooftop by yourself today? I have Track-And-Field practice." He said with a charming grin but the brunette wasn't amused. But instead, she became angrier and clenched her fist.

"Dammit…" She mumbled and the guy heard it. "This is the tenth time you asked me to clean the rooftop by myself, you jerk!" Keiko yelled at him and the guy stepped back but suddenly got back his composure.

"Aw, c'mon! The Competition is coming up and I'm in it! I have to practice! So give me some slack, will ya'?" He asked yet again with another charming smile.

Keiko turned around with her arms crossed while gritting her teeth. "No way, dammit!"

The black hair sighed. Suddenly, he heard a whisper. He turned around and saw a green haired boy, flagging him. He saw it and nodded.

As Keiko continued to cross her arms, she sighed and turned back with her eyes closed. "So therefore, you clean the rooftop by yourself today becau…?" Before she can even finish, she saw the black-haired guy wasn't there anymore but only a broom falling with a paper attached to it, saying, "Thanks".

Keiko's eye twitched as she saw the guy running down the stairs. She gritted her teeth. "Dammit… Real…"


Keiko continued to grit her teeth as she cleaned the rooftop. "Goddamn that guy…" She mumbled to herself as she roughly swept the floor.

Suddenly, she paused. Then came out a sigh and continued to sweep. After a few more sweeping, she was done and placed the broom on the bench she sat right next to her.

She reached her pocket and took out her PFP. As she switched on the button, she played another game. She pushed the buttons as fast as she can since after that random event earlier made her angry, angrier than a wolf.

She continued to press buttons. The rooftop was quite peaceful. No disturbance coming from the Real World, hence, the peaceful surroundings of the rooftop made her a little calmer. But, that peaceful gaming of hers was short lived.

You got mail!

Her PFP rang with a new message coming. Keiko paused from her games and wondered about the email. 'A new message?' She thought. Keiko opened the mail. After reading it, she was utterly shocked and confused by what the mail meant.

Dear Goddess Of Conquest,

I have heard rumors you can conquer any boy you want. That is unbelievable. But, if it is true, there is a guy that I would like you to conquer. If you are confident that you can do it, please press the reply button.

P.S. If it is impossible, then don't press the reply button!

-Dokuro Skull

Keiko stared at the email with shocked eyes. 'W-What is this!?' She thought. 'I-Is this a challenge or something!? Hmph.' Keiko became angrier. First, that black haired guy and now this intimidating email.

She held the PFP with trembling hands. She wasn't really sure what it means but she was a little confident. She then shook her head.

'If this is a challenge, then I should accept it…' She thought. She readied her finger to press the Reply button. Her hands trembled and she gritted her teeth. 'A Goddess…' She was nearly pressing the button.

'Shouldn't run away!' At last, she clicked the reply button. But without further knowledge of what the message meant, she had to press it. In order to protect her title as the Goddess Of Conquest.

After pressing it, the sky lit purple-pink, making Keiko look up. The sky was rather cloudy now than just a second ago and it was showering lightning from the pink clouds.

'W-What the…!?' Keiko gazed at the sky. It continued to shower electricity and the pink clouds were whirling above her. The wind suddenly picked up. As it was very strong and fast, the wind took some leaves from the trees and a little dust. Keiko covered her face as the wind was going stronger.

After a few more lightning has struck, the clouds that were forming a vortex-like whirl suddenly let out a strong force and the sky was normal again.

After the strong winds were gone, Keiko opened her eyes to see what happened. As she looked at the sky she spotted something, or rather, some one. She widened her yes.

'W-What the hell!?' For a second, she thought it was a person. She then shook her head and looked up again. Yep. She was right. A person in the mid air that was holding a broom. Though she was still utterly confused of the figure that was above her, she noticed the figure was guy.

As the figure finally landed in front of Keiko, he grinned. "Thanks for accepting the contract, Kami-sama!" The guy exclaimed in an ecstatic tone and a salute.

Keiko was confused. But while the guy was in front of her, she examined him. From her perspective, the boy's looks was rather a bit older than her, like around 16-18. He has black hair and black eyes and his height was around six feet. He was wearing a purple yukata with scarf like thingy floating around him and a skull-like badge on his left chest while a holding a broom. (You know what? I'll let you guys imagine his clothes because I had a hard time doing Elsie's gender bend and it was hard type in.)

The brunette continued to stare at him while calculating what just happened. But her thoughts went away as soon as the black-hair spoke.

"So… Without further ado…" He said as he took her hand. Keiko yet again was shocked. But she was more shocked when the guy began flying. "Let's go!" He exclaimed.

Finally, they both took off and flew high away from the rooftop. Keiko was screamed as they were above the clouds while the black hair just smiled.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaahhh!" Yep. This wasn't a lucky day for her.


Keiko was gasping for air in a dark classroom while the guy who made her like that was scanning outside the window to the place where the Track-And-Field Club was practicing. She was in a serious trauma. She didn't know what kind of event that was but she reached for her PFP yet again and turned it on.

Her hands trembled along with the console. She was still scared. "Don't succumb to reality… Don't succumb to reality… Don't succumb to reality… Must… Save… Game…" She mumbled to herself as she tried to save her game that she didn't finished earlier.

After saving the file data she sighed. She went near the black-board, picked up a chalk and spoke. "So…" This made the black hair turn around and noticed she was already normal and went a little near.

"What's your name then?" She asked.

The black hair smiled. "I'm Eru De Rotto Irma! But you can just call me Eru! I'm a demon from New Hell and I'm on a mission to capture Loose Souls here on Earth! The letter you got before was our contract and thankfully, you accepted it! So from here on out, you and me are Buddies!" He said with a point and a wink. He was quite charming, despite his weird outcomes.

The chalk didn't move nor writing down what he just said. Keiko was speechless. She only froze while trying to figure out what. But, in an instant, she gave up and placed the chalk on the table. She was now tired of the weird events and her head trying to calculate what.

She went for the door and opened it while saying, "Its Friday today so I guess I'll buy some games…"

But she was halted when somebody tugged her sleeve. Keiko turned around and saw the Eru staring at her. "A-Ah… Please wait! If you don't, y-you'll get…"

Keiko stared back at him. As she heard his voice, he was serious so she carefully listened to his words.

"You'll get beheaded…"

Keiko was silenced. 'B-Beheaded!?' She yet again widened her eyes. She removed her sleeve from his tug and asked, "W-What do you mean…" Keiko gulped. "I-I'll get beheaded?"

Eru didn't reply but instead, he pointed to his neck. Keiko looked where he pointed and suddenly saw a purplish colored collar around his neck. After seeing it, she remembered what he said that both of them were so called 'Buddies' so she held her neck and noticed something off. Keiko was wearing the same collar.

"What the hell!?" She cried and held the collar with both hands and tried to pull it off, but, after a few minutes of pulling it, the collar didn't budge. Not one bit.

Keiko glared at Eru and made him step back. "W-What is this, you bastard!? Take it off me, quick!" She demanded.

"I-I'm sorry Kami-sama… B-But just so you know, t-that's not my name…" He tried to say it with a little smile but all he got was another glare from her.

"I don't care about your name, dammit! Just try to this collar off me!" Keiko cried as she tried pulling it off harder.

"I can't really… Get it off you Kami-sama. I-In order to get it off, you have to capture Loose Souls…" Eru explained to her and Keiko paused and stared at him.

She made a confused look. "L-Loose Souls…?" Keiko whispered. Then she stared at him. "W-What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, umm… Come, I'll show you then." Eru replied as he held Keiko's uniform at the back and dragged her to the window. She placed him next to her and scanned yet again the school.

Keiko looked outside, still with her hands on the collar, and thought, 'What kind of event is this? This guy claims to be a demon and he calls me a Buddy. Just what is a Buddy and a Loose Soul? And what is New Hell!?' But her train of thought was cut off when Eru pointed outside.

"There he is, Kami-sama!" He exclaimed while pointing at the Track-and-Field Club. Keiko stared at them for a moment, and then looked at whom Eru was pointing. Then she saw it.

The same guy from the hallways was spewing out a weird aura-like presence from him. Keiko widened her eyes yet again. "Wh-What is that!?" She questioned while stepping back.

"That's the Loose Soul, Kami-sama. It hides inside the hearts where all the negativity is and the Loose Soul gets all its power back by feeding on it. The one you're looking at is now feeding on the gap of that person." Eru explained while looking at the guy. "And the only way to get it out is replacing the negativity with positivity, like either Love or Frie- " His explanation was cut off when he turned around, only seeing Keiko ignoring his explanation but focusing on getting off the collar.

He sighed and yet again grabbed Keiko's uniform at the back. "C''mon Kami-sama! I already told you, you can't get it off unless we capture Loose Souls!" Eru said while Keiko pulled harder and harder.

After a moment, she finally gave up. "Dammit!" She she sighed and went near the window to look outside. "Agghh… So all we have to do is get it out…?" She groaned.

"Umm… Yes."

"Okay then…" She said with an annoyed look and stared at the person again. "Hmm… I think his name was… Ayutarou… Takahara?" She guessed. 'Oh. It's the guy who broke my PFP.' She thought as she almost let a glare out.

Keiko then again turned around and asked, "So… How do we get it out? You said anything that's positive, right?"

'Oh, looks like she did listen!' Eru thought and replied, "Yes. Anything as long as it can fill up the gap in his heart."

"And, what do you think is the kind of technique we should use?" Keiko yet again asked as she crossed her arms.

Eru put his hand on his chin and began to think. After a few seconds, he said, "Well… since the client is a boy and you're a girl, maybe… Love perhaps?"

That wasn't the kind of answer Keiko wanted. Her jaw dropped and her face turned beet red. Eru kept smiling at his suggestion until he felt pain on his face, making him fall down along with a book that came out from nowhere.

"What kind of stupid plan is that!?" Keiko cried as she held her skirt. "Is there anything else you can think of, you perverted freak!?" She then turned around while waiting for his answer.

Eru stood up and touched his nose and groaned. After a minute of enduring the pain, he regained his composure. "W-Well… You are the Goddess Of Conquest, right?" He said as he picked up his broom. "You can conquer any boy you want. Plus you always use Love to get them."

Keiko was shocked. He knew she was the Goddess Of Conquest, but, she had a feeling that something was wrong. 'It's true that I do use Love to get them… but… Wait a second!' Ideas and theories came to her mind and then she gasped. Why on earth did she even that button! Keiko turned around and went near Eru.

As she did, he made a step back. But as soon as he saw her face, it was a little red and she gritting her teeth.

Suddenly, she faced him. "Y-You got the wrong idea here!" Keiko shouted.

Eru came closer and asked, "W-What do you mean t-the wrong idea?"

"I don't make Real guys fall in love! I'm only interested in 2-D guys!" She explained, which, made Eru dumbfounded and left his eyes widen with shock.

"2-D!? Y-You mean you only conquer guys in games!?" Eru asked, still shocked.

Keiko then gave a straight-face. "Well… that's done." She smiled and pointed at her collar. "Now that you guys made a huuuge mistake and realize that I won't be any of help with your 'Loose Souls' thing, could you kindly get the collar off now?"

Eru was dumbfounded by her reply. After a moment of being shock, he covered his eyes with his bangs. "I'm sorry… b-but what's done can't be undone."

Keiko's smile almost twitched. "Uhh… Pardon?"

Eru face her then bowed his head. "I'm sorry. But as I said before… We can only get off if catch Loose Souls."

Suddenly, Keiko grabbed his shirt and pushed him to a wall. "Y-You're kidding, right?! You're absolutely kidding!" She exclaimed.

Eru gasped at her reaction. Since her grip on his shirt wasn't all that strong, he remained his composure and said, "Well… To make up for it then…"

Keiko let go of his shirt and made a step back. She was waiting for an answer.

"To make up for it…" He continued and looked up to Keiko with a serious face. "I'll die with you then."


Keiko looked at Eru's collar and saw it glowing pink. She then looked at Eru and asked, "W-What do you mean… y-you'll die with me?"

"Once the Buddy dies…" Eru explained and Keiko gulped. "The demon dies as well."

And with that, silence fell upon the whole dark room.

-Beside the Field-

Keiko and Eru heaved a heavy sigh. Depression was bestowed to them. The cold wind blew along with the sounds of other students. Both of them were looking down.

Eru looked up to the field and suddenly sighed. 'I couldn't believe the first meeting with my Buddy is going to be my last day…' He thought. He was more unfortunate than he thought. After a moment of depression, he spotted Ayutarou running. He can still see the Loose Soul eating off his gap.

Eru stared at him. Then he turned to see Keiko and says, "Hey, Kami-sama…" And yet again, he was cut off.

Keiko was writing some list of games on a piece paper rather roughly, leaving Eru silent. Suddenly, he spoke.

"U-Umm… Kami-sama…" He mumbled as a sweat dropped from his head.

"Don't talk to me right now please. I want to replay the games right before I die here." She said and continued to write.

Eru stared at her until he finally said, "Uhh… Kami-sama… You play tons of Love Games for girls and always win them, right?"

"Yeah, so?" Keiko replied, not even looking up.

"How about apply your love tactics from games to real boys?" Eru suggested, which, made Keiko stop her writing.

Keiko paused and mumbled, "What?"

"Uh… Use your Love Tactics to get the Loose Soul?" He repeated.

Silence fell by the two of them again while the wind blew. They remained in their position for a moment until Keiko stood up. Eru's eyes followed her.

"What are you saying!?" Keiko shouted, making Eru a little startled. She then pointed her finger to him. "I already told you! I have no obligation to make contact with boys in real life!"

Eru stood up as well. "B-But we have to do something so that we can't die!"

Keiko folded her arms. "I'd rather die than making a special relationship with the Real!"

"Then if you die, you can't play your games anymore, can you!?" Eru responded. Keiko fell silent. She thought about it for a second and, well, the demon had a point. If she dies, no more games. But if she just catch a Loose Soul then which means she can still play her games.

She turned around and placed her hand to her chin and thought hard. Eru just kept silent until she heard a sigh coming from her.

Keiko faced him with closed eyes and groaned. "Let's do it then…"

Eru widened his eyes with surprise. "Y-You mean it!?" He asked enthusiastically and Keiko nodded.

"Well since I don't want to leave my games, might as well capture Loose Soul or whatever…" Keiko replied and folded her arms.

"T-Then… Let's get started!" Said Eru with enthusiasm.

-Day 1-

"So how do we get it out, Kami-sama?" Eru asked as he turned his head to Keiko who was holding her chin and was thinking.

"Well… In games, if the Hero is a Runner, then we should cheer for him…" Keiko explained as she removed her hand from her chin. "But…"

"Eh?" Eru mumbled as he noticed the sudden change of tone in her voice.

Keiko then pointed to Ayutarou, which, Ayutarou didn't notice. "A guy should wear jogging pants! Not damn shorts!" She ranted.

"Huh?" Eru mumbled and looked at Ayutarou and saw him wearing regular shorts and other club members wearing the same. After noticing it, he smiled and said, "Oh."

Keiko sighed and said, "Well… I can't really conquer him if the he's not any close to game material. Even though he isn't game material." She turned around and was about to walk away until she heard a poof sound.

"Is this what you want Kami-sama!?" Eru asked while holding his pink colored Celestial Robe as Keiko turned around.

Keiko widened her eyes. She sees Ayutarou the others wearing red jogging pants and some pink smoke from it. She turned to Eru while shaking and pointing at Ayutarou. "W-What did you do?" She asked.

Eru showed his Celestial Robe to Keiko by holding it. "This thing is called Celestial Robe! It can support us in many ways while capturing a Loose Soul! But it may have a limit sometimes…" His voice became low when he said the last part and stared at the Celestial Robe again and mumbled, "Really? I… can't really remember…" Keiko sweat dropped.

Ayutarou, as well, heard the poof sound. He looked around, left to right and then down. He noticed he was suddenly wearing jogging pants. "Huh?" he wondered when he changed shorts to jogging pants. Suddenly, he smiled and mumbled, "Meh." He ignored the sudden change and grabbed something from his pocket; a white headband. He tied it to his forehead and tightly sealed a knot at the back.

Keiko looked at Ayutarou and noticed he wasn't that confused to have his change, but still, her shocked expression was still plastered to her face. After a moment, she placed her palm on her face. "Sigh… Anyway… That thing can support us right?" She asked.

"Yep! It can turn into some things that can be our aid!" Eru replied as his attention came to Keiko.

"Good. Can it make banners?" She asked seriously.

Eru grinned. "Of course!"


After a moment of Eru flying around the building beside the field, there were banners attached. As he landed in front of Keiko, he dispelled his invisible Celestial Robe that was covering him. "Is that enough, Kami-sama?" He asked.

Keiko looked up to see the banners. She nodded and said, "Probably… but…" Keiko and Eru suddenly heard squealing and cheering behind them. Eru looked behind her while Keiko closed her eyes, folded arms and let out an annoyed frown.

Seeing where the squealing was, he saw a crowd of girls holding up a sign with some love hearts drawn to it. He asked, "Kami-sama, who are they?"

Keiko glanced at them, still with a frown. "They're Takahara's fan girls… They always show up whenever he's practicing…"

"Fan girls… huh…" Eru mumbled as sweat dropped from his head comically.

Keiko let out sigh. "I can't believe I'm going sacrifice my pride for this…"

"Why, Kami-sama?"

"I mean, I don't want to cheer for a damn guy! It would make me look like a fan girl!" Keiko shouted.

"Ummm… Mind explaining why would cheering make you a fan girl Kami-sama?"

Keiko turned around and pushed her glasses up and crossed her arms. "In games… If you're the girlfriend of the Hero then there wouldn't be any excuses for you cheer for him… But … If you cheer so hard but without any special connection with him or whatsoever makes you a fan girl! Plus if you squeal, that adds it up." She explained, making Eru completely silent and slightly confused.

"W-Well…" He said while trying to keep up by what she explained. "It's better than losing your games, right?"

"Tch." She gritted her teeth and reached her pocket. She took out a pink colored headband and tied it to her forehead. She turned to field and closed her eyes while blushing. Finally, she said opened her eyes and mumbled, "Yossu…"

She held up her hands near her face and shouted, "YOU CAN DO IT, TAKAHARA-SAN!"

Her face became strawberry red as people stared at her for her sudden outburst. Ayutarou heard it and looked at the direction of the voice and found a blushing Keiko with a headband and some banners on the building. He jaw dropped at her.

The other club members noticed her and said, "Huh? Isn't that Katsuragi?" and others saying, "Did she just cheer for Ayutarou?"

Ayutarou heard them muttering so he quickly sprinted towards her and came face to face with the brunette. Keiko widened her eyes for his quick reaction to her. She looked away but saw a very light blush on Ayutarou's face.

He panted for a second until he said, "What… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING KATSURAGI!?" The shout made Keiko stepped back and her face became crimson red.

"C-Cheering! A-A-Anything wrong with that, you bastard!" Keiko defended and looked down, still her cheeks very red.

Suddenly, Ayutarou went near her, grabbed Keiko's ribbon on her uniform, came face to face with her and shouted, "Oh don't give me that crap, Katsuragi!"

"W-What do you mean by that!?" She asked while shaking from how near Ayutarou was.

Eru was invisible again and noticed Keiko turning red. 'Huh? Kami-sama is blushing?' He thought and went a little near them and then he saw her shaking her legs and her face was red than ever. 'She really is! She's blushing… Kami-sama is probably shy…' He continued to stare at Keiko. He was enjoying how cute she was.

"Is this a prank for leaving you in cleaning duty for the tenth time, huh!?" Ayutarou yelled.

Keiko didn't reply. Her thoughts were calculating what she would do next but failed to do so since the target was so close to her, making her head go blank.

After a moment of giving her a cold glare, Ayutarou let go of Keiko's ribbon and said, "Tch. Whatever. It's not like you understand what we do in a club, anyway." He turned around and went back to the field.

After that, Keiko's blush went away and her eyes became sharp again. "Hmm…" She mumbled under her breathe.

Eru went visible and stood beside Keiko. He asked, "So? How was your Phase One, Kami-sama?"

Keiko pushed up her glasses. "It rather was what I expected… Now… The next step."

-Day 2-

"WHAT!?" Ayutarou shouted as he saw horizontal banners on the building yet again. Only this time, the banners were a little smaller and there were more than before.

Keiko was yet again beside the field, standing on the staircase with the same headband on her forehead and her arms crossed.

"KATSURAGI! Didn't I tell you to stop doing that crap!?" Ayutarou yelled while pointing at the banners angrily.

Keiko, while her face became red, answered back, "You didn't say anything like that, idiot!"

Ayutarou glared Keiko off but she didn't shrug. So they went it on the day like that with an annoyed Ayutarou and a flustered Keiko.

-Day 3-

Ayutarou then again pointed at the banners, which are now shaped to small vertical banners that are colored pink. Keiko was wearing a Samurai-like hat with her arms folded. "Didn't I tell you stop, Katsuragi!?"

Keiko didn't reply. She only kept a blush on her face.

-Day 4-

"DAMMIT! Won't you stop that now!?" Ayutarou demanded angrily at Keiko. "Plus most of all, banners that are colored red won't change your stupid prank!"

-Day 5-

Eru stared at Ayutarou ranting and Keiko cheering with a blush. 'Hm… It's been five days now since Kami-sama has accepted our contract… And it seems like her plan is working… Takahara-san's gap has been beginning to be gaining some positivity now.' He thought. 'But… Now I know the limit of the Celestial Robe…' He thought again as he hid under a bush and looked at the gigantic, horizontal banners

Ayutarou pointed at the banners. "Dammit! Horizontal Banners won't change anything!" He ranted.

Keiko was wearing the same pink headband but now she was holding pink pom-poms created by Eru's Celestial Robe.

Suddenly, Ayutarou mumbled. "Grr... That's it," He turned around and went back to the Track.

Keiko let go of the pom-poms and sighed. "Now the flags are set…." She muttered under her breathe.

Eru jumped out of the bush and then his Celestial Robe went back to him now with a poof. He stood beside Keiko.

"Kami-sama… I think Takahara-san is ignoring your cheering now. " He said.

Keiko crossed her arms. "Of course he is…"

"So wouldn't that be a bad thing?" Eru asked, worried that this might ruin the plan.

"No." Keiko answered firmly.


Keiko then again turned around and said, "For the next phase…"

-A Day Later…-

After 20 laps of running on the field, Ayutarou finally had his break and rested his back on the Track. "Haah… That was tiring…"

A green haired boy went near him with a smile while panting. "So you're finally tired, huh, Ayutarou?" he said between puffs.

The black hair sat up and replied, "What did you think, Minoru?!"

"Well… Every day now, you've been running twice as much than your normal schedule." Minoru said as he placed his hands inside his jogging pants. "Plus, don't you think you're qualified enough to win first place in the competition?"

The black hair looked away from him and said, "Nope. I have to be faster… I have to… To win…"

After that, the two runners became silent. A few meters away from them, Eru stood there listening and of course, he was invisible. He stared at them for a while until three students from the same club went near Ayutarou and Minoru. Eru looked at the three students and noticed they were the upperclassmen of the club. One of them had an angry look.

Ayutarou stood up when he saw the upperclassmen coming near them. "S-Senior, g-good afternoon!"

As the black hair greeted, the student in the front made an annoyed and angry look, giving Ayutarou a cold stare.

The senior looked at Minoru and said, "Tareda-san, mind getting out of here… I want to have a talk with Ayutarou…"

Minoru got startled so he put up a fake smile and took a step back while answering, "H-Hai!" And so, Ayutarou was left with the people that were a grade above him.

As Minoru was running as far as he could from them, Ayutarou looked at him from behind then he turned his head to the three students. He could tell that three of them were a little angry through their intimidating looks.

Ayutarou gulped and ask, "I-Is there a problem, Senior?"

The guy closed his eyes and said, "Apparently, there is…"

"…" Ayutarou was silent.

The guy sighed and opened his eyes. "You know Ayutarou, we know you're much more better than us… But… This is our final year here… So mind if you could back off the competition?"

Ayutarou gasped. "What!?"

The other guy from the left placed both of his hands at the back of his head and said, "Aw c'mon… You're already handsome, famous with the girls, and even got the Otamegane to your side…"

"K… Katsuragi doesn't have anything to do with me!" Ayutarou cut off with a small blush.

The guy on the right gritted his teeth. "Don't joke with us, Ayutarou… so anyways, you already have some things that we don't have and now you're getting in the competition… And we haven't even won at least just one… so mind we get this competition? We've been waiting for the seniors last year to graduate and get a opportunity like this, but suddenly you butt in. So… Kindly get out of our league please?"

"B-But…!" Ayutarou tried to defend but was cut off.

"Now, now, if you're getting greedy already, should you please give us a chance to win?" The first guy asked.

Ayutarou didn't reply but he only looked down and went silent.

The upperclassmen smirked, placed his right hand on Ayutarou's shoulder and said, "Good. Now for your punishment for talking back earlier, and being all greedy, how about run another 30 laps, okay?" And with that, the three students were now gone and Ayutarou still kept his head down with his eyes covered by his bangs.

Eru saw the event and was shocked. 'What the… What kind of upperclassmen does that to their underclassmen!?' Eru thought angrily as he saw the three students leaving the track. He then turned his head to Ayutarou. 'Now his gap has gotten bigger now… Kami-sama's work will be wasted!' But his thoughts were halted when he saw Ayutarou smile; a bitter smile.

"I guess I should run another 30 laps then…" And so he went.

-A Day Later, At the Same Field…-

Ayutarou sat on the grass which was beside the track. He was heavily panting and was soaked in sweat. After catching his breath, he turned around to the place where Keiko used to cheer and was expecting someone. Seeing nobody, he faced the field again with his eyes closed and sighed.

"Hey Ayutarou!" Minoru greeted him with two water bottles on his hand.

"Oh. Hey Minoru." Ayutarou greeted back with a smile. The green hair threw him one of the water bottles, which Ayutarou caught. He looked at it and then to Minoru and said, "Thanks."

"You're welcome," He replied and sat down below him on the grass.

Ayutarou opened the lid of his water bottle and began to drink from it. After taking a long sip, he sighed.

Minoru looked at him while holding his open water bottle. Finally, the green hair asked, "So… Aren't you tired?"


"I mean, the seniors yesterday made you running for another 30 laps around the track… Aren't you mad?"

Ayutarou made a half-hearted grin. "What? That was fine… Besides, I can even go for 50 laps!" He lied and made a fist.

Minoru gave Ayutarou an unsure stare. Finally he stood up and said, "Man… You've been going through a lot lately. And also…"

Minoru looked at the stair case where the gamer used to stand. "That Katsuragi isn't coming to cheer for you even though you really need it…" Suddenly, he felt water splashing all over his face and a plastic hitting him.

"You idiot! Like hell I need her cheering!" Ayutarou yelled, his face turning a little red. Though he said it, Minoru actually made a point about him needing Keiko's cheering, but, he denied his thoughts right away.

"Well, you didn't have to throw that water bottle, you know!" Minoru yelled back. "Plus, I was only joking, damn it!"

They both stared at each other, giving off cold eyes. Suddenly, the two cracked up. After a moment of their laughing, Minoru got off from the grass and went to the track.

Before he proceeded, he turned to the black hair with a thumbs-up and said, "Make sure you make that Otamegane cheer for you again!"

"Just go to hell already, Minoru." Ayutarou glared. He's been tired of his club members making fun of him for the past days when Keiko started cheering for him.

He was then left alone. He looked at the sky and the wind blew. "Huh…" Ayutarou looked at the staircase. "I guess it would be fine for her to cheer for me again…" That sentence was out of the blue.

Ayutarou realized what he said and immediately slapped himself. 'What… What was I saying!?' He thought as his placed his hand on his face. Then suddenly, just by thinking about the brunette cheering for him, he remembered what the upperclassmen said to him before.

"Aw c'mon… You're already handsome, famous with the girls, and even got the Otamegane to your side…"

Thinking about it, he felt a little awful. Though the Otamegane is weird, she was not the type to cheer for someone like him. Especially to a person who got her precious console broken. He was a little confused.

After a moment, he decided.

Ayutarou stood up from the grass, picked up the water bottle and threw it at a recycling bin. After trashing the plastic, he looked down and placed his hands in his shorts and went back to the Track.

-Inside A Dark Classroom-

As Keiko overlooked the whole field, she stared at Ayutarou, who was going back to their club. "Huh… I guess some guys really do get spiked…" She said as she took out her PFP and played.

"Yeah…" Eru replied and looked down to the floor. He then looked at the brunette and asked, "So what should we do if Ayutarou really quitted the competition, Kami-sama?"

Keiko turned around, not looking from her PFP. "Well, we'll wait for his decision and I'll just handle the flags…" Suddenly she looked up, her sharp eyes almost giving cold glares at Eru, making the black hair sweat. "How long will this go on? I mean, the gap is still big as ever so making it disappear will be hard…"

Eru waited for her to continue. "I'll cut to the chase then, is there a faster way to get the Loose Soul?" She continued. "Like either a special impact or anything that will get it done right away?"

Eru gasped and started to sweat; he averted his eyes to the corner and kept silent. He wasn't sure if she will be please by his answer. He opened his mouth, "W-Well… There is…" He glanced at Keiko and saw her with a straight-face and her arms folded.

Keiko noticed him going silent. "Hey. Then tell me how…" She demanded.

"Well… Surely though… A kiss will suffice." Eru answered, blushing slightly.

Keiko jaw dropped. "A K-K-KISS!?" She shouted.

"Well… Yes. It is can really cause a huge impact, so when the target is kissed, the Loose Soul will immediately get out."

Keiko fell down to her knees. "N-Nooo~…" She whimpered with depression. Though she really wanted to finish the conquest, she also didn't want to kiss a Real guy.


Kazuka widened his eyes and neared his face to the smart phone. "EH!?" He mumbled. He turned to Miru and asked, "Umm… What happened? Is the story ending already?"

"Yeah, I thought the same way." Shiro agreed and placed her phone down the table.

Miru waved her arm in a disagreeing way. "What!? No! I'm just a little angry, that's all!"

The two cocked their head at the black hair. "Huh?"

Miru stepped back from their reaction and averted her eyes to the ground. Shiro asked, "Why are you angry about now?"

Miru puffed her cheeks and said, "I got Len…"


"W-Well… While I was writing, I took a 'Which Vocaloid Character Are You' Quiz!" MIru shouted back, her face turned pink.

"Ah, you mean that quiz where you answer questions and you get a character from Vocaloid?" Kazuka guessed.

Miru pointed to the brown hair. "Y-Yeah!"

"And you got Len?"


Shiro crossed her arms and said, "And what's wrong with that?"

"Remember that post where I listened to 'True Love Restraint'?" Miru said.

"Oh…" Shiro mumbled.

"Good." Miru nodded. "Now let's go back now…"

As Keiko sulked, Eru stared at her. Suddenly, the brunette weakly asked, "Is there anything else than that…?"

"I think no… Since you are a girl… Plus I think Takahara-san has taken a liking on you…" He replied as he rubbed his finger on his cheek.

After hearing that, she stood and went for the door. As she opened it, she said, "Fine… Just wait until tomorrow, I have a plan," Then she went out and closed the door, leaving Eru in the quiet classroom.

Suddenly, the demon sighed.

-The Next Day…-

The Track-And-Field Club just entered the field, so some members were stretching and some were placing hurdles on the track. Ayutarou held two hurdles by his arm and another one in his hand. He placed the three of it between the white lines, lining it up with the other hurdles that were placed by the other members.

After that, Ayutarou stretched with Minoru. Meanwhile, by the staircase, Eru and Keiko watched them with the Celestial Robe covering them both, making the two invisible. They stared at Ayutarou and waited him to run. As they were examining the runner, Keiko noticed the change of hurdles. Though nothing seems to be different, she noticed something off. Then she turned to Ayutarou. He was in position for running behind a white line. Keiko stared at him for a moment and noticed what was missing.

After a moment of preparing, the hurdles were finally in place now. After a moment of warming up, each member jumped over the hurdles, one by one. The running was rather quick so it wasn't very long until it was Ayutarou's turn.

Keiko and Eru stared intently at the black hair while waiting for him to run. Finally, it was his turn to run through the hurdles.

Ayutarou readied himself behind a white line and knelt down and placed his hands to the ground. As he waited, an upperclassman stood beside the track with a notebook and timer at hand. Ayutarou took a glance at him and back at the hurdles.

The senior finally spoke, "Ready... Set…" Ayutarou waited for his signal. "Go!"

As the upperclassman shouted, Ayutarou quickly ran towards the hurdles. As he got near the first hurdle, he jumped over it. He proceeded to jump over the hurdles until the sixth one, as he saw it, his eyes became swallowed. He jumped over the hurdle, but he almost seemed to jump weakly. As he leaped over the hurdle, before his right foot could touch the ground, his other foot tripped over the hurdle, causing him to fall.

Ayutarou fell on the ground with his knee first. Eru gasped while Keiko remained calm. Minoru and another member came near to Ayutarou.

"Dude, are you okay!?" Minoru asked worriedly.

Ayutarou groaned as he sat up while touching his head. "Oww…"

"A-Are you okay!?" The other member asked as both he and Minoru knelt down to Ayutarou's level.

The black hair gave them a half-hearted smile. "Y-Yeah… But, my ankle is sprained though…" He said, making the two startled.

"We need to get you to the Nurse's office!" Minoru said. "C-Can you walk?"

"Ye-…" But he cut off when he tried to stood, only making him fall.

Eru and Keiko stared intently at the black hair. Eru stood there shocked and held the broom with shaky hands while Keiko kept her arms crossed and was calm.

Suddenly, Eru blurted out. "W-What should we do, Kami-sama!? I-If Takahara-san's ankle is sprained, then he won't enter the contest anymore!"

Keiko shoved him with her cold, sharp eyes, resulting Eru to silence. "Just wait okay? I know what's going on here clearly…"

"Ehh?" The demon was confused.


By the Nurse's Office, Eru and Keiko followed the three club members by the door. Inside, Ayutarou was sitting on the bed; his left foot was covered in bandages. Minoru and the other club member were talking to the nurse.

"Uhh… Is he going to be okay?" Minoru asked.

The nurse stared at him with worried eyes then said, "Well… He'll be fine though… after two days perhaps…"

"Oh…" The other club member mumbled. They both glanced at Ayutarou, only to see him looking down, covering his eyes with his bangs and was smiling bitterly.

The two went near to door, Minoru held the knob before looking back at the black hair. "So… You're going to be okay, right?"

Ayutarou smiled and nodded but still was looking down.

Minoru and the club member looked at each other and back at Ayutarou. Soon enough, they left the office with the door open. Ayutarou continued to look down.

Eru and Keiko looked at him in complete silence. It was long moment before Ayutarou gritted his teeth. "Kusso…" His mouth mumbled. Then silence yet again occurred in the room.

Eru continued to stare at the runner worriedly as Keiko back away from the door and walked the hallways with her arms crossed. She stopped and looked back at the door. A small smile appeared.

"I can see… The ending…"

-Maijima High Track, Night Time-

The school day already ended. The sky turned little black, making the school lights turn on. Ayutarou walked to the staircase with crutches under his arms. He stopped and looked around; specifically someone. He looked to left and right. After seeing no one, he sighed and took something out from his pocket, a small note.

Meet me by the staircase beside the Track

He stared at it and then made an annoyed look. "Who the hell wrote this? I thought somebody was here…" He held the paper tightly, making it a little crumpled. "Hmph." Soon, he grinds the note to his palm, crumpling it to a paper ball. "What a prank…" He raised his arm to throw the small paper, but he halted as soon as he saw a familiar person stepping out from the staircase.

"Oh, isn't it a bit rude to throw rubbish on the school grounds, Takahara-san?" The person said.

The Runner twitched his left eye, thinking the person's appearance out of the dark was a little annoying. He continued to lift his arm and finally let it down. He continued to put on an annoyed face. "What was the note for, Katsuragi?"

Keiko was surprised. He was angry after all, though he was always a happy and carefree dude but decided to ignore his mood. She was wearing her same school uniform but her PFP was gone. She was holding a fruit basket with both hands and held it like a flower basket.

Then, Ayutarou continued. "And what's the fruit basket for?"

Keiko made a straight-face, as if she was stating the obvious ad blinked. After seeing the face, Ayutarou threw the paper to Keiko's head.


Keiko held her head. "Wow…" She mumbled. "Even a small paper like that, with just a little bit of force, it can hit hard…" Then, she quickly recovered and pointed at Ayutarou.

"Plus why use 'Traitor' instead of Otamegane!?" Keiko shouted. The Runner gasped. He then looked to the floor.

"W-What's wrong with that?" He mouthed.

Keiko stared at him while he was looking down, then he walked to him. As the brunette went near, he looked at her. Keiko held up the fruit basket to him, gesturing him to take it.

Ayutarou then sighed and said, "Look, just what the hell do you want?" ignoring the fruit basket that was offered.

Then there was silence. The lamp post's light flickered a bit. As he was waiting for a reply, Keiko suddenly turned around, looked up at the sky and put the basket down.

"For you to get back on the Track, of course."

Ayutarou widen his eyes and dropped a sweat but quickly said, "What!? You do see that I have a broken ankle here!"

"Oh please," was Keiko's reply. She looked at him and said, "You didn't have put that put that stupid act if you didn't want to enter the race anymore, you know,"

Ayutarou shouted, "What do you mean 'stupid act'!?" He was sweating.

"Well, if you would've been at full speed, you wouldn't have tripped though." Her voice was little fierce this time.

"Duh, I was at full speed!" A lie. But Keiko saw right through it.

The brunette turned to him and pointed to her head. "Then if you were, why didn't you tie your headband over your forehead then?"

Ayutarou gasped and almost choked, not finding any words to fight back. He didn't thought anybody could've suspected he lied. But the Otamegane saw right through the whole 'acting' of his. After that, a moment of silence surrounded them. Finally, Ayutarou let go of his crutches, making it fall to the ground.

He made a half-hearted smile as he looked down. "Hmph. Never thought anybody would know that I lied, but, with only a headband missing, you already knew."

Then Ayutarou walked to staircase and sat on one of the stairs. Keiko's eyes followed him as she picked up her fruit basket.

"But, it's already too late for me to get back on the Track now," Ayutarou said, his voice was filled with depression. "Plus, I think its better I didn't enter the contest."

Keiko didn't shrug nor did anything but she only kept staring.

Ayutarou placed his hand on his cheek. "Before I even knew it, I already had everything…" He said as memories flashed in his eyes. "Just like what the upperclassmen said, I was being too selfish… I mean, how could I have fan girls? How could I've been popular?" He almost laughed.

Silence surrounded them. After hearing that, Keiko took off her glasses to wipe them but halted when Ayutarou continued to speak.

"But… Those weren't the things that I wanted…" Keiko turned to him, looking at his back. "All I ever wanted was…"


"Was to win…"

Hearing that, Keiko widens her eyes. "I worked hard for this competition… I practiced almost every single day when they said I was going to participate that race… Hoping that I would be in first rank…" Ayutarou almost choked on his words; feeling a little uncomfortable by explaining all of this to the weirdest girl in his school.

Then he slammed his fist to floor right next to him and gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of regret. "All I ever wanted was to win!" He shouted, but Keiko continued to stare, her blurry eyes continued to look at him. "Just the first rank! That's all I ever wanted, for God's sake! I don't care about my good points or whatnot!"

After saying what he wanted to say, he calmed down a little, but, he wasn't feeling good. "That all… What I wanted…" His voice was low, almost a whisper.

Hearing all of the things that came from Ayutarou's mouth, Keiko went near him. The Runner heard her footsteps and turned around.

As he did, he saw something he never thought he would see. Almost as if he was imagining it, seeming it was too surreal.

"Well… If you're worried about rankings… Then you're already first place… In my heart." The way she said it was soft. Her smile was like an Angel's; warm and sweet. Her cheeks were light-pink. Her eyes were sparkling and gleaming. The fruit basket and the glasses were held on her hands at the back, making her pose perfect.

Hearing that and seeing her face was like seeing an Angel reaching out on him. It was almost priceless. His mind went blank. His body was frozen. His cheeks turned pink. He didn't even know if this girl was the Otamegane that everybody hated anymore. He just stared at the girl right in front him, smiling warmly and cutely. Though, at first, he thought Keiko's face didn't really shine, but right now, that opinion was thrown far away in the window.

But, that blissful sight wasn't there for long. He then stood up and grabbed Keiko's face. The Gamer panicked as he held her face up near him. Ayutarou stared at the girl intently with suspecting eyes.

"Who are you and what have you done to the real Keiko Katsuragi?" He said, still holding her face near his.

Keiko's cheeks became strawberry red. As he continued to hold her face, Keiko took her left hand and grabbed the fruit basket. As she touched the basket's handle, she soon raised it and smashed it to Ayutarou's right cheek.

Ayutarou felt heavy pain on his face, and as he did, he fell to the ground along with the fruit basket and landed right next to him while the fruits scattered on the floor and on the staircase. He held his right cheek.

"Idiot! Don't just suddenly grab a girl's face like that!" Keiko squeaked, still her cheeks red.

As the Runner endured the pain, he grabbed the basket's handle and shouted back, "You didn't have to smash me with this basket!"

Keiko put on her glasses again and glared. She then crossed her arms and made an angry look.

"Hey! Why don't you just-" Ayutarou was about to stand up and say something to her but paused when he saw what was left inside the fruit basket. Inside it, there was a pair of sneakers, an apple, and a small paper.

Get back on the Track, baka.

He widened his eyes as he saw the sneakers and the paper. He paused for a moment. Keiko looked at him as she noticed the silence. Soon, the Runner stood up.

Ayutarou smiled at her. "Hey…"

Keiko blushed and averted her eyes. "W-What?"

"I haven't really thanked you yet for cleaning the roof top for us." He continued as he walked to her.

Keiko took a step back as he went near her. Her face became red and her foot was almost to the edge.

"So…" Ayutarou mumbled. "Thank you,"

Keiko gasped and gulped, taking another step back but only to making herself trip on one of the stairs. Ayutarou widened his eyes as the girl was about to fall, so he took her arm and pulled her in. As their faces went nearer, Keiko's cheeks became crimson red and Ayutarou's smile became bigger. It wasn't long until their lips met.

After a second, blue aura spewed out of Ayutarou, forming into a ghost-like figure. Eru was in the air, being invisible of course and saw the Loose Soul getting out of the Runner. He then had a victorious smile and took out a small bottle. Suddenly, the bottle became big and held it under his arm and said, "Thank you, Kami-sama!"

Soon, the Loose Soul finally escaped out of Ayutarou and was flying around. Suddenly, it felt it was sucking into something. It looked to the direction and saw the black-hair demon sucking him into the Detention Bottle. The Loose Soul tried to escape, but it was useless.

Finally, the Loose Soul was in the bottle, wiggling around, trying to get out. Eru smiled at his first capture. "Loose Soul in custody!" He said with a smile then looked at Keiko and Ayutarou. He stared at the two and mumbled, "Hmph." Eru almost chuckled. 'I guess we both got our first, eh, Kami-sama?'

And so, the Conquest finally ended.

-A Few Days Later...-

Keiko was in her seat, playing her PFP with earphones plugged in her ears. As she played, she remembered what happened after the Conquest ended. 'So Ayutarou was first place in the race, huh?' She thought. As she flashbacked, she then remembered about the black-haired demon, Eru. 'That Eru… He hasn't taken off my collar yet! Where the hell is he!?'

Thinking where the demon had gone, somebody patted her shoulder. She widened her eyes and then looked up and saw two of her classmates.

"Katsuragi! You didn't say anything about you having a handsome brother!" One of them said, making a jealous face.

Keiko was then dumbfounded. "Heh? I don't remember having a brother!"

Before one of the classmates could reply to the Gamer, the classroom door opened, making the three turn to the door. Then Keiko saw a black-haired guy who was holding a broom and had a strange scarf-like thing floating around him. He was wearing a male Maijima High uniform and created a wink. "Hey there! I'm the new student here!" He shouted.

Keiko jaw dropped. She wasn't expecting this.

"My name is Eru Katsuragi and I'm the older brother of Keiko-chan!"



Kazuka widened his eyes with surprise. "You made Elsie's gender bend the older brother!?"

Miru scratched the back of her and laughed. "Ehehe! Well, I still kinda' want the 'Older Brother, Little Sister' dynamic thing in TWGOK! So, umm… yeah,"

Shiro placed her arm on the table and placed her hand on her cheek. "Hm… So you really did make Eru the older brother," She said with a bored face.

"Yeah…" The black-hair mumbled. "Anyway," She then took out a laptop. "Is there anything wrong with my grammar? Please send a review, you guys!"

"Okay!" Kazuka agreed.

"Fine…" Shiro aid lazily…

"Oh, and Readers! Please send a review about this!" Miru smiled and waved. She then stretched her arm. "Finally! I'm done!" She then placed her hands on laptop. "I think I'm going to make chapter two…"

Suddenly, she felt pain on her head. "OW!" Miru shouted as she held her head.

Shiro continued to place her hand on the girl. "What? You said I could smack you here."