Heidi liked Becky, but she was totally a liar. She said that she'd seen Tommy Dawkins hanging out with her brother. Tommy Dawkins.

That was totally not possible, because Tommy was cool. Merton wasn't.

Becky had said that Tommy had said that Merton was his friend.

Totally not possible.

But then Heidi had seen Tommy Dawkins at the Factory. He was dreamy, as always. Heidi was disappointed to note that he was with a girl, another senior. And she was totally pretty.

Heidi sighed.

But then her attention had been diverted by Becky's geek brother being dragged out the back door by T'n'T, protesting all the way. Heidi rolled her eyes. At least Becky would be happy, although it would probably be bad if Merton broke his arm again.

Heidi turned back to moon over Tommy some more (his eyes sparkled when he laughed, unfair), and noticed him dancing with the same girl.

That's why she was surprised to see the football player spot Merton and ditch the cheerleader to run out after him through the back door.

That was so weird, especially when TnT returned, but not Merton or Tommy. Heidi eventually went out after them, curious about what could have happened. She passed Tommy's date, who looked irritated.

In the back alley of the Factory, Merton had been grinning ear-to-ear at something. He looked touched, like someone had just done something extremely generous. Then he'd run off after what Heidi recognized was the back of Tommy's Letterman jacket.


Maybe they were friends.

Not like Heidi would tell Becky that she had been right.