Remember: A twist in time

Amberline McLain


"Amberline! You are not wearing that!" Mr. McLain shouted at his teenage daughter, glaring at her strange rocker outfit.

"Dad! I'm just staying home and doing homework! Why can't I wear this?" Amberline asked as she pushed her brown her behind her ears.

"And remove the goth makeup!" Mr. McLain said. Ember looked in the mirror and sigh in annoyance, she loved doing her makeup like this. She had started to make her signature makeup around her eyes, "Now!"

"Alright..." Amberline whispered in a soft voice, Amberline sigh and went back upstairs in order to change into appropriate clothing. Amberline stood in front of her mirror with her turtleneck shirt and her knee long skirt, she sighs with her leggings and shoes. "One day... I'll be a famous singer..." Amberline mumbled to herself.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. McLain said while she stood in the doorway, "Aren't you suppose to be studying?"

"I'm going to... I just had to change clothes" Amberline said as she started to whip her makeup off, "I'll be done in a minute"

"Alright," Mrs. McLain said with a firm tone. Amberline heard her mother go down the stairs, she continued to stare at herself in the mirror.

"One day... " Amberline whispered


Two years after Phantom Planet

"I can't stand it anymore! Danny! You hardly pay any attention to me..." Sam shouted at her boyfriend, who so happened to be Danny Phantom, the hero of the world. Danny was gaining a lot of attention from the world and the media, the press were like animals, they followed him mercifully and did anything to get the latest story. And Sam had it, she was tired of being followed by the press since she was his girlfriend, she was tired of hardly seeing him, she was tired of this life she had because of him.

"What do you want me to do? I can't stop this!" Danny said while Sam walked around his room, "We simply can't go back to how it was"

"Well, I wish we could!" Sam said as she sat on his bed, "You have no idea how annoying this is...!"

"I have an idea, Sam!" Danny said as he crossed his arms, "You think they're bad with you? They're even worsted with me!"

"Can't you do anything? Stop glorify yourself and do something!" Sam shouted

"I'm not glorifying myself! Do you think I want this? I thought you would be more supportive!" Danny shouted back.

"How can I be supportive when you hardly pay attention to me?!" Sam said as she sat up, "You don't even hug me anymore!"

"What are you talking about?!" Danny said staring at her in disbelief, "I wanted to go out with you last week! You brushed me off like nothing"

"It's over Danny! I'm tired of this..." Sam said in a cold tone. Danny frowned at her, he couldn't believe how selfish Sam truly was.

"Fine, it's over! We're done! I don't need your shit and I'm tired of you!" Danny said as he turned ghost, "But don't forget whatever happens after this is because of you! Don't hate the future you have because of decision you make!"

"Whatever Danny! We're done! Just take your new life because I don't want to be a part of it!" Sam said. Danny growled softly, he turned intangible and flew out through the wall.


On another Friday day in the month of September, Amberline walked around the hallways of her high school, Casper High. She didn't have any friends, no one wanted to be her friends, she was alone like always.

"Nerd!" a teenage boy shouted while he dropped Amberline's books on the ground, "Loser!"

"I hate my life….." Amberline whispered softly as she bends down and started to pick up her books, "I hate it…."

"Hey" Amberline looked up at the young boy smiling at her, he bends down and help her picking up her books. "That guy is a jerk, right?" he asked.

"Oh….. hm… yes….." Amberline whispered in a shy voice, "Thanks…."

"Hey! Want to go out sometime?" he asked while he places a book in her arms, pushing some of his away from his face. "How about tonight?" he asked with a smile.

"What the…. what's going on? Why is he….. so nice to me?" Amberline couldn't understand why this boy wanted to go out with her, what was his motive, and what did he see in her? Amberline was simply a nerd, she didn't have any friends, she was self-conscious of herself, and dreamed of being a singer.

"So you in? Tonight at the movies?" he asked while he leaned against the lockers, "Show up at nine got it!"

"Oh….. hm….. alright…," Amberline said, the boy nodded his head and walked away. Amberline pushed some of her behind her ear and tried to understand what had just occurred, she was going on a date?

Amberline smiled a bit and quickly went home in order to get ready for her very first date, Amberline entered her home and place her things down.

"Hey," Amberline said as she went to the fridge, "I'm home"

"Amberline…. Doing your homework now?" Mrs. McLain asked while she prepared dinner for her, "I expect you to be in bed by eleven!"

"Oh…. Are you doing somewhere?" Amberline asked while she watched her mother

"Your father and I are going out," Mrs. McLain said as she places the dinner into the oven, "So you'll be alone tonight"

"Prefect…. I can go on my date" Amberline nod her head and went upstairs. A few minutes have passed and Amberline watched has her parents left the driveway, she joyfully jumps around in her arm, finally having some freedom do whatever she wanted. Amberline quickly got changed in her rocker clothing, she made her signature makeup before going downstairs.


Danny shot through the sky, trying to blow some steam of his very recent breakup. Danny growled, he couldn't understand why Sam broke up with him and over a stupid reason, she was tired of her new life? He understood the media was annoying and they had no private life anymore, but he had thought the two of them would stay strong and faced it together but clearly he was wrong.

"That selfish... What's wrong with her?!" Danny flew around a bit when suddenly he saw some strange portal, he immediately stops and stared at it.

"What's going on? A portal?" Danny asked while still examining it, "What kind of portal it is?"

"HELP! HELP!" Danny's eyes widen in shock there was no mistake someone was in danger, but he would have to go through this portal without even knowing what kind it is.

"I have to save them!" Danny felt some strong presence over him, telling him to save this person and go into this strange portal. Danny quickly flew in the portal, traveling along a white tube before existing above a house fire.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" The mysterious woman shouted in a desperate cry.

"Hold on!" Danny shouted as he flew down. Danny quickly turned intangible and flew down, passing through the flames harmless and feeling a bit of the heat. Danny followed the screams upstairs and to a room, he saw a teenage girl sitting in the corner of her bedroom with the flames getting closer. Danny quickly took her in his arm and phased through the wall, he flew at a safe distance before placing her down. "Are you alright?" Danny asked the burnt with her burned off ponytail, the strange girl moves her hair a bit and looked at him with her blue eyes.

"Thank you..." The girl mumbled as she places her hand on his chest, taking a moment to catch her breath and to calm down. "Thank you so much... I..." The girl finally looked up at her rescuer, she couldn't believe her eyes, he was very handsome and she was smitten. The girl felt a blush coming, she quickly looked away hoping he wouldn't see it, she simply adored his green eyes and his Snow White hair, and his kind face.

"It's no problem, Danny Phantom," Danny said as he backed away and offered his hand to her.

"Oh..." The girl turned back and stared at his hand, she shyly smiled a bit and held his hand. "I'm... Amberline McLain" Ember said in a shy voice.

"Amberline McLain... wait… McLain? It…. It can be... Ember McLain...?!" Danny was in shock but made sure she wouldn't see it on his face. Did she say, Ember McLain?! Danny took another look at this girl, she burned off ponytail, her makeup, her face... Danny had prevented her death; he had changed the course of time.

"Hm... Are you alright?" Ember asked while still shaking his hand, "Danny?"

"Oh... Hm... Yes, I'm here and... Hm... Are you sure you're alright, Amberline?" Danny asked once more still unable to believe it was his foe, or not anymore more since he prevented her death.

"I'm fine….. but can you call me Ember instead?" Ember asked with a smile. Danny simply got the final answer he needed, he was certain this was Ember McLain, his enemy in the near future or what was supposed to be the future.

"Ember?" Danny asked acting innocent, not wanting to tell her the truth just yet.

"Yeah! It's my stage name because I want to become a singer!" Ember said as the sirens were suddenly heard, "It's my dream to become a famous pop singer!"

"I'm…. I'm sure you will" Danny said with a smile

"So what are you?" Ember asked while she examined this strange boy.

"Oh….. well I'm a-!"

"Amberline!" Ember looked back and saw her parents running out of the car, she glances back and saw Danny had disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Ember looked around before staring back at her house in flames, the realizations she could have died tonight.

"Amberline!" Mrs. McLain shouted as she quickly took Amberline in her arms, kissing her on the cheek, "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright…. Someone saved me" Amberline said hoping her strange hero wasn't too far, "He saved my life"

"What do you mean? There no one here" Mr. McLain said while he looked around, seeing the firefighters putting out the flames on their home.

"Amberline….. you could have been killed…. What happened?" Mrs. McLain as she worriedly held her daughter in her arms, "How did this happen?"

"I don't know….. I fell asleep and when I awoke….. the flames were almost at my door" Amberline explained while she hugs her mother back, "I couldn't escape….. no window, the hallway was blocked…. I thought I was going to die…. Until…. He saved me"

"He? Why isn't this hero of yours here?" Mrs. McLain asked as she whips some tears away

"I don't know…. But I want to see him again" Amberline said with admirations of her handsome hero.

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Continued Reading for My hero
