By popular demand, I have written a part two to 'Not Family'. Hope you guys like and comments are appreciated greatly.

Daisy sat on the worn brown sofa in the base's common room. I'm not family She always thought of May as a motherly figure and maybe she was, just not for her.

It was probably around one am and here she was, sitting and moping. Maybe Romanoff was right: She could change her name and could have new powers, but that didn't make her a true agent.

"You know, we have training in a couple of hours" Daisy jumped at the sound of May's voice.

"Uh, hey May" She greeted awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" May asked

Daisy gave a weak smile and nodded but knew May could tell she was lying because the older agent sat down next to her.

"I hear you and the Delta unit have had some...trouble" May said, an eyebrow raised perfectly and Daisy turned to look at her.

"Not exactly, they just hate my guts" Daisy replied and May smirked (Wait, did Melinda May aka the Calvary just freakin' smirk after hearing to the world's greatest assassins hate her?)

"Daisy, if they hated you, you wouldn't have any guts and your remains would never be found" Daisy's eyes widened. Would they actually do that?

"I remember when I first met them. Both orphans. Phil called me in, especially for Natasha, growing up in the USSR made her suspicious of 'kind men' and Clint..." May paused and scoffed quietly "Well, let's just say if you moved, he would be ready to kill you, arrows or no arrows"

"Agent Romanoff said that you are like a mother to them" Daisy noticed how May smiled to herself hearing that.

"I suppose I was" May admitted "Then, Bahrain just changed everything. They both reminded me of that poor girl..." May trailed off.

"I'm sorry" Daisy blurted out suddenly "For hurting you in the Afterlife. Betraying you and your trust like that. Kinda made you put up an extra wall" Daisy chuckled slightly at the end

May's dark eyes focused on the younger agent "No one makes me do anything, but I admit, I closed myself off a little more after that. Clint was upset about it, which meant that Natasha was furious and when they found out who had supposedly caused it-"

"They started planning my demise" Daisy deadpanned.

May stood up and began to walk away but not before saying "Just try going slow with those two. They'll come around" and with that she left Daisy to think.

Training was hardcore, especially when Romanoff and Barton were leading. Despite being floored quite a few times, Daisy was quite surprised. There were no dirty looks or underhanded comments. Maybe May had talked to them.

"Hey, Johnson" Daisy turned to see that Hawkeye called her, who was currently wiping sweat off himself. Since when does he acknowledge my existence?

"Nice job" He said with a neutral face and Natasha beside him nodded.

Okay, so it wasn't a 'Hey, sorry for treating you like shit, let's be friends' thing.

But it's a start.

Hey guys, back from the dead! I will be updating my other stories just been super busy (My birthday was on Friday and because I have a gigantic ego, I spend a weekend celebrating) and Civil War just...well you understand.

Hope you guys like!