Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf
Summary: Scott gets bitten luckily he has his best friends Stiles and Allison to help him through it. A different take on Teen Wolf season one including Malia as well. Scallison and Stalia
A.N: So in this story Allison has lived in Beacon Hills for a while and is friends with Stiles and Scott. Malia is a coyote for now but that will change.
'Okay, what? Can you please repeat that 'cause I think I didn't hear you or I wish-you were what?' nearly shouted Allison Argent into the phone as she opened her window.
'I went into the woods with Stiles-'
'Which I specifically told you not to so it's all your own damn fault,' she started and heard a sigh on the other end of the line, 'but please continued,' she added sweetly realizing she didn't have a jacket as the cold night air hit her.
'And I got bitten by something. I think, it was a wolf.'
'A wolf? Scott, you need to go to the hospital. What if you get an infection or something?'
'Thanks for the words of sympathy and I already took care of the wound so please stop getting dressed and go to sleep, okay?' asked Scott sounding tired.
'You are a colossal idiot, you know that? You and Stiles both are idiots. Why did you have to go there?'
'Cause I'm an idiot,' he sighed.
She heard a small chuckle on the other end of the line and couldn't help a small smile herself. 'Are you sure you're okay?' she asked and closed the window. She didn't want to risk getting caught if Scott was fine.
'Yes, mom,' he said from the other end with his fake annoyed voice.
She shook her head, 'Fine, you idiot, then get some rest before tomorrow cause if you suck I swear to God I will never speak with you again,' she warned him.
Another chuckle, 'Okay, and Allison?'
'I'm really fine,' he assured her.
She nodded. She didn't believe him. He knew how much she was worried about him ever since she first witnessed his asthma attack. She was worried about both of her boys ever since she met them and became friends with them realizing that they were a pair of trouble magnets which were luckily to find it possibly everywhere and in every kind.
'Good night, Scott.'
'Good night, Allison.'
Allison ended the call and put her phone on her desk. She started to get to bed wondering about if a wolf really bit her best friend and how should she murder her other best friend who got her first best friend into the trouble in the first place. She was almost grateful she had such strict parents who wouldn't let her out this late. Almost.
The Argents moved or rather moved back to Beacon Hills when she was twelve until then Allison never attended a school for more than a couple of months. She cried and cried until something budged in her father or her mother and they settled down but often ended up leaving for several weeks due to work. She minded but it was a small price to finally have somewhere to stay and make friends and friends she made since on the first day of school she walked in on a boy who was having an asthma attack in the hallway. Being raised by her parents to be a quick thinker she got Isaac Lahey, one of the kids that were just standing and watching the event to call a teacher. She herself ran to Scott and helped him sit up.
'Hey, what's your name?' she asked and instantly shook her head nervously giggling, 'Never mind, do you have some medicine?'
The black-haired boy with beautiful brown eyes like a puppy nodded feverishly, 'St-stiles.'
She blinked, 'Is that the name of the medication?'
He looked as if he wanted to smile but only shook his head just as a skinny boy literally crashed into them from the other direction with a small white inhaler in his hand, 'S-sorry,' he basically shouted into her ear and gave the other boy the inhaler, 'Here you go buddy.'
The boy took it and immediately used it getting large puffs of into his mouth, his eyes locked with Allison's.
She never saw anyone have an asthma attack before and once she could see that the boy was getting better she did the only thing a twelve year old could do. She started crying.
Her parents, Scott's mom and Stiles's dad came to school but she just wouldn't stop crying even after Scott talked her and told her that she helped him out and that he was okay now.
It wasn't until Melissa McCall, a black-haired woman kneeled in front of her as she was holding onto her father.
She gave her a soft smile and explained to her step by step in a child acceptable way what had happened with Scott. Just then she managed to calm down and say 'you're welcome' to all the thank you she was getting. She didn't think she had done that much.
The next day Scott and Stiles waited for her and showed her around the school and explained to her in as far as twelve and eleven years old understanding of the world does what was the two and people in it like.
Also ever since that day they became this trio of weirdoes, Stiles with his ADHD, Scott with his asthma and she with her crying. It was silly and pathetic but she sort of always cried about pointless things like her grades as well as every time something happened to her boys. Because that was what they were her boys. She would fight and argue with anyone who would say something about them in middle school and there have been a few who liked to be mean at those young ages and now as well. Now though that meanness was displayed through ignorance which she didn't mind all that much although Scott seemed to be having a bit of a problem with it.
'Look, you two, I just want to play, get out of bench,' he said as he was training every day for the upcoming try outs, 'All my life is sitting on the bench. I want to play this year.'
She went to bed thinking about if Scott would manage to show his best tomorrow and if she should just shout at Stiles or pull him by the ear. He seriously hated when she did it when they were kids. Still, she used to be taller than him then.
She was running through the woods. She heard the howl and hid but now that she was sure the thing was gone and the people and dogs were on the other side of the forest she peaked out and went to have a look. The thing and the human were long gone but the sense was here.
She brushed her nose with her paw trying to get it out but it was no use. She knew it wouldn't be. It was an old habit from time she was a girl. A girl she used to be a very long time ago. On some days she wasn't sure she even used to be that girl.
She carefully walked toward a small thing on the ground. Somewhere in her mind, the part that was asleep she saw the thing before. Someone she knew had it. By the smell it belonged to the other boy. The one that was somehow not well.
Her paws rubbed it a bit before she heard that someone else was in the woods as well, close, too close. She couldn't risk it. She grabbed the small thing into her mouth and ran as fast as she could.
A man walked from behind the trees only to witness the coyote running away. He relaxed and paid no mind to it scanning the area. He was looking for a beast not an animal.
He didn't even realize or notice that the beast was close by watching the coyote and now him. It could easily kill him by why spoil the fun. No, he had a plan and as much as he wanted to kill the man right here and right now he needed to follow the plan.
He watched the man leave before he went into the direction the coyote had run. Tonight, he became the alpha and tonight he put his plan into motion.