NSFW Chapt. 2



Yokai Watch

*fanfic takes place past the introduction of Robonyan Form F and episode 85 "Komasan Taxi: Robonyan" and so on

*mix of english and the japanese names

AN: Hey there, hope ya'll enjoy this part two. It was fun to write and pretty much for my own amusement haha. If you're uncomfortable with suggestive actions or essentially nsfw then this chapter wouldn't be the best for you to read.

Thanks to everyone else for reading!

The mega electronic super store was so dark and calm inside. Majority of lights were shut off, displays taken down, everything freshly cleaned and put away. Not a soul around, not a human soul at least. A small number of night dwelling yokai roamed around here after hours. The large store was more of a relaxed hang out place, opposed to the spontaneous and loud outdoor areas. B3-NK1 was thankful for the peace here at his usual spot once closing time came around.

B3-NK1 led Robonyan past the store's checkout area and along the far side of the building. He looked over his shoulder as he hovered along, making sure his guest was still coming. Robonyan was following on foot, robot eyes fixated ahead, B3-NK1 could tell his robot friend was analyzing his own thoughts. B3-NK1 hoped Robonyan would feel more at ease once they got further away from any prying eyes. Which could be difficult considering how sneaky and gossipy yokai were, but B3-NK1 knew a spot in the building where only he seemed to take respite in. He kept leading the way.

Robonyan continued to follow, trying to calculate the outcome of the night. Maybe he shouldn't though. He was overthinking everything as it was. Was he reading into things that weren't there? B3-NK1 might simply be neutral to the whole thing and just want to do something nice. However this was straying a bit too far out of the friend-favor zone. But Robonyan wasn't going to pass up the offer… He glanced upwards, catching B3-NK1 looking at him. The old warrior just gave him a tender smile before turning away. B3-NK1 didn't seem nervous. Robonyan decided he should just deal with whatever came accordingly.

This certainly was the most dimly lit part of the whole place. Robonyan didn't need his night vision just yet though. Some far off display lights gave a tiny bit of illumination. The robotic cat could see that his close surroundings looked like a miss-matched furniture display area. It had some comfy looking unplugged massage chairs, grills, pile of discarded discount bean bags, and other electric outdoor patio products. It seemed this display hadn't been used in a long time.

B3-NK1 came over and took a comfortable spot on the biggest bean bag. This was his preferred spot to sit and reflect in. Quiet, out of the way of any others, B3-NK1 could have some peace of mind. Robonyan was on the other side inspecting the cluttered shelves. B3-NK1 mimicked a clearing throat sound to get his companion's attention.

Robonyan sharply looked at B3-NK1, the anticipation rushing back again. B3-NK1 chuckled, trying to ease the unneeded tension. He gestured for Robonyan to come closer. Robonyan stepped forward quickly, bracing himself in place. But he was confused when B3-NK1 offered his hand again.

"Forgive me, Master Robonyan. I believe I'm too tired to do any big swings. I have something else in mind however." B3-NK1 explained. Robonyan nodded, understanding. He wouldn't complain or ask that B3-NK1 over-exert himself. The futuristic visitor climbed once more into his friend's open palm, finding himself being hoisted to right in front of B3-NK1.

Reaching behind, B3-NK1 curled his free hand around the shaft of his naginata, releasing it from his back. Robonyan's eyes were locked on it immediately, following it as B3-NK1 flipped it between his fingers and then into a firm hold, blade between both their bodies. So this was definitely happening. It seemed like B3-NK1 really didn't mind doing this… Robonyan felt touched. Not as touched as he was going to be in a minute however.

"I should have asked this earlier but... can you handle this? You turned into a bomb last time, Master Robonyan." B3-NK1 cautiously asked. Robonyan shook his head.

"That has been absolutely fixed. My boot-up systems are far superior now. The rubbing will not set off my self-destruct."

B3-NK1 gave Robonyan Form F a very disbelieving look… Robonyan glanced off to the side.

"But… on the miniscule 0.001% chance that happens, just give me a hard hit. It's been proved an effective method."

B3-NK1 nodded in understanding, silently asking to proceed. Robonyan paused to scan. He did not detect anyone else in the immediate area. Good. No one to make a fuss about what they were doing. The robotic feline sat upright, feeling B3-NK1's fingers curl behind his jetpack for support. Robonyan returned the nod. Ready as ever. Might as well start.

Instead of a swift piercing motion as it'd been the first time Robonyan had encountered B3-NK1, this one was the exact opposite. Robonyan Form F was able to watch the ridiculously slow stab B3-NK1 was doing in detail. The moment Robonyan felt the blade's tip and the curve somehow slide through his metal body without any injury, he could feel the strange magic start to work.

This was the weirdest sensation Robonyan had ever experienced in his robotic life. He could definitely categorize it as pleasure, but it felt like something else too. This rush send odd pulses and power surges, not of the electrical kind. Robonyan kept his mouth firmly shut, he refused to cry out embarrassingly like the first time. But he couldn't stop the small beginning shakes and squirms as B3-NK1 kept going. Robonyan felt the edge making it's way through, despite it also feeling like there was nothing inside him at all.

Robonyan tore his optics from the sight of the weapon to observe B3-NK1's face. The cyborg closet looked intensely curious, looking down at the exact spot he was penetrating Robonyan. He saw that his blade was piercing through like with any other electronic, that much B3-NK1 knew, but he also observed how Robonyan was fidgeting. How strange to have something at the end of your naginata that enjoyed being speared by it. Very strange.

It was getting harder to keep quiet for Robonyan, the blade had completely skewered through, and his circuits were getting frazzled, firing off little warnings to Robonyan that something was wrong. But everything was fine, everything was still in place, although functioning weirdly from the foreign energy in his body. Suddenly Form F glanced behind himself, confirming a realization. B3-NK1's weapon had gone through his own fingers without a scratch as well.

"T-that doesn't hurt you?" Robonyan questioned over the little clanking sounds his metal body was making. B3-NK1 shook his head.

"My hands are numb to my blade." The cyborg flexed his fingers through the blade's end that was poking out of Robonyan. "I feel only a slight tingle."

Robonyan mumbled an 'Ah, I see.' before shuddering. B3-NK1 withdrew this blade almost all the way out, making Robonyan gasp. There was no need for breath, but perhaps it was just a leftover reflex. Robonyan had plenty of little odd quirks B3-NK1 knew of. B3-NK1 watched the little cat-bot take a moment to readjust himself.

"How do you feel?" B3-NK1 asked, wondering how much this updated white and blue body of Robonyan's could take. Robonyan exhaled a puff of steam.

"I am still operating at peak efficiency. That felt good, as predicted." Form F answered honestly. No point hiding anything since he was pretty vulnerable like this. He was thankful he could trust B3-NK1 in such a state.

"I see." B3-NK1 said simply, before quite suddenly reinserting his naginata at a different tilted angle. It caught Robonyan so off-guard he moaned unabashedly right out loud. Robonyan covered his mouth immediately, face red from a heated core. The rush that ran through his circuit board was immense. Certainly a swift piercing was the most intense way to go. The feeling was lingering and buzzing around the blade inside. Robonyan squinted at B3-NK1.

"P-please alert me, next time." He stuttered, some slight irritation in that deep voice. B3-NK1 rubbed a couple fingers across the back of Robonyan's head as an apology for not giving a warning.

"Sorry, I am curious how speed affects what you sense." B3-NK1 certainly had his own researching agenda on his mind. He was going to see just what exactly made Robonyan tick, in both ways. With his naginata he could in a way see inside and get a feel for a electronic's parts. It was all to help him search for worthy screws. The probing definitely has a side effect on sentient machines though.

"When… slower it builds, B-B3-NK1. But wh...hhm… when fast, there's a burst." Robonyan informed in the steadiest voice he could. It was too difficult to say things at this time, Robonyan's body was trying to properly receive all the sensations B3-NK1 was giving.

"Interesting." The cyborg said in a thoughtful tone, before starting to rustle his blade as he'd done the first time they met. Robonyan groaned, this was the part where he felt some of his senses lose functionality. Robonyan held onto the crafted metal in front of his chest, feeling B3-NK1 do slight twists and jabs. It felt good, like he was chipping away at something, getting past a barrier to slowly release a surge. Robonyan wished he could describe this in the moment, but he had no luck, he could only hold on and enjoy it.

B3-NK1 methodically prodded, repeating the same technique he usually did when searching for screws. Even now he could faintly detect Robonyan Form F's hero screw. Another stunning one no doubt. But he wasn't here for that. He shifted his weapon, not heading for it but rather around the same area. Did getting closer to it do anything for his robotic friend? B3-NK1 made a testing jab for it. Robonyan shook a lot for only a moment. The closet yokai drew back out, and reinserted yet again, that's where everything took their turn. B3-NK1 was trying to find that special way to pierce Robonyan that'd result in a conclusion.

The closer B3-NK1 got to penetrating the exact middle of Robonyan Form F's core, the more the cat-bot let out wafts of steam in rapid succession. It was an attempt to stabilize his core's energy and heat, but keeping both that and his sounds in check was impossible. His tails were lashing around all over, head shaking side to side, muttering out some honestly very evocative statements. B3-NK1 managed to hear a few pleas past the loud machinery clicks.

"Hha, a-all over, rubbing… B-B3-NnnnK1, faster." Form F's speech was beginning to jam again. "Please, m-more."

This was… getting lewd. B3-NK1 will admit, he was starting to see how this all could be taken very suggestively. He could feel some heat rise to his hooded face. Obviously he hadn't gotten the exact memo on how this all had been awkward to witness the first time around. Before all this he thought maybe it was a simple misunderstanding. But nope. Robonyan truly was getting plenty of pleasure out of this.

"More, B3… y-you're slow." Robonyan made a weak attempt to reach and pull the blade through even more. B3-NK1 left his thoughts and focused himself. He offered to indulge Robonyan's little rubbing fix tonight, he'll do just that.

Robonyan felt B3-NK1 tighten his hold, causing Robonyan to stop wriggling and stay firmly in place. It wouldn't stop him from shaking though. The blade still did not bother B3-NK1 as he impaled Robonyan over and over, sticking it all the way through both Robonyan's metal body and his hand. B3-NK1 watched as his friend tightly shut his optics, chest light glowing bright against the shine of the naginata. Form F's tails flailed up, wrapping around the forearm B3-NK1 was using to clutch Robonyan.

B3-NK1 was already thrusting down dangerously close to Robonyan's screw, and it was sending the robotic yokai to a complete overload. Sensors were overheating, trying to keep up with the sensitive stirring that was spreading all over Robonyan's wires. B3-NK1 winced, Robonyan was getting too hot to handle, literally, his metal was burning. The small robot was moaning and letting off sparks, and before B3-NK1 could ask if he should stop, Robonyan Form F let off a sharp electrical discharge.

The sudden spark startled B3-NK1 enough for him to accidentally drop Robonyan, but the cat-bot's tangled tails on B3-NK1's arm saved him from an embarrassing topple onto the floor. B3-NK1 exhaled his surprise, hoping the sudden removal of his weapon didn't activate any nuclear threats. The old warrior lightly tapped his friend, testing his temperature. When Robonyan was cool enough to touch, B3-NK1 took hold of his robotic friend and held him close right to the chest. Robonyan Form F stayed limp however, lights off with only a faint release of steam from the creases between his metal.

"Master Robonyan?..." B3-NK1 quietly asked, giving Form F's head a few strokes. Even if this shutdown had happened before it still made B3-NK1 concerned, especially since Robonyan wasn't giving a response. Was there a button B3-NK1 needed to press? Maybe B3-NK1 should just wait a little bit for his friend to come back on? He'd heard some tech guys around the store say that whenever they had to shutdown a computer for fixing. Or did Robonyan just need another hit?

The cyborg was contemplating on where he should give Robonyan a good whack on the head, but those familiar blue eyes blinked back open, and the sound of machinery start-up protocols could be heard. Robonyan straightened up, reassessing his surroundings.

"Master Robonyan! I'm relieved. I thought you would not power on so quickly." B3-NK1 gave a thankful smile, and Robonyan returned it with a reassuring nod. B3-NK1 relaxed back in his spot, double checking Robonyan over just in case. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine. My processors have cooled down and everything is functioning properly." Robonyan settled into a comfortable sitting position in B3-NK1's hands. "I apologize if my sudden short out surprised you. I was not expecting such a bigger… reaction.

Robonyan blushed a bit, B3-NK1 had certainly delivered on his promise. Form F had received his rubbing fix and thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

"Think nothing of it." B3-NK1 said, putting his weapon back behind himself. Ever so humble, Robonyan noted. But Robonyan refused to "think nothing of this", it'd been one of their most interesting outings for sure. Robonyan knew he'd be reviewing this data over and over on his off time once he was back in his original time.

Form F checked his battery life… oh. Well, even if he'd wanted to go back home tonight he couldn't. That electrical discharge had sapped away almost 85% of it's capacity. Such a big drop in power should alarm Robonyan, but considering he knew what caused it, he didn't mind as much. However he made a mental note that if they were to ever do this again for two rounds in a row, Robonyan would need to plug into an electrical source or risk a longer shut down. That was only IF B3-NK1 agreed to do this again… Robonyan silently hoped for it.

"Is something wrong, Master Robonyan?" B3-NK1 asked, noticing that Robonyan had a far away look. Robonyan shook his head.

"I was merely looking at what I had left for battery power. I will be taking you up your offer on staying for the remainder of the night, at least until I am charged enough for time travel." Robonyan scanned around, spotting a nearby outlet.

"Oh, well please then, make yourself comfortable." B3-NK1 sat up, expecting Robonyan to get off and find something secluded.

But Robonyan stayed put in B3-NK1's hands, tails hyper extending to plug themselves into the sockets on the wall behind B3-NK1. Robonyan settled in his friend's big hands.

"I am comfortable here, thank you." Robonyan stated, making B3-NK1 laugh. Robonyan did not understand what was so humorous about that, but oh well. "Allow me to at least get up to 50% before we retire for the night."

"As you wish." B3-NK1 replied, giving Form F's right ear a scritch. Robonyan shut his eyes and nudged into that hand, making the cyborg chuckle and start to full on stroke all over the robotic feline's head. Rubbing and petting, two things that were definitely Robonyan's secret pleasures. B3-NK1 sure was spoiling Robonyan tonight with all this activity. And yet, Robonyan felt as though he did not offer much in return.

Robonyan knew if he asked B3-NK1 if he could do something to possibly repay the favor, the warrior would simply shrug it off and say there was no need. B3-NK1 was quick to serve, but did anyone do it back for him? Robonyan doubted it. But B3-NK1 deserved something. B3-NK1 deserved for Robonyan to try at least, Robonyan thought.

"B3-NK1." Robonyan said through his purring. B3-NK1 gave his companion full attention. "Allow me to say thank you again. I greatly appreciate getting to spend the night with you."

B3-NK1's smile was tender, he too was glad that Robonyan was staying longer, even if it was just for the night. "You are quite welcome. It is no trouble. And I wouldn't turn you away if you'd like to stay again in the future."

Robonyan felt a happy buzz inside his metal chest. B3-NK1 wouldn't mind future nights together? Whether or not he meant more "rubbing" activities too, Robonyan didn't dare ask. That seemed too insensitive at the moment.

"Thank you. I am grateful for your hospitality, despite… my previous behaviors." Robonyan admitted. He felt he'd need to apologize for his sins repeatedly until he'd be nothing but rusted scrap metal. But B3-NK1 only chuckled and shook his head.

"Please, Master Robonyan, it is fine. While I was unaware of what exactly you were feeling with my naginata the first time, it has been perfectly made clear to me now. It does not bother me." B3-NK1 spoke truthfully, Robonyan would know, he had a built in lie detector.

This time knowing the context, B3-NK1 thought to himself that he actually… had some kind of satisfaction after all this. He'd given his friend an interesting evening to say the least. It was the kind of satisfaction of a job well done, and B3-NK1 always strived for that. B3-NK1 saw Robonyan point at him suddenly.

"Please tell me, B3-NK1, certainly there must be something of equal value I can do for you." Robonyan insisted, brightly lit eyes intently staring his cyborg friend down. But just as according to Robonyan's prediction B3-NK1 merely shook his head. Of course, no.

"There is nothing I need, Master Robonyan, thank you though." B3-NK1 calmly patted Form F's back. There wasn't anything that came to mind that B3-NK1 required. He was content with polite service and favors.

Robonyan squinted up at B3-NK1's hooded face, programs rapidly trying to figure out something that could be done for B3-NK1 along the same lines of… rubbing. Robonyan inwardly scoffed himself. A super advanced robot such as himself shouldn't be wishing for something affectionately mutual between himself and a yokai from the past. But, it all be damned if Robonyan couldn't find some way to let B3-NK1 know he greatly appreciated all he had done for this little robot.

"B3-NK1, if you'll allow me-" Robonyan's eyes let out a soft pulse, booting up several scanning programs. He stood up in B3-NK1's hands. "I believe it is now my turn, to indulge you."

End (pt. 1)

AN: Thanks to all who've faved or commented here on or on other sites. It makes me really glad that others enjoy these two and what I've written for them. I decided to split this chapter up into two sections, so expect another chapter sometime~

Thanks again for reading!