Mika Week 2016 - Day 1
Prompt: Smile
It all started with an innocent question from Shinoa.
"Yuu-san, has Mika-san ever smiled around you?"
"Yeah, plenty of times." He'd answered. True, Mika smiled more when he was a kid, but he still smiled around Yuu. Even if it was a small one, Yuu always noticed it.
Yuu would like to see that smile more often though. Come to think of it, has Mika ever laughed since their reunion? Yuu missed his laugh. He would like to hear it again.
And so started Yuuichirou Hyakuya's mission, the mission to make Mika smile, possibly even laugh.
"What do you want to show me?" Mika asked. Yuu had come to get him, saying there was something he wanted to show him, but he didn't specify what.
"It's a secret." Yuu said, bringing a finger up to his lips.
Mika just wanted Yuu to tell him. He didn't like surprises, at least not anymore.
Still, if it was from Yuu-chan, it couldn't be that bad, could it?
It could also be very, very bad. Mika was uncertain of what he should do.
"Just tell me." Mika said. He decided he wasn't in the mood for a surprise.
"I told you, it's secret, Mika! Come on!" Yuu said, dragging Mika toward the surprise with excitement.
"What is it?" Mika asked, allowing himself to be dragged toward where ever it was that they were going.
"It's a surprise!
Mika sighed. He just hoped it wasn't anything too bad.
His worries increased when he realized they were going outside. Just what would Yuu-chan have to show him out here?
"Here we are!" Yuu-chan said when they finally got there.
There was a blanket set up outside with fruits, little snacks, and some red liquid in two glasses. One looked like blood, most likely Yuu-chan's, while the other was probably a human drink, some red juice or something. There was even bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear of all things. Where did Yuu-chan find that?
"What is this?" Mika asked, completely shocked.
Yuu frowned. "That's not the right face."
"You're supposed to look like this." He put his fingers on Mika's cheeks and pushed upward, raising the corners of his mouth in the process.
"Wh-what are you doing?"
"You're supposed to smile, Mika." Yuu-chan said, releasing his face.
"Haha!" Mika laughed. Yuu did all this just to get him to smile, and created one for Mika when it didn't work?
He really was stupid.
Yuu frowned again. "Hey, are you laughing at me?!"
"N-no." Mika said, wiping a small tear from his eye. "You're cute, Yuu-chan." He said, and squeezed one of Yuu's cheeks.
"Am not." Yuu said, pouting and blushing.
Very cute.
"You have to smile now." Yuu told him.
"Alright, Yuu-chan." Mika said, smiling genuinely.
"Good." Yuu said, kissing him on the cheek.
"Thank you for doing this for me, Yuu-chan." Mika said, kissing Yuu on the lips this time.
"I-it was nothing." Yuu said, blushing again.
Mika chuckled. "Should we eat now?" Mika asked, going to sit down.
Yuu nodded, sitting down too. "Yeah. I poured some of my blood for you. I know vampires don't really get hungry a lot so if you're not you don't have to eat." Yuu said, taking a sip of his red drink.
"Thank you, Yuu-chan. What are you drinking?"
"Fruit punch." Yuu said, smirking at his clever idea.
Mika chuckled again.
"You need to do that more often." Yuu said.
"Laugh." Yuu explained.
"I'll try. You're good at making me laugh, Yuu-chan."
"Then I'll just have to keep it up." Yuu said, grinning.
And he would.
Because the sound was like heaven.