A/N This story was influenced by my friend August08's story "Terror Born" . just a cute Father/ son moment between Vincent and Nero
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Nero had been sent home from school yet again for mouthing off to his teacher . Well not mouthing off so much as proving to yet another teacher that Nero was in many ways " more sofisticated and of higher intelligance" than any of his so called educated teachers. He had out smarted and therefore , un-intentionally humiliated his teacher in front of the entire class. As punishment for the indisgression , he was suspended from school for 2 days.
Vincent was un-impressed with his youngest son so he decided that this time he would have no choice but to inflict punishment upon his arrival home.
Nero stomped into the living room slamming his bookbag down on the coffee table . Vincent was sat on the sofa . " Nero , we need to talk about your behavior in school."
" MY behavior ?! " the teen screeched , " father it is not my fault that teacher is a bumbling bafoon , who irratates me to no end !" Vincent placed a hand over his face " Nero please tell me you didn't say that to him , did you? " Nero bowed his head in shame " I'm sorry father."
Vincent shook his head . " Nero you can't disrespect a teacher like that . Pass over your cell phone . You have lost it for the 2 days you are suspended." " Yes father " Nero said as he passed over the phone . " I'm sorry ".
" It's fine . Just don't do it again ok" Vincent said as Nero left the room.
" That's it! You are not going to punish him any more than that! " Vincent heard Chaos rant within his mind . " He should be grounded to his room for the 2 days as well !"
" Be quiet Chaos , this doesn't concern you " Vincent said to his inner demon ." It does so , he is my son as well" . " No he isn't " Vincent said to Chaos ." Yes he is ! " The demon raged " In fact he gets those pretty red eyes from me !"
Suddenly Vincent heard the soft lilting voice of said child coming from behind him. " Are you ok father ?"
" yes Nero , why do yo u ask?" "Well I heard you and your demon arguing with each other . "
It was then that , to his Horror Vincent realized the entire conversation he had with Chaos was spoken aloud.
He looked up as his son spoke again " What's the matter father , are you and your multiple personalities not getting along today?"
It was then that Vincent realized how Nero's teacher must have felt and that perhaps Chaos was right ...this time . " Nero go to your room and stay there ! " Inside his mind Chaos was gloating . Damn they were both good parents