Pairings: Laxus/Krystal

Warnings: Gender switch. Sibling-like Erza and Mirajane. Nice Zeref. Non-canon

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Fairy Tail and any of the characters, but the OC characters belongs to me

Chapter Five: Waiting

~X780; Fairy Tail Guild; Magnolia~

There are times when Makarov Dreyar looked back and wondered where all the time has gone.

He's getting old now, and had been leading Fairy Tail for years, if not decades. And he had seen the members of his guild—his children—most of them grow from the little ankle biters they are to the adults they now are.

Even his grandson, Laxus.

He had seen the boy grow from the awkward lanky kid with a temper and a sharp tongue to boot to being the fine young man that he is, though Makarov did wish that his relationship with his grandson could have been better.

Thanks to Krystal always playing mediator however, the relationship between grandfather and grandson isn't as strained as it had been just after Makarov had kicked Ivan out of the guild without even explaining why.

Sure, maybe Makarov could have told Laxus why he had done such a thing—why he had expelled his own son from the guild. But like what Makarov had told Gildarts, Macao and Porlyusica years ago when they've told him to just come clean with Laxus, the old man didn't want to stain Laxus' view of his father. Ivan might not have been the best father (and here, Makarov honestly wondered where he had gone wrong with his son), but he is still Laxus' father, and Makarov didn't want Laxus to hate his father.

Only a scant few in the guild had known the truth about why Ivan was actually expelled from the guild back then; and even Makarov admitted to himself that it might have been easier on Laxus and even their relationship with each other if only the guild had just known the truth about Ivan's guilt. Then maybe they could stop treating Laxus as just 'Makarov's grandson'.

It is partly his own fault too that Laxus had refused to bond with anyone in the guild. At least until Krystal had turned up.

Right from the beginning, Laxus had taken to her. She is probably Laxus' closest and best friend (though now that both are entering their teen years, Makarov had hoped for something more).

The three orphans that Laxus and Krystal have both brought back to the guild years ago are also shaping up to be excellent mages with some battle skill. Though much like Laxus, they kept to themselves and rarely interacted with the others in the guild. Makarov knew that most of the minor members of the guild thought them as stuck up, and none of them did anything to negate that thought.

Their isolation from the guild only grew worse after they became an official team in Fairy Tail right after Makarov had cleared Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen to take on combat jobs outside Magnolia.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Krystal, those four likely would never know anything that is happening in the guild at all, and would likely stay estranged from them. Even so, the few that they interacted with in Fairy Tail is minimal at best.

Krystal however is another child that had Makarov concerned.

Most of the kids that flocked to Fairy Tail and joined the guild as children generally have some terrible background story—with the worst amongst them likely being Erza. Krystal however is a mystery—not even Makarov knew what had actually happened to her prior to joining Fairy Tail save from what Gildarts could tell him when he'd first brought the child to Fairy Tail.

Though with how she had grown up in the Forbidden Continent, and with what Gildarts had told him, and how he had to control his temper and stop Laxus from killing the villagers, Makarov had a good idea what had happened to Krystal in the past.

Abused children always leave a bad taste in his mouth. Even the most hardened of criminals would never abuse a child. Erza's situation is one of the rare ones where mages had actually laid a hand on a child. Even the situation with the Strauss siblings prior to their arrival at the guild had Makarov having to control his temper before he explodes.

Though honestly, Makarov really wished to know just what is going through Lillian Nightray's head when she had decided to make her home in the Forbidden Continent of all places! Every mage with some brains knew better than to even go near that place.

Bob was confused as well, especially after Gildarts had brought Krystal to Fairy Tail. The Lillian Nightray that Bob knew had a good head on her shoulders, and she is no fool. More than anyone else, she knew the dangers of the Forbidden Continent and knew the lengths that the mundanes would go to when faced with something that they do not understand and fear.

Lillian Nightray is not new to the discrimination of mages either.

Magic can be wonderful at times. But it can also be something that brings nothing but pain. For the first several years of Krystal's life, that saying seems to be truer than one thinks. Makarov had suspected initially that it might be why Krystal never uses magic unless she has to.

"Master, we're back!" A voice called out just then from the entrance of the guild as the doors swung opened. Every head in the normally noisy guild swivelled towards the entrance only to see Krystal and a scowling Laxus entering the guild. A happy yapping Padfoot followed at their heels, wagging his tail furiously.

Makarov beamed even as he took a puff on his pipe. "Oh, welcome back, both of you!" he said. "How goes the job?"

Makarov then listened patiently and intently as Krystal told him what had happened on their job—and if anything noteworthy had happened, with Laxus giving his own input every now and then.

Krystal might be quiet and even strange for a mage, but Makarov wouldn't change her for anything in the world, and he knew that Laxus wouldn't either.

'Master Precht, will you be proud of me when you see me now?'


"…Kill the spare—"

"Isn't it obvious, Krystal? He's jealous—"

"Mad-Eye's dead—"

"He's not dead! He's not dead! Sirius!"

"Leave it, Krystal! You can't help him anymore!"

"—They're not alone. My parents might be Muggles, but even they know that something bad is going on—"

"…The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming…"

"…I am Lord Voldemort—"

"No, you're not. You're Tom Marvolo Riddle, son of Thomas Riddle and Merope Gaunt—"

"My dear child—"

"Save it, Dumbledore. I will not listen to you anymore—even as a portrait. You used me. You intend for me to die—!"

My Master…


Krystal sat up in her bed, breathing heavily, with sweat adorning her brow even as she swept her bangs out of her eyes. She looked out of the window only to see that it's still dark out, with the few lacrima lights lining the streets of Magnolia being the only things that she could see.

"A dream…" Krystal murmured.

On the bird perch in a corner of the room, Hedwig hooted comfortingly in the darkness. Padfoot whined from the foot of her bed and padded towards Krystal, nosing her comfortingly with his wet nose.

Krystal smiled weakly at the loyal canine, running a hand over the black and white fur. "I'm okay," she whispered more for her benefit than for the dog.

She looked out of the window again.

Two years ago, after she'd turned thirteen, she had finally saved enough to get her own apartment instead of continuously renting at Fairy Hills alongside the rest of the girls at Fairy Tail. Nothing against Erza and the rest, but Krystal is getting tired of having to cast silencing charms at her door so that they wouldn't come running should she start screaming at night whenever the bad dreams crept up on her.

And with how nosy her guild mates are, especially Natsu, Krystal knew that they wouldn't stop probing until they had a satisfactory answer. And the last thing she wants is to be dragged to Porlyusica for Mind Healing.

Laxus, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen have helped her with the move. And over the past two years, with the numerous plants and even the little amenities that Krystal had added, it soon resembles like the old house that she had left behind at the Sacred Mountain—complete with a small river running in front of her house, with a small bridge that Laxus had helped her to build over it.

It soon became the unofficial meeting area for the Lightning Tribe aka their team. Evergreen had crashed over more than once. Laxus is a frequent visitor as well during the nights when he didn't want to go home. Krystal knew for a fact that Laxus is considering getting his own apartment in Magnolia and moving out of his grandfather's house, something that upsets Krystal.

By this point, with six lifetimes' worth of memories and experiences, she knew that family doesn't always mean that they will look out for each other. Even as faded as they are, Krystal still remembers the pain and loneliness that is her first life during her childhood, and even the unhappiness the years after during her teenage years all the way to her death. But in Laxus' case, Makarov actually loves him. It is Laxus who is still holding a grudge for some reason.

Krystal however said nothing, as Laxus' family life is not her concern and not something for her to interfere in.

Krystal clutched at the lightning bolt pendant around her neck—Laxus' gift to her.

"Why am I dreaming about it now?" Krystal whispered, and Padfoot whined again. She ran a hand over the silky fur. "I'm okay. I'm okay." She whispered, sounding more like she's trying to convince herself. "I'm fine, right, Sirius?"

Padfoot whined.


Krystal is normally so quiet that the guild barely noticed when she is around, and even more so when she isn't around.

Frowning, Laxus looked around the guild from his usual spot in the corner, headphones over his ears as usual. Krystal would tell him if she had gone on a solo job, right? How many days has it been since he'd last seen her?

"Hey, did anyone see Krystal around?" Laxus finally questioned, and the normally rowdy and noisy guild stopped their machinations at his question, with all heads swivelling towards the grumpy blond.

"Now that you've mentioned it…" Erza trailed off slowly at the counter, halfway through consuming her strawberry shortcake. "How many days has it been since she had been last in here?" The redhead asked Mirajane who was frowning.

"Isn't she out on some job or something?" Gray Fullbuster asked uncaringly from his corner.

Nothing against Krystal, but Gray had always felt uneasy around her for some reason, and he just can't seem to bring himself to warm up to the older girl or even bond with her. With Natsu, it's different, as both boys have mutual respect for each other despite the countless arguments and fights that they constantly get into. With Krystal, Gray always felt that he always had to put his guard up.

Erza wasn't impressed with Gray because of this, not liking how the slightly younger boy is 'snubbing' her best friend just because of 'a feeling'. If anything, it is most likely the reason why Natsu and Gray always get into fights more often of late—with those fights being one that Erza turned a blind eye to after hearing the reason why.

(And if Erza 'accidentally' smacks Gray over the head with her sword, no one had said anything)

If Gray had felt uneasy around Krystal, it is the exact opposite for Natsu. Sure, the little hothead had demanded for the slightly older girl to fight him the first time he had laid eyes on her after he'd settled into the guild—the same way that he did to literally every single person in Fairy Tail.

And much to Erza, Mirajane, Laxus and even Makarov's amusement, Krystal had beaten down Natsu in two seconds flat without even trying at all. And without using magic.

Everyone have assumed that Natsu will demand for a rematch, with the little Dragon Slayer being extremely competitive—proof of his constant arguments and fights with Gray. But strangely enough, it isn't for Krystal. If anything, Natsu seems to see Krystal as an older sister of some sort, and is protective over her.

"No, she isn't." Mirajane said immediately, scowling at Gray for his nonchalant tone. If it's one thing that Mirajane and Erza have agreed on, it is that neither one of them liked how Gray had always treated Krystal when she had always been nothing but polite to him, if not distant. "Krystal always informed either myself or Erza if she is going to be away from the guild for longer than a day."

Erza nodded her head. "Someone will need to tend to her plants," she answered the unasked question.

"So did anyone see her?" Laxus asked impatiently. He really didn't want to spend more time than necessary with these idiots. He honestly couldn't understand what Krystal sees in them. Though for her sake, he is willing to endure them.

"Nope. I haven't seen her for two days." Natsu answered, and there were several nods from all around. "Though she is normally so quiet that I likely wouldn't notice her if she doesn't want to be noticed."

Laxus frowned, concerned. Did something happen? It isn't like Krystal. Though he knew that she isn't in trouble, or Hedwig or Padfoot would have come to get him by now.

"Laxus, did you try the pier or the lake?" Erza asked suddenly, and Laxus turned towards the redhead. Erza looked particularly solemn. "I know that she likes going there whenever she needs to think. Krystal might be there."

Krystal's best friends would know her habits, Laxus knew. Krystal had always liked places with water like the lake or even the river. It is probably why she had even made a small river running through the front of her house. It probably had something to do with her magic.

Laxus chewed on his bottom lip before turning on his heel. "I'm going to go look for her."

True to Erza's suggestion, Laxus did indeed spot Krystal immediately sitting at the dock of Magnolia, her feet just skimming over the surface of the river. Padfoot was seated on his haunches next to her, with the loyal canine snuggling close to her. Laxus don't see Hedwig anywhere, but he knew that the loyal owl would come if her mistress and bonded mate is in trouble.

Sometimes, seeing the bond that familiar and master have makes Laxus long for a familiar of his own. Someone that wouldn't see him as just 'Makarov's grandson' the way that Krystal did. Someone that would be loyal to him and wouldn't abandon him the way that Padfoot and Hedwig are to Krystal.

"Erza told me that I will find you here. And she's right." Laxus said as a manner of greeting even as he approached Krystal, with his footsteps making light thudding sounds on the wood of the dock. He knew however that Krystal already knew that he's there. Her skills at tracking and sensing someone are un-parallel in Fairy Tail. Even Makarov found it difficult to sneak up on the fifteen-year-old at times.

Krystal smiled a small smile at Laxus even as the nineteen-year-old sat down next to her after kicking his boots off, and dipping his feet into the cold water.


"Something wrong?" Laxus asked at once with a frown, seeing how pale that Krystal looks, especially with the dark rings beneath her eyes. Hasn't she been sleeping? In fact, Laxus isn't sure if he shouldn't suggest that Krystal pays Porlyusica a visit.

Krystal shook her head. "Nothing much," she answered with a shrug. "Just…some bad dreams." She admitted. Next to her, Padfoot whined.

Laxus frowned, but Krystal didn't elaborate, and he didn't want to pry further. "Will you be okay?" he asked. "Do you want me to ask Porlyusica for some herbs or medicine to help you sleep?"

"I can brew some myself." Krystal answered at once, looking rather offended, and Laxus cracked a grin.


He kept forgetting that Krystal's mother is a skilled herbalist and a mage doctor prior to her death, and Krystal is bound to have learned those skills from her mother. In fact, whenever Laxus and the Lightning Tribe needs patching up, it is usually Krystal they go to if it isn't serious enough to warrant Porlyusica's attention.

The blond was taken aback as Krystal starting humming something beneath her breath even as she buried her fingers into Padfoot's thick fur.

"Far away at the shore, in a town beside the sea. Alone stands a girl, staring longingly. It is here, at the shore, that she holds onto her chest. A secret she dare never speak. 'If you write a wish upon a paper and you place it into a glass bottle. And it's washed away by the ocean, then someday, there's a chance that it may just come true'…"

"I like this song." Laxus said, and Krystal gave him a warm smile.

"It's one of my favourites." Krystal admitted. She fell silent.

"Is it Gray?" Laxus asked at last, and Krystal looked at him. "I know it's been bothering you. I don't know what the hell is that brat's problem as well. Just say the word, and I'll knock some sense into him."

Krystal laughed and shook her head. "You don't have to," she said. She knew that if Laxus actually made good on his word, Gray likely wouldn't be returning to Fairy Tail at all. The blond can be very intimidating if he wants to. "Like I said before, I don't really care if people don't like me or not." With what she had gone through at the hands of the villagers in her childhood, she honestly doesn't care anymore if people don't like her. "Just… I guess the dreams are bothering me more than I thought." She admitted.

Laxus wrapped an arm around Krystal's shoulders and brought her close to him, much to her surprise. The blond buried his nose into the top of her head. "I'll be here," he said. "I'll protect you."

Krystal smiled to herself. "Yeah. I know you will."

The pair then spent the rest of the evening in complete silence after that.


Laxus had dragged Krystal to have dinner at the guild hall even as the sunlight gave way to night. He had made sure to keep Gray out of Krystal's sight, and he knew that Mirajane, Erza, Natsu and even Lisanna and Elfman have done their part to make sure that Gray doesn't upset Krystal any further as well.

If Gray does, he doesn't have to worry about Laxus. There will be an entire line of people queuing up to beat the crap out of him, and Padfoot will likely happily make a meal out of the ice user.

Krystal had then made her own way home after dinner, waving goodbye to her friends and Laxus, and assuring the blond that she will be fine heading home on her own. Padfoot had barked quite indignantly at that, much to the guild's amusement.

"Hmm?" Krystal raised a confused eyebrow even as she fitted the key into the lock only to realise that the door isn't locked. She narrowed her eyes even as Padfoot started to growl at her feet, his hackles raised, and all her internal alarms starting going off. "Padfoot, guard."

Padfoot barked even as Krystal pushed the door slightly opened as she entered her house, ready to cast a spell within a moment even as she scanned the darkness within her house before she turned on the light.

Krystal frowned as she saw no one inside, and she doesn't sense anyone either.

Is it her imagination? Did she just forget to lock her door?

"Is it my imagination?" Krystal murmured.

Her eyes then flew opened in shock the next moment as a hand covered her mouth from behind even as the door shut silently behind her. Padfoot growled and barked menacingly, though he whined pitifully the next moment as he was held down to the ground by an unseen force and fell asleep.

'Who?' Krystal's eyes widened with shock and terror, struggling. 'A mage?! Why didn't I sense anyone?'

"Be quiet." A smooth voice spoke from behind her. Krystal just spied the visage of a black cloak from behind her. "I'm not here to hurt you."

The hold on her was released, and Krystal immediately sprang back, putting as much distance between her and her assailant—all her training throughout her past lifetimes coming into handy, including the hand-to-hand combat moves that Laxus had taught her.

A young man, probably in his early twenties at best stood before Krystal, clothed in dark clothes and looking upon her with a nostalgic and fond expression, something that confused her in the beginning. And yet, something about this man seems so familiar to her.

"We finally meet, Krystal." The man said fondly. "I think we need to talk."

Krystal's eyes widened with shock and recognition as she realised who this man is—she had seen photos in the past from her mother in this lifetime, and even from Magnus and Nain.


A/N: Apologies for the long hiatus! I can't believe it's nearly been an entire year since I've last updated this story! To Gray lovers, sorry if you do not like how I've portrayed him. But I have my reasons for making him not liking Krystal despite Natsu taking to her. Next chapter will likely have a timeskip before I jump straight to Fairy Tail canon. On that note, do you want Lisanna to be ferreted away to Edolas or keep her on Earthland still? If yes, Lucy likely will be portrayed differently in this story.

I hope that you like this chapter, and please read and review! Reviews give me inspiration to update!