Disclaimer: The Avengers belong to Marvel. Just a little scene I couldn't get out of my head. Warning major character death.
"I've got a shot," Bucky's voice came through over the com in his ear. Quickly pulling up his shield he blocked a repulsor blast from Iron Man.
"Take it," Captain America ordered.
The gunshot rang out across the battle field. It was just like old times, battling Nazis with the Howling Commandos with his best friend looking out for him and sniping from afar. Having Bucky by his side made everything better. Bucky had been with him before he was Captain America and was just sickly Steve Rogers. Steve felt safe with him, was comfortable having him watch over him as he had done in the past.
Lunging forward he punched Iron Man across the face and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying.
"You missed, jerk." Steve teased. Bucky had always been so arrogant when it came to his shooting skills.
"No I didn't, punk. Kill shot" his friend stated proudly and Steve faltered, lowering his shield and allowing a direct hit to his chest. The beam was so powerful it took him off his feet and he hit the pavement hard several feet away.
"Who did you hit, Buck?" He squeezed his eyes shut, not really wanting to hear the answer. He thought Bucky was watching his back and Tony would be ok, he was in a suit of armor that would protect him.
"Black Widow," Steve's chest tightened and he choked back a sob. Forcing himself to open his eyes, he turned his head to confirm what his friend just told him.
And there she was lying on the ground beside him. Once vibrant green eyes stared lifelessly back at him, blood trickling down from the single bullet hole between her eyes.
"Noooo!" he could hear Clint's shout and his harsh breaths as he sprinted to reach his now dead best friend. Not like there was anything he could do now.
"Steve? Did I do something wrong? Steve?" Maybe Bucky hadn't been field ready. Killing is what Hydra had trained him to do, he didn't even think twice before taking a kill shot instead of simply disabling or wounding. And Bucky didn't know these people, he didn't know Natasha. The fierce fighter, trying to atone for the sins of her dark past. The rock that he needed to keep him steady in this whirlwind of a world he had awoken in. The silent pillar of strength that supported Captain America, leader of the Avengers.
"What's going on, Steve?" Sharon, who last he knew was across the battlefield dealing with members of the strike team Tony had brought along.
Then he heard retching, probably Wanda who had stumbled upon the grisly scene. Natasha had taken the girl under her wing after Sokovia and he knew she looked up to her like a big sister.
"Lost Black Widow, headed your way Cap," Scott's groggy voice came over the line, sounding like he just recovered from either a blow to the head or a Widow's bite. Little late for the warning though.
He pulled his com device out of his ear. He couldn't think right now, his mind was in a fog.
He should probably tell Bucky it would be ok and to head back to base.
He should probably tell the team to fall back so that they could regroup.
He should probably find out where Tony was and try and figure out what he was planning next.
He should probably get up.
Instead he turned back to the woman next to him and reaching out with a shaky hand he closed her emerald eyes and just laid there.