Okay so when was the last time I uploaded a chapter? August 7th. What day is it today? DECEMBER 23rd! I'm not sure I should say anything else…sorry.

I do not own Miraculous Ladybug or anything i use.

Side Note- Zoella Dmt, I saw your message and its nothing to worry about! I know what its like to be busy with things so i completely understand. If you want to chat you'll have to mess around with settings in order to allow private messaging as for the moment I can't :(
Thanks for the ongoing support though! :)

Okay. Deep breaths. It's just a text. You can do it! Just press send…like now…come on! Marinette groaned. For goodness sake! The teen threw her phone down on the bed in defeat and jumped down to her desk to continue the work on her costume. Little did she know, the action caused the message to be sent. However, the girl didn't realise this until she heard a soft 'ping' from her phone indicating a message being sent back. It sent?!

{ So I'm already half way through making my costume. When do you want me to get your measurements? }

{ Tomorrow? I was thinking all black would be claw-some but you're the designer. }

{ It's your costume so whatever you want although I thought a green accent colour would be stylish. Seeing as you're 'Chat Noir' maybe you should have some cat ears? }

{ Cat ears sound great and a green accent is a cool idea. But nothing too tight…I don't want to distract you ;P }

{ Distract me?! :O Are you sure you're not just a scaredy cat? }
{ I mean not that that's bad or anything, just a little…off paw-ting }

{ Me a scaredy cat?! Paw-lease! In fact, scratch that, make it skin tight. I purr-omise I'll love it ;D }

{ Okay, tomorrow at mine then. I'll draw up a sketch for then. We don't want any meow-stakes ;) }

{ Sure, straight after rehearsal to-meow-row. Cya ;D }

{ Talk later :) }

Okay…well that just happened.For about five minutes straight, the girl stared at her wall thinking about what the whole conversation meant, blushing every time she pictured Adrien saying a cat pun. I can't be falling for him! I only just met him a few days ago! An exasperated sigh escaped her lips before she snapped out of her daze and got back to sewing the boning into the corset of her costume.

As the rhythm of her sewing machine marched on, Marinette couldn't help wondering whether her plan was a good idea. She was on dangerous grounds with the mayors daughter! If she was found out Chloe would be furious and make her life even more of a living hell at the dance school. But what else was she supposed to do? Stand by and let her dreams be taken away from her? No. She wasn't going down without a fight.

Marinette's pretty funny. And cute. And really just…WAIT! I can't be falling for her. I only just met her a few days ago! As Adrien scrolled through the conversation and recounted all of their others, he realised how flirty he was acting. The teen groaned. If I keep this up shell get put off by it and never date me! My chances are slim enough already!

Jumping into his desk chair and logging onto his computer, the boy wondered whether he should really be doing this. It was risky. If he was found out his father would be furious. The press would be all over the story and it would be difficult for Natalie to do damage control. But what else was he supposed to do? Stand by and let his freewill be taken away from him? No. He wasn't going down without a fight.

Thursday afternoon rolled around and Adrien managed to convince Chloe that he had an important photo shoot for his father's line of dance wear, so he couldn't make their duet rehearsal. It was at the expense of an extra hour on Friday but he made the excuse that "I wake up later on a Saturday than I do on a Friday" when Mari asked. She scolded him. A lot.

After rehearsals finished, Marinette walked a block away from the dance studio before stopping and waiting for Adrien to drive by and pick her up. This way no one would suspect their alliance. However, when the black haired girl hopped into the limo, she didn't notice the woman watching, smirking. This woman took out her phone and dialled an all too familiar number
"Its just what we suspected. They'll need some help though,".

Arriving without causing any fuss would be a difficult mission. Marinettes parents knew that Chloe made making good friends at her dance studio very challenging, so if a new acquaintance visited they were intrigued. Intrigued enough to question…maybe interrogate was a better suited word.

"We need to get to my room as quickly as possible or well be stuck with my parents for hours," Mari warned.

"What do you mean?" Adrien was confused by this nervous statement made by the ballerina.

"They are…what's a good word…curious? To say the least," the boy gave her a puzzling look "Just trust me, say hi and then bye,"

The Gorilla stopped the limo and the two teens slid out and ran into the bakery. When Sabine looked up at her, the girl smiled, kissed her mother on the cheek, and grabbed the boys' wrist. "Hi mum, this is Adrien. We've got some stuff to do so bye". Adrien gave an awkward wave before being whisked away leaving an amused woman behind.

Sprinting up the stairs, the two dancers leapt into Maris' room slamming the trapdoor behind them. There was a silent moment before Adrien started to snigger. "Aw come on! You don't know what they're like!" Marinette defensively said. He's not taking me seriously is he. Urgh. She looks so adorable with that pout on her face.

Adrien tried to keep it together but ended up laughing enough to earn a smile from the girl, much to her disappointment. She looked away so he couldn't see her mistake.

"Ahh I'm sorry you just look so adorable right now!" he whined. The moment the words slipped from his mouth, the girl snapped her head to lock eyes with the boy. They both turned crimson before another second passed.

"U-uh u-u-um w-well should w-we maybe get onto the d-design?" Mari managed to squeak out. Adrien only nodded as he couldn't trust himself to speak. Oh Dear. Oh dear.

I know its been ages. I know this chapter is probably pretty bad but to be fair it is 1:30am right now so... I'm sorry for making you guys wait; I really appreciated all the follows favourites and views but I'm not very organised with uploading as you can probably tell, so be warned! Don't forget to leave a review and maybe even follow or favourite.

Have a great day,

Katty :D