Today is Mother's Day so this will be our last story. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. There will be a Father's Day companion series to this one the week before Father's Day. Some of the stories may even be connected to these. ;)

Enjoy your Mother's Day celebrations if you have them!

I present to you our very last Mother and child, a particularly special pair to most of us I think, Bruce and Martha Wayne.

Martha Wayne walked through the gardens of the Manor watching Bruce run happily ahead of her. They had spent the afternoon volunteering at the clinic run by their good friend Dr. Leslie Thompkins. It was good to help others not as fortunate as themselves, good for Bruce to learn this at a young age.

There had been a girl there being treated for a possible concussion. She was slightly younger than Bruce, maybe six. She was beautiful with cat shaped emerald eyes and long black hair. She had been telling Bruce the thrilling tale of her adventure chasing the older neighbourhood boys across the fire escapes. Thrilling until she fell but even that had been an experience apparently so it hadn't been all bad.

Bruce had paid rapt attention to her. She was so unlike the young girls of his acquaintance. Yet when Martha had spoken to her manners had been impeccable. Her mother, Maria, had told her she was fearless but smart as a whip.

Martha could see that was true. The little girl was almost as smart as Bruce and Martha wasn't being a prideful parent by recognizing just how smart her boy was. Bruce was special and determined. Nothing would stop him when he put his mind to it.

"Mom!" She stopped walking and watched her precious boy run back to her. She cherished every minute with him. "Is it time yet?"

Martha chuckled and looked down at the watch Thomas had given her on their last anniversary. "Yes, I suppose we could head back to the house and see if your father is home yet."

"Yay!" Bruce bounded in the air with unbridled enthusiasm. Martha held out her hand to him and he took it. They turned and head back to the Manor strolling along together.

"Did you have fun today?"

"Yes." Bruce nodded enthusiastically. "I had the best time. I always have the best time at the clinic."

"Today was better than normal though." Martha smiled.

"Yeah, the girl was awesome! Not like the other girls. Why aren't all girls like that?" Bruce looked up at his mother.

"Well, all girls are different." Martha stifled the urge to laugh. "Most of the girls we know are expected to behave a certain way. Like you have to when we go out but their parents make them behave that way all the time. It isn't fair. They should get to play and just be little girls. Maybe not leaping from fire escapes but just playing."

"Why not leaping from fire escapes? That sounded like fun." Any answer Martha would have had was cut off by the figure stepping out of the kitchen door that caught Bruce's attention. "Dad! You're home!"

Bruce let go of Martha's hand, raced forward, and was swept up into Thomas' arms. "Mom and I had the best day at the clinic! There was a girl there who was leaping from fire escapes. Her name was Selina. She hit her head! Doesn't that sound like fun? Well, not the hitting her head part."

Thomas raised an eyebrow at Martha. "That does sound like quite the day. Maybe we should just stay home tonight."

"Mom." Bruce's voice was full of betrayal.

"I was promised dinner and a movie with my two handsome men. I expect that promise to be kept or I'll be chasing the two of you across fire escapes and it won't be fun at all." Martha teased.

"You heard the lady, Bruce. You find yourself a woman like that one day Bruce you don't let her go or disappoint her. We better go get ready." Thomas turned and headed into the Manor.

Martha watched them go. She'd wanted so many children but there had been only Bruce. She'd made her peace with that. They just made a nice, tight little unit the three of them. She loved that boy so much. Every moment of watching him grow up was going to be amazing. Someday she'd get to see him fall in love; she'd help him find a girl like Selina not a boring one like so many others they knew. She smiled and headed into the Manor herself. Yes, she was going to cherish every minute she had with her boy.