Sansa as a Tyrell
Sansa frowned as her older sister's betrothed, the boy king as Grandmother calls him, smugly escorted the Stark girl to the altar. The girl's face was unreadable but from her seat, she can see the puffiness of her eyes due to crying.
Sansa felt sorry for her, the girl was sweet and friendly and since Grandmother announced that the girl was to marry her oldest brother Willas, Sansa felt very excited. She wanted the Stark girl to be his new good sister, though Leonette, Garlan's wife, was a nice woman she was older than her and the Stark girl was of her age so she could have a companion in Highgarden now that Margaery was going to be Queen. But the plan failed as some "craven bastard", grandmother said, told the Lannisters of their plan to marry her to Willas.
Her scowl deepened as the Lannister King, for he doesn't look like a Baratheon and there are rumours swirling that the King was a bastard born of incest of the Queen and her brother, removed the stool that Lord Tyrion was supposed to use to cloak the Stark girl with the Lannister gold and crimson.
I can't believe Grandmother and Father want Margaery to marry that boy, she said to herself and a part of her felt thankful that she wasn't the one to marry the King. She knew that Margaery can handle the boy, her sister already has him wrapped around her little finger making it easier for Margaery to manipulate him. Besides, Loras is now a member of the Kingsguard and Sansa knows that he will do his best to protect their sister from harm's way.
As she watched Lord Tyrion and Lady Lyarra made their vows in front of the septon, she sighed. Let Grandmother and Margaery play their games, I will still continue my friendship with Lady Lyarrra, I won't leave her alone in this den of lions. She thought and smiled as Lyarra Stark's sad blue eyes met hers.