Hi guys!

So today was looking for some pictures on one of my flashdrives and i found this story which i wrote over a year ago, funny thing is i'd forgotten about it but i re-read it and i decided to post it because why not? haha

I must WARN you this story is kind of heavy, you'll find out the main reason on this chapter, it's pretty obvious from the summary and if you'd read my other stories, you'll know i'm familiar with writing the topic, but this particular story has some pretty ugly and sad things so read if you think you won't mind.

"Hey guys" Andre said nicely as he walked up to Tori and Cat, who were standing by the sodas machine.

"Hi" They both replied nicely.

"So what you guys up to?" He asked.

"Nothing, we were just looking at Jade and Beck" Cat answered, Jade was grabbing books from her locker and Beck was standing by the stairs looking at his phone.

"What about them?" Andre questioned curiously.

"They never talk to each other anymore!" Tori exclaimed as if it was such an obvious thing. "I don't know, it's kind of sad, they were such a cute couple... weird but cute"

"Weird how?" Andre asked.

"Well, Beck is nice and calm and Jade is...you know, Jade" Tori responded. "But that's not the point, the thing is that ever since they broke up they have become more and more distant with each other"

"That's normal, you don't want to be around your ex...it's awkward" Andre commented and then Robbie joined in on their conversation.

"What's awkward?" Robbie asked.

"You" Rex said.

"Rex!" Robbie exclaimed upset and they chuckled a little while shaking their heads at Robbie.

"Do you agree that Beck and Jade should at least be friends?" Tori asked Robbie.


"What? You also think it's normal that they never speak to each other anymore?" Tori asked him surprised.

"Yeah... I mean, no, I don't know, why are we even talking about this?" Robbie asked back.

"Tori thinks Beck and Jade should be together" Cat explained.

"I agree with that but if things didn't work, then there's nothing we can do and I think they're just fine now" Andre commented. "Get over it, Tori, it's their life"

"Yeah but...ugh forget it, you're right" Tori said sadly but then she suddenly smiled. "I have an idea!"

"What is it?" Cat asked curiously.

"What if we help them fix their problems? They obviously need to talk and interact more but they're not gonna do it on their own" Tori commented.

"Oh god..." Andre said a little frustrated.

"There she goes!" Rex added.

"I think we should force them to be together so they can talk more and fix things" Tori suggested and they looked at each other not really convinced. "Come on!"

"And what would we do, sweet cheekbones?" Rex questioned.

"A party, more reunions or I don't know, just plans to make them hang out together" Tori said and Andre sighed. "Please, please, please!" she insisted and they looked at each other.

"Alright..." Andre said and she smiled.

"Yay thanks!" Tori exclaimed excitedly.

"Calm down, it almost seems you're gonna be the one fixing her problems" Andre commented chuckling and she smiled awkwardly.

"I just want us to be together again, like we used to" Tori said. "Come on, let's go invite them now" She and the rest of them walked up to Beck first and he smiled at them awkwardly.

"Hey?" Beck said.

"Hi, so Beck, I am gonna have a little reunion at my house tonight, wanna come?" Tori asked nicely.

"Sure" Beck simply responded and she smiled.

"Great" Tori said and then simply made her way towards Jade leaving Beck alone, he stared at them confused at first but then turned back to his phone.

"What do you want?" Jade asked coldly before Tori even said hi.

"Well, we are having a little reunion at my place tonight and want you to come" Tori invited her nicely.

"No" Jade simply said and started walking away but Tori stopped her.

"What? Why not?" Tori questioned confused.

"Because I don't want to hang out with you" Jade answered and Tori looked at her obviously offended.

"But Jade, it won't be the same without you" Cat said sadly and Jade looked at her. "Please!" she insisted and Jade couldn't say no to Cat.

"Ugh fine, I'll be there"

Later that day, Jade arrived to her house after school to find a surprise. "Jade, honey, look who's here" Her mother immediately said as she pushed Jade into the living room and she smiled when she saw her older brother standing there.

"Hey little si-ni-ster" The tall good looking man said sweetly and Jade immediately hugged him, he was the only relative Jade was close with, her brother, whose name was Nathan, was eight years older than her but they'd always had a good relationship, he was very nice to her and she loved him so much but he had left five years earlier to go to the university in London.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here? It's been so long I thought you'd never come back" Jade commented.

"Well, I am doing my master's degree but I am on break so I thought it'd be nice to visit the family" Nathan answered. "But look at you, I remembered you so much shorter, you're all grown up now"

"So are you! Should I call you mister?" Jade asked chuckling and he smiled at her.

"I'd be fine with you calling me mister" Another voice said and Jade's smile immediately dropped, she turned around and saw another man walking into the living room with a glass of water. That man was Jade and Nathan's cousin, he was four years older than Nathan and twelve years older than Jade but he'd always been really close to Nathan, they had been always together since they were little, specially because their cousin, whose name was Alex, basically lived with the West's because his parents were never home.

"Isn't this great, honey? Your brother and your cousin are gonna stay here until January, that means we'll be all together for three months just like before" Anna, Jade and Nathan's mother informed happily but Jade was just staring at Alex coldly.

"Aren't you happy, my little sister, oh sorry, sinister?" Alex asked as he walked towards Jade.

"I'm not your sister" Jade clarified.

"I see you as my sister, I remember you when you were little and Nathan and I would play with you for hours, it was a lot of fun" He commented and Nathan smiled remembering those days but Jade didn't.

"Hey, what's up? Aren't you happy to see me?" Nathan questioned and Jade turned to him.

"I am happy to see YOU" Jade said. "But we'll talk later; I have to go do my homework" she informed and simply left to her room.

"Whoa, I think she is not happy to have me here" Alex commented.

"Don't mind her, she's been really upset since she broke up with her boyfriend but I'm sure she's happy to have you here" Anna affirmed nicely.

Jade closed the door of her room and started breathing heavily in anger as she walked in circles when all the sudden Alex walked into the room and she turned to him nervously. "Hey there, how's my favorite little witch?" He questioned. "Aren't you happy to see me? Come on, Jamie, we've been raised as siblings our whole lives"

"Go to hell!" Jade exclaimed madly. "Do you think I don't remember what you did to me? You fucking bastard" she said angrily and he smiled at her.

"Please, that was just a game, are you still crying over it?" He questioned as he walked closer to her. "You just turned eighteen, Jade, you're a woman now"

"You said the same thing when I turned eight" Jade commented upset and he smirked as he put her close to him.

"Yes, that was ten years ago and you were sweet" He commented and Jade closed her eyes disgusted but she couldn't manage to push him away, it was like being near him paralyzed her just like when she was little. "But you know, now that I think about it, you're much better now"

"Get away from me" Jade whispered and he kissed her neck gently.

"You don't want that, you've never wanted that... come on, Jamie, you have needs and you don't have a boyfriend to fulfill them anymore, why don't we play in the closet again?" He suggested and she cringed but she just couldn't manage to push him away and it made her so mad. "You know you want it" He said as he stroked her leg and she felt the tears coming but she kept them in, she needed to be strong.

Alex heard someone coming so he stepped back and a second later Nathan walked into the room. "Here you are, I thought you'd left" Nathan said to Alex.

"Oh no, I just wanted to talk to Jade a little bit more, I've missed her" Alex responded and Nathan smiled but Jade remained emotionless.

"Yeah, I've missed my little sinister too" Nathan commented and put his arm around Jade's shoulders. "But we'll have time to be together while we are here" He said and kissed her head before stepping away. "Let's go, you gotta unpack your stuff I'm not doing it for you" Nathan laughed and Alex nodded as he followed him out of the room and Jade immediately locked the door.

Jade couldn't take it anymore so she finally started crying, she hated her cousin so much, he'd lived with them practically her whole life and when he was twenty and she was eight, he had abused her and turned her life into a nightmare until he left six years later. Jade'd tried to get over it once he was gone but having him close to her reminded her of everything he'd done and how much he'd hurt her so she felt panic.

Jade wasn't in the mood to go to Tori's party but she wanted to be out of her house and possibly spend the night out as well, she just didn't want to be near Alex so she got ready and went downstairs.

"Hey, where are you going?" Anna, her mother, asked when she saw Jade leaving the house.

"I'm going to a little party at Tori's house" Jade simply said.

"But your brother and your cousin are here, you should spend time with them" Anna commented.

"Come on, mom, let her go, she wants to have fun it's normal" Nathan said and Jade smiled at him.

"I have an idea, why don't we go to the party with you?" Alex suggested and Jade's smile immediately dropped.

"Yes, that's a good idea" Anna said.

"No offense but you're thirty and besides, you're not invited" Jade commented.

"Age doesn't matter, I'm sure your friends won't mind" Anna said.

"Mom, no" Jade said.

"I agree with Jade, mom, I don't think we should go... besides, I still have to unpack" Nathan said and Jade nodded.

"Then Alex can go with her, you're not making your way out of this Jade, someone's going with you" Anna affirmed and Jade exhaled clearly annoyed but she wanted her brother to come too, she didn't want to be alone with Alex.

"Fine, they can come" Jade said and Alex smiled, Nathan shook his head but also smiled at Jade, it was done, they were all going to the reunion.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Please review :)