Oka Ruto crossed the threshold of the road onto the school's pavement as the clock rolled over to 7:00 AM and the four tone tune came from the school's clock. The sky was clear and there was no cloud in sight. It was a warm day, the sun's rays resting on her shoulders. Everyone was filing into the school in two straight lines. Oka preferred to be at the back of her row. She felt uncomfortable in crowds… too many eyes to meet and too many who would judge. The girl cupped her hands together as she walked and kept her eyes down. Nobody seemed to be interested in her, which she didn't care about. If they wanted to be too wrapped up in their own business, that wasn't her problem. Besides, she had other things to think about other than her classmates.

Today was particularly sunny and the sun was vivid. Anyone with a hint of common sense would know that vampires can't possibly stand in sunlight without burning! Oka's shadowed eyes darted towards the Basu sisters, who were standing together as usual alongside their friends. Inkyu Basu, the younger of the pair was standing closest to her. Her vivid magenta hair swept over her shoulders held in two thick ponytails in fluffy black scrunchies. Oka fiddled with her own hair as she looked at the sisters. The difference between the gothic girl and the Basu siblings could not be more apparent. Sakyu and Inkyu were beautiful with clean and styled hair and wore makeup which enhanced their attractiveness with good personalities to boot. Oka's hair was a perpetual mess which hadn't been washed in a few days and her tired eyes were surrounded by shadow against her pale and average skin. Unlike the sociable Basu siblings, Oka couldn't cope with speaking to so many at once. Or sometimes even talking one-on-one was enough to cause her to turn into a stuttering wreck. They were everything she wasn't.

'Wait until I can prove she's a vampire.' Oka thought inwardly as she opened her locker to get her indoor shoes, 'Maybe people will stop calling me crazy…'

Oka took off her outdoor shoes with ease and put them in her locker. The noise of the locker room rang in her ears. People's voices, things dropping on the floor the slamming doors, it was enough to drive anyone mad! Oka stimmed anxiously for several minutes, cupping her hands repetitively and rocking on the spot. She bent over and attempted to get one of her indoor shoes on, but as she put one leg up to pull the shoe on, the other foot under her slipped on nothing, sending the girl tumbling backwards with a startled yelp, waving her arms in an attempt to catch herself. Oka let out a cry as she ended up falling backwards into the legs of Shima Shita, who let out a small gasp as she was knocked backwards. The short-haired brunette recovered quickly from her stumble and jumped into a position, indicating readiness to fight, only to notice the older girl picking herself up. Oka was fixing her fringe when she felt a hard shove on the back.

"For god sake, Oka, watch your feet!" Shima snapped before grabbing her things and heading into the Martial Arts room. Oka, noticing that people were now looking and some were sniggering, stimmed anxiously as she opened her locker back up to find her other shoe. Thankfully this didn't last long as everyone began to migrate into the main Plaza. The Basu sisters made their way up onto the roof, Oka knew they'd be there. Probably to hide their real identities! People had told her before that it was just because the sisters preferred each other's company to others, but she knew better than that! They had something to hide!

As she passed the main doors to the Plaza, she noticed the groups of girls dotted around, all gossiping, giggling and generally chatting. The petals from the blossom trees were falling into the green grass and the water in the fountain reflected the sun's rays, leaving the Plaza in a warm glow. It looked so pleasant. Oka sighed, shaking her unkempt hair and continuing to slowly walk up the stairs to the rooftop, still writhing her hands. She didn't feel like she could be a part of those cliques. Nobody ever wanted to talk about vampires or demons, they only cared about petty things like makeup and boys as far as she knew. She wasn't interested in that kind of rubbish. She had more important matters on her mind.

When she finally got to the roof, the sun's rays reflecting off of the white stone made her shield her eyes for a moment. She looked around, noticing the few people she always saw on the roof. The bluenette, Kuu Dere sat on the bench in the shade, deep in her own thoughts and not speaking to anyone as usual. Mai Waifu was standing further away on her own, her long hot pink hair flowing behind her in the wind. Like Kuu, she was also stuck in her own thoughts. Oka did not know a lot about Mai Waifu apart from the fact that she seemed to always daydream about this mysterious game developer from America. She didn't say his name or anything, but she never seemed to think about anything else. What she did know was that the game developer in question could be on the other end of Midori Gurin's email. The green haired girl was furiously typing on her phone with her emerald eyes locked onto it. Oka didn't see the point in interacting with the ditsy first year so went to walk past her to reach the Basu sisters who were talking behind the wall.

"Oka! Oka!" The said girl yelped in fright as her heart rate quickened from the shock. Breathing shallowly, Oka turned her head towards Madori who was waving at her frantically.

"Wh-what is it, M-Midori?" She squeaked, writhing her hands together. She really didn't like it when people startled her like that.

"How many m's are there in the word programming?" The green haired girl asked stupidly, making Oka sigh. The girl did have a very irritating habit of asking stupid questions like this, but no matter what anyone said, she would probably never stop. Kuu Dere seemed to be annoyed by this as she also sighed. Or at least Oka thought she was annoyed, as far as she knew Kuu had a reputation for keeping her emotions to herself and not showing any.

"I told you earlier, Midori there are two m's in programming." She growled in a steady tone before muttering "idiot…" Under her breath. Oka looked back towards Midori who had resumed typing.

"W-w-who are… You e-mailing... anyway?" She asked, but before she could say anything else, Kuu interrupted.

"I bet it's that game developer." She said, again in a flat tone, "How many e-mails have you sent that guy, I mean honestly?"


"You shouldn't have to think for an answer."

"Um… Is a lot bad?"

"Bad? I'd be tearing my hair out if I got that many…!"

As the argument started escalated, (if you could call Midori whining nonsense and Kuu's monotoned remarks an 'argument') Oka took the opportunity to sneak away, not wanting to get involved in the bickering she had inadvertently started. Arguments was another thing she couldn't deal with. She looked around the corner and saw the two sisters speaking to each other. Inkyu was standing in the shade caused by the wall while Sakyu stood in the sun.

'Hmm… So she's standing in the shade.' Oka thought to herself, 'Must be to make sure she doesn't burn!' She stood against the wall, out of their sight, feeling really pleased with her finding. Maybe people would stop calling her weird or crazy for knowing the truth. Although she hadn't found anything on Sakyu, it was better than nothing! She turned around to look again and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she was suddenly face to face with a pair of fake yellow irises.

"Kyaa!" She yowled, almost having a heart attack.

"Get lost, Oka!" The purple haired girl suddenly snapped, making Oka whip back around the wall with a yelp. She started stimming again in an attempt to comfort herself. How long did they know she was there? Oka sighed as the knot in her chest loosened.

"What was it? Was it that girl again?" Inkyu's younger and lighter voice came from the corner which made the knot in her chest come back, even stronger now.

"Yeah, just ignore her." Sakyu answered so bluntly Oka was half afraid she would come around the corner and push her away or something.

"She's creepy, I don't like her!"

"Try having to be in the same class as her!"

Oka cupped her hands against her chest and gulped. They must have forgotten that she was right there. She wasn't a stranger to words like these but what could she do about it? She didn't have anyone to talk to about it with… There were the people who were a part of her club, the Occult club but they seemed more interested reading their books and taking part in the activities, rather than actually talk to her. Oka sighed and sat on the bench, making sure to sit away from Kuu, who seemed to have gotten Midori to back off as the green-haired girl was back to staring at her phone. Oka played with the red band around her arm, trying to take her mind off of the Basu sisters, but she was still thinking about her discovery of Inkyu standing in the shade.

Oka noticed Kuu's red eyes looking towards her and quickly averted her eyes onto the ground, stimming.

"They aren't supernatural, you know. You're wasting your time." The bluenette said bluntly, making Oka jump a little.

"Wh-wha- y-yes they are...!" she stammered, fed up of people telling her otherwise. Why did people find it so hard to believe?

"What makes you so sure?"

"Uh… I-I-Inkyu's standing… in the sh-shade."


"Vampires b-burn... in the sun…" Oka crossed her arms, wanting to make herself clear to the ruby eyed girl. But her confidence was shattered when the pair of sisters suddenly passed them, the pair of them were in the sun, which seemed to be reflecting off of their hair. She could feel Kuu's eyes bore into her.

"Vampires burn in the sun, huh?"

Oka stimmed, darting her eyes a little in embarrassment, "Uh-um...s-she's...p-probably...a s-special vampire...w-who can survive in the sunlight...t-this requires...f...f-further research…" she mumbled, playing with her fringe anxiously as she looked away. Kuu just shook her head and walked away. Oka sighed and put her head in her hands. It looked like she was back to square one. The girl sighed and followed Kuu down the stairs and into their classroom. Nobody ever wanted to listen to her. She didn't know anyone else within the school outside of her club members who was interested in the paranormal or supernatural. She couldn't explain to people just why she was so interested by that. It was all just too fascinating to ignore!

Sitting in her seat, Oka played with her red armband as she looked around the classroom. By now almost everyone was here. Right next to her was another club leader, Budo Masuta the master martial artist in the school. He was a taller boy with fluffy black hair, a well built and sturdy body and a confident and strong mind. Something that Oka didn't have and probably would never have.

Next to him was Mai Waifu, who still seemed to be staring into space. While Oka did not know much about the girl, she was aware that the pink-haired girl did have a number of admirers throughout the school and it wasn't uncommon for her to be called "kawaii", "moe" or "deredere" by them. Oka found people hard enough to deal with as they were, she didn't want to think about having admirers. At the front of the class was Ryuto Ippongo and Pippi Osu, sitting at either side of the classroom. Oka didn't see them very much as the pair always spent their time in the computer lab, playing games. Sakyu was sitting behind her and the dark haired girl could feel her annoyed eyes glaring at the back of her head.

While Oka did not really think about anyone in her class, since they all had their own business to deal with and she had hers, there was one person she couldn't ignore. And he was sitting right behind her next to the window.

Taro Yamada. Oka did not know what drew her to the boy. He was just an average person. He did his school work, he got fairly good grades and he seemed to enjoy spending his time alone rather than being around other people. But there was just something about him… he gave off a good aura, which was something Oka could always appreciate. But she didn't know anything else about him. Sure they were in the same class, but she had never even spoken to him. She wished she could, but she just couldn't bring herself to. Everyone thought she was 'spooky' and 'creepy', she'd rather keep him oblivious rather than allow herself to become a bigger outcast than she already was. Besides, what chance would she have with him anyway? He already had a girlfriend. Or at least she thought he did. He always seemed to be with a girl with flame coloured hair which fell back into twintails and orange eyes. She didn't know her name but she could often see her around Taro and seemed to have this habit of calling him, and pretty much everyone else "baka". She was the main reason that Oka never approached him. If this girl was indeed Taro's girlfriend like she thought, she didn't know how she'd react to another girl talking to him.

Oka was taken out of her trance when the teacher, Kaho Kanon started the class. Oka sighed and opened her book, wanting to get this out of the way. She had other matters to tend to.


As the school's lunch bell rang, everyone started to file out of the classroom. Oka cleared her desk and followed them, walking behind Sakyu. She was wondering it would be worth watching the siblings again. The things Kuu had said were still playing in her head, even though she had been trying to get rid of those thoughts. Inkyu was a vampire, she just knew it! But she had to find out a way to convince people of that fact.

A sudden barrier stopped Oka from walking, causing her to hit it and stumble backwards. She suddenly realised that the barrier she had walked into was the back of Sakyu. The purpled haired girl with yellow eyes turned around to glare at Oka.

"Don't even think about it!" The girl snapped, pointing a finger at Oka, which made her step back.

"Th-th-think about w-what?" Oka muttered, writhing her hands worryingly.

"Following us onto the roof and stare at us like some creepy stalker!" the girl glared at her, only making Oka more anxious. She darted her eyes and tried to avoid eye contact.

"I-I-I just-" she stammered.

"Do you like the fact that everyone says you're weird?"


"Then stop stalking me and my sister, you creepy bitch!" The girl snarled, making Oka look away, rubbing her arms. She let out an annoyed sigh before storming off, leaving Oka alone in the hall. The girl continued writhing her hands for another few minutes, trying to calm herself down. What was she supposed to do now? She didn't want to go into the cafeteria, there were too many people there. She didn't want to go into the Plaza since she knew that's where Taro would be, and she couldn't bear the thought of herself being alone with him. Lingering around him without saying something to him would probably freak him out and she didn't want to be chased off by anyone else today. Oka sighed and decided to go back onto the roof. She'd have to be more careful in watching the sisters this time. She needed to find out more about them.

As Oka turned the corner towards the roof, she jumped when she was suddenly face to face with a girl that she had never seen before. She looked to be a year below Oka and, like Taro, had black hair and charcoal coloured eyes. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her eyes looked dull and empty. She did not say anything. She just stood there staring at Oka. The girl stimmed, writhing her hands as she took a step back down the steps.

"Uh-um-um… s-s-sorry…" she stammered, unsure what to say. The girl continued to stare at her, her face was blank and emotionless. Oka darted her eyes, what was she supposed to do? Suddenly, without the girl saying anything, she whipped out her phone in front of her face, the camera facing Oka.

"Kyaa! No!" Oka yelped, covering her face with her hands. She couldn't stand people taking her picture! Especially without permission! Even when she was expecting it, she hated it. After a few moments, she removed her hands from her face and was relieved to see that the girl was gone. She walked up the stairs and onto the roof. She knew that the Basu sisters were in their usual spot, but she really didn't want to get caught by them. She sat on the bench close to them and listened. They were just talking. They weren't talking about anything remotely interesting to her. They were probably keeping their secrets to themselves. They don't want other people to know who they really are. Oka sighed and put her head in her hands, she'd just have to try again tomorrow. The girl looked to her right and noticed Kuu sitting there, eating her lunch of sushi, chicken and some vegetables.

Oka's stomach rumbled uncomfortably and she pressed her hands against it. She sighed and rubbed her stomach, trying to distract herself from feeling hungry. Oka didn't like eating at school. Or more that she always forgot to take lunch to school, and even if she did take some she wouldn't eat it anyway since she was always busy watching the Basu sisters which would take her mind off of it. But now that stalking the sisters was harder since Sakyu was aware and was probably watching out for her now and that distraction now only made Oka aware of her hunger. But today was one of those days where she forgot to bring her lunch with her. The girl sighed as she looked around the roof area. There was nothing happening. Mai was still standing away from everyone and Midori was still staring at her phone. Oka couldn't be bothered with asking her what she was doing, knowing she'd just get roped into another argument between her and Kuu.

But something did catch her eye. Two other girls, Kokona Haruka and Saki Miyu were coming up the stairs and were going behind a wall. Oka blinked curiously. Kokona and Saki were both popular girls who always spent their time with their friends gossiping. She hadn't seen them on the roof before. What were they doing?

Oka, feeling curious got up from the bench and started walking to where they were. But she stopped when she suddenly noticed that same black haired girl from before appear from the stairs and appeared to stalk the pair of girls, listening to what they were talking about. Oka blinked and took a step back. She didn't want to intrude on the girl. She didn't know who she was, and didn't know how she would react to her intruding. After a few moments Oka heard the school bell go again. She silently watched the black-haired girl run down the stairs and Kakona and Saki following her, seemingly oblivious to her presence.

Who was that girl? Oka scratched her head, trying to figure it out. She hadn't seen her before, didn't know her name and she did act very strange. Oka was fairly interested in finding out who she was. But there was every chance she'd reject her too, like everyone else. The girl sighed as she walked back to class.

Maybe she would try to speak to her at some point. She use some friends for a change.