This is an answer to Carnacki23's Metal Gear Solid/ASOIAF Challenge. I do know that Punished Snake and Naked Snake are two different People but I regard both of them as halves to big boss' soul and therefore basically the same person. To see the map of Westeros as I see it go to for my map. Diamond Dogs are located between Pentos and Stonedance. The time is when King Bob is 2 months away from Winterfell. This is the only time I will say it: The Metal Gear Universe and all its Inhabitants are the property of KONAMI (They played us like a damn fiddle!) and the world of ASOIAF is the property of George Raymond Richard Martin. I only own the plot and a few OC's in this story. The Map aforementioned is the brainchild of theMountainGoat and Tear and is the property of George Raymond Richard Martin.

Location: Unknown

1st person Point Of View of Naked Snake

I slowly drifted from my body with the cigar in my mouth. I could still taste it faintly. I saw my son fade away as well. I was thrown into a violent flash of light and deafening sound. I thought to myself "Is this my Punishment?" I saw another ….. Person? Soul? Coming towards me. I recognised it or rather I recognised me. It was him… my Phantom…. No… my other half! He looked at me and lighted his electronic cigar and said "What took you so long Snake?". I chuckled and said "Kept you waiting huh?" He smiled and offered his hand to me. I took it and I stood up.

He said "We died two old done men…. Or rather one old man who died twice." I chuckled again. I don't know what had come over me. He then said "Brace yourself Snake." And then it went black.

Location: Mother Base

1st Person Point of View of BIG BOSS

(Play Music: Big Boss Returns by Jonas. from here)

Someone tapped me and I jumped. My reflexes kicked in and I had that man in a stranglehold. He squawked "BOSS, It's…..mee… Ocelot!"

I saw that it was indeed Ocelot and let him go. He said "Boss I found you unconscious here and went to wake you up." I said "What is it?" He said "Boss… we are no longer on Earth." I said "What do you mean? Is this a prank of some sort?" He said "No boss. We were having a regular training day when suddenly a huge bang sounded and we were in this place. We thought we were under attack but we waited until the dust settled. We already launched a satellite and found that this Planet is atleast 35% bigger then Earth. To our West is a continent atleast the size of South America but it is in the exact shape as of Great Britain.

To our East is a continent roughly the size of Asia and Australia combined. To Our South-East is a continent which is by all counts massive. It is roughly the size of Two Asia's and one Australia combined. I gaped at him. I heard a voice from behind me say "He is right, Boss" I turned around and saw it was Kaz. He continued "Our micro trackers in our satellites suggested that the continent to our West or the as the locals so aptly call it 'Westeros' has what is basically medieval European Hierarchy. The continent to the East and again what the locals call 'Essos' …..These people are in serious need of creativity. Anyway Essos has what is basically medieval Asian practices but with changes of their own."

He stopped. I said "And the Southern Continent?" He said "Let's just leave it at that Boss" Ocelot said "Our best bet Boss is to go to the Western Continent and meet with the king there. We can no longer be mercenaries Boss. Our level of firepower in these hands would mean Doomsday." I nodded. Kaz said "Boss, Our Food Levels are sufficient for Six months, 8 months with rationing. Bullets are not a cause due to our own manufacturing capabilities. We can filter the Ocean Water if required. This Planet is off the record in minerals Boss! We can mine the Ocean for Gas, Coal, Petroleum, Iron, Chemicals, and Gold to trade with the natives..."

I said "So we need food and what do you mean by trading with the natives. I am not selling them RPG's and Tanks for Food. But we can sell Commercial Goods like LED Lights and fertilizers. Only they know how much they need modern amenities." Ocelot said "You are right Boss. We will become more of a trading Militia then mercenaries." Kaz said "Actually Boss, I was thinking of Selling muskets and cannons to them. If we sell such it will boost their capabilities tenfold and they will pay a lot for it and we can set up several FOB's on their land as a price for the weapons. It will also have the additional benefit that they would be able to tear down each other but not be able to leave a thorn in our side."

Ocelot said "Boss, we have tanks, helicopters, and two Metal Gears. Now that there is no chance of any nation attacking us we can build up our navy and also commission fighter jets!"

Note: The two Metal Gears are Sahelanthropus and Battle Gear. Both are fully operatable and are controlled wholly by Boss jumps directly to acceptance that he has been given somewhat of a second chance that is why he doesn't reminisce about anything.

I said "Good"

Plasma Wyvern came running to us. He said "Boss!" and saluted me. He is an extremely talented soldier. With S++ ranks in everything. He said "Boss, the Satellite team have located the positon of the Monarch of Westeros. His name is Robert and it seems he won the throne in a rebellion 15 to 20 years ago. He is making his way to a Northern Castle called Winterfell or something of that ilk. He is meeting with his friend Lord Eddard Stark. Our Intel Team says he will take 2 months to reach there" He then walked back to the Command Platform

I said pointing at Kaz "I think it would be for the best if me and 20 of our finest soldiers went to Winterfell. We can introduce ourselves to the king when he comes along and we can also make a deal with this Lord Eddard."

Ocelot said "Seconded, Boss!"

Kaz gritted his teeth and said "Agreed, Boss. Boss it would be best if you would all go in Battle Dresses. I will arrange for Helicopter transport."

1 Week Later

I got onto the helicopter with Plasma Wyvern manning the gun next to me. Kaz said "Be careful, Boss" I took out my Phantom Cigar and started smoking it. The entire two hour trip seemed like 20 seconds to me. When we reached there I ordered Pequod and Charging Garial to set us down 2 kilometres away from the castle. D- Horse and the rest of our horses which were a mix of Andalusians and Arabian Horses had been fultoned in there earlier. We chose the horses over trucks as to not frighten the people there. Charging Garial and Pequod set down there. We rode our horses towards the castle and we were stopped by the guardsman in front of the gate.

He announced "In the name of Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of the North and Lord of Winterfell announce your business here."

I said "I am Big Boss, the Leader of the Private Army of Diamond Dogs we have a Proposition for Lord Eddard Stark and would like to meet him." The guardsman sent a message by his fellow guards to the main keep and when he returned he opened the gate for us.

I said "And so it begins."