The group left the valley and headed down the hill into the jungle. Mowgli said "couldn't we have at least said goodbye?"

"No, I... I just couldn't." Bagheera said. As they all walked, Kaa stopped in her slither, turning around. Mowgli said "Kaa, what are you doing?"

"Ssssomething'ssss coming. From the busssshessss." the snake said. Bagheera saw this, before Bahan jumped out the bushes and said "Baag-ee!"

"Bahan, what are you doing here, dear?" Bagheera said, before Mowgli picked up the cub and said "I think she came to say goodbye."

The cub pressed herself to Mowgli's chest, the boy saying "no Bahan. You can't come back with us. You belong here."

Bahan lowered her head as Mowgli let her onto the ground. She went up the line of animals. First, she came to Kaa and hugged the snake's coils, Kaa quietly saying "if I ever get my coilsss ssstuck again... I'll know who to call."

Then, she came to Ikki, the squirrel and the pangolin, the porcupine saying "you're a good kid, stripes. A good kid."

"We'll miss you." the pangolin said, the squirrel adding "yep. Good luck growin' up."

Bahan nodded, before moving onto the pygmy hog, tears in the small pig's eyes as he said "just remember. (sniffle) If you ever get tired of the tiger life, be sure... (sniffle) be sure to visit. You'll be welcome any time."

The cub nodded as she hugged the little hog, before moving on to Raksha and Grey, the mother saying "good luck to you, little one. I'm sorry I misjudged you."

"You're a nice tiger!" Grey said, Bahan smiling as she patted the wolf's head playfully. She then moved on to Baloo, the bear saying "so... just thought I'd let you know... if you ever come round my cave... lunch is at noon, dinner's at sunset... hm... don't bother knocking."

Bahan giggled as she pressed herself against Baloo, surprising the bear as he patted her on the back with a small smile on his face. Next, Bahan came to Mowgli, the mancub kneeling down to her level as he said "it's been fun, Bahan. I do hope we meet again. To be honest, I kind of got used to having you around. Oh, Bahan."

Mowgli picked up the cub as they hugged tightly, before she moved on to the last member of the group. Bagheera chuckled as Bahan giggled "Baag-ee!" as she jumped on him and bit on his ear, before pulling her off and saying "it's alright, dear. Water Mountain's not that bad, is it?"

Bahan looked back to see the mountain, turning back to Bagheera. Her eyes widened, as if to say "really?"

"Really." Bagheera answered, before Bahan pressed her paws to his chest, now seeming to say "come with me..."

"Hm... now you know I can't do that." Bagheera said, before a tearful Bahan tied her paws around his neck. Tears filled Bagheera's eyes as he silently returned her embrace. Eventually, he lay her back on the ground, saying "go on, Bahan."

Bahan turned to see Raksha, as Bagheera said "and always remember this. You are not a freak. You don't belong in a cage. You're kind, you're smart, you're important. And never let anyone tell you otherwise."

Bahan nodded as she nestled her face into Bagheera's paw, the panther saying "goodbye dear."


Bagheera sighed, and said "Baag-ee has to go, now."

Bahan turned away and began to head back to the valley. She turned back one last time at the panther, who smiled and waved silently. She giggled, before turning back and running into the valley.

Once the cub was finally out of sight, the group turned back and walked home. Raksha said "I'm sorry Bagheera. I know how much it hurts."

"No... don't try and comfort me. I don't need it. I don't need anyone trying to coerce me into running after her and convincing her to stay with us. She's where belongs now."

"You're absolutely right." Mowgli said. Baloo said "I'll tell you something, though. I'm really gonna miss little stripes."

"Me too." the animals said one by one. After the other animals had left save for Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera and the pygmy hog, Baloo suddenly brightened up, and said "you know what? I've got myself an idea!"

"Oh no." Bagheera said.

Some time later...

Bahan ran out of the den and began to run towards the valley exit. She suddenly ran into her mother, who said "where are you off to dear."

"Just getting some water, mommy!" Bahan said as she and her siblings ran out of the valley. Her mother laughed, and said "well, be sure to bring back some water this time!"

"We will. Bye mommy!"

Bahan and her siblings left the valley and crossed Nadee Pass into a small gladed area. She saw a small stone chime hanging from a tree, and began ringing it with her tail. When she made a certain pattern of sound, Mowgli came out of the tree and said "yeah, man!"

"Boy, that tune is chilling me!" Baloo said as he stepped from the bushes. "Hi guys!" Bahan laughed as she embraced Baloo and Bagheera, as the pygmy hog counted the cubs. "Okay, that's one, two, three... uh, where's four?!"

"AAAHH! HELP!" Ikki said as he, the squirrel and the pangolin ran from the bushes chased by the fourth cub. As the cubs played with the smaller animals, Bagheera laughed while Bahan climbed on his back and they all went off to play, as Baloo started to sing.

"Look for the.. bare necessities. The simple bare necessities! Forget about your worries and your strife!"

Mowgli and Bahan joined in as they said "I mean the... bare necessities! Old mother Nature's recipies that bring the bare necessities of life!"


"With just the bare necessities of life!"

"One more time!"

"With just the bare necessities of life! Yeah man!"

The End