
The Shadow's Past


Chapter X: Starlit Reunion

*~Kuroko, Takao Household's Garden~*

Kuroko was walking around the garden, completely immersed in the sounds and sights nature had to offer. He became unable to detect any presences around him, not to mention a very familiar presence. One he had known throughout his 3 years of middle school. Footsteps approaching him, he didn't realize it until it was too late.

"Tetsuya?" A voice said, full with as much authority as ever, but also with a slight uncertainty and a small hint of fear lacing the usually confident voice. Kuroko himself froze on the spot, willing himself not to turn round and confirm who it was. Kuroko decided to try and brush off the person, fooling himself into beleieving that it wasn't who he thought it was, because, 'That person shouldn't, couldn't be here!'

"I believe that you must have mistaken me for someone else...please excuse me." Kuroko said this as calmly as he could, and was already speed walking away from Akashi as he said the last part. However, it seemed that fate was really mocking him today. Akashi had grabbed his arm before he could even fully get past him.

"You surely couldn't have forgotten who I am now could you have, Tetsuya?" Akashi asked. Kuroko gave up. He supposed that if Akashi was already here, he might as well talk to him. Then he internally thought, 'Plus, if I wanted to escape, that would mean hurting Akashi-kun, and I can't very well do that now can I? After all, I would be damaging Akashi-kun's perfect skin, and those enchanting ruby eyes would be clouded with anger...that would be just disastrous wouldn't it?...*internal sigh*...Wait...what? Did I...just…' As realization of what his internal thoughts just consisted of he dawned on him, blood rushed to his face, painting it a brilliant crimson red.

As Kuroko was busy being occupied with his own thoughts and trying to calm down, Akashi was busy waiting for a reply and had released the boy, seeing as the teal-head wasn't going to be escaping any time soon. The boy had been muttering things for a full minute now, slightly worrying the red-head. After all, what if somehow, by some weird phenomenon he was…'wrong' about who the boy in front of him was? What if the boy was actually not his Tetsuya? Akashi began to mull over that hypothesis, lost in his thoughts of possibly actually being 'wrong' for once, until he heard that the mumbling from the boy in front of him had come to a halt.

Without turning around, the teal-head in front of him began to speak. "What is your name?" The boy asked. Akashi was really confused at this point. 'Is Tetsuya testing me?' He thought. Akashi thought over how to respond, and decided on going with his alias, despite how much he despised it. Because, after all, 'Tetsuya is smart enough to link the alias to the name, and if he isn't Tetsuya...' Akashi internally berated himself for thinking of such possibilities, as he was never wrong when it came to his Tetsuya. Akashi began to speak, voice still slightly hesitant, something Akashi internally cursed at, "My name is, Aka, Sire." Akashi made a slight bow. He saw Kuroko twitch slightly at the use of 'Sire' and Akashi's bow afterwards. At that, he was confirmed of his suspicions, and knew that the person in front of him was indeed his Tetsuya. Akashi now had a smirk on his face, but it was hidden with his current position, the shadows obscuring his face. He waited for what seemed like an eternity until Kuroko finally turned around, a sigh escaping the phantom's lips as he did so.

"Please don't tease me like this Akashi-kun." At the sound of Kuroko addressing him, Akashi finally raised his head, but the smirk on his face was now gone, and he was looking at Kuroko with the most serious glare he could produce. Kuroko didn't show any reaction however, as always. However, Akashi supposed that with him apparently being a part of the army and such, he must have seen much more terrifying things than being glared at. Before his thoughts could get off track however, Akashi quickly redirected them back onto the most important matter at hand.

"Tetsuya...allow me to get straight to the point." Akashi waited for Kuroko's nod before deciding to continue. After all, while he was most likely just as furious - if not more so - as the other Miracles about Kuroko's supposed 'disappearance', he certainly wasn't barbaric enough to just straight out yell at Kuroko about why the teal-head left. He was sure that if it was Tetsuya who left without saying a word, then it was due to something that he couldn't avoid. why did you leave After he received Kuroko's confirmation, Akashi spoke. "Why did you suddenly leave, Tetsuya?"

Kuroko himself had expected the question, and after Akashi said he wanted to get straight to the point, the boy knew that the red-head was most likely talking about this, but he still couldn't help his eyes going slightly wide at the question. The teal-head pondered on how to answer the forbidden question. He knew that lies wouldn't work on Akashi. His ex-captain was too smart for that. Kuroko racked his brain until he couldn't think anymore. He decided to just tell the straight out truth; kinda. He couldn't tell the red-head everything, or else the King might come and decide to use his friends against him.

"Akashi-kun, I...came back here because...I needed to do something…." His Tetsuya was being very vague, and Akashi didn't like it. The red-head was becoming suspicious. 'Tetsuya is usually very precise in in his explanations. He's hiding something.'

Once Kuroko saw the look of distrust painted on the young Akashi's face, he knew that the red-head was not satisfied with his answer. Akashi however, only breathed a sigh before speaking.

"Tetsuya, I don't know what you're hiding, but, if you don't want me, no, all of us to know, then I shall respect your wishes." Kuroko breathed a sigh of relief, but it was cut short as Akashi began speaking again. "However, I would like to know how long you plan to be gone, Tetsuya." Just then, Kuroko remembered why he came here, and the time gaps between the two worlds.

"Akashi-kun, how long have you...and the rest...been in this world?" Kuroko asked with his bangs shadowing his face.

"Today would make it the third night I believe." Akashi answered, head titled slightly upwards towards the sky. Kuroko silently breathed a sigh of relief. 'Only a week of two will have passed then. They can still go back without too much trouble.'

"Akashi-kun, I think it's best that everyone leaves this world as soon as possible." Kuroko said, raising his eyes to to look right into Akashi's, the teal-head's orbs burning with determination, pleading for his friends to listen. Akashi didn't understand what Kuroko had wanted for a few seconds, but soon figured out what Kuroko was worried about, and tried to voice his question.

"Tetsuya, is there something about time differences between here and Earth that we should kno-" Akashi couldn't finish his sentence as he was cut off by another voice.

"Tetsuya-sama, where are you?" The voice said from a distance. At the sound of said voice, Kuroko ran towards Akashi, catching the ex-captain off guard, and shoved the red-head into a bush.

"Tetsuya-sama?" The voice repeated, closer this time. "Ah, there you are." The sound of shoes snapping twigs and crunching leaves reached the ears of both males, one peeking out through the leaves of a bush, and the other staring straight into the gray eyes of the intruder.

"Marcuil." The sound of the name from Kuroko's mouth made recognition flash through Akashi's thoughts. 'It's him...so he did know Tetsuya after all…' Akashi was drawn back to reality as Kuroko continued. "What are you doing here?" Marcuil chuckled.

"Tetsuya-sama, shouldn't I be asking you that question? Trying to escape now are we? We certainly can't have that happening now can we?" Marcuil's expression, visible only to Kuroko, as for Akashi, the bush was skewing his vision, had turned more mocking and devious with every word. Akashi saw Kuroko clenching his fists so hard that Akashi thought Kuroko's nails might even break through the milky white colored skin.

"Why are you here, Marcuil?" Kuroko's voice seemed to contain something horribly inhuman-something that seemed to contain nothing of the normally polite and kind boy-as the teal-head spoke. The air shifted with every word the boy spoke, and the previously beautiful night sky sown with stars seemed to now be hiding behind ominous gray clouds. Kuroko's statement left even nature itself eerily silent for a few moments. The silence was shattered by none other than than the very man who seemed to be the cause of the whole mess.

"Tetsuya-sama, please calm yourself. I am here to report to you that His Majesty has called for your return." Marcuil made a slight bow to the boy, seemingly unperturbed by the fuming teal-head in front of him. Internally however, the man was startled mainly but there was also a sufficient amount of fear to remind the butler of exactly how powerful the boy in front of him was. Akashi on the other hand was more curious about the new side of Kuroko he had discovered. Even for the ever 'absolute' Akashi however, there was also a slight slight hint of fear present in his mind.

"I see...Very well then." Kuroko's previous tone of voice seemed to have disappeared, his anger subsiding, as the King was one person he couldn't defy without severe consequences to the people he cared about. "Proceed ahead of me, Marcuil. I will follow shortly." Marcuil walked away without any words of protest, leaving the two teenagers alone in the garden. "Akashi-kun...you can come our now." Kuroko said once he had assured himself that the butler was truly gone. Akshi emerged from the bushes, twigs and leaves slightly ripping his uniform.

"Tetsuya, next time, I expect a warning before being assaulted." Akashi said this calmly and cooly, purposefully avoiding the subject of Kuroko's 'outburst'.

"I apologize Akashi-kun. I will makes sure to do so next time." Kuroko said this in his normal monotone expression, unlike earlier, when his anger towards Marcuil had cracked his mask for a few moments. "Akashi-kun…" The boy hesitated.

"What is it, Tetsuya?" Akashi said,seeing the boy's hesitation in telling him what he wanted to.

"...Nevermind." Kuroko looked Akashi straight in the eye, and began to ask him something. "Akashi-kun, please don't tell any of the others that you saw me today." Akashi opened his mouth to protest, but Kuroko only shook his head, indicating that he really didn't want the others to know. Akashi sighed, and nodded slight in agreement. Kuroko smiled at that. "Thank you Akashi-kun." Then, Kuroko's face turned serious. "Akashi-kun, you and everyone else need to go home as soon as possible...please." Kuroko's voice lowered at the last part, and the boy continued, as he began turning away from the red-head. "Staying here any longer will put you all in danger...please, go back home, if not for your sakes, for your families. Please...just...forget about me…" Akashi saw water drip from Kuroko's face as the boy's voice became nothing more than a very small whisper at the last phrase.

"Tets-" Before Akashi could call out to the boy, the wind suddenly picked up, and Akashi was blinded by the wind, forcing him to close his eyes. When he reopened his eyes, he was in front of the doors to the ballroom, where the GOM and Chiaki were all standing near, now calm and seemingly looking around for him. When they spotted him, they began walking towards him, he disregarded them and looked for their phantom; his phantom. The invisible boy was nowhere to be seen, disappointing the red-head.

"We're sorry Akashicchi...we couldn't get to Kurokocchi…" Kise said, snapping the red-head out of his thoughts as he acknowledged the people around him, his ex-teamates, and people he considered his friends, all looking apologetic and sad that they couldn't find their phantom.

"It's alright. I had no success as well." Everyone was shocked at Akashi forgiving them, as their ex-captain rarely ever forgave failure if not at all.h

"Oi, Akashi, did something happen? Did you eat something weird when you left?" Aomine asked, suspicious of the strange behavior the red-head was conducting. Akashi however, was lost in his thoughts once again, happy that he had met his Tetsuya today, causing a slight smile to fall upon his lips.

"Ah! Akashicchi is smiling! SMILING!" Kise exclaimed to the rest of the GOM, who were just as startled. Midorima was the one to snap out of it first, asking the red-head if he was alright.

"Akashi, are you alright? Not like I care, nandayo." Midorima quickly added the last part, due to his tsundere personality.

"Aka-chin?" Was the only thing that came out of Murasakibara's mouth as he was too busy munching on the snacks he had obtained from the banquet table.

"It's nothing." Akashi said, as he turned to face Chiaki, his smile fading, and his face morphing into a serious expression. "Chiaki. I believe that we should head home for today. At least we know hip is safe." Chiaki nodded, and called for the car using magic to contact him. Once the car arrived, they all left the building, driving back to the Takao Vacation Mansion, where the rest were waiting. Inside the car, Akashi's only had one thought.

'Tetsuya. I'm afraid I can't fufill your request. Because none of us are leaving until we get you to come back with us. And I'm afraid I'm no exception.'

Hello everyone! I'm sorry that it took me a while to get this out! T^T I had trouble writing the 'Akashi and Kuroko' meeting scene as I told you guys last chapter, so it took a few days to write it. This will be the last chapter for 'Arc One: The Shadow's Past'! (\*^○^*/) Yay! I think that Arc Two will probably be out in about a week or so, since I'm still deciding on the setting, and a little of the plot so...yeah. Sorry! T^T. Also, please do tell what you guys think about the story overall, I would LOVE to hear your opinions. Thanks for all of the support you guys! See you all later!