I just moved to London England. I live happily alone. I am attending London Academy. I live on the school grounds in a apartment. Everything had brrn great since I got here. Even the food is. But there is one odd thing. Ever since I step foot into London Academy. I have had this feeling that I am being watch. I tried to shake it off. But the feeling is still there. It happens mostly when I am alone. I don't want to sound paranoid but it's true. I feel as if I am being watch. I am even feeling like this right now. I digh and rusg into my home. Locking all of the doors and windows. Closing off all of the entries to my home. (Arthur Kirkland's POV) I pout as my love closed her curtains. I knew I loved her the moment I first saw her. She had walk into the school. She had look nervous. After I shook off the warm feeling. A feeling that consumed me and made everything feel good. She look nervous. So I had followed her. From that day forward I followed her. I do not see it as stalking but as protecting her from a far. She is my rose in the desert. I will do anything to proctect her. At all cost. Most people would say that I am a Insane, Obsessive Stalker. But I am not insane, or obsessive stalker. No I am a admirer protector. Anyone who says different deserves to die, painfully. I wait till dark fall to sneak into my rose's home. I hate that she lives alone. I want her to be protected. But at y he same time I am glad. My rose is fare to precious to live with just anyone. Anyone but me. I am the only one who can protect my rose. From all the men who would pluck her from me. If they try I will kill them. Every single one of them. No one will harm my rose. I creep into her house, like I do every single night. This is just to protect her. From all that try to pluck her away from me. I enter her bedroom. Like I normally do. She is a heavy sleeper. Which so happens to works in my favor. I climb into bed with her. Careful to not wake my sweet rose. I lay next to her and close my eye lightly. Listening t ok her. But tonight wad different. She began to shift and moan. And I soon realized that my rose is having a wet dream. Her cheeks were flush and she was movong in such a cute way. I just want to grab her and to make all her dreams come true. But that is soon shattered. By a delicious moan. "Mmm, Francis..." I am shattered as I hear her. My rose is dreaming of another man than me. I want to grab her and shake some since into her. But instead I leave. Devastated by this. My rose is in love with that damn Frog. Francis Bonnefoy. I hated him more at t h is moment than anyone else ever. I leave het house and something inside of me snap. That is when I realize something aloud. "I will kill you Francis Bonnefy." -time skip, brought to you by: England watching you sleep- I laugh evily as I drain y he blood from Francis. He had claimed to not know who my rose is. I knew he was lying though. Lying so he can run away with her. And be the on e to love her all alone. "That is not going to happen now you damn Frog!" I laugh kicking his severed head into the wall. Only to stop. There was standing... My rose. She has a look of pure horror on her face. Tears slowly trailing down her cheeks. When she look at me... She runs. I run after her, screaming her name. "(Reader), (READER)! Please stop, (Reader) Let me explain. (READER)!" Once I caught up to her I bring her into my ams. Holding tightly. She is hitting me and swearing. Telling me to let her go. And calling me names. Like... 'mudering Bastared', 'monster', and things such as that. "You killed him. You killed my crush. I hate you! I hat-" I cut her off with a back hand to the her beautiful face. I instantly regret it though. And kiss her red cheek. She just cries. I shush her and cary her bridal style. To our home. "It is alright my sweet rose." ?