Hey all,
It has been a while. I've missed you all!
Just a little story following tomorrow's episode. Rumour has it that there will be a venomous spider in the ED! I hate spiders but it's an opportunity to hurt a favourite character of mine. You know what I am like ;)
Ethan walked to the staff room after changing into his scrubs for the shift of the day. He smiled as he walked through the ED but it went when he heard a high pitched scream coming from the staff room. He darted to it to find Robyn standing on the sofa.
"Robyn, what is it?" Ethan asked as he stared at the petrified nurse.
"S-s-spider!" Robyn whimpered as she pointed at the insect on the floor. Ethan looked down and smiled gently before grabbing a cup and magazine.
"It's only a harmless, little thing." Ethan smiled as he kneeled down and placed the spider in the cup, on the magazine. He stood back up. "I'll go take him outside." Ethan turned around and walked out the room.
"My hero, Ethan." Robyn smiled as she got down off the sofa.
Ethan walked through the ED, hearing some people cringe at the bug he is holding.
"Science project?" Cal asked with a smirked whilst he walked next to Ethan.
"Nope, just being a knight in shining armour." Ethan answered. Cal smiled and walked away from Ethan as he headed for the entrance.
"Right, you." Ethan spoke to the spider as he walked over to the Peace gardens. He kneeled down in front of a plant. "You are moving into your new home." Ethan tilt the magazine forward and slowly lifted the glass. "Come on." Ethan spoke to the spider as he crawled under the magazine. He couldn't find it till he turned the magazine over to reveal the spider on his hand.
"Come on, get off." Ethan tried to stay calm as the spider crawled up his hand and onto his forearm where the spider bit into Ethan's arm. He dropped the glass and magazine and flinched in pain as he let out a gasp, clinching his right forearm with his left hand, hiding the stinging part of his arm. He took his hand off his arm to reveal two little puncture marks. He looked at the spider crawling away from him on the floor.
Ethan looked at his bite mark worryingly before getting up and walking slowly towards the ED.
Ethan walked past everyone, hiding his wound under his hand until he got to the empty staff room and washed his bite under the tap and quickly grabbed the first aid box. He couldn't find any bandages or plasters.
"Cal can't find out." Ethan spoke under his breath, then looked around. Where could he find bandages? But then Ethan thought about it: wearing a bandage, people would question. Ethan quickly walked to his locker, took off his scrub shirt and put a long sleeve white shirt on, he put his scrub top back on. Connie walked in at this point.
"Ethan?" Connie poked her head into the staff room, Ethan turned around and faced her. "You're needed. Cubicle five." Ethan sighed a little in relief at the fact Connie didn't know what he was doing. He nodded and Connie left the room. Ethan closed his locker then also left the staff room.
I'm going to end this here because I can see this going somewhere in the next chapter. Hope you guys like it so far : )