Title: The Death of Me or My Savior
Summary: Percy and Grover have an empathy link, and when Percy is on Olympus and Grover is fighting for his life, the empathy link connects them and the gods don't realize until it is almost too late. Now Percy wakes up a god and has to learn to control his emotions and his domains while living with his lover…
Main Characters: Percy Jackson, Apollo
Secondary characters: Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Hades, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Annabeth, Reyna
Main Pairings: Percy/Apollo
Secondary Pairings: Annabeth/Reyna
Chapter 6: Kisses under the sun AKA Apollo
*last chapter*
"What is wrong son?"
"Jupiter wants me to marry, my boyfriend. I am not ready!"
"He is your uncle, and he wants you complete. Apollo makes you whole."
Sally smiled as her son switched from Perseus, to Percy.
"Thanks mum."
Laughing at that she held out a plate of blue chocolate cookies.
"Food of the gods" Percy says and laughs.
The mortal woman had just finished baking blue cookies, her son had swooped up and grabbed them bare handedly, and she had gasped.
"MOM! im ok! im a god and all" Percy laughed and ate one and moaned as the gooey chocolate went into his mouth.
She grinned as her son was still eating them. "Blue COOKIES ARE THE BEST!"
"So how are you and Paul?" he asks and looks at hi mom, once they are done.
the mortal smiles, they- meaning Paul and herself- had just finished writing a book about her son's adventures and they had got the third one published.
"The Titan's Curse is coming out on May, first, and the publishers really like it, they said it was the best creative writing ever!"
Both mother and son laugh, but they stop at a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" nodding, Percy leans back more into the couch and summons a cup of nectar to drink.
"Percy!" Sally smiled and called him again when he didn't come.
"Mom, wha-? Apollo?"
The blond haired god grins, his smile instantly lighting up the room, his windswept blond hair is messy, just how Percy likes it, because it means he doesn't always have messy hair. Even though he was a god now he let it do whatever the hades hair does.
"Hello, Perce, can we talk?" swallowing the youngest god nods and the sun god walks forwards and flashes them away, to somewhere private.
"I talked to my day; he said it's alright to post phone the wedding, he knew he was in the wrong…" Apollo glanced at his boyfriend and saw the man close his brilliant sea green eyes from the world. "I don't want to push…"
"Polly…. You always think of what I want and what would make me upset, you have been an awesome boyfriend, and yes I want to marry you. But not right now, we have millennia. I want to finish my school life with my mom and Paul… but I want to think what you want"
Percy hugs the sun god and tilts his head so there lips can meet.
(A bit m rated)
Apollo moans and lifts the light god up; Percy wraps his legs around the god's waist, grinning devilishly Apollo walks to the edge of the small cliff and jump.
"OMIGODS!"Percy yelps and untangles himself from the laughing god. "That was unexpected!"
A/N: sorry for the wait!