Hello! This is my second fanfic. I out my other one on hold as I have a lot planned for the next chapter of it.
Now this is a story I wanted to do for a while now
WARNING! This story will have lemons and incest in it. If you are not comfortable with that, than do not read or skip those parts.
This is also going to be a Naruto harem story. I'm thinking on about 5 or 6 girls for his harem. No more than that though.
With that said,
Enjoy the first chapter!
Konoha October 10th
This was it. He could see it now. Before it was just the stupid civilians. The civilians were dumber than bricks, so it made sense that they acted like wild monkeys. He was able to deal with them. They didn't hit hard…at least not with the pain tolerance that he built up over the years.
And thank kami it was just the average civilians that attacked him. If the villagers from the Red Light District were to be involved, he would most likely have been dead years ago. Funny how they were the ones who protected them. The low life thugs and criminals were the ones to treat him like a human while the rest thought he was the Kyuubi.
Oh yes, he knew what he carried. Naruto Uzumaki was not some common moron that most the villagers thought he was. He was very intelligent, cunning, and very well informed. Only the people from the Red Light District knew this. Not even the Sandaime or 'The Professor' was able to see through his mask. But I digress.
He found himself trying to get home from the academy to avoid the yearly Kyuubi festival. That was hours ago. Now he was tied to a tree away from the village. Some ninjas had followed him and waited till he was alone to grab him…or when he was around villagers that wanted him dead. That was when they grabbed him.
'Idiot shinobi!' Naruto thought. 'Their ninja for fucks sake! Don't they know how to use a simple storage scroll?! That's basically what I am!' He didn't have anymore room for his thought as a kunai was stabbed in his knee.
"So the demon thought he could give us the slip did he?" Stated the chunin. "Well today you finally die! This idiotic village will finally stop blaming our clan for your attack!" He said not thinking of his words.
"You idiot! Why would you go and tell him that?! Now he will know who we are!" Stated the other chunin kidnapper.
"It doesn't matter. He won't be alive for long," said the jounin and final kidnapper. Obviously the leader. With that said, he launched a kunai into his shoulder.
"Aaahhh!" Naruto yelled as blood gushed from the wound.
"Enough playing around, kill him already!" said the first chunin.
'NO! I can't die! Not now!' Naruto yelled in his head. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. 'I'm not going to die here! I still have plenty of things to do! Ayame-neechan and Teuchi-jiji! I WON'T DIE!' That's when he felt it. A calm soothing aura around him. He opened his eyes and saw that the ninjas stopped and felt it also. It was as if nature was trying to talk to him.
He didn't have much time to try and figure out what they were saying because the Uchiha scum snapped out of their daze. All three of them charged all aiming at vital points. Just as they were about to charge, the bark from the tree wrapped around Naruto acting like a cocoon. The Uchiha jumped backed shocked at what they just witnessed.
'What was that?! Was that me?!' Naruto thought. 'Was that Mokuton?!' Again disturbed from his thoughts as he heard kunai whistling in the air at him.
None of the ninja or Naruto noticed that an Anbu land on a branch near the clearing they were in just as the kunai were about to pierce Naruto.
'NO!' Naruto thought. He clenched his face and stared at the kunai until they were five feet in front of him. The next thing he saw was wood spikes shoot out from the tree and deflect the kunai continuing and spearing the attackers.
The minds were too shocked to move. They just thought they were seeing things when the tree covered Naruto and thought nothing of it. Now there were wooden spikes coming the tree to pierce them. That was the last thought they had.
The three Uchiha fell to the ground once the spikes were removed. Laying there in a pool of their own blood.
Naruto was shocked. He just had his first kill. Actually, first three kills. He was… confused. He didn't feel any remorse. Did that make him the demon that is inside him? 'No, they were going to kill me. I was protecting myself.' He reassured himself. That is when the Anbu made himself known.
"Are you alright?" The Anbu asked. Naruto barely heard him battling to stay conscious.
"Hai. Just a flesh wound." Naruto said grinning. It was a genuine smile. He loved getting in a good joke or prank when he could. If the Anbu wasn't wearing their mask, he would have seen their smirk on their face.
"Well looks more than a flesh wound. I might just take you to the hospital." retorted the Anbu.
"That'd be nice," he chimed in, falling into unconsciousness.
He finally looked the Anbu over. He saw they had black hair tied in a ponytail going just past the shoulder blades. He took notice of the onyx colored eyes, right before they flashed red for a second, behind their mask. The last things saw was the Weasel like mask and the chest area which looked like they were wrapped to keep a sizable bust hidden. The eight year old Naruto smiled as his world went black.
Naruto woke up feeling groggy. He sat up and looked around.
'Damn Anbu. Toss me in the sewer.' He got up and stretched. 'Well, not going to get anywhere sitting around.' With that, he walked around the sewer.
He was stopped when he came up to what seemed to be a giant cage that light didn't seem to penetrate. He looked closely to see if anything was in there.
Red eyes with a black vertical slit opened in the darkness.
"So you finally decided to grace me with your presence," a demonic voice bellowed. "What do I owe the pleasure puny ningen?" The fox said with a smirk.
Naruto just stared up at the fox with an indifferent expression on his face.
"What's the matter? Fox got your tongue? To scared to spea…" the fox started but was interrupted when a rock hit him. Then another. He glared at the boy before him. "You dare make a mockery of ME?! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"
Naruto just smirked at him. "Of course I do. You're the Kyuubi. The nine tailed fox."
"Hmph. At least you know your betters." The fox stated arrogantly. "Now why are you here?"
"I should be asking you that. I've been trying to talk to you for years and couldn't figure out how. So you must've pulled me in here." Naruto stated matter of factly.
"Not as stupid as you look. Well you are correct in knowing that I pulled you in here." Kyuubi said. "Now for the reason behind that, I want to make a deal with you…" Naruto quirked an eyebrow at this. "I will train you and let you use my power when you want… in return for my freedom when you die." Kyuubi finished.
Naruto took on a thinking pose as he put his fingers on his chin. He stood like that for a few minutes much to the fox's annoyance. "I'm going to have to… decline."
"WHAT?! YOU DENY TO USE MY POWER! THE GREATEST BEING ON THIS PLANET'S POWER!" Kyuubi roared and was going to continue when he was interrupted.
"While that sounds like a good deal…. I don't want to rely on your power. I want to be strong on my own without using your power unless necessary." Naruto said looking at the palms of his hands. "I'll make you a deal Kyuubi. You train me and let me use your power when I absolutely need it or want to protect someone precious to me. In return I will let you free when I die and change my mind scape also."
The fox looked at him critically. Looking for any signs of deceit. When he found none he smirked.
"Look at you… making deals with a demon. You certainly are different than those others ningens. You got yourself a deal kit."
Naruto smirked, "So its kit now, is it?"
"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" Replied the mighty bijuu. "Well anyways, don't say anything about me to anyone including that sorry excuse for a Hokage of yours."
"Ha, as if I would tell him anything. That old man is out of his mind thinking he is still fit to be Hokage. I wouldn't trust him with this if I can't even rely on him to protect my life." Naruto said with disdain. "He might as well be a civilian playing dress up in the Hokage robes."
Kyuubi couldn't help but chuckle at that. "You're right about that kit. Now to show you my trust I will give you a few things. First, what do you know of your parents?"
This had Naruto intrigued. "Nothing… if I was ignorant like that senile old man thought I was everyone I asked him and said that they just died. I've seen the pictures in the Hokage's' office to know I look like a clone of the fourth."
"Glad to see my container isn't an idiot. Well since you know about your father, I will let you know of your mother." Naruto was leaning forward afraid he might not hear what the fox has to say. "Your mother was Kushina Uzumaki. The heiress of Uzugakure and my previous container. She was also known as the Red Hot Habanero because if you angered her, their was no holding back her fury." Naruto had stars in his eyes. He finally knew who his mother was. "She had long red hair, and smooth pale skin. She was the definition of beautiful. But your lineage doesn't end there."
Naruto was even more curious than before. What did the fox mean.
"Don't you find it strange that you have the Mokuton or Wood Release?" He waited for Naruto to ponder this information. "It's because you're related to the First Hokage. The Shodaime Hokage married a women by the name of Mito Uzumaki. Your great grandmother and my first container. Her and Hashirama sealed me in her after the fight involving Hashirama and Madara Uchiha. They had a daughter which they sent back to Uzu to replace Mito since she was in line to be the next leader of the village. She than had a daughter named Kushina." Kyuubi finished.
Naruto didn't know what to say. He was shocked. He was related to not one but three of the four Hokage. He was flabbergasted.
"So I'm part Senju than." He stated more than asked. He felt excited. He finally knew who his parents were and on top of that he was the heir to not one but two clans. 'This is great!' he thought.
"Before you get all giddy and girly on me, I have to tell you something serious. I believe that your parents are alive… and you have a twin sister…" Kyuubi said with a hint of… sadness? He, the mighty bijuu, couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor kid.
"What?! Their alive?! How do you know?! Where are they?! Did the old man know?!"
"Calm down you little runt. I'll explain what I know and what I think I know. It started on the night you… and your sister were born. When a jinchuuriki goes through labor the seal on them weakens resulting in the bijuu to have a chance to get free. Now I wasn't trying to stay put in your mother my whole life but I wasn't the cause of my rampage eight years ago. Their was this masked man who appeared when you were born who kidnapped you and wanted your father to leave Kushina so he could take her and release me. He didn't know she was going to be having twins so your mother gave birth to your sister under the stress and distracted Minato for a few seconds. In that time he grabbed Kushina and disappeared. I don't really remember what happened next because he put me under a genjutsu. Blasted Uchiha." The fox grumbled.
"An Uchiha did this?!" Naruto asked. His anger rising.
"Yes. But it wasn't an Uchiha that lived in the village at that time or now. He also had Madara's Sharingan. But his chakra was that of the Uchiha that was part of the fourths genin team. After the genjutsu was released I saw your father at an altar ready to seal me away as I was restrained by his summons and your mother's chakra chains. He thought he sealed my yin and yang chakra into your sister and my soul and body into you. But we bijuu are entirely made of chakra so your sister got part of my yang while you got my yin and yang chakra."
Naruto look at him perplexed. "What do you mean part?"
"As great as your father was at fuinjutsu, he made a mistake and only supplied your sister with half of my yang chakra. You got all my yin chakra and the other half of my yang. Over time the chakra will replenish and be full again and expand within your sister."
"Okay, I understand now. But why aren't they here?! Why did they abandon me and leave me with these vultures. Why didn't the old man tell me about them?!"
"Let me finish damn it! As I was saying your father just finished sealing my in you and your sister when I heard what they were saying before I fell asleep."
"Lazy kitsune," Naruto mumbled under his breath.
Kyuubi just rolled his eyes. "Anyways, they were talking about what was going to happen after that night. They were afraid of your sister being forced into the CRA of Clan Restoration Act because of her Senju and Uzumaki heritage. They also thought she had a better shot at being able to control my chakra since she might have your mother's chakra chains. So they made dead blood clones of themselves, save your sister because they didn't tell anyone they were having twins, to fool others to believe that they died. No one knew of their plan." Kyuubi paused for a second. "Usually when there are only a few left in their clan, only the male of the main head of the clan will be inducted in the CRA. But since you two are the last of a two clans, they would have forced one of you to revive the Senju clan and the other the Uzumaki. The only way to prevent this is…" Kyuubi looked at Naruto with the biggest perverted grin ever, "if the two last members of those clans marry each other."
"EH?! They left so I when she returns she will be married to me?! Oh kami that is wrong!"
"Quit your complaining kit. All the bloodline clans practice incest. That's how they keep the bloodline pure. The Uzumaki are known for their strong life force and longevity. It's normal for clans."
Naruto didn't look all that convinced. "If you say so, I'll try and think about it." Naruto said. Then he thought about all the information the fox told him.
"They abandoned me to save my sister…" Naruto said while his hair shadowed his eyes. "Let's see what the kid thinks. He might be the one father told us about…" "While I am very angry at them… I would have given my life to save my sister if I had to. But that doesn't mean I will forgive my parents easily. Believe me, when they return, they will get an earful."
Kyuubi smirked. "Good to see you're not obsessed kit. Now go on. Someone is waiting for you in the real world. I'll give you your final gift later."
"Okay. Thanks Kyuubi."
"Kurama. My name is Kurama."
"Thank you… Kurama."
With that Naruto disappeared from his mind scape.
"Damn it! He forgot to change this damn sewer!"
Naruto stirred in his bed. He felt pain in his body. He struggled to sit up when he heard a familiar voice.
"It's good to see your awake Naruto-kun."
Naruto looked to the side of the bed and saw the Sandaime Hokage standing there.
"..." Naruto didn't say anything. He didn't trust the man before him anymore.
"Naruto-kun, can you tell me what happened last night?" Hiruzen asked solemnly.
"I don't remember…" He lied.
Hiruzen had a skeptical look on his face. He believed Naruto knew very well what happened but didn't want to say for some reason.
"Hey kit." Naruto was startled by the sudden voice in his head. "Kurama?" Naruto thought. "Yeah its me. If you want to know what kind of man Hiruzen is, ask him what you always ask." Naruto thought about it for a second before finally coming to a decision.
"Hokage-sama…" Naruto said. Hiruzen was surprised that Naruto called him this instead of 'Jiji'. To Sarutobi, it felt like his heart just shattered.
"Why do the villagers hate me?" Naruto asked.
Hiruzen looked at Naruto with a sad expression.
"We have been over this Naruto-kun, they simply fear what they don't understand." Hiruzen stated. Naruto didn't even blink.
"Then what about my parents who are they?"
"They were very strong individuals. They fought to protect you and this village." Hiruzen said. With each word he felt his heart was being stepped on.
"Thank you. You are free to leave Hokage-sama." Naruto said with a hint of disdain in his voice when he addressed the Hokage.
"But Naruto. I want to know what happened the othe…" He never finished because Naruto interrupted him.
"I am tired. I want to sleep. If you may, please leave." Naruto said frustrated.
Hiruzen didn't know what to do. Naruto had never acted like this. He had seen the whole incident last night through his crystal ball but wanted to hear it from Naruto. He was astonished that Naruto had the Shodai kekkei genkai. Now Naruto didn't trust him with anything. He didn't say a word of what happened.
'I failed you… Minato, Kushina… you had one request and I failed. I'm sorry.' Hiruzen had a tear fall down his cheek as he left the room.
One Month Later
Things changed substantially in the month that Naruto was attacked. The culprits that attacked Naruto were sent to Inoichi immediately so he can scan their mind. He found out and told the Hokage that Fugaku had assigned those three to attack Naruto. Hiruzen was very upset and asked Fugaku's eldest child to be a spy. No more than a week later did they return informing the Hokage of a coup of the Uchiha clan.
"Is this information accurate Weasel?" The Hokage asked.
"Hai Hokage-sama. They will launch the coup in a few days." The Anbu replied.
"Thank you for the report. You may remove your mask now." The Anbu was hesitant but removed their mask.
There stood a one of the most beautiful faces in the village maybe the world. There stood a woman with a heart shaped face. She had full pink lips. The most eccentric eyes. Her pale skin glistened in the moonlight.
"Izumi-chan, I have one final mission for you if you are willing to accept it." Sarutobi said.
Izumi could only think of what it was. She knew what he was going to ask but she really didn't want to do it. She already lost her best friend Shisui. He was her surrogate brother. He taught her everything she knew.
"Hai. I accept." She said with an emotionless tone.
"Okay then. Izumi Uchiha, daughter of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha, this will be your last mission as a Konoha shinobi. Do you understand?."
Vents in the Hokage Tower
"Did you hear that. They plan on killing the Uchiha clan."
"Hmph. Serves that arrogant bastards right after all they've done."
"That may be true but Izumi, Satsuki, and Mikoto never did anything wrong. Izumi said Satsuki doesn't know about the coup and Mikoto is fighting Fugaku-teme over it."
"Grr… alright kit. What's the plan?"
"We can't let Izumi live with this burden. Plus she is one of the strongest shinobi in the entire village. She has also saved me countless times from these idiot villagers." With that he made a shadow clone.
"He know what to do. Distract her while we deal with the clan." Naruto whispered to his clone. The clone nodded and left to wait to intercept Izumi.
"Man I love that technique. Thanks for showing it to me Kurama." Naruto thought as he made his way to the Uchiha compound.
"Well I'm not going to have a pitiful container. Next I will be showing you your father's prized jutsu."
"As much as I hate that idea, a ninja must use any tool they have."
"Where here. What's the plan to take them out without getting caught?"
"Well, you know that guy Danzo and his not so secret ROOT program?" Naruto gave a mischievous smile.
"I like the way you think kit. This will get rid of that old dinosaur." Kurama said with a feral smirk.
"Hai. Now time to get this over with. Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto thought as hundreds of shadow clones appeared. The original looked at them all and nodded at them. The nodded back and Henged into ROOT Anbu before disappearing into the shadows.
"This is it. Your month of hell you call training will finally show tonight."
"Heh just shut your damn mouth and go already"
"Alright then. Let's save Izumi-chan from this burden, DATTEBAYO!" Naruto yelled in his head never noticing he added chan to her name.
Tonight became known as the night the Uchiha clan was massacred by mysterious Anbu and the night an old war hawk "vanished" along with his "secret" army never to be heard from again.
5 Years Later
The village hidden in the leaves was having a beautiful day. The animals were out and about. The villagers lively and cheery. It was an incredible day.
People were finally over the Uchiha massacre. It was a terrible day. Some people were so disgusted that some hurled when they heard the gruesome details. They had heard each adult male member was stabbed through the heart and then their eyes were destroyed after. All that was left of the Uchiha were thirty female members and five male Uchiha who were under the age of four.
While the villagers were sad that this happened the remaining Uchiha were sort of glad. Yes they were sad that they lost their loved ones, but it was that or be thrown into a civil war. With all the males gone, Mikoto stepped up as the Uchiha clan head. She was rightfully the clan head before but the Uchiha being the patriarch clan they were, Fugaku became clan head when him and Mikoto were forced to marry from an arranged marriage. Since Mikoto took over, the Uchiha have prospered more than ever before. Who knew all they needed was a woman's touch.
Naruto sighed thinking about the what happened. He felt terrible doing what he did. He hurled for days because of it. He finally got out of his funk with the help of Kurama. He knew that if the Uchiha lived many would die. He also knew if Izumi did it she would be branded as a rogue nin. He also decided to spare the females as he found out that they were innocent also.
Naruto stood before an Uchiha woman. He had just killed her husband and stabbed his eyes so they couldn't be taken. He was about to strike down the women a blur was in front of him blocking the kunai with their own.
Mikoto was standing before him blocking his kunai with her katana, sharingan blazing.
"Stop! She's innocent. All the women and children are innocent! Don't harm them!" Mikoto screamed. Naruto was taken back. He didn't know that part. He was sick to his stomach. He nodded and turned and ran to continue his mission.
"You realize she had her sharingan active right?"
"Yeah? What about it?"
"She was able to see through your henge because of her matured sharingan."
"Shit!" was all he thought.
Flashback End
Naruto let loose another sigh. Mikoto never confronted him about it. He also knew that she must have told Izumi who was responsible for what happened. Every time he saw them they always gave him warm hearted smiles that showed thanks and love. He didn't regret his decision.
He let loose another sigh and looked around the room. He noticed down in the front row was Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. He figured they would all be on the same team together since they all have skills that would make them the ideal tracking team.
He looked at the back of the class and saw the infamous Ino-Shika-Cho trio in the back. Nothing out of the ordinary there. They all wore their typical clothes. (All of them are wearing canon clothes)
He looked around at the other students. Nothing interesting at all. Just plain civilians.
He then looked at where he was sitting near the window. He was in the middle between two classmates. To his right sat one Sakura Haruno. One of the most disgraceful kunoichis' to be. All she cared were her looks. Not that it matter as she was not very attractive with her unnatural pink hair and that red and pink attire.
He looked to his left. There sat young and beautiful Satsuki Uchiha. Youngest daughter of Mikoto and sister to Izumi. If he had one word to describe her, it would be… stunning. She had raven haired that looked like silk, which she had in a ponytail that went down in between her shoulder blades. She had a heart shaped face that could rival a goddess. Two bangs came down framing her face. She had a small but very attractive nose. Her onyx eyes show understanding and compassion. Her mesmerizing pale skin glistening in the sunlight. She wore a blue midriff shirt that just passed her well developed C cup breasts. The white sleeves stopping at halfway down her biceps. She had white sleeves covering her forearms with blue on the ends. She wore a white skirt that was longer in the front and back but went up almost to her waist on the sides. A stylish brown shinobi belt around her waist to compliment her outfit more. She had white leggings that started at her blue shinobi sandals up to mid thigh.
Naruto looked away with a pink hue on his cheeks but not before Satsuki caught him and match him with her own blushed. He fought the blush down and regained his senses.
"Looks like the my kit has himself a mate," Kurama said with the biggest perverted smile ever.
'Shut it you ero-kitsune! I don't need your influence to rub off on me!" He replied with the blush coming back.
He cut off the mental link he had with Kurama before taking in his appearance.
The first thing that people would take in of his appearance would be his hair. He had sun kissed blonde hair with red highlights going through it. Next was his face. He had cerulean blue eyes that showed love for his previous people and a cold icy stare others. His whisker marks on his cheek were more profound and feral looking. He made him more animalistic and handsome to most the girls in his class. His tan skin not making his fan girl problem any easier. He has on a dark, burnt orange shirt more suited for shinobi with the red Uzumaki clan crest on the back. He could only imagine what he would wear if he was some dobe that liked orange. Under that he wore a black hoodie with the hood and strings attached coming out of the neck hole of his shirt. He wore black Anbu style pants. To finish off his outfit, he wore black shinobi sandals that stopped just below his shin.
"Alright class, dont forget that tomorrow is your genin exams. So be sure to practice and give it your all tomorrow." Iruka said scanning the class. His eyes settling on Naruto and smiled at him.
When Naruto first started the academy, Iruka was not pleased that he had to teach the 'demon brat.' But, he didn't do anything to undermine the boy. He simply let Naruto do whatever and was surprised by his attitude. He wasn't the loud obnoxious kid people claimed him to be. After that Iruka started to talk to him and get to know him better. They even became friends must to Naruto's surprise.
Naruto had to thank Iruka for that. He really appreciated that. He smirked. He knew that Iruka knew this whole idiot facade was just a rouse. He thought back to when the whole plan came to be.
Mind Scape
Two Months After the Massacre
"WHAT?!" Naruto yelled. "You want me to be an idiot in the class?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He vented out as he fell back on the grassy plains that was now his mind scape.
"Shut it you damn brat! Think about it. The way this damn village does things, the dead last is almost paired up with the kid with the highest grades and the rookie of the year. If you play and idiot and do well enough to just pass, you will be put on a team with the strongest genin." Kurama said stoically.
Naruto took a thinking pose. "I don't like it but I guess you're right…"
"Of course I'm right. I'm the mighty Kyuubi for kami's sake!"
"Oi! Your head will get bigger with an ego like that!"
"Shut it brat! Now, I'm going to give you my last gifts to you. Here." He stuck out his fist at Naruto.
He looked at the fist questionably. "What are you doing?"
"Just bump fists with me and you'll find out." With the shrug of his shoulders Naruto bumped his fist with Kurama's.
That's when he felt it. Extraordinary power flowing through him. He felt like he was… at peace. He was covered in a yellow flame like cloaked. With black circles and lines across his body. (Like canon)
"This power… it's amazing!"
"Don't get too happy kit. That's only a fraction of my power. I only gave you about one tail's worth of chakra at your disposal. Anymore than that right now and your body will become paralyzed to where it will take me weeks to heal you."
"Thank you Kurama. This is more than anyone has ever done for me... I'm glad you're my friend."
Kurama was taken back by this. Not once in his lifetime did anyone call him a friend.
"Enough of the sappiness and get out of here and finish my other gift."
"Thank you again." Naruto bowed and left his mindscape.
Training Ground
Naruto got up from his meditative position and stretch.
'So I just do the hand signs and that's it?'
"Yes. Just be sure to use all the chakra you can without killing yourself."
'So what summon will I get since I don't have a contract?'
"No clue. You will be summoned to the realm of the animal that your are most attuned with."
Naruto nodded. He took a deep breath before going through the necessary hand signs. He slammed his hand on the ground and yelled.
"Summoning Jutsu!"
Naruto felt a strange pull and then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Summon Realm
Naruto felt extremely dizzy. It took a minute to collect himself and stop spinning. He finally noticed his surroundings.
He was in grassy plains that went as far as the eye can see with trees here and there. All around him were foxes. From small babies with one tail to giants about the size of the Hokage monument with seven or eight tails. He gulped.
"H-Hey… how y'all doing?" He asked. He was so nervous he could be sweating kunai. That's when a small white fox with two tails walked up to him.
The fox look at him and tilted its head. Almost as if studying the human before them. It yipped and jumped in his arms and licked his face. That's when the others smiled with their fox grins. A royal blue fox with eight tails slightly smaller than Kurama walked forward.
"Hello there. I am Misaki. Ibam the head warrior of the kitsune of fox clan. Who might you be?" Misaki said.
Naruto steeled his nerves in order to respond. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. It is an honor to meet you Misaki-sama." He bowed to show his respect.
"An honor to meet you Uzumaki-san. You are the first human to be in the fox realm. Follow me." She then started to walk the way she came with all the other foxes going back to their business before this happened. The white fox never leaving Naruto's arms as it cuddled up and fell asleep.
Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the fox's laziness. He never noticed that they reached their destination.
"Ah. So this is the boy who tried to summon us." Naruto heard a sweet, melodic voice say. He snapped out of his stupor and looked at the owner of said voice.
There sat on a throne like seat was a golden, single tailed fox. The tip of its tail was orange.
"It is nice to meet you Naruto Uzumaki, jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi." Naruto gulped. Were they mad that he had the fox sealed in him? Would they release Kurama and take revenge on him and the village?
"No need to worry little one. We are not mad that you have the grumpy old fox in you." The golden fox said.
"I'LL SHOW THAT OLD VIXEN WHO'S GRUMPY! LET ME OUTTA HERE SO I CAN TEAR HER APART!" Kyuubi roared from the seal. Naruto cut the mental link.
"Um… if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Naruto nervously asked.
"Where are my manners. My name is Shikari. Leader and founder of the kitsune clan." the now known Shikari said. "You have already met my daughter, Misaki, here." Naruto turned and nodded to Misaki. "And it appears you have my granddaughter, Kiyoko-chan, in your arms there." The white fox in his arms started to stir before cutely yawning.
"Ohayo obaa-chan!" Kiyoko yipped never leaving Naruto's arms. Naruto chuckled at her abruptness.
"Come now Kiyo-chan, leave Naruto-kun alone." Misaki told the small fox.
"But kaa-san, he's so warm and cuddly. Not to mention cute." Kiyoko purred slightly seductively staring at Naruto.
His face quickly adorned a blush from the compliment. Misaki was about to scold her daughter before Shikari spoke.
"It is fine Misaki-chan. Let me conduct my test and I will deal with it from there." Misaki nodded in understanding. Shikari continued, "Naruto, if you would like to be our summoner, you must first pass my test. Are you willing to do this?"
"Hai. I would be honored to have a chance to become your summoner." He answered with utmost seriousness.
"Good. Now this test has nothing to do with physical capabilities or intelligence. It is simply a few questions." Shikari said before getting serious for the first time since Naruto has seen her. "The first question is: What do you value most?" Without missing a beat, Naruto responded shocking Shikari and Misaki with his answer.
"I value those who are precious to me and those who or what they value. While I don't hold Konoha close to my heart, I will protect it with my life for that is where my precious people live."
Shikari had a smile that was joined by Misaki. "This boy is really something else. He really is pure." Shikari thought before continuing, "that is an honorable and the correct answer. When I began this clan, I prided it on the principle of protecting and loving those close to you, no matter size, strength, color, or tails. We hold family above all else. My final question is this. Will you protect your summons should you become our summoner?" Once again, Naruto responded that made them respect him even more.
"I would give gladly give my life to protect your clan even if it may be just one of you."
Shikari had a full blown grin now. "I am more than pleased with your answers." She brought her tail forward in front of him. It was wrapped around a scroll before unfurling before him. "Naruto Uzumaki, I give you permission to become the first summoner of the Kitsune Clan." Naruto couldn't hide the shock and happiness radiating from him. "I take great pleasure in knowing you share the same beliefs that I founded this clan on. Just sign your name in blood and place your fingerprints next to it." Naruto nodded and bit his thumb in order to sign the contract.
Once he finished, Shikari spoke again, "Good. I'm am very happy that you are our summoner. Now I must give you some information regarding our clan. We are separated by color, size, power, and skill. First is color. Each fox is colored after their most powerful element. Misaki here is a light blue indicating a strong water element. A darker blue would indicate a strong lightning affinity, red would mean strong fire element, brown indicating earth, and finally white would be wind." Shikari stated.
"Just like me! I have a strong wind element because of the color of my fur," yipped Kiyoko.
"That is great to know Kiyoko-chan! I also have a strong wind element along with earth and water due to my Mokuton bloodline!" Naruto grinned at the small fox. Kiyoko responded by licking his face.
"Ahem…" Shikari coughed to gather their attention with a smirk. Naruto and Kiyoko stopped with a faint blush adorning their faces. "Now as I was saying, color indicates what element the fox is most powerful in. Next is size. While most would think size would indicate power, that is not necessarily true. Now while Misaki here is our biggest and strongest member, that does not go for the rest of our clan. The other large summons are not all used for battle. Some are used specifically for transport which is rare for summons. Others help with constructing if needed. The smaller summons range in purpose. Some are battle foxes while others are messengers or medic foxes. Some even being lookouts or guards." Naruto nodded showing he understood. "Next is the power or strength. This is easily indicated by the number of tails they have. More tails, the stronger said fox is. Now smaller summons such as the small battle foxes or messengers rarely go past one tail. Such a rarity is present in Kiyoko-chan there but that is also because she is a battle and medic fox. She has two tails and close to a third tail." Shikari said with praise. Kiyoko blushed at the praise. "That is all the information needed for our clan. I will reveal more at a later time. You may now return to your home now."
"WAIT?!" Kiyoko yelled. "Obaa-san, if I could, could I return with Naruto-kun?"
Shikari adorned a thoughtful look. "You wish to return with Naruto-kun here and be his familiar and personal summon?" At Kiyoko's nod, Shikari continued, "I have no problems with this. Misaki-chan, do you approve of your daughter's request."
Misaki stepped forward and looked at the two. "Only if you follow these two conditions. One, you come back and visit from time to time and," Misaki got a devious smile, "you don't give me any grand kits until you're older."
Naruto turned crimson at the request followed by Kiyoko.
"W-What d-do you m-mean?! I'm human and she's a fox!" Naruto exclaimed with his voice slightly squeaking. Kiyoko responded not meeting his gaze.
"W-We have human-like forms. It's a cross between fox and human appearance…" She stuttered.
Shikari and Misaki couldn't hold their laughter before Shikari spoke up. "That is enough. You may return home Naruto with the accompany of Kiyoko here." With that, said duo dispersed in a smoke.
Flashback End
Naruto smiled at the memory. He got a part of Kurama's golden chakra cloak. He now had about four tails worth of chakra. He then felt a stirring inside his jacket until a small head popped out.
"Glad to see your awake Kiyoko-chan." Kiyoko yawned before replying.
"Ohayo Naruto-kun." She said as she snuggled into his chest. Naruto sweat dropped.
"It's noon Kiyoko-chan." All he received was purring as an answer. He smiled and thought of the training him and Kiyoko did.
They trained almost everyday since Naruto became the fox summoner. He mastered his wind and water element, which he found out was just as strong as the Nidaime Hokage with making water from the moisture in the air. He was working on his earth affinity and started working on his control over fire thanks to Kurama. Also thanks to said fox, he was able to surpass Yamato in his Mokuton ability, not that he knew who Yamato was yet. Kurama also showed him the rasengan from what he saw from being sealed inside Kushina. He mastered the rasengan and was able to create a wind and water rasengan along with making the Oodama Rasengan.
Kiyoko was no slouch either. In those five years she gained her third tail and was close to her fourth, indicating her tiredness. She concealed all but one to steer anyone from thinking she was a demon or summon and force the contract to Konoha. He was interrupted from his thoughts as Iruka spoke.
"That is all for today. Please be here tomorrow so Mizuki and I can test you to become genin. Dismissed." Naruto smiled. He could finally drop his mask and show them just how strong he is… without showing all his trump cards. He stood and left to his apartment. He never noticed the onyx eyes following him as he left.
Little did Naruto know, the next couple of days would be exciting and hectic for him.
Done. This is my second fanfic story.
I am not abandoning my other story. Just stuck on my next chapter for it as I have a lot going on in the next chapter.
For this story, it is certainly a harem story. No more than 5-6 girls though. I won't say as some are already obvious. There will be lemons in future chapters, maybe the next chapter.
Let me know what you think.
Until next time…
Ja Ne!