KyoHaru Goodness

Chapter 5: Cats

Author's Disclaimer: I own nothing. I'm in a discord group for KyoHaru, and a photo of a boy cuddling a cat was shown. It inspired a short fic. I hope you enjoy it!


"Aww, isn't he the cutest with Noir?"

Kyoya's head turned. He had gotten used to hearing countless people fawn over his son, with his fat cheeks and a head full of raven hair like his father. What Kyoya wasn't used to was hearing his son mentioned at the same time as his old cat, Noir.

Kyoya didn't have many happy memories from his childhood. He vaguely recalled having a pet cat growing up since cats were seen as cleaner and less sociable. He remembered the tan-colored cat once hissing at his father; he was almost positive that marked the beginning of his love for cats. They were calm, reasonable, could take care of themselves, good judges of character, elegant, and more.

He had never thought of getting a cat until Tamaki bought Antoinette. Then, it became a goal, just as finishing college, becoming a well-established business man, and marrying Haruhi were.

First, he finished college. When he was out on his own and starting his business, his first purchase was a black cat named Noir. That cat hated everyone but him.

Tamaki didn't understand why it always tried to scratch and hiss at him. He grew fungus aplenty until Noir sliced them through with her sharp claws.

When Kyoya started dating Haruhi after she finished law school - first in her class, Kyoya couldn't have been prouder - he introduced Haruhi to his favorite lady. By some miracle, Noir took to Haruhi immediately; Tamaki was jealous.

When Haruhi became pregnant, Noir spent countless hours curled beside or on top of Haruhi. When she gave birth to a healthy boy, Noir was older but still had enough spirit to hiss at every servant who tried to enter the nursery.

Now, Kyoya enjoyed watching his three year old son trail behind Noir, trying to poke and hug her at odd moments. Rarely did Noir let him; she preferred to be a guard than pillow.

When Kyoya looked away from his wife toward his gushing sister, he was met with the cutest sight in his life.

His son was wearing the miniature Ouran Academy uniform the twins had made for him, the light blue jacket looking well with the khaki pants and contrasting hair. All he needed was a pair of glasses to look like a mini-Kyoya. He had a contented smile on his face as he sat on the blue sofa with Noir cradled in his lap.

Though cradled was too gentle a word to describe the way the boy crushed the old girl against him. He was trying to kill Noir with love, if Kyoya didn't know better. The poor cat was squashed into a small, black ball, her eyes narrow slits as the little boy nuzzled her incessantly. He kept taking turns rubbing each side of his face against Noir's head, and Noir looked quite shell-shocked and resigned to her fate.

Tamaki and the twins watched the unfolding scene with looks of delight and shock that the offspring of the Shadow King could be so cute.

"Fuyumi. Why are you torturing Noir like that?" reprimanded Kyoya. "She deserves better."

"Let the boy have his moment with her

You had yours; let him have his," said Fuyumi, grinning.

Kyoya's face hardened. "I never acted so undignified around a cat-"

"I'll bet you … eight million yen you're wrong," said Fuyumi, winking at Haruhi before pulling out her phone.

"That's ridiculous. Done," he said.

Haruhi shook her head while Kyoya got up to save his poor cat from his son. He had barely picked up Noir when Fuyumi shoved her phone in his face.

"Watch and pay, little brother," said Fuyumi as the twins stood behind him to watch as well.

A grainy video began to play on the screen, and Kyoya immediately recognized the family room. He was seated on the white sofa in a blue jacket, just like his son, and he was cuddling the cat just like his son.

"Kyoya, look here!" cried the voice of a teenaged Fuyumi.

He looked up briefly with a huge grin on his face before the right side of his face nuzzled against the cat's head. Kyoya cringed in horror at the pain his younger self inflicted upon that cat. The cat looked about as happy as if someone had taken away its catnip.

"Is that where you learned your threatening looks from?" joked Kaoru.

"Nah, that's too nice still," replied Hikaru. "He's just grumpy."

Younger Kyoya rubbed the left side of his face against the cat and squeezed extra hard. At that point, the cat's face looked murderous, as though it were plotting the world's demise.

"Now he looks like Kyoya," said Hikaru, making everyone laugh.

"You owe me," said Fuyumi smugly, ending the video.

"That's different," said Kyoya. "I didn't know any better."

"Like father, like son. You're truly a big softie," said Fuyumi, grinning as the twins gave her skeptical looks.

"It's true. Kyoya's not nearly so grumpy in the morning now," agreed Haruhi, coming up behind her husband and resting a hand on his cheek.

At that, Kyoya sighed silently and leaned into the touch, drawn to Haruhi like a magnet.

One morning, early in their marriage, Kyoya was woken up by Tamaki, and he was crabby as he lay in bed. As groggy as Haruhi was, she rolled over to shut him up, but her hand ended up cupping his cheek as she said his name. She was amazed at the difference in his attitude as he moved in closer to rub against her body like a cat. After that, she made it a habit to do it regularly.

"I think he's part cat," declared Tamaki. "Look at him and how he acts."

"I bet he loves a belly rub in the morning," said Hikaru, playing along.

"Would you like a belly rub now?" asked Kaoru, as though speaking to a baby.

"Idiots!" said Kyoya, leaving his wife's touch to glare and make all three huddle together.

"We'll stop. Let's get our presents out," peeped Tamaki as the twins followed him.

Kyoya gave a little half-smile before turning to his wife once more and whispering in her ear, "Remind me never to tell them what you do for my birthday every year."

Haruhi was about to respond when Hikaru said across the room, "Say, Kyoya, you like cats, right? There's this new movie coming out about singing cats. I bet you'd love it. Want to see the trailer?"

Kyoya made his way over. "I think I'm going to regret this."

He did.


Author's Notes: Thanks for reading!! The movie trailer I'm referring to at the end is for Cats, coming out in about 100 days or so. It's a musical I dearly love, but some people are really freaked out by the imagery. I imagine Kyoya being one of them. I can't promise I'll be around super often with more KyoHaru fics, but I'll be posting as ideas come! I'm hoping to post a new big fic for Christmas, and then go back to finishing my older stories after that.

Lady Yori: Thank you so much for reading! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!!