KyoHaru Goodness

Author's Disclaimer: No, I don't own OHSHC. All rights go to their respective owners. Inspiration hit me in the form of short stories, so now you get a few. Time is something I don't have right now, so short and sweet is all I've got until my life calms down a bit. I hope you enjoy the KyoHaru goodness!


Story 1: Glasses Needed

How much did Kyoya need those glasses, really?

Every time Haruhi saw someone in college try to get the upper hand on Kyoya, she would watch as his glasses glinted in the light before he said or did something that proved that he was better at manipulation.

It was painful to hear the mean things they said to him, but immediately after, it became rather amusing at times, to see the tables get turned on them. Kyoya always had a plan and was three steps ahead of everyone else, and some people still had not figured that out.

And every time she watched it happen in front of her, she waited for his glasses to glint, without fail. Which begged the question: why did he use glasses? Why not contacts? Was he trying to distinguish himself, or were his eyes that bad?

One day, while the two of them were studying at Haruhi's dorm just after such an encounter, Haruhi's curiosity got the better of her. She looked up, to find Kyoya already looking at her.

"What is it, Haruhi? You're distracted by something. Did I say something incorrect about you and Tamaki?"

He was referring to the non-existent relationship between her and Tamaki. She had asked for the break-up at the beginning of college, thinking it best for both of them. They were still good friends, but occasionally, people accused her of being disrespectful or ungrateful for turning down someone as good as Tamaki.

All the Host guys at one point had stood up for her decision, even Tamaki to his parents. This time was the second time it had happened in front of Kyoya, and it was an old Suoh family friend and rejectee of Tamaki who had first accused Haruhi of being ungrateful, and then of being a gold digger.

Haruhi calmly explained that she and Tamaki were too different to date, and that the woman should mind her own business. Said woman was about to snarl back an answer when Kyoya butted in.

Glasses glinting, he said, "Until you prove yourself even worthy of going on a date with Tamaki, I suggest you remember to whom you're talking to and leave. She's dated him and gotten to know him far more than you ever will. Haruhi has no interest in Tamaki, and she'll date whomever she chooses. Good day."

And with a small grin, he took Haruhi's loose arm in his own and escorted her back to her dorm to study.

Haruhi did not care how many times people accused her of being ungrateful; the two of them were not compatible, nor had enough time to be in a relationship. It had worked out well in Haruhi's mind, as she had lost interest in Tamaki. The twins kept bugging her that she was secretly crushing on one of them, but she did not think so. She was pretty sure that she was not interested in anyone, and that was when her mind went back to Kyoya's need for glasses.

At Kyoya's question, she answered, "No. Everything you said was correct about Tamaki and me. I'm distracted, but it's small and inconsequential."

"We're both distracted now, Haruhi. You might as well tell me," said Kyoya as he leaned forward and put his hands together in preparation to listen.

He always enjoyed hearing about the random thoughts inside Haruhi's head, because for someone so brilliant and good with people, her mind seemed to run in so many odd directions. He kept hoping that at some point, he was in her thoughts, the same way she was in his.

There was no way to frame her thought to not appear odd to him, so she decided it was best to be as nonchalant as possible as she spoke.

"How much do you need those glasses, really? You could easily afford contacts if you wanted them, and I can't help but wonder why you wear them. I keep imagining it's because you do it all for show."

Kyoya laughed at her assessment, not at all surprised that she was partially correct. Pleased with her interest in him and seeing an opening, he said, "That's partially true, but there's a far bigger reason why I wear them. I need them. Here, try them on for yourself," he said, getting up and sitting on the desk in front of her.

With him so situated, Haruhi had easy access to his spectacles, and pulled them off his head. Taking out her contacts, she put on his glasses, and gasped.

"You really do need these glasses."

"Yes, I rather need them so I can see anything. Now I just need to get them back," he said, reaching out a hand to grab his glasses back.

The only problem was that his sense of depth seemed off, as his hand ended up sliding against Haruhi's cheek. Haruhi was glad that he was partially blind, so that he could not see the blush that came to her face. His hands were so gentle in trying to grab his glasses back, and for reasons she could not explain, his hand touching her there felt really good when it should not.

"I do apologize, Haruhi. I seem to have missed my glasses," he said, fumbling again with his hands, this time by overshooting her face and running his hands through her hair. This made Haruhi's blush grow, and as his hand slid down in an attempt take the spectacles, his movements only succeeded in making her blush grow even more.

Failing yet again and managing to find Haruhi's neck, Kyoya cleared his throat.

"It appears I need some help getting my glasses back," he said as Haruhi proceeded to pull off his glasses and lean in, only for him to follow up with, "I'll lean in a little closer, and that-"

And before Haruhi could realize what was happening, their lips met. It was small and accidental, but it awakened something in Haruhi that she had not felt since her time dating Tamaki, desire. In this case, a desire to kiss him again and see his eyes without glasses.

After blinking and trying to steady her thoughts, she looked at Kyoya, intent upon seeing his eyes. But, before she could, she saw the genuine smile on Kyoya's face. That kiss had pleased him, and that made her really happy. She took a moment to stare into his dark eyes until he cleared his mouth again.

"Haruhi? May we try that again?"

Without thinking, Haruhi leaned in and kissed Kyoya, and this time, there was nothing gentle about his touch. His hands found her face and pulled her flush against him, kissing her with everything within him.

When they pulled away, both breathless and excited, it occurred to Haruhi that he might have meant that he wanted to try to get his glasses back again. She waited to see what he said.

"Well, that answers that burning question," said Kyoya at last, his smile returning tenfold.

"What was that question?" asked Haruhi confused.

"Whether you'd ever consider dating me. I wasn't sure if you were ready."

"I didn't realize I was ready until just now," said Haruhi, thinking out loud. Kyoya chuckled at that.

"Better late than never. Now, may I have my glasses back? I'm going to need those so I can make dinner reservations for us tonight."

"Who said anything about going out for dinner?" asked Haruhi as she put his glasses back on his face. "We still have work to do."

"If there's anything you and I have learned from our time with Tamaki, it is that we should make the most of the moment and live in the present. I think we both prefer to live and think in the future, but love is not something you save up and share in the future. Love is needed in the here and now, as it helps us deal with all the other struggles in our present life. Agreed?"

Haruhi nodded dumbly, not sure what else was needed to be said.

"Good. I've waited a long time to date you, Haruhi. I don't intend to let our moments pass by," he said, reaching out a confident hand and cupping her face.

"Then can we eat here at least? We can talk more comfortably here," said Haruhi, not desiring to leave her dorm.

"Yes we can. Let's try out that take-out place that Tamaki raves about."

Haruhi smiled, making Kyoya smile back. After several short minutes of locked gazes, Kyoya picked up his phone and called for food, while Haruhi tried to figure out if there was a way to do her homework while Kyoya continued to sit in his present position. She could think of none, so she shooed him away after he finished up on the phone.

As he got up, his hand found hers, even with his face not turned toward her. That made Haruhi pause and think until she saw the triumphant grin on his face, and the glinting of glasses. What had she missed in their accidental kiss and interaction?

"Haruhi, you're thinking too loudly and distracted. What is it?" asked Kyoya, amused by her dumbfounded facial expression of deep thought.

That was how it had all started before, but he could not have read her mind. He had, however, smiled and come over at once at the silly question that normally he would not give the time of day for. Why was that?

The puzzle pieces fell into place when she remembered his reason for eating out that night, love. He loved her. Suddenly, everything made sense why he would wait, want to hear her thoughts, and spend so much time with her. Love. He was still three steps ahead her, she who had just figured out that she liked him.

Kyoya saw Haruhi's mouth form an "o", and he smiled as he went back to reading his textbook. She understood how he felt, and that he was more than willing to wait for her until she was ready to go further.

She did not come to that second realization until several years later, and by then, he made himself quite obvious, with an engagement ring.


Author's Notes: Another fandom I write for has drabble prompts, and this month's theme was "sexy spectacles". I couldn't help but think of our favorite megane, and this idea came to mind. I always wonder why he keeps the glasses myself. I don't think I've read any stories like this before, so I thought this would be fun. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Note 2: As some may have noticed, I disappeared from fanfiction for a few months. I have every intention of finishing What You Want next, once I have more time, as those chapters require much more time to write. Why don't I have time now? Because, as the situation stands, I've been working 50+ hours at work, and will probably continue to do so for a couple more weeks because of my workload. Second, my father recently passed away. His sudden death hit everyone in my family hard, and I've been very busy dealing with that and grief. I want to write, to feel more normal, but I don't know if it will be possible. As a result, short bits will appear as I can. Thanks for reading and understanding!