Chapter 1
Lisbon stood in the entry to their living room gazing at the most beautiful sight, one she knew she would never tire of seeing. Jane was asleep on the couch with their seven month old son, Noah, asleep on his chest. She was beginning to think Noah wasn't actually waking up at night, but Jane was getting him up to sleep on the couch with him. Noah had been sleeping through the night since he was four months old. However, since then, Lisbon had found both her boys asleep on the couch once or twice a week. Jane was spoiling him, but she understood Jane's need to be close to Noah. When they brought him home from the hospital, Jane would get up during the night when he cried, change his diaper, and bring him into their bedroom for her to nurse him. He would watch them until Noah was done and he would put him back in his crib. Jane missed those times when Noah started sleeping through the night.
Lisbon walked over and tapped Jane on the shoulder. "Patrick, good morning. How long have you been in here sleeping?"
"Good morning love." Jane whispered so he wouldn't wake his son. "Noah woke up about 2:45 and I changed him, but he wouldn't go back to sleep. He felt a little feverish and was rubbing at his left ear. I gave him some Tylenol, but I think his ear hurt too bad for him to suck on his pacifier or the bottle of breastmilk I got out of the refrigerator. He finally went back to sleep about 3:30 and I must have dozed off sometime after that."
"Why didn't you wake me up? Maybe he would have felt more comfortable nursing."
"You got in late last night from your stakeout and I wanted you to get some sleep."
"Jane, you know Noah comes first!" Teresa replied a little irritated.
"Teresa, I know that. However, if you don't get enough sleep, you get a wee bit cranky, my dear!" Jane quipped with a smile eliciting an eye roll and snort from Teresa.
"I will call Dr. Rushing's office when they open and get Noah an appointment. He probably has an ear infection. Could be from his teething." said Teresa.
"I won't be able to take him. Remember I have those witness interviews this morning that took Cho a while to set up. I hate not being able to go with you."
"I know you like to be at all his appointments. I will bring him to the office after seeing the doctor and you can bring him home so he can nap here. I can do all my paperwork from last night's stake out and maybe get away early if we don't catch a case."
Noah raised his head from Jane's chest and smiled when he saw his mother.
"Hey baby boy. Glad to see your momma?" Teresa asked as she reached to pick him up. "Why don't you go take your shower and get ready for work. I will see if he will nurse and then I will get him changed."
"Ok, be back in a minute. Then you can shower and get changed before I leave." said Patrick as he placed a loving kiss on Noah's head and another on Teresa's lips.
Lisbon turned out of her driveway onto the highway heading towards Dr. Rushing's office. She glanced in the back seat and could see through the baby mirror that Noah was sound asleep.
"Agent Lisbon just left her house sir. She is headed towards town. She appears to be alone."
"Good. You know what to do. I want Agent Lisbon taken care of. I want her to be the LATE Agent Lisbon."
"Yes sir. It will be taken care of."
"Good morning Wylie. Cho have all the interviews set up?" asked Jane as he walked across the bullpen.
"Good morning Jane. Yes sir, the first one starts in fifteen minutes."
"Great. Teresa will be in later. Noah was up last night running fever and rubbing at his ear. She was able to get him an early doctor's appointment. She is coming in when she is done and hopefully we will be done with the interviews so I can take him home when she gets here."
"Poor baby. I hope he feels better."
"Is Cho in his office?"
"Yes." answered Wylie.
Jane walked back to Cho's office and took a seat in front of the desk. "Morning Cho. Wylie said the first interview is in fifteen minutes."
"Yes. I have three set up back to back. Hopefully we will get the information we need without too much trouble. I want you to get a read on them and see if they are being truthful. I don't want to push them too hard in case we need them later on." explained Cho.
"Ok. I think we can do that. Teresa is coming in later. Noah was up last night with a fever and rubbing his left ear. Luckily, she was able to get an early doctor's appointment. She is bringing him to the office when she is done so I can take him home when we are finished here."
"Sorry Noah isn't feeling well. But I am glad I get to see him!" Cho said with a smile on his face.
"He might not be his little charmer self. He is a bit cranky like his mother when he isn't feeling well." laughed Jane.
"'You aren't the best patient when you are ill either Jane. I seem to remember a time or two when Teresa called you a hard headed, jack ass when you were in the hospital." chuckled Cho.
"Well that is not being cranky, that is just not liking quacks in white lab coats!"
Cho laughed at Jane's distain for doctors. "Let's go get these interviews started so you can take my god son home when Teresa gets here."
Teresa buckled Noah's car seat into the back seat. She hung a baby blanket in front of the window so the sun didn't shine in his face. She placed his diaper bag between the seat and the door to hold the blanket still at the bottom. She got in the front seat, started the car and headed for the FBI office.
She had been driving a few minutes when Noah made a cooing sound. "We are going to see daddy my sweet baby. He will take you home so you can nap in your bed. We will stop and get your medicine so he can take you straight home. Teresa loved having conversations with her son even though it was one sided. She loved hearing him coo when she talked to him.
While Teresa was talking to Noah, she didn't notice the truck heading straight for the driver's side of her SUV. The last thing she heard was not Noah's cooing, but the sound of shattering glass and the crunching of metal as she lost consciousness.