I was sitting out on the castle's balcony thinking about what Lance had said on Crydor... 'I'm not giving you a choice, Cadet.' Ever since then all I could think about was having his life on my hands. I'm just happy Sven saved us when he did, or I would have to live with that guilt everyday. I sighed. Then he said it again during simulations class. "Why do you keep saying that, Lance?" I asked myself out loud.

"Say what, cadet?" Lance asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, hey Lance. Didn't hear you come outside. What's up?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same, Daniel. You haven't been yourself lately. Talk to me, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, really."

"Yeah right & I'm King Lortor, now spill what's up?" I sighed deciding to tell him the truth.

"It's about what happened on Crydor. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to any of you, Especially you, and when you said you weren't giving me a choice it hurt even more. Then you said it again today & It just brought back bad memories. Not to mention when we got back I had a nightmare where Sven didn't save us & you did die. I'd wake up crying & shivering uncontrollably."

"This nightmare, how many times have you had it?"

"Every night since then." Lance sighed & gave me a hug before immediately pulling away.

"Daniel... What's on your chest?" he asked eyes wide with shock. I bit my lower lip.

"Might as well tell & show ya." I said taking out my hair pins that held my hair up into a boys cut, & taking out my colored eye contacts. "I'm not really a boy, I'm a girl named Denial & I'm from Asgard, my dad is Loki, and my mom is a woman named Rachel 'Wolf' Gibbs." I said looking at him with my glowing green eyes. At first he looked shocked, then his face turned from shocked to so happy he grabbed my waist & kissed me on the lips briefly.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." he said still holding me to his chest.

"Why didn't you?"

"I was afraid of my own feelings, I guess. So, afraid to admit that I was homosexual, but now I see that I'm not at all." He said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"I wouldn't care if you were homosexual for me, I would still love you." I said brushing my lips against his neck, earning a moan from him.

"Damn it! I can't take it! I need your lips again."

"Come & get them big boy." I said teasingly, before he crashed his lips to mine once more. This time however he slid his tongue past my lips & forced my teeth open so he could explore every inch of it. I moaned as his fingers weaved themselves into my hair & his other arm tightened around my waist pulling me closer to him (if it were even possible). We pulled away for some much needed air. "Norns do I love you, Lance." I said breathlessly

"Same here, baby Girl" He said gently kissing my neck. "B. T. W. How old are you?"

"Almost 18, which reminds me Dad, Mom, Uncle Thor, the Warriors 3, & Grandpa are all coming to celebrate my birthday. It's kinda a big deal for Asgaudians to turn 18, it's sort of like 21, so, we might want to tell the rest of the force, before they get here."

"You got a point there. Let's go tell them."

"Tell us what, Lance?" We both turned around to see the whole force, including Lamina & Vince looking at us.