Nick slowly opened his eyes, noticing that he was alone in his bed. Glancing over at the alarm clock, it clearly read in flashing bold numbers: 5:30. Shit. He immediately shot out of bed, throwing himself towards the kitchen. As he rounded the corner he was greeted by his bunny. His mate. They had been together for a little more than two years now, and things had never been better.

Judy was holding a cup of tea close to her chest, and seemed to be mildly amused by Nick's antics, "Don't worry hotstuff, I unplugged the alarm clock earlier. It's actually around 4:00am," She stopped speaking to cough into her sleeve.

"You okay there, Carrots? You could take a sick day...God knows you've earned," Nick said, sighing.

Judy gasped, "Nick, you know the only thing that would stop me from going to work would be Death on my doorstep."

"Yeah, no kidding. Well, I'm going to go get changed. You sure you don't want to take this sick day?" Nick asked looking back, "It might do you some good. Lately you've been working yourself into the ground."

Judy looked up from her tea, "I'm sure Nick, now go get dressed."

Nick walked into the bedroom, turning the lights on and swinging the closet door open. He pulled one of his uniforms off it's hangar and quickly slid into it. Officer Wilde looked into the mirror, quickly shining his badge. As much as he liked to appear lazy, Nick was a very proud mammal and being the first fox officer was a big deal. He was honored to have the title and he would never start the work day without shining the badge. It was the second most important thing in his life.

Nick walked back towards the kitchen, which was were Judy stood in full uniform. She sighed at Nick's slow pace and turned towards the door, leaving him to follow after her. Nick jogged after her, not wanting to keep her waiting any longer than he already had.

The fox sipped from his coffee cup, cherishing every bit. The early awakening had started to catch up with him, and he did not want to hear the scolding Judy would give him if he passed out on duty, so he had pleaded for Judy to stop at the closest Snarlbucks. She finally gave in and Nick could not have been more grateful. Now, Nick was contently seated in the passenger seat as Judy walked back from the Snarlbucks, her own coffee in hand.

"Dumb fox, couldn't even watch my coffee while I was in the bathroom," Judy said.

Nick sipped his coffee in response. Judy playfully punched him on the arm and put the patrol car in drive. The fox grabbed the radio, "Dispatch, 221 is back on duty."

"10-4, Wilde," Clawhauser said, voice seemingly muffled by something.

Nick looked at Judy as he put the radio back in it's place, "How much do you want to bet it was a donut?"

Judy smiled slightly, "I have no clue what you mean, Officer."

Nick grinned at her, "You know I love it when you call me that."

The radio crackled, "Shots fired, shots fired. This is is unit 267 requesting backup! We are on the corner of Olmec and Bast in Savannah Central! " Officer Wolford yelled into his radio.

Nick scrambled for their own radio, "This is unit 221 responding, we've got your back Wolford. Try to hold out for a minute."

Judy quickly switched the overhead lights on and took off down the street. Luckily, Nick truly knew what he was talking about. They had reached the street in just over a minute and a half. Nick threw his door open and drew his pistol. He immediately spotted the other Officer's police cruiser. He raised his gun and approached the cruiser, taking note of the three dead animals in suits. Nick looked back to the cruiser and saw Wolford leaning over his seat, gun in hand, clutching his side.

The fox moved forward, "Judy! Call an ambulance!"

Judy didn't hesitate, grabbing her personal radio she called into it, "We have an officer down! I repeat we have an officer down! Get an ambulance out here now!"

Nick motioned her over, "You were always better at this then me. Try to get him stable, I'll check these bodies."

Giving her a pat on the back, Nick moved to the first suit. He rolled him onto his back, and checked his pulse. Dead. Nick moved between the other two and it was the same. Both dead. Nick glanced back down at all three of the animals. The blood sprayed towards Wolford, not away. Which means he didn't kill them. Nick turned around to find Judy had pulled Wolford from the car, resting him against the door. The vulpine scanned the area one last time before holstering his pistol.

"Anything from Wolford?" Nick said as he walked towards them.

Judy glanced up, a worried expression plastered across her face, "Nick, he's passed out from blood loss."

Nick cursed and spun around, gripping his personal radio, "Dispatch, why can't we hear those damn sirens? We've go an officer dow-"

Nick screamed in pain as he dropped to the ground, releasing his hold on the radio. He shut his eyes tight, gasping as he gripped his chest. The vulpine opened his eyes and glance down, immediately wishing he didn't. He had exactly three gaping holes in his chest. They had ripped straight through his armor. Nick felt someone grab his vest by the back and start dragging him, and he had to resist screaming out in pain. He tried drawing his gun, but he couldn't do it without hurting himself.

The pain was too much and he gasped out, "Fucking stop. Please, oh god please stop."

Judy appeared in his view, medkit in hand and the worried expression from before multiplied tenfold. She quickly started plastering gauze over his wounds and he winced in pain, "Your putting it over a vest, Hopps," The fox growled out.

"What else am I supposed to do? Jesus Christ, Nick..." She said looking down at his bloodied body, the freshly applied gauze already staining red. He tried to look at his wounds but Judy shoved his head down.

He grunted in response, clenching his teeth in pain. Judy grabbed her radio, "Dispatch! We have two officers down! Where the fuck are those sirens?!"

"Judy, we have help on the way. Are the officers stable?" Clawhauser asked, worry clear in his voice.

Judy glanced towards the car she had placed Wolford behind, then down to Nick, "Wolford is not losing any more blood, but he lost quite a bit. Nick is...I'm not going to lie Ben, he's not doing good."

She heard the loud gasp from Clawhauser, "Do your best Judy, paramedics are close."

"Then why don't I hear the sirens?" She asked, exasperated.

Clawhauser didn't respond and she looked back down at Nick, he had closed his eyes. She hurriedly raised a paw to his mouth. He was breathing. Distantly she heard sirens. Nick opened his eyes slowly.

He glanced up at her and smiled weakly, "There they are."

She couldn't smile back. His smile faded and while Judy was distracted he glance down at his chest again. The thing that caught his eye wasn't on him, but around him. There was a puddle of blood surrounding him. He laid his head back on the pavement, his eyes barely open. He dropped his paw into the blood and sighed.

"Judy I want you to move on. Meet someone new. Have the fami-" He coughed blood into the air, and it fell back onto his face. The sirens grew louder as Nick slowly drifted into unconsciousness.


A/N: So, my first non-crossover story. I hope this story doesn't make you hate me, because stuff is about to go down. Maybe there will be character death, maybe not? Wouldn't be the first time I've done something that bizarre.