Today was the day Seth Rollins had been anticipating and dreading for weeks. It was his first day of work at his new job in a new city. He had just moved to Florida from Iowa looking for a new start, another new start, and he wanted to be somewhere where nobody knew him. Florida seemed nice and there was an opening for a new Pediatrician at a very good hospital so it had only been a matter of finding a decent apartment online. Surprisingly, everything had been perfect so far. He had found a clean, cozy apartment only a few minutes away from the hospital where he would be working so he could walk most days or if he was tired, or the weather was bad, he could take public transportation.
There were some nice little shops and cafe's near his apartment and a park, so he wouldn't get bored just sitting at home and the weather had been nice so far. He had only been in town for three days, but he loved being somewhere new. He was a little scared, but he was looking forward to letting go of his past and starting a better life.
He got ready for work and dressed in a black button-up shirt, slacks, his glasses and a pair of black sneakers. Since he worked mainly with children, he was allowed to be a little less conservative than he would be with adults, so he had part of his longish brown hair dyed blonde and he tied it up in a bun. He grabbed his messenger bag that was filled with things he thought he might need for his office, a light jacket, his keys and cell phone and locked the door behind him.
He walked down the street, looking into the shops as he passed them, but he started to get nervous as soon as he saw the hospital looming in front of him. He took a deep breath and walked into the building and over to the reception. He spent the first hour of his day getting all of his identification and security pass and meeting with the hospital administrator before he actually got to go up to the 3rd floor where his office was.
The elevator opened and he walked into Pediatrics, looking around and getting accustomed to it. He walked over to the desk and saw a pretty dark haired nurse hanging up the phone.
"Hello. I'm-" he started taking to the nurse.
"Dr. Rollins. Right?" she said coming around the station and shaking his hand. "I'm Nurse Bella, but you can call me Nikki. We aren't very formal here."
He smiled and returned her handshake. "I'm Seth. Can you do me a favour and point me towards my office?"
"I will do better than that." she said putting her arm in his. "I'll give you a tour."
"You don't have to." he said, trying to dislodge her, but she held on tighter. "I'm sure you're really busy."
"No problem." she said, leading him down the hall. "It's usually pretty quiet around here and today is no different."
He nodded and let her show him around.
"So. We have three doctors here." she started talking. "These are the offices, this one being yours." she said pointing to a door that already had his name on it.
He looked at doors of his co-workers, one said Reigns and the other, Jericho.
"This is the doctor's lounge, where we all hang out, even the nurses." she said leading him into a large room with a table, a few couches, a kitchenette, a TV, and a coffee machine. "And this sexy hunk of man coming in the room is Dr. Reigns." she said gesturing to the doorway to a tall, handsome dark haired man.
"What did I tell you about calling me things like that?" Dr. Reigns asked with a smile as he walked up to them.
"I don't remember, but I assume it was 'Thank You'." Nikki said, smirking up at Dr. Reigns.
Dr. Reigns chuckled. "You're a sexual harassment case waiting to happen Nikki."
Nikki rolled her eyes and gestured to Seth. "This is Dr. Rollins, first name Seth."
Dr. Reigns turned his grey eyes to Seth. "Nice to meet you. My name's Roman."
"Nice to meet you too." he said as he reached over to shake Roman's hand. When Roman touched his hand, he felt a tingle run up his arm and his stomach fluttered. He looked up into Roman's incredible eyes and saw that he felt the same thing too. He dropped Roman's hand as quickly as he could and lowered his eyes.
Nikki looked at them, confused. "How about we continue the tour?"
"Sounds good to me." he said, following her out the door. He turned back to take another look at Roman and saw him looking right back at him. He turned his head away quickly and followed Nikki.