Inspired by a variety of sources including artwork by Dishwasher1910 (check out his artwork), a Fairytale for the Demon Lord by Yang-Hwan Kim and using the RWBY universe created by Monty Oum. All works belong to their respective owners.

I do not own RWBY all rights belong to roosterteeth productions

A/N: To those who have read the story, they know this is a fusion of the first 3 chapters. They were previously unforgivably short.

Darkness surrounded him. It seemed to seep into his bones, but he knew that the very fact that he was self aware meant that he was returning. How long had it been? It couldn't have been shorter than a few millennia, else there would have been a point to him being forced to dissipate.

Pure darkness turned to shadows, giving him the knowledge that his time was indeed quickly approaching. He closed his eyes in meditation to pass the time

Light behind his closed eyelids indicated he had arrived, so when he opened them, he was not surprised to see that he was indeed able to see. What he saw however, did surprise him, it was a shattered moon. Much had changed, but if he had returned, much had also remained the same. When the cool wind touched his skin, he closed his eyes and thought back. What had happened last time? It took a few moments for the memories to return, but when they did, and he remembered his voice, he let out in a deep, lumbering voice "It is time". For what exactly, none but he knew.

Many years ago in Asgard

A glowing city, night falling where the sun never set, a fallen rainbow. All things signalled the collapse of the heavens unending reign. He looked upon it all as the Great Tower of Odin crumbled beneath the weight of its own grandeur, the impossibly hot flames having weakened the stone foundations of the building enough to see them fail.

The tower they were on, the throne of Freya, was not much smaller. A good view of the end he thought. He looked down as hordes of the Creatures of Darkness swarmed the city, and knew the screams of helpless victims and the crackling of flames could be heard from miles away. satisfied in the knowledge that such terror would only bring more of the Creatures of Darkness upon the city, he turned to look more directly at the felled god before him.

"You cannot win dark one. There will always be light." Odin rasped. The Great God wore bulky golden armor, his chest plate imbued with glowing, flowing script. Sacred enchantments to protect it's wearer. However, such things were useless before Him. At Odin's side the Unbreakable Spear lay broken, and with it, Odin's strength.

"The light will always return to that from whence it came, and as darkness is where light is born, the light will always succumb to the dark" He spoke lightly, almost uncaringly as he approached the god, kneeling as Odin instinctively struggled to drag himself away.

The Great Wolf smiled at this pointless action before quickly he plunged his fingers into Odin's leg, shattering the plate armor protecting it. Odin howled in pain. The Great Wolf twisted his finger like a knife, causing Odin to Scream all the louder."Your second son has fled, whisking off to who knows where, whilst your elder son is fated to fall to the world serpent. Know that you have lost. There will once again be peace." he whispered.

Before he could strike again, another voice caught the Wolf's attention.

"Father!" The wolf did not turn; instead he struck instinctively with his hand. The hand struck armor, scale mail if the Wolf was correct. The armor crumpled and the blow drove the attacker into a nearby wall. The impact caused the wall to crumble onto the attacker.

"No!" Odin shouted.

The wolf yanked his hand out of Odin and slowly walked over to the pile of rubble. The pile burst. A figure burst from the pile. With a shout the attacker, a blonde haired man with blue eyes swung his small war hammer down, aiming for the Wolf's head. The Wolf smiled. He reached up and grabbed the wrist of his attacker.

"Thor, oh Thor what to do with you? I thought Jormungandr would have killed you by now." The Wolf snickered.

Thor's blue eyes widened; his mouth turned to create on O shape as he realized his fate. The Wolf pulled back his free hand.

"This is farewell." He said as he thrust his hand into Thor's chest.

"No!" Odin screamed in horror. His voice was weakened and to the Wolf it sounded more like begging. He cherished this moment.

Thor stood motionless his eyes glanced down. His gaze followed the arm now sticking from his chest, up to the shoulder and to the face of the Wolf. The Wolf smiled… wolfishly as he grasped the heart of the god in his hand. The Wolf yanked out his hand easily, bringing Thor's still beating heart with him. Thor looked on in horror, blood gushing from the hole in his chest. Blood dripped from his mouth as he stepped backwards.

The Wolf frowned. "Strong for a god." He noted. He crushed the heart in his hand and tossed the bloody pulp to the side. Thor's gaze followed the bloody pulp. The Wolf walked up to him. Thor backed away, he froze near the edge of the tower. He hunched over, growing paler by the moment as his very life gushed from him. The Wolf followed. He gently placed a hand on Thor's forehead.

"Tsk, tsk." The Wolf said. "It is picturesque. The glorious warrior felled, his city in flames at his back." The wolf turned to look at Odin "His dear father, able to do nothing while his son dies." With his free hand he took grasp of Thor's hammer, Mjolnir and slowly pulled it from Thor's weak grasp. Thor grunted. The Wolf turned back to Thor.

"Last words?" He asked Thor gurgled in response. The Wolf frowned "I thought not." He said as he lazily pushed Thor from the edge of the tower. He fell without a sound. The Wolf's gaze followed Thor's descent, The God made no attempt to change course or avoid his inevitable fate. He plummeted and vanished under the feet of thousands of Grimm.

The Wolf turned back to Odin, the man now thoroughly broken. He did not weep for his son, only breathed slowly. The fire in his eyes had vanished, replaced by the most wonderful of emotions: Despair.

The Wolf hefted Mjolnir. How the gods thought a hammer would defeat him he did not know, nor did he care.

"Now to finish things." He said with a grin as he approached Odin.

He would savor this.

A growl snapped the man back to the present. A familiar sound. The Wolf smiled. As he looked on he noticed a Beowulf exiting the shadows. More soon surrounded him. He raised his hand and then there was silence.

He spied a nearby pool more of a large puddle, but it would do what he desired. He walked over, the Beowolves parting to make a path. He looked down when he reached the puddle. His hair was chin length, messy and Jet black. He had a slight beard stubble over a sharp face. High cheekbones. His eyes were a piercing red. Down the side of his face was ancient, flowing script, charcoal black. He would have to cover that to avoid attention. He grinned wolfishly as he looked down at himself. Well built. What truly amused him were the furry wolf ears on top of his head.

"Well this is new." He muttered, amused at such an obvious indication of his identity. It didn't truly matter, the darkness had gathered, had reached a critical mass, enough to give birth to him again.

The end has come. He said more to himself than anything else. He stood up and looked at the shattered moon. He smiled amused at how the worlds changed each time. He shivered slightly.

"First things first." He said stretching his body. "I need clothes." He walked into the forest, the Beowolves following him. "Then I need to see if they've invented milkshakes here. I always did love the chocolate ones."

Vytal: a realm far from Remnant

"Knight-commander Arc" The man said from his chair.

"Lord-General Ozpin" Jaune Arc replied formally.

Ozpin smiled. "I think we can skip the formalities. How is your team?"

"They are doing well. Nothing out of the ordinary to report." Jaune said, He shifted uncomfortably in his armor. He never felt comfortable without Crocea Mors at his side. The greatsword was a family heirloom, granted it had been re-forged into its current form only recently but it was still made from the old heirloom.

"Good." Ozpin said rather distantly.

"Sir, with due respect, why was I summoned." Ozpin looked at him gently. Ozpin had always been fond of Jaune Arc, he was a dedicated student and trained himself to defend what remained of the world of Vytal, new homeland of the Gods. After the Fall of Asgard eons ago, they had traveled the multiverse for a new home. They slowly built their strength, hoping to end the threat of the Great Wolf when he next appeared. Ozpin had trained since that day so long ago, the horror had impacted him greatly, no other realm should suffer such a fate.

"Fenrir has appeared." Ozpin said. Jaune froze. He had heard of the Great Wolf. Hushed whispers, stories of The Fall. Another dimension would crumble if they did not act.

"What realm? I thought we had kept the darkness away from such a critical mass." Jaune wondered, giving voice to what everyone who had heard the news had thought.

"A realm where the Grimm are stronger than most, the ripples were not felt because their growth was abnormally slow. It has been millennia rather than decades." Ozpin explained.

"When is the Head-Commander mobilizing the force?" Jaune asked, knowing his team would leap at the chance to fight in such a battle.

"Head-Commander Summer Rose will not be going." Ozpin said.

Jaune stared at him, his face showing a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Why not?" he asked

"This dimension is similar to ours, we exist there as well." Ozpin explained. With a wave of his hand images appeared behind him.

Jaune scanned the tea. RWBY, JNPR, CFVY even STRQ and CRDL. Ozpin and Glynda appeared as well. As did images of Beacon

"What does it mean?" he asked.

"I don't know." Ozpin said shaking his head "But for some reason our research indicates that Summer Rose is dead in this world. She was a well-known "huntress" a slayer of the Grimm. Placing her there may bring undesired attention."

"So their Guardians are called Huntresses?" Jaune assumed.

"Or hunters if male. It doesn't matter much." Ozpin explained. He stood looking at Jaune.

"Knight Commander Arc, you and your team are to rendezvous with Team RWBY, headed by Knight Commander Ruby Rose, you will then head to this world called Remnant. Once there you will maintain secrecy of at all possible gather information on Fenrir's whereabouts and report back."

Jaune saluted "Sir."

Ozpin looked the boy in the eyes his gaze narrowed "If you see an opportunity, you are to kill Fenrir on site, Collateral damage is of little concern, but do try to keep it to a minimum if possible. One world is nothing in the face of a dimension and all life in it being destroyed."

Jaune paused. "Sir." He said, affirming his understanding of the situation.

"Return to your team." Ozpin ordered, returning Jaune's salute.

Jaune briskly turned and left the room. The metallic door closing on his way out with a quiet hiss.

Ozpin sat back down. He intertwined his fingers and shook his head, looking at the ceiling he sighed. "I hate doing that. Does that make me weak?" He wondered.

"Only if you believe so." Said a voice. Ozpin turned his head.

"How long have you been there?" He asked the figure who seemingly stepped out of nowhere. Dressed lightly in a tight sleeveless knitted shirt and a form fitting skirt, she wore only a pale white breastplate and gauntlets for armor. She had silver eyes and her dark hair was cut short, the edges dyed white. She wore a white cloak over her armor. She stood there expressionlessly.

"Glynda told me what you are doing. They're not ready." She said.

"I'd say none of us are ready Summer." Ozpin replied.

Summer crossed her arms and placed a pout on her face, similar to what her daughter did. Ozpin groaned internally.

"I want to go on the mission. I am the most experienced and the Ranking Officer of the Guardians."

"Be that as it may, I will not risk you on this mission. If Fenrir is back-"

"You are sending my daughters on this mission, Taiyang would never forgive me if Ruby or Yang got hurt." Summer said a hint of steel in her voice.

Ozpin flinched at hearing Taiyang's name. There was a statue of him in Amity Park, a memorial to those who had died in the defense of the homeland.

"Your daughters won't raise alarms like you will. They are still alive in that world." Ozpin argued.

Summer thought for a second before smiling deviously. "Good point." She said.

Ozpin, instead of relaxing tensed even more, knowing what such a smile would bring. "Send Raven." Like a coiled spring finally being released Ozpin slumped. He rubbed his head. "Dear Valhalla no."

"She's still alive." Summer pointed out her smile growing bigger.

"I am not sending that… monster to an innocent dimension." Ozpin said fiercely.

"How about Qrow?" Summer asked the pout returning to her face. Ozpin started to buckle. "Please Summer…" He begged. Qrow would be an even bigger disaster, "he'd get half the women from the planet pregnant." Ozpin argued, hoping Qrow's less than stellar reputation would dissuade Summer. The fact Qrow de facto was holder of the title of "Sire of the most illegitimate children" did not endear trust in him.

Summer Sighed and raised a hand to her head. "Ozpin, it's either Me, Raven or Qrow." Otherwise I will get all three of us to go through, we need to keep them safe." Summer warned.

Ozpin immediately felt the color drain from his face. The thought of that much of the former team STRQ going to one dimension was enough to make him panic. There was a half destroyed dimension full of Qrow's demigod offspring somewhere out there and he did not want to see what it was like. The rumors were bad enough to make him seal the dimension and ban travel to and from it. In truth he had prayed that Fenrir would show up there, it would get rid of a glaringly large problem: namely demi-gods that had inherited Qrow Branwen's DNA and likely his personality. Maybe they would even have killed Fenrir.

"I'll send Raven." Ozpin yielded slumping even more deeply into his chair. Summer smiled in victory.

"Wonderful!" She said as she started to fade. "I'll go inform her immediately."

"If she's with Qrow don't!" Ozpin exclaimed. Summer gave him a Cheshire grin.

Ozpin once again slumped into his chair. He would need to offer a prayer to Odin, probably a few dozen to have a chance of dealing with this.

"Just don't let Qrow catch wind of this. Summer, please don't tell Qrow." He begged "I don't want to have to deal with more paperwork!" He thought. Ozpin wondered why there was always so much paperwork. He snapped his fingers and the paperwork in the corner of the room rematerialized. There were piles of it going up to the roof. He sighed and tapped his desk.

"Call Oobleck." He ordered. A slight ringtone appeared before Oobleck''s face showed up on the screen.

"Hello, please make sure-"Ozpin began

"No time Ozpin! Raven and Qrow just went through the Dimensional gate! I need to get down there! Let's talk later!" He exclaimed before shutting his phone off.

Ozpin stared ahead blankly for a few moments before standing. He picked up his coffee mug and walked towards the window overlooking Vytal. A thriving city that never slept. He took a long sip of coffee. He exhaled, letting the scent of coffee reach his nostrils. He took a deep breath. He held it for a few seconds before opening his mouth

"SUMMER ROSE!" he shouted.

Summer turned as she heard the scream. She sighed. "Don't those two the meaning of the word discrete?" She wondered as she walked to her daughter's room. She wanted to see Ruby one last time before the mission began, and at least try to resolve the rift that had grown between them.

Jaune had been explaining their mission to his team when they heard Ozpin's scream.

"Jeez, wonder what that's about." Nora asked. Her short red hair bouncing as she jumped on her bed.

The rooms were spacious, four beds sat through the room. The room was square in shape, the walls made of steel. Pictures of friends and family hung from the walls, as did pictures of events that had shaped them. Jaune smiled at the thought of when they had all first been grouped together. He had grown a lot since the time, so long ago.

"Just the regular I think." Ren said calmly. Ren had changed very little since he and Jaune had first met. He still wore his green jacket and Kahkis. his jacket was a deep green color as well. For whatever reason, he still dyed a strip of hair pink. Jaune thought Nora insisted on it.

Jaune looked down at his hands. He had removed his armor, In truth he dislike wearing such heavy plate mail, but admitted that the technological advancements did make up for the bulk and general discomfort. He thought back to his last mission, the armor had saved his life. He sighed thinking of how far he still had to go before he would be comfortable with his title of knight-commander. It meant his team was formally beyond standard chains of command, senior officers could not order them to do anything. They reported only to the Head Commander and the Lord General, Summer and Ozpin respectively.

Sensing his discomfort, Pyrrha crossed from her bed to his. Her red silk dress flowing behind her "You're not alone." she said quietly turning to look at him. Jaune looked at Ren. Ren understood the message immediately. He stood and grabbed Nora's arm.

"C'mon Nora; they're serving pancakes in a kitchen." He said, Nora spun to him a glance of excitement .

"Why the kitchen?" She asked, a faint hint of confusion on her face.

"Last time you ate in the Cafeteria you stole everyone else's pancakes." Ren replied, rolling his eyes. He dragged Nora out of the room. As the door closed Nora could still be heard asking a multitude of questions.

"Some things never change." Jaune said, chuckling lightly

Pyrrha cupped his chin in her hand and gently turned his head towards her. He looked at her in the eyes. Those eyes could do many things; they could terrify opponents with a simple glare or cause others to weep with a pitying glance. For Jaune however, the look in those eyes caused his heart to melt he stared into her eyes. They were like emeralds, a hint of sadness in them, knowledge of what would never be.

"Some things should." Pyrrha whispered, pressing her lips onto his own. Her eyes closed. She wrapped one of her arms around his neck as the other fell away from his chin. Jaune for his part wrapped his arms around her, savoring every moment. He held her closely and deepened the kiss.

They stayed that way for only a few moments, but to them it felt like much longer. When they finally released each other's lips for air, they still held each other closely. Pyrrha rested her head on Jaune's shoulder. Jaune stroked her hair gently.

Jaune did not look down, but knew instinctively that Pyrrha had started to weep.

"Perhaps once Fenrir…" She began barely daring to even think about the Wolf.

"Perhaps, but your father… I doubt such a thing matters to him." Jaune said calmly, struggling to keep the hint of anger from his voice.

Pyrrha turned her head to look at him. "Once we destroy Fenrir, my father will have no choice." She said fiercely. Jaune smiled at her, that lopsided grin that she had fallen in love with. Pyrrha smiled slightly, a hint of sadness in it. She looked back down at the ground "He should not have a choice." She muttered as her smile turned into a glowering scowl. At this Jaune frowned too, feeling Pyrrha's anger. He distinctly remembered the humiliation when Zeus had rejected him in favor of another. He recalled after proving Zeus wrong in every way, Zeus still rejected him, calling Jaune unworthy of his daughter. Jaune had almost laughed.

Anyone else, anyone but the Four Maidens would not have had to listen to their parents' opinions on whom they loved, whom they married. But Zeus wanted a political marriage and the laws about who the maidens could marry were so ingrained in tradition that it became nigh impossible to change them. Jaune struggled to meet the criteria, but now after countless years of effort all he now needed was Zeus's approval.

"You would make weak children" Zeus had said when he had rejected Jaune's request. Such concepts were beyond old-fashioned. Pyrrha wanted none of it and ever since, had refused to meet any suitors. Those who made the extra effort to see her, to try to woo her soon realized their grave error. Generally Pyrrha left them in the care of a doctor. For those who still did not comprehend her words, Nora was exceptionally skilled at explaining such things in a more… aggressive way.

Even Ozpin had sneered in disgust at Zeus's decision. Summer had offered to help, but judging by the expression on her face and the fact her body was trembling with barely bottled rage Jaune presumed she meant to castrate the man. Jaune had refused, saying he would prove himself. Pyrrha was worth it.

It had been decades since then. He had grown into one of the most powerful Guardians, He had led armies to victories none thought possible. The name of Arc had ascended as well. Placed on a pedestal for his feats, his sisters married men (and in two cases women), of considerable stature. Several had even married into Houses that could be considered of high nobility. One of his elder sisters had married into the Fall Family. A former maiden house itself, past it's prime, but known for having some of the deadliest warriors in Vytal. Cinder fall was one none dared challenge. Jaune was lucky to Have her as a sister-in-law .

Still none of it mattered. His friendship with the Daughter of the Summer Maiden and High-Commander would have brought most opponents to their knees. The Winchester family formally apologized in public for Cardin's bullying after Summer had been promoted. Weiss Schnee's unveiling as the Winter Maiden strengthened the House of Arc by association, but did nothing to make Zeus yield.

Jaune felt a hand stroke his face. "Forget about me?" Pyrrha asked playfully raising herself to his eye level. Jaune smiled "never." He replied Pyrrha kissed him again, this time for longer. The kiss was deeper and it took all of Jaune's will not to do what he desired then and there.

He would not have been surprised to find that Pyrrha felt the same.

Slowly, they separated. Pyrrha stood, smoothing of the creases of her clothes and walked towards the door. She turned around and smiled. "Better get prepared Jaune, we're hunting Fenrir." She said playfully. She walked slowly, her hips swaying as she reached the door, opened it and quietly closed it behind her.

"Damn it." Jaune said lying on his bed. After several hundred years how did she still do this to him?

Please Follow, Favorite and Review!

This is a updated version of the original chapter.

This story will definitely be on the more serious side. This will also deal with some of the darker aspects of the RWBY-verse too. So do be prepared for that eventually.

The ship revealed here (Arkos) made sense in my mind, hopefully it makes sense on the page. Other popular ships will happen, but romance and love are not major parts of the plot at this point; they are more of a motivator for specific decisions, which of course have consequences, good and bad.

Happy hunting!