
"Suspect is attempting to escape on foot. Officer Blane pursuing. Request immediate backup as suspect appears armed and dangerous."

"Copy that, Blane. Sending a bullhead to your location. ETA is three minutes."

"Copy that, dispatch." Blane responded, switching off her radio, "Just my luck; first day back and already a runner. I should gave left it one more day."

The "runner" in question was leading a merry chase down back alleys and over fences. He was wearing a dark crimson trenchcoat with black jeans and a black t-shirt. His hair was pale blond and sticking out all over the place. Every few seconds he'd turn his head to check if she was still behind him. In those brief glimpses she could make out that he was wearing what looked like a multicoloured grimm mask. The most impressive thing about him though, were his arms. He wore two gauntlets: the right one was yellow, the left one was pale blue. Even from a distance Blane could tell they were weapons.

Suddenly, the runner stopped dead. He pulled out a flashing scroll and seemed to start crying when he looked at it.

"Freeze!" Blane shouted as she raised her rifle, "By authority of the Atlesian military you are hereby under arrest for suspicion of thievery. Will you come quietly?"

"Oh, officer. I really am the least of your worries," he said as he turned around. It was then that Blane noticed the shaking she had assumed was crying was actually laughter.

"And why is that?" Blane responded.

"Because, my lovely officer," the man raised his left hand and Blane immediately found herself encased in a block of ice, "War has just come to Remnant. And the people we're fighting are people I very much dislike. That bullhead should be around to pick you up soon, so you shouldn't freeze to death."

With that the man snapped his fingers on his right and a yellow portal opened up. Right as he crossed through Blane was able to see his scroll and make out one word: Soldiers.