Chapter 8: Revelation

It was night time now in Zootopia with the residents of town turning in for the night while other traditionally nocturnal mammals went out and have fun in the dead of night. Angie by now was sleeping on her bed next to Logan wrapping her arms around his chest to cuddle in, she found his body to be cold and smooth like rubber, perhaps due to the coating layer on him. But regardless she only wants to be with him and protect him from harm even if that means giving her life in the process. Logan by now would have a good long sleep to recover his sanity from the restless activities. His HUD fired up slowly, loading in parameters and start up operations.






Subj. Name: Logan Lupis

Logan seeing the parameters and words in front of the darkness in his eyes mumbled confused. He stretched his arms out while making an annoyed grumble to try and move the words away while his eye closed. When they didn't go away he groaned out, and sat up on the bed still reaching out. He then realized he was awake. "W-what the hell?... Oh damnit…" He closed his eyes tightly, and peeked one eye open to dart around hoping he'd be in a familiar place. His confusion only grew as he never even knew he had fallen asleep. "Wait this isn't the precinct. Where?..." Both of his eyes then opened, and he moved his head around to looked around the bedroom. He did this until he looked down at his side and saw Angie. "A-Angie?..."

Angie by that point yawned and stretched her arms out as she opened her eyes to see Logan who was now awake. "Oh you're awake, thank goodness. You fell asleep for the entire day and Jim had to take you home and let you rest." She said as she kissed his lips passionately with her arms wrapped around his waists and licking his teeth. Much to their surprise, his teeth still feel very much real, calcium with a coat of tungsten alloy wrapped around it to increase durability. "How are you feeling now?" She asked him while stroking his thighs and calves.

Logan now felt ironically much better in her house, and with a familiar individual. He cleared his throat while blushing by her very outgoing behavior. "Well uh… That woke me up for sure." He made a nervous chuckle, and he wrapped his own arms around Angie's curves on the sides of her abdomen. He pressed his nose against her's as well, and sighed. "That was rough last night. How are you holding up?" he asked a bit worried for her own state of mind.

Angie whimpered and huffing excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Angie's curves and pressed his nose against her. "Been better now that you're with me that is. Did they make sure that you're all fine?" She asked rubbing her head against his chin and wrapped her arms around his waists. "I don't want to raise some uncomfortable recollections but I just want to know how are you holding up." She said and kissed his cheek.

Logan mumbled while he smiled. He did in fact feel slightly better still with her around, and her outgoing affection. He did however remember what was wrong. "Well. With you I feel better hun. Thanks for taking me in. Alfred, that strange circle guy in the metal horse, well he... He had to fix something, but as far as i know I won't be turning anyone into robots any time soon." He sighed while rubbing his face trying to forget what he saw, and what he tried not to see. He knew though he was talking to Angie still, and as such blushed. He looked back at her face, and brought her in for a tight hug. "I'm doing fine though as long as you stand by me."

She purred contentedly as she held onto him, stroking his chest and feeling the liquid metal's water like reaction to her touch. "You know, I don't mind seeing you in your real form at all. Honestly I think I like how sexy you looky." She blushed brightly red as she speaks her thought out loud when her hands trail down to his round buttstocks and kiss his nose. "Sorry but I can't resist saying it." She chuckled nervously.

Logan gulped feeling her lower her hands to his glutes. He gulped a bit while making his own nervous chuckle. One that was out of confusion and sudden realization he was in his girlfriend's bed. He looked around, and tugged his neck slightly with his right index finger. "Boy is it getting hot in here or is it just me?..." He gulped and realized she called him sexy. "Oh boy it's definitely me then…" He said while his eyes focused on Angie's.

Before they could say anything further however a phone rang, strangely enough, the jingle wasn't coming from inside Angie's house and it wasn't her cell phone either, instead it was a phone like symbol popped up on the lower left hand corner of Logan's HUD and the jingle was rendered audible to him alone. Apparently his cell phone was dismantled by Alfred and installed into his body so that he can function properly without much problem fiddling around with external devices and hardware. The caller was labelled Wolfard.

Logan cleared his throat, and gently pushed Angie off. "Not sure if you can here this honey, but I got a call to take." he sighed out somewhat relieved and yet some what disappointed. Regardless though he fiddled around with himself by moving his hands around his body. He moved them on his chest, thighs, arms, the palms of his hands, poking out his left eye, then his right, his temples, and his snout all of which he touched his fingers on, or padded out.

Confused, he looked down and frowned in thought thinking on how to answer the phone. As he brainstormed to himself he scratched the back of his head, and then the left side of his head until one of his fingers on his left hand accidentally touched his ear which answered the call. "Huh? Oh that must have been it. Hello? Wolfy?" Logan asked.

Logan would then hear Woflard's synthesize voice on the other end with a set of bars displaying audio signatures bouncing up and down to monitor the call's voices. "Hey Logan how are you doing now? Listen we were going through the evidences that we recovered at the assembly plant and found something…" He paused in mid sentence leaving Logan on a cliffhanger not knowing what was he talking about and what could this be. The robot canid that was Logan's superior is still in the precinct sitting by his desk working with the evidence they have recovered and catalogued, Terabytes of data recovered from the mainframe of Hamish Pharma inc.

Logan then stood up from the bed. His tail wagged excited they made a break in the case. He listened in closely so he wouldn't lose any of the details being said to him. "Woah! Really? We made a new break? What's going on with this one?" Logan asked like a question asking machine gun.

Wolfard sighed out upon hearing the amount of questions Logan has for him. But he answered anyway regardless, "Well whoever responsible for raping you and all, that thing crashed on Earth around 15 years ago when a meteor was coming towards the planet. Hamish recovered the piece that landed on their turf in Bunnyburrow and brought it back to their HQ for research." Wolfard then scroll down further as he continues talking to Logan, this time these were datas and logs written by Alice herself. "It's said here in the logs that the AI named 'Alice' was planning to use Hamish Pharma Inc to robotize the entire population of Zootopia and Bunnyburrow, then establish itself as the ruler of a new mechanical empire. Sounds cliche enough but there are some other writing that doesn't seem to fit in with the case's motivation and behaviors." Wolfard paused as he observed the series of Hieroglyphic writing in the coding lines that he recovered, among the writing there was a fuzzy photograph of what appears to be a dark, pitch black entity with a pair of blood red eyes.

Logan took in each detail closet, and memorized the details being read off to him, but hearing the confirmation form the data that there were actually aliens now forcing their way into his own life was the biggest piece of information he had to swallow. It was startling to him that extraterrestrial life existed as well as life on other planets. To him the thoughts he had were cliche, but how else could he comprehend them. It took a tole on part of his mental health, but now his mission was clearer than ever now: To stop Alice's plans. One thing however he didn't understand though were the writings Wolfard mentioned. "Writing's sir? What kind of writings are you talking about? And her motivations? She seemed pretty motivated to me when my ass-" he stopped and looked back at Angie, and stopped his speech about his encounter more for Angie's sake. "Uhhh... Just tell me what you have."

Wolfard sighed out at this question as he began to describe the general characteristics of the hieroglyphic writing. "'s Ancient Ewegyptian hieroglyphic writing. I don't know what do they mean or what are they about. It's just that it's strange that an Alien robot would have Ancient Ewegyptian writing in its coding and not only that but it felt rather off putting as well. Either way I think you should get back to the precinct just to be safe." Wolfard hung up the call and went back to work, leaving Logan to deal with what he was briefed.

"Logan what did they tell you?" Angie asked him anxiously looking at his face hoping for an answer that makes sense enough for the time being. She looked around and out of her bedroom's window to see who else could be watching them at this hour as she knows that Logan had been through some terrible experiences and worse still, they could be hunted.

Logan looked back to her, and shrugged while he looked away. His chin dipped down in disappointment. "Well… They said I should get back to the precinct just to be safe. They found some more info on who did this to me and why. And apparently something about Ewegypt." he shrugged again raising his shoulders this time more from confusion. "No idea what ancient Ewegypt has to do with robots turning mammals to machines."

Angie cocked her head to the side looking just as confused as he is. "What do you mean by- Never mind, I'll go with you since I don't feel safe here anyway." Angie replied as she got off of her bed and went to dress herself properly, she put on a black T-Shirt with a purple word of "Nostalgia" emblazoned on it in style of the 1980s with a Ramborghini running along a beach at sunset. She then put on a a pair of jeans before going back to Logan, "What were they saying by Ancient Ewegypt anyway?" She asked him.

He cocked his own head seeing some of her curiosity in this. He answered her though while he went to her bathroom to brush his teeth. He changed his disguise to be a navy blue overcoat with a black ballistics vest underneath with yellow colored "ZPD" letters in bold casing. He grabbed hold of the tooth brush, but looked back to Angie. "Well. They said it's strange how an alien robot is involved with the ancient Ewegyptians, but the thing named 'Alice' has been here for about 15 years now." He said while he grabbed onto the white tube of toothpaste, but as he looked at tooth brush he realized this was not his. "Hey uh, Angie. Can I borrow this.?" he asked politely.

Angie nodded to him, "Sure thing Logan, anyway maybe I might want to see the evidence to believe it. After all I am a major in history and archaeology, currently I'm trying to apply for a job at the city's museum of Natural History." She said as he unplugged her phone from the charging cable and pick it up and put it into her pocket while her boyfriend was brushing his teeth, she has already brushed her so naturally Angie has no worries about that.


After returning to the precinct, they found that most of the morning shift has returned home and graveyard faces are in the precinct, Wolfard was still in his cubicle working on the evidences so he couldn't get out to meet Logan right away but there was Jim Colditz flirting with some of the precinct's female staff and officers to no avail. Charlie was seen being held inside a holding cell with Officer Hopps questioning him, Nick Wilde was seen leaning against the wall of the cell block trying to question Charlie a bit more but so far he only insists on calling him "Wirewolf".

Logan coughed out seeing Charlie still in a cell. He looked back at Angie and raised two of his index fingers in front of his face while leaning over. "Uhh. Just one moment please." Logan then stood up straight, and speed walked over to the cell Charlie was being held in. He went up to the grates, and looked in. "Officer Hopps. Officer Wilde. What's going on? You didn't let him go home with the coyotes?" Logan asked confused.

Nick Wilde huffed out and sighed at Logan as the vulpine turned to face him. "Uhh love to but can't. Order from Colditz, he wants to keep the guy detain here for examination and rumor has it dissection." Nick explains, the fox uses his fingers in an air quote manner. This prompted Judy to elbow him. "Ouch, I was saying the truth Carrots."

"Nick, you're not sensitive enough, we tried to reason with Colditz but he insisted on keeping the guy detained here so Jim can examine him." Judy shrugged and tapped her fingers together shyly when she has to inform Logan on the uncomfortable reality that Charlie was in.

"Pretty much, I think the polar bear is a bit of a perv as well since he had those predatory eyes on me. I think he's trying to get some of my Nanites." Charlie added still laying on his back on the bed of the cell while he stare blankly at the ceiling seemingly unamused by the situation he was in. "Bogo would have stopped it but he was out having a date with someone so I'm stuck with a perverted officer who likes to molest minors." Charlie finished his assumption while tossing his last ice pellet in the air and let it fall down into his hand with pinpoint accuracy.

Logan opened his mouth frowning in confusion. It was a wave of confusion that caused his thoughts to stop, but he broke the silence finally sighing. "Charlie for God's sake I don't think he's a pervert. He is one for anger, but not a perv. As for him dissecting you I don't think he has the knowledge to do that. Correctly at least." Logan said frowning. "That and he's the only one to stick his neck out for me besides Angie. So much so I think sometime he's the only guy to respect me in this entire precinct." Logan sid shaking his head. "And what do you mean Bogo is on a date? We're supposed to be working on this case. Wolfard made a huge break!" Logan exclaimed. Although he hadn't noticed what Colditz was doing now, or even his flitting. Logan though was at least sure about him not knowing how electronics worked as his memory made him assume.

Charlie stood up and went to the cell door and held onto the bar, what happens afterwards was him being electrocuted briefly before being thrown against the concrete wall. "See what I mean? He doesn't trust me enough. But it's for real Bogo is out of the Precinct at dusk to go out for dinner with Gazelle much to Clawhauser's dismay. You do the math from there." He grumbled as he got up to his feet. By that moment Jim was seen entering the cell block with a syringe and a vial in his paws.

"Hey Logan did you got called by Wolfard right?" The polar bear asked jubilantly as he approached the cell block. Unaware of what the two robot wolves have conversed with each other. He then pick his keychain and open the cell block's door for Charlie to exit. Much to the robot arctic wolf's dismay. Charlie snarled slightly at the bear as he approached the entrance.

"See what I mean?" He sarcastically grumbled at Logan as Jim check the tip of the needle.

Logan pinched the middle of his eyes as he winced. "With all do respect Colditz sir, but that isn't necessary." Logan stood in front of his superior officer lost in a way to block him from Charlie. "Look. I don't know why you can't trust Charlie, and why I can, but Christ sakes he's been helping me, and besides Wolfard he's the only other cyborg so far. At least one on our side. Just ask the red necks! They've known him longer than any of us." He then panned his eyes around looking for Canyon and Hunter, but to no avail as the were nowhere in the prison. "Please tell me I can have them as my witnesses... Charlie where are they?..." Logan asked nervously.

Charlie grumbled and rolled his eyes. "He let the two gone out of the precinct before detaining me. I think he's doing this whole thing on purpose." As Charlie said so Jim proceeds to hide the vial and needle behind his back whistling like nothing has happened but it changes nothing since Nick and Judy have already seen it.

"Well considering the motive and that look on his face, I'm going to trust the suspect more than I trust a fellow officer and that's saying a lot." Nick added being sarcastic and deadpan as ever as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Jim.

Judy too was not very enthusiastic about Jim's conduct. "Pretty much the point, Jim is clearly abusing the suspect and vilify him as a criminal. That's the evidence we need." She added, this makes him sweat harder and harder as he broke into tears and fell to his knees pleading to Logan and hugged his legs.

"Okay I'll spill it Logan! I kept him here so I can get his Nanites and see how it will affect my body! I just can't bear with the fact that everyone keeps rejecting me from the SWAT team and call me fat everyday!" He sniffled and bursted into tears, the image of a tough and grumpy bear suddenly shattered in Logan's eyes in a sudden with a few words from his mouth.

Logan stammered once again confused by the fact Colditz was now crying. In fact he was more confused. Logan was completely flabbergasted by the development that was happening here. All he knew of Colditz was the tough grizzled anger and rage prone superior officer now suddenly at a rookie's feet bawling and making bear related puns. Logan for whatever reason felt less angry and more sorry for him. "Wait you're telling me right now you're being bullied?... By the SWAT guys no less?..." Logan then mouthed silently the words "what the hell" to himself. "Sir I'm not sure what to say here besides you really need to lay off the donuts, and make a membership at the gym I go to. Secondly uhhh… You're going to have to let Charlie go. Really. I don't think the nanites are going to help you. They only made me enhanced because I was already muscular. Why do you think Hunter and Canyon are still regular coyotes?" He asked while impatiently tapping his foot.

The polar bear sobbing continues now he curled up in a fetal, defeated and ultimately, crushed position as Charlie nonchalantly walks out of the cell and proceed to stand next to Logan. "I'll layoff the donuts if I have any to do so!" The bear sniffled as he pushed his face into the concrete wall. "It's bear fat that you're looking at. I hibernate in winter like all other bears. It doesn't matter the diet or exercises, I'll always be like this." He continues to sob pathetically as he gestured them to leave him alone in the cell block.

Charlie sighed out seeing how his jailer was making a mocking of himself before patted Logan's back. "Let's go for now, maybe you should request Wolfard to be your partner instead." Charlie suggested as he walks up to the foyer with Logan by his side. Charlie was still using his robot form, refusing to use his liquid metal disguise for some reasons.

Logan trying to get Colditz sudden soft side out of his head now had a new thought occurring in his head while he looked at Charlie. At lest his top half away from his speedo. "Hey, uh, Charlie. I noticed you haven't been in any of your normal forms whatever that was. You know fur, flesh, and blood. What's up with that?" Logan said pointing to himself still in his grey colored fur.

Charlie slumped his face down and sighed out before the robot arctic wolf whispered to Logan's ears. "The last thing I want to let them know is my everyday face. Then who knows who will look for me for one reason or another. I'll be back in my persona again when the time is right." Charlie's words were cryptic to Logan's mind, it rang paranoia to a certain extend but it could be a sense of precaution that Charlie made for himself to protect his identity on the long run. "Beside my appearance right now is the least of my concern, killing Alice is the main one." Once they returned to the foyer, they saw Wolfard was talking to Angie, showing her the photos and screenshots of the hieroglyphic writing to her. Wolfard doesn't have a liquid metal disguise therefore, he can not assume any appearances.

Logan went to Angie's side to greet her. "Hey Angie. Uh. Sorry that took so long. I just had to deal with my partner's…. Sudden soft side I never knew he had, and some depression issues." Logan cleared his throat to look at Wolfard's evidence. "So what have you guys got so far for us?" Logan asked.

Angie turned to face Logan and stood up from the couch she was sitting on. With the screenshot of the Hieroglyphic writing in her paws. She showed him the screenshot and began to explain to him. "Well, since I can read, write, listen and speak Coptic I can decipher this. It said 'I, Apep, ruler of eternal Darkness and Chaos, purveyor of Hatred command you to fulfill your desire for supremacy over your lowers. Seek out a green and populous world and conquer it with the tools you have at hands.' Apep, I read that he is a Water Snake God of Darkness and Chaos and Ewegyptian mythology." She concluded giving Logan the fuzzy photo for him to see with his own eyes.

"Oh… Okay then… Let me just look here and-" Logan however stopped seeing the image of Apep. he suddenly froze in some kind of odd fear, and handed the photos back to Angie. "Why does it have to be a giant freaking snake?..." Logan gagged a little and shuddered while breathing out a shaken breath of which said he wasn't much of a fan of snakes at all.

Alfred notices the photo and pick it up to see for himself, the AI was currently out of his robot shell examines the photo with great intrigue in his optics. The sphere handed the photo back to Angie and stroke his chin pondering. "I remember before Alice gone rogue there was a time when she was showing some small signs of lunacy. Mainly her rampant administration shake up, changing schedules of public transports, reassigning priorities for utility bots and others. Then the one moment I realize she was insane was when she locked herself up inside her quarter with a contingent of modified robots to protect herself." He said ominously. The memories weren't pleasant to begin with as he levitates in front of Wolfard and Logan.

Logan frowned to this information. Knowing part of Alice gave him some sense of her insanity, and reassurance of getting rid of her for good is a very good action on their part. Logan still had revenge on his mind for forcing him into a robot and possibly Charlie as well for getting them both into this mess. Still however Logan wonderred what caused her to go deranged. That was until he remembered Apep. "Wait woah woah. You mean the giant snake god thing might have messaged her to do this? To turn everyone including the crops into a mess of robots?" Logan asked a bit fearful now.

Alfred shuddered and tilted his head in a nodding manner. "Well I personally don't believe in Gods or supernatural things. However given how derange she became and what she deposited into mainframe of the company...I have no choice but to take this." He concluded in defeat. However, outside of the ZPD there was something rolling its wheels towards the precinct, it was huge and hulking in form with eight legs like a spider. Heck it looks like a spider made of metal. The massive machine was strolling its way towards the precinct, knocking cars and forcing pedestrians to get out of the way in panic. The rumbling soon reached their collective ears however.

Not only their ears, but Logan felt the spider bots rumbling slightly. "Uhhh… Does anybody feel that at all? It's kind of like an…. EARTHQUAKE?" Logan forced Angie down with him on the ground. He raised a hand up and down as well gesturing for the other to get to cover until he heard what sounded like a very mechanical rumbling as it got closer. "Wait… That's not an earthquake at all… What the Hell?..." Logan said perplexed.

"Oh hi there…" Said Alice voice over the PA of the spider tank as she parked the vehicle in front of the precinct's gate with her 105mm cannon on the back pod aimed at the precinct's main entrance. This prompted Charlie and Wolfard to scramble for cover with Angie diving down behind a large table to cover herself. Alfred quickly flies away into the technical room of the precinct to get into his body. "'s time for our wedding Logan...I now pronounce you wife and husband." She fired her 105mm cannon at the precinct's entrance and the round blast the entrance apart sending debris flying all over the place. "You may now kiss the bride. Which is me." She quipped in a deadpan manner as the spider tank began to move with its legs into the parking lot in front of the precinct.

Logan scared helpless by the now proven psychotic AI had another question on his mind. "WHY ME?! WHAT IS YOUR OBSESSION YOU CRAZY BITCH?! WHY NOT CHARLIE?!" Logan shouted as he got up. He panted and immediately picked Angie up."Get to the armory! I think you'll be safe there!" He said. He then turned to the massive tank invading the precinct with fury. "Okay a plan I need a plan…" Logan said to himself quietly. He rubbed the sides of his temples while he was stuck in thoughts.

As the spider tank crept up closer to the precinct, Logan could see a periscope like device was rotating on top of the hull to scan the foyer. Charlie grabbed Logan from behind and hid him inside the cubicle with Wolfard and shush at them. "I know you are in there Logan. I have our wedding rings all ready." Said Alice as she fired her machine guns and tear up the receptionist desk, narrowly missing Clawhauser but then she switched to her grenade launcher mounted on the top of the tank and fired a box into the precinct. The projectile smashed through wall and fell into the cubicle, it popped open and reveal a wedding ring for Logan.

Logan looked at the box, and instead of being petrified screamed a high pitched girly screech. As he did so he shouted the names of two individuals that might be able to help here. "HUNTER! CANYON!- wait… THAT'S IT!" Logan suddenly grabbed Charlie and shook him around. "You have to get those rednecks! When we confiscated their truck we found weapons. There's no telling what their collection has in store! Probably a massive stash of black market crap! I don't care! The charges are dropped! Just call them! And get the sister of Hunter! Her truck IS VERY USEFUL!" Logan shouted demands and words at Charlie like a machine gun while he shook the cyber arctic wolf around in a very urgent way.

Charlie being shook nodded at Logan while his head still bobbed around like a souvenir before he dials Canyon's phone via his cyber coms. Wolfard then turned to Logan with a professional expression on his rather stiff face. "Logan we need to get Angie out of the precinct let's get down to the garage there's an armored SWAT truck there you can use that can take her around town." He instructed as he picked Logan up and help him ready to go. Alice in the meantime was literally walking the spider tank into the precinct, smashing through the front gate of the place and lurching her head into the foyer to scan for Logan.

"Where are you my love? Take me on our honeymoon please." She taunts him in a menacingly deranged manner. Expecting him to reply somehow.

Logan gulped hearing her mad voice. He was too scared to make any kind of response besides one. "No hablo ingles…" He said in a very light high pitched voice quietly. He looked at Angie with an urgent face that suggested she follow him immediately. "Come on! To the garage! I think Charlie is calling those guy right now!" He then took her hand and dashed to the garage that was below the precinct.

Inside the garage, Wolfard jumped into the truck and fired up the engine of the vehicle, Charlie popped open the door of the truck and help Angie hopping into it with Logan's help, inside there were bullet proof vests made of kevlar with some high powered weapons on the vehicle's racks for them to make use of. However, these were merely peashooters when compared to the tank. "Come on, come on Canyon pick up the damn phone." Charlie muttered anxiously as he waits for the coyote to pick up the call somehow while Wolfard drove the truck out of the garage. Alice picked up the vehicle with her optic almost instantly and began to give chase.

On the other side of the line Charlie heard Canyon's voice. Canyon however was inside of his shack with Hunter who had checked in with his family. The shack itself was a dusty, and some what messy residence. A torn red couch with flaps of the red covering fabric on the right side of the right cussion showing the yellow colored foam on the inside of the couch. Carious tears were on it, but regardless a stressed out hunter slept on it while wearing a black and white button down collared shirt, and his signature cowboy hat covering his eye tipped forwards. The rest of the shack though had a torn ceiling in places showing the electrical wires and piping as wella s the walls having some chipped paint and large areas of white wall revealed where some tan paint had chipped away. Canyon though went over to the phone on the kitchen counter outside of the room the couch and tv were in to pick the phone up. "Uhh hello?"

"Canyon! I need you and Hunter to get your weapons to the Animalia stadium of Zootopia right now! We really need those guns!" He shouted out as the truck rock from one street to another while Alice was running after them inside her spider tank, firing her cannon shell at the truck which narrowly missed it and struck the a Snarlbuck cafe shop. "I suppose that sound is enough to get the message across now is it?" Charlie grunted as the vehicle rocked from side to side

"Make that fast you two I don't know how long we can hold out!" Alfred screeched out as Angie and him tries to hang on to the truck's seats as Wolfard drove it from Downtown area down to Savannah Central where the residents were running away from the tank in terror trying to save themselves and if possible their livelihoods.

"Please stop and let me give you the ring." Alice said over the PA system as she aimed her machine guns at the tires of the truck. But whenever her reticles lock on, the truck swung about throwing her aim off and she was forced to reset the process all over again.

Logan inside of the truck used the armored door as cover while he blind fired an AR styled assault rifle at the incoming tank. The shots he fired were only slightly on point, but ended up sparking off of the spider bot's frame without any penetration . "JESUS COOKIE CHRIST THIS IS REALLY LUPINATOR NOW! WE'RE BEING CHASED BY ROBOTS NOW? I HOPE YOU'RE HEARING THIS CANYON!" Logan screamed.

Canyon nodded quickly forgetting the other's on the line couldn't see his nodding gesture. "Alright then! Shit! You guys really do need weapons! Crap… Okay, but don't acted shocked when you see what we have!" Canyon then grabbed an empty root beer bottle and threw it at Hunter's chest.

Thankfully for the sleeping coyote it didn't shatter on impact, but it did hurt him enough to get him to yell out in reaction to the sudden pain he received. In response he punched the air swinging his arms around randomly while also flailing his legs up and down in kicks. It was enough to get him to fall off the couch. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" Hunter questioned growling as he stood up.

Canyon ignored him for now. "Okay I know where yall want me anything else?" he asked with some urgency in his voice. However, as logan shot the AR rifle at the spider tank Charlie had an idea. A certain truck that was owned by a certain female coyote that would be of use.

Then Charlie suddenly remembers something, Delilah's truck and her driving skill with it, he hadn't seen it yet but if she could somehow hit the leg of the spider tank with her truck at high speed, it could possibly damage or cripple the tank. "Yeah get Delilah's truck as well! Heck tell her to drive it if you have to just make it happen! We need that truck to blow the crap out of this spider tank thing!" Charlie said as Wolfard was now exiting the city limit of Zootopia with the spider tank in hot pursuit, news vans and choppers were hovering overhead to broadcast the incident live as it was happening.

Canyon gulped hearing that they wanted Delilah. "A-alright Ch-Charlie. It sounds like yall are in a bit of a-" ; "HOLY SWEET APPLE CIDER! CANYON THERE'S A BIG ASS POLICE CHASE ON THE TELE! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THERE TANK!" Hunter screamed to Canyon to get his attention. "Uhhh gotta go! Stay safe yall!" Canyon then hung up to witness the pursuit that was occurring on the tv.

Canyon's eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets as he watched the TV. The tank was right behind the SWAT van, and getting close. He even saw the muzzle flashes from the weapon that Logan was using. Hunter however didn't know this was their destination, and that no matter what Canyon said to him this wasn't going to go down smoothly. "Hey uhhh… yeah that's why I got you up. Charlie is in that van there and they want us to bring all of our dang weapons to fight the big whatcha…" Canyon told as lightly, and yet as frank as possible

This only got Hunter to cross his arms with a very stunned look on his face. "Nuh-uh man! I ain't fighting no damn spider ever. I don't care what we have to fight with. It just all gonna get taken by the feds…" Hunter argued.

Canyon shook his head again. "No man. Listen. Charlie is with them. I heard one of the cops, that Logan guys I think, say all the charges were dropped, We're scot free to bring whatever!" Canyon then went to the right of the couch to a green rusting door. He jostled the brass doorknob, and and swung it open. What he saw were a set of concrete stairs going down into what appeared to be a concrete shelter of some kind. "I hope Daddy's apocalypse arsenal will work here… Yo Hunter call your sister they need her help! Just tell her you broke a leg and you're being attacked at Animalia Stadium!" Canyon then walked down the stairs into the bunker basement while Hunter went to the phone.

Hunter grabbed the phone, and then dialed for Delilah's number. She picked up quickly and answered just as expected as she would. "Canyon I swear to God if Hunter has a single fur is outta place imma shove this shotgun so far up your ass when you open your mouth 000 buck shot fires out…" she said grumpy.

Hunter shuddered mostly for Canyon's sake, but he prepared his most dramatic speech ever to her. Still reluctant of course. "Sis! Canyon and i were jumped in the city! Some guys attacked us 'cause they figured we was messin' with them robots! They brought us to the Animalia Stadium and tied us up! They're playing eenie meanie with us to see who gets to squeal like a pig! I don't know what it means, but-" he was interrupted by Delilah's scream of rage that was enough to almost get Hunter to urinate himself from being scared. Thankfully he didn't as he only shook violently.


Hunter in the meantime felt his two ears fold backwards feeling scared as he shook. "I prolly screwed that up more than i should have…" He said to himself. As he stood petrified Canyon was seen running from the base ment with various weapons all ranging from: Desert Eagles, .44 magnum revolvers, nitro express double rifles with brass 500 nitro express rounds, what appeared to be makeshift dynamite made from cut white PVC and white colored caps, and a green cannon fuse. He also brought out sniper rifles with hunting scopes, an HK91 civilian rifle, a Remington 870, an 1873 Winchester Lever Rifle, a Mossberg 500, and an AR-15 civilian rifle.

"Yo! Let's go Hunter they ain't waitin' for us!" Canyon shouted. Hunter nodded and dashed out of the front door following Canyon along out of the front door. "Yeah, but I ain't waitin' to see my sis…" Hunter said wincing.

They both entered the truck while the weapons were all loaded into the bed of the truck. Canyon then slid the key into the ignition and turned to fire Betsy up. The truck sounded with life by making a steady idle sound. Canyon then grabbed hold of the stick shift, and put the truck into gear followed by him slamming the gas to get the truck to move out.

Meanwhile on the highway Logan was panting exhausted by the stress that was currently being induced by fighting a war against a perverted, and insanity driven AI. He however knew taking a break would lead to a sure way to death so he reloaded his AR rifle and continued firing at the robot spider.

"This is getting tiresome don't delay our wedding Logan. Will you just please say 'I do' to me?" Alice continued to troll him as she grabbed the armored van's rear bumper with her spider tank's mechanical claws.

"Yeah I do...appreciate your sincere blindness!" Angie snarled as she fired a police model grenade launcher at the tank's optical system, the shell exploded on the periscope at point blank range, damaging the optical system completely. This made Alice shuddered her entire frame but it also made the truck tumbles around at the edge of Animalia Stadium's parking lot. The armored truck tumbles across the lot before eventually coming to a halt at the entrance for football teams.

"Ugh...everyone alright back there?" Wolfard grunted out as he unbuckled his seatbelt and checked on the passengers. Much to his dismay however Alfred's shell was damaged by the tumbling of the armored truck with the torso being dented and deformed, while the head was some what smashed by the impact of constant rolling.

Alfred disengaged the locking mechanism and popped out of the horse's shell levitating in front of them. "Well there goes my shell but at least I'm more nimble now I think." He amusedly commented as he extends a pair of tendrils to help Logan and Charlie up to their feet. The robot arctic wolf accepts the tendril and pick himself up after regaining his sense of balance. "Let's get inside to hide, I don't think she was built with bunker buster in mind." Alfred suggested as he keeps an eye on Alice who was now trying to get her bearing together due to the damaged optical system and sudden shock that derail her stabilizers.

Logan then shook his head out, and grabbed onto Angie's hand in a protective manner. A display that was sure to cause anger within Alice. He however brought her out of the wrecked SWAT van and led her into the stadium while he limped along. As he limped though he grunted in pain. "Okay I'm seriously getting tired of this *grunt* thing with the Lupinator…" He never stopped holding Angie's hand though, but the group soon heard what sounded like truck horns. Moreover Betsy's horn which sound like a dixie horn. Stereotypical red neck style.

Charlie immediately turned to face the Betsy's headlight as he held up his hands to have them stop the truck. The robot arctic wolf went out towards them and ran to the door of the driver seat and found Canyon to be there. "You got the guns?" He asked the coyote. While then Wolfard was helping Angie and Logan towards the stadium's entrance for the football teams, he uses his powerful tungsten covered claws to tear down the locks and kick the doors in with his feet. He then covered Logan as he was moving inside with Angie and Alfred levitating along with them.

"Holy hell I think that tank is moving towards us." Wolfard mumbled in disbelief as he held his CAR-15 rifle at the sight of the tank as it was crawling towards the stadium, using sonar like sensors to map out the environment ahead of it. Perhaps it would be wise to say that the tank was as blind as a bat.

Canyon exited the truck and went ot eh bed with Hunter. However, when Logan saw their massive stash of guns his jaw fell in shock. "Holy- You brought all of your weapons?" he asked intensely shocked still by their stash.

Canyon however shook his head, and grabbed a stick of homemade dynamite that he tired to a black rope. Hunter raised a brown while he brought out a silver zippo lighter. "Aw man you ain't gonna do that lasso thing are yah?..." Canyon shook his head to all of their question. "Like hell this is all of our weapons! We still got some at home, but the real BIG ONE is comin' fast. You guy hide me and Hunter got this!"

Logan could only gawk at their massive surplus of weapons. He didn't know whether they were licenced, or even had gun licences on them, or even if half of these were legal. "Okay, but after this is done you are going to explain this. Are you serious? An HK?" Logan however obeyed them, and held Angie's hand while limping off. All the while the long fuse had been lit while Canyon swung his arm to circle the lasso around.

"Come on guys let's go grab the weapons and head into the locker room of the football teams!" Charlie hustle them as he grabbed a large bundle of weapons from the bed of the truck and ran towards the door of the stadium's entrance with the coyotes, he kept low to avoid detection by Alice's sonar sensor as she crept slowly forward. Charlie gestured for the coyotes to keep low and make short but fast intervals of movement with him behind the cars in the parking lot. Eventually they managed to get inside the stadium and went inside the locker room where Wolfard were waiting with Angie.

"You guys got high power weapons at home? Do you need that much weapons?" Wolfard asked dumbfoundedly as he examines the weapons they lay down in front of the wolf officer. The gray robot wolf with emerald optics crouched down and pick up the weapons to see which one is most suitable to use against the spider tank.

"Back there I saw it was using some sort of sonar sensor array to find its way. We need to blind it first before we can go for damaging it." Angie suggested while looking around she found a fire extinguisher and she proceed to pick it up with Charlie's help. "You think one of you guys could turn this into a makeshift rocket?" She asked. At that moment, Alice was crawling up on the stadium's exterior into the field within, causing tremors to the interiors.

Canyon loaded his double rifle full of 500 nitro express before looking at the fire extinguisher. "Well I mean we used gunpowder to make dynamite, but sure. I guess we could shoot the bottom of that, and then have it fly away. Then you can have Hunter here shoot the damn thing when it gets close enough."

Hunter in the meantime was loading a bolt action rifle. He nodded quickly however living up to his name. "Yeah I swear i'm a good shot." He however looked confused about something. "So when do I get to blow something up?"

Another tremor shook the room however as the light flicker on and off in a sudden. Charlie held onto the lockers to hold himself up before replying. "Better sooner than later. Logan and I will set up in the commentator booth that's where we'll be able to get a bird's eye view on the field. Wolfard you'll help Angie and the Rednecks to get this thing into a rocket launcher of sort and blow up the sensor of the tank. Go!" He then grabbed some of the weapons from the stash they brought over, an old vintage M-60 machine gun with some ammo belts. He picked up the Light Machine Gun up by its handle and lead Logan with him up to the commentator booth while Alfred levitates with them to access and control the stadium's infrastructure.

The two rednecks nodded while Hunter gulped. He looked back at angie while he gathered some dynamite sticks, the desert eagle, the HK91, and some revolvers while Canyon gathered the rest in his stringer arms. "Hey. Just so you know my sis is prolly on a warpath right about now. I'm sure a few minutes… hours… will get her to calm down. Or some tranquilizers." he shrugged while he moved with Canyon to their designated location.

"Just make sure that we survive that tank first!" Wolfard insisted as they work on the fire extinguisher. Charlie in the meantime was inside the commentator booth with Logan. The robot arctic wolf ducked down behind a computer console to control the broadcast of football matches to audiences everywhere. They both saw Alice was inside the field and was holding her position. A fatal mistake for a tank. Charlie gently slammed the ammunition belt into the chamber of the M-60 and cocked the weapon ready to fire. "Ready Logan?" he asked.

Logan looked down at his own 1873 repeater rifle, and nodded slowly. "This feels really out of place, but yeah sure. I think i'm ready for this. Didn't know these guys were fans of the old west." he looked down at the antique rifle and shrugged before realizing something. "If they couldn't afford the truck before then how the hell are they affording all this." he asked while he aimed ready to fire.

Charlie shrugged raising his shoulders slightly at this question. "Heck how do I know. I'm no redneck expert and certainly no redneck myself." He then proceeds to open fire on Alice's top armor, instead of blind firing whatever he has, he opted to follow Angie's advice on blinding the optical sensor first and foremost. He trained his sight on the spherical optical device on the top side of the tank's armor, the device spins around wildly as various bullets fired by Charlie struck it non stop.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow .Ow. Ow. Really Logan, is this how you say I love you to me? It's not funny at all when I have never hurt you." Alice duly replied to the shots she was receiving incessantly. Due to the fact that her optical device was damaged, she was unable to retaliate let alone aim properly. "Can you please tell your gay boyfriend to stop it? It's not really great for our wedding." She sarcastically asked Logan having no idea on where he was to begin with.

Logan growled to her sarcasm. "OH YEAH WELL I'M ALREADY TAKEN!" He fired the repeater rifle in of course a repeated manner of trigger and then pulling the lever downwards while he aimed down its sights. Each bullet pinged off of Alice's armor. "Oh! And i'm the only one to be that sarcastic! I bet you're really enjoying being blind! I know I sure am!" He taunted.

"Ow ow ow ow ow. Stop it! It's really painful. Oh wait I can't feel." She replied to their aggression as she began to fire her machine guns wildly around the stadium forcing Charlie to duck down for safety as he quickly popped up again and fired at her. As this dance was going on, Alfred lased targets for them to fire on, mainly against her weakest armored joints to cripple her.

"Come on guys they need our help right now!" Angie hustle the coyotes as Wolfard was helping them making the fire extinguisher into a makeshift rocket. Once the process was done, Wolfard picked up the tank with Angie and began to make their way towards the field.

"I can use my onboard targeting system to fire the tank, just need you guys to prime it right." Wolfard instructed as they began to arrive on the field where Alice was seen shooting up the place wildly in hope of hitting one of them. But the approach was failing miserably as she soon ran out of rounds for her machine guns. She now opted to use the grenade launcher but use sparingly. Wolfard's HUD would show him that Alfred was lasing the magazine of the grenade launcher mounted on top of the tank and he quickly crouched down to assume firing position.

As the rednecks went into position another horn sounded just outside of the stadium. One of which Hunter and Canyon both recognized all too well. "Oh God in Heaven here she is…" Canyon gulped. "Hey uh Hunter mind tellin' us what you said on the phone? I really hope you made it sound like I'm in the clear."

Hunter looked up while trying to remember. His eyes then lightened up after remembering. "Oh! Nah man you're cleared. I jus' told her that me and you were bein' tied up, and that that the guys I made up was playing a game of eenie meanie to see who gets to squeal." Just as hunter said that the massive black semi crashed through the gates of the stadium in front of Alice.

The semi pumped up with diesel fury sounded off a loud blaring truck horn that echoed through the empty stadium. The truck furiously roar the V8 diesel engine and the faint whining sound of its turbocharger sounded off each time the engine was revved. Delilah's truck had black soot smoking upwards out of the two chrome exhaust stacks on each side of the semi. She made the massive beast of a truck circle around Alice before the semi slammed into Alice's legs on her right side followed by the truck's horns blaring off again while it pushed Alice in a demolition derby machine versus machine match.

"Well that was unexpected." Alice commented as she was flipped off balance by the sudden strike by the semi. The spider tank loses control and hunch over due to the shock and damage. It then realize that some of its legs have been broken and twisted by the impact. Taking the opportunity, Wolfard quickly fires his weapon at the spider tank's grenade launcher, the makeshift rocket crashed veered up in the air before crashing down on top of the grenade launcher's magazine, the crash and unstable rupture caused the grenades to explode and further knocking Alice's battered frame off balance. "This is not the wedden I have in mind." She sarcastically snark as she was then peppered by Wolfard and Angie's fire at her.

"Serve you right you bitch!" Angie shouted at the crippled tank as she continues firing on the vehicle. "Stay away from my boyfriend!" She howled at Alice.

Logan stopped firing when he heard Angie calling him her boyfriend, and also the way she yelled. He made a sudden smirk seeing her aggressive side for obvious reasons. "That-a-girl" he said while he then watched the rednecks take to the field.

Once again Hunter lit up the rope tied stick Canyon had After it was lit Hunter stood back and let Canyon swing his arm back and forth to get the dynamite lasso in a proper rating motion high above him before he then threw the stick and rope away. "GET DOWN!" Canyon shouted while he ducked to his chest. The stick of course blew up in an intensely loud ear splitting bang even blinding Delilah after the stick blew up on Angie's frame. Canyon then brought out the double rifle again, and then this time for real aimed down the long dark barrel of the weapon before firing it in the center mass of the spiderbot frame with the 500 nitro express bullet.

"Here I come!" Charlie ran up to the windows and jumped out when he was just on the edge of it and fell down on the middle right leg. Then he crawled up on it making athletic free run that would dazzle the coyote's eyes as he jumped up to the top of the tank's hull. With his frozen staff in hand he slammed its tip directly on top of the hatch containing the cyberbrain of the tank. The impact frozen the metal hatch right away and he smashed the hatch with his fist alone.

"Let me assist you with that!" Alfred flew to Charlie's side and pulled out a tendril from his spherical body and latch into Alice's access port causing her to become much more panic by the sudden entry. Charlie then pressed into her with his own USB wire as the two knock down one security barrier at a time. Before long they had entered her matrix and upload the virus needed. It corrupts and shattered her consciousness into trillions of kilobytes of data before the tank's lights went dim.

Logan saw this, and vaulted out of the room he was in. He went down the stadium's light grey metal stair way slowly and carefully. "Is she dead?..." He asked in caution. Canyon got up and walked right up to one of the legs and kicked the spider. "Yeah I think-" Delilah's truck horn blared again announcing that despite Alice being dead there was one problem still. Delilah was a raging mad over protective sister now triggered into a viciously mad state of mind. The truck then again slammed into the defunct Alice pushing both Charlie and Alfred onto top with the limp robot body.

Charlie himself lost balance by the sudden slam and fell down into the ground. His fall crashed into the engine block of the truck, bending and deforming it completely. "What the heck Delilah? We already got her, she's dead!" He complained at her while getting back up on his feet and jumped down on the ground. "Will you just stop it right now?" He asked her demandingly. Briefly, he glanced back at Logan and waved for him to get down and rejoin him.

Logan shook his head now looking at Delilah get out of the semi. Of course she was more angry than ever. Anger Charlie saw was now directed towards himself as his fall just managed to destroy Delilah's truck. "I prefer my bone unbroken. Or now unbent seeing as im METAL!" he said while Delilah was practically roaring her growl was so sharp. She managed to lift the truck's hood open tilting it forwards, and away from the cab causing Charlie to slide off into the field. She then made a slow walk towards him while Hunter watched helpless. "Hey Canyon she also said if anything happened to me she'd shove a shotgun up you ass until you could open you mouth to fire buckshot…"

Charlie irked his head back a little upon hearing what Hunter said, seeing how ferocious Delilah can be upon hearing anything bad happened to Hunter or just getting concern about him in general. So it would be wise for him not to ask her but ask Hunter instead. "What did you tell her to get her here specifically Hunter?" He asked, not knowing how reckless and dangerous it might be even just for asking him as either way Delilah was mad.

As Delilah grabbed Charlie by his neck and made a fist that was sure to dent his metal nose Hunter once again tried to remember what he had said. "Oh. Just uhhh I was kidnapped with Canyon, and we was both tied up, and the fake guys who captured us were playing a game of eenie meenie to see which one of us was the first to squeal like a pig." Hunter said while Canyon then walked backwards and put the now empty double rifle on the ground. "You couldn't have just said you broke a leg, or scratched yourself?... Pretty sure she'd come then…" Canyon said gulping in fear of Charlie's sake.

"You said what!?" Charlie squealed instead, he then tried to pry Delilah's hand off of his neck but it was quite difficult to say the least when he was dealing with an angry overprotective sister who was also a coyote no less. A coyote that was holding a robot arctic wolf's neck and forcing him to think about begging for mercy instead. "Can you just let me go!? I ain't your problem ya hear?" He coughed out while Angie watched on in morbid horror. Seeing as how the situation was growing out of hand with Delilah Wolfard stepped in and tackled her to the ground and tried to hold her down.

She thankfully let go of Charlie, but now she directed her wrath at Wolfard. This action of his only got him so far as she wrapped her legs around his waist almost crushing him like a tin can followed by her balling a fist and punching him square in the snout. She quickly unwrapped her legs, and then kicking him off in his gut. "LOOK AT MY GODDAMN TRUCK YOU PERVS! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER AND HIS IDIOT FRIEND?" She didn't let them answer of course as the next thing to happen were her punching Charlie square in his chest and gut in repeated furious motions while canyon confusedly muttered. "Idiot?... Well i ain't smart, but i an no idiot." All the while an excited and scared hunter was making boxing moves swing his fists in the air while he watched his sister throttle the two wolves. Logan began to try and look for a blind spot behind her only for Delilah to turn around and kick him in the gut so far he felt actual nausea followed by a sting of pain in his back when his back hit the grille of her semi.

"Didn't expect her to be such a pain in the ass...better tranq her fast." Wolfard mumbled as his wrist compartment opened up, revealing a tranquilizer gun that was built into his frame and fired the needle at her back while Charlie was distracting her with a mock fight stance that rendered her focus on firmly on the arctic wolf robot. The needle struck her back and the let the drug does its job gradually.

She immediately went for Charlie, and went for another swing to his snout. The next thing he saw was her fist throttling towards his snout in a very fast motion, but all he felt was a light tap. When he looked she was making drunken swings in the air while groaning. She then made one final swing while threw her body off balance, and caused her to fall to her right side, and fall asleep making one really loud snore, and the rest to lick their sore wounds.

Namely for on Logan who was curled up in a pain filled ball gripping his gut. "Owwwww… HUNTER! If those fake guys you made up don't hurt you then I sure as hell will… Oh-ho… Fffff…" Logan groaned. Hunter simply shrugged.

Angie likewise quickly ran up to Logan and help him up to his feet and shouldered his left arm around her neck with Charlie helping him up. "Couldn't even use a simple excuse huh Hunter?" He complained and frown at Hunter as he help Logan and Angie outside. Wolfard follows them escorting the group outside. Once they have arrived at the parking lot, they found that other ZPD officers have arrived to clean up the site, the police officers went up to Angie, and the coyote's assistance with paramedics first and foremost. Then another group, Colditz among them, went to assist the robot wolves. "Finally the cavalry arrived." Charlie sighed out exhaustively.

Canyon nodded witnessing the massive amount of officers that had landed into the area. "Huh. Yeah that's a ton." Canyon in the meantime was carrying Delilah on her back not wanting to simply let her sleep on the ground he walked to the nearest ambulance with her. "Any of you gents want to take her off of my hand, measure her stress or something, and then offer her anger management, and anxiety therapy that would be much appreciated." Canyon said.

Hunter though looked back into the stadium while he was carrying his rifle, and Canyon's double rifle. He also had several extra PVC dynamite sticks in his pockets on his pants, and one on the right side of his shirt pocket. "Huh… you know what was easier that I done thought it'd be. I don't think yah needed them weapons." Hunter shrugged.

Logan being a man of the law groaned still. "Yeah, but you two are explaining how the hell you have so many of those damn things, and why some of them are working antiques." Logan grunted while Charlie lifted him, but he still had a noticeable limp.

Charlie and Wolfard placed Logan sitting down on a the passenger seat of one of the cruiser and let him rest there. Colditz patted his shoulder to help him ease himself. "Best not to ask them about that at the moment." The polar bear advise to Logan. True enough, it would take them all weeks to clear up the many mysteries and nerve wracking conspiracy like intrigues in the case but eventually, the job was said and done with restoration to Bunnyburrow's crops was well underway and completed before food supply became a hectic problem that brought down down the city. Logan and Angie moved in with each other to better keep in touch with one another, Charlie went back to his apartment and continues to find employment while Wolfard continues his job at the ZPD.

As for the two rednecks much of what transpired couldn't have been achieved without their help. As such Charlie had visited their shack at one point with Alfred, but seeing the state of the thing Alfred became nearly sickened seeing the deteriorated shape, and grody condition to the point he was forced to help the two renovate their own home. It was turned into a more of a bunker with a reinforced concrete outside, war sirens, chain linked fencing on the outside, and finally fixed the interior to the point it had a very high tech basement area fitting their needs, and fixing the damages.

As for Delilah She never did remove the chip form Hunter nor did she change at all. She continued her trucking job, and upgraded her job from day time deliveries to cross state deliveries going from city to city. Though now she placed her trust into Charlie and Logan to keep Hunter safe when she's away, and just like what she has done to Canyon her threats have scared the two into acting almost as Hunter's guardians.