Warnings: humor, OOC-ness, pointless-ness at it's best.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of it's characters.

Pairings: none

Notes: I was in a morbidly good mood today…and this random little ficlet spawned up from an actual situation…Anyways, eat. Consume.

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Of the Bathroom

By Ghosts Dance

His day had been relatively good, nobody invaded his office with any papers and the secretary wasn't around to flirt with him or attempt to engage in any bathroom humor. Yes, it had been a good if not boring day. Seto sighed and took off his jacket and carelessly threw it onto the nearby coat hook, unbuttoning the top of his shirt.

It was good days like this when he chose to take nice long showers with the special kiwi scented soap. Seto wearily hoofed his way up too flights of stairs, unbuttoning his shirt all the way up until his chest.

Mokuba, who had just walked back from school, lay sprawled amongst a sea of paper and crayons. He filled in some blue on his dragon and looked up to see Seto leaning in the doorframe. His older brother looked extremely frazzled, if not beaten up.

"Welcome back Nii-sama!" Mokuba got up and stepped over his drawings before practically launching himself at Seto's waistline. The taller boy puffed indignantly at the attempted tackle.

            "Hello Mokuba. Did you have a good day at school?"

            "Yeah! The substitute let us skip or tests!" Mokuba beamed and pressed his face up against the warm firm skin on Seto's belly.

            "Good. I just came in here to tell you that I'm going to be taking my shower. That means no flushing the toilets, no turning on the sinks, and for heaven's sake; no turning on the dishwasher."

            Mokuba nodded and let go. "Okay Nii-sama! Enjoy your bath."

            "I plan to." He bent down and gave Mokuba a quick kiss on the head before brushing out.

            Seto made his way into the bathroom, and slipped his shirt off, tossing it onto the ground carelessly and began working at his pants. The bathroom was all white with porcelain tiles and the essential walk-in shower and fuzzy towels. Suddenly something caught his eye, a little smudge of something by the toilet, a twitch or movement. Seto blinked dully and left the bathroom.

            He walked calmly back to his younger brother's room and peeked his head in.


             Mokuba turned. "Yes Nii-sama?"

            "Can you come see something."

            "Sure thing…" Mokuba was a little confused by the way his brother was acting, nervous, kind of like he just had a major fright. Always one to help his older brother he followed Seto to the bathroom.

            "Look." Seto opened the door a crack and allowed Mokuba to peek in.

Mokuba sighed and shook his head upon sighting the smudge.

"Nii-sama…aren't you a little old to be doing this?"

"Just get rid of it."

Mokuba sighed again and slipped off his shoe, descending upon the roach with lightning speed.

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Yes…I am grossly terrified of roaches and had to sick my friend on one. I can't use the toilet in there now…it might float back up…