Disclaimer! I do not own this Series! All rights go to their original creators! (pst! I'm a BIG fan)
Jazz dragged another set of books home as she noticed as small figure fly over her head. The snow white hair was clear in the darkness of the night sky, but the figure was too small to be Danny. Yet the figure flew over to his window and gave a couple of knocks before phasing through.
Clasping the books tight to her chest, Jazz moved quickly towards the front door. It was their parent's night out, leaving her books on the kitchen table she crept quietly to the second floor and then to Danny's door.
Laughter and a girlish giggling came from the other side as the sound of the gaming console boomed. She crept backwards and took five confident steps forward casually so that she would be heard. The giggling stopped before she knocked on the door.
Danny opened the door, he was slightly shaken. "Jazz! Wow, you're back early… Found all the books you need?"
"Yeah, they didn't have the autobiography I wanted but that's okay, who's over?" She attempted to peer into the room.
"No one, just me playing video games…"
"Danny, I saw someone phase through your window"
He turned around, "You can trust her"
A small girl ghost appeared behind her little brother, she had the same white hair and green eyes as Danny's ghost form. She looked very similar, down to the logo on her top.
"You can trust her trust her" he added showing the girl a thumbs up.
"If you say so" A white circle appeared around her and phased off leaving a child wearing a red beenny and a some baggy clothes, "Hi"
"Jazz meet Dani Phantom- that's with an I, Dani, meet my sister Jazz."
The girl shrugged behind Danny's back.
"Sorry, this is the first time she met someone from my family formally"
"Hi, nice to meet you, Dani." The little girls stomach growled.
She attempted to smile shyly, her cheeks burning red.
"Sorry, Danielle, we got so caught up in the game I forgot to ask if you were hungry"
"It's fine"
Jazz was suspicious, but Dani was just adorable, "Want me to whip up some Mac and Cheese?"
"You'd do that?" she asked.
"Sure, but your clothes seem a little messy too, how about you get in a nice warm bath and I'll get you something clean to wear from my old stuff, I should have something in your size."
Dani looked to Danny for confirmation.
"Hey, I'm not big on hygiene, but Jazz knows her stuff."
Jazz set out the table, still in shock from what her little brother told her. A clone of him made by Vlad Masters… Plasmius.. Who cares already?
"So she's all alone"
"I guess so"
"Why didn't you tell me anything," she added checking the expiry date on the carton of juice. "No, don't answer that, I get it." She smiled, "You know… I always wondered what it would be like to have a little sister."
Danny looked at her funny.
"What I'm saying is, She is a kid all alone out there, she needs a home, a warm bed, a family... maybe she should stop being your cousin and become our sister." Jazz smirked, "But we will need to get Mom and Dad into the loop."
"Danny! They can adopt her! It's so simple"
"But how! She doesn't exist according to most world databases."
"And you do not need to do that," came Dani's voice from the corridor. "Thanks for the clothes."