Chat Noir was worried, why you ask? Because Marinette, his sweet princess didn't seem to have enough time for him lately and it annoyed him to no end, so he decided to pay her a visit and ask her what had her so occupied.

As he landed on her balcony he heard strange cooing noises.

"What's going on in there" he thought as he approached her room "is there someone in there?"

"You're so cute" he heard her giggle

That did not sit well with him, the only person she could call cute was him!

He gripped the handle, yanked it open with his hand and jumped in, only to land into a bunch of strings and ribbons.

"Mon minou ! You startled me, whatare you doing here?" she asked

"I heard some strange noises and decided to inspect" he said while trying to look as brave as possible, by the looks she was giving him it wasn't working.

"Uh-uh, anyway meet Alice" she said as she pointed to a corner of her room where an adorable kitty was playing with a few strings.

"Is that why you don't have time for me anymore?" Chat asked

"Aww, mon chaton I'll always have time for you, just think of her as part of the family"

"Like a-a daughter"

"Well, let's not get overexcited here"

"Don't worry daughter of mine" he said ignoring her words completely "daddy will protect you" bouncing around the room with the grey kitten in his arms.

"Okay, that's enough you've had your fu- No! That's my feather box!" she screamed as he tripped over it.



Just another day for our favorite heroes.