Through the rain and the window she could still see Iain, looking at his phone then placing it back down on the table. He had ignored her message. Rita looked on the ground letting the rain water soak through her hair, while disappointment flooded her mind. Maybe she was a bitch, maybe she was a heartless cow. All the things that Mark had called her in the past, despite being the one that cheated on her with a 15 year old school girl.
Rita begun to contemplate her relationship with Iain Dean, she had portrayed herself as dirty and easy. Maybe in some ways a slag? Rita felt a tear drop from her eye as she begun the cold walk home, there was no point in getting a cab, she didn't want anybody seeing her so vulnerable. She had made a promise to herself after Mark, she would never let anybody see her weak, see her at her worst. She had to be strong, put up her walls and defences to stop getting hurt again.
She remembered seeing Mark again in the ED, how her heart dropped. He couldn't be back in Holby, nothing felt safe any more. Not now she knew Mark was back, not now his girlfriend ended it with him after the ectopic. She wanted Iain to hold her, tell her everything would be alright but he didn't care. He was more interested in the pub than her, why would it be any different?
Rita continued to walk home, she was becoming colder by the second, she hugged her leather jacket tighter around her body. Trying to maintain some warmth, it was no good the rain was soaking her body. Why did she think it would be a good idea to walk back in the dark and rain? Maybe a taxi would have been the better idea.
After ten more minutes of walking in the rain she appeared on her doorstep, she hooked out her key from her back pocket and pushed it into the lock. Once getting inside her house she shut the door and locked up, she felt the warmth hug her body. When she took off her jacket many water droplets hit the floor.
Rita kicked off her shoes and went into the kitchen, pulling a glass out from the washing up bowl she smashed it against the floor. She then went to pick up the sharpest shard of glass and pressed it against her arm, before she realised what she was doing there was a long deep cut on her lower arm.
"Fuck" She muttered to herself, she ran up into the bathroom and swung open the door. Her stomach dropped, the light was already on and standing there opposite her was Mark, an evil grin plastered across his face. Rita was frozen to the spot with fear, drops of blood started hitting the tiles on the bathroom floor.
"Hello Rita.. What have you done? You really are a stupid bitch" With that he lunged at her, sending Rita crashing to the ground before she had a chance to respond.
14 hours later...
"Where the hell is Rita?!" Connie asked Zoe, Zoe simply shook her head then continued with her work.
Nobody had seen Rita all morning and she was due to start two hours ago, Connie had left endless angry voicemails but had received no response from her colleague.
I hope you guys like the first chapter, I deleted my other story due to lack of interest. Please leave a review to let me know what you guys think, or feel free to drop me a PM if you have any ideas that you are willing to share. I will be updating this fic at least one chapter each week, days may be different because I work different shifts each week. Sorry for any errors it has been a while since I have written. I really hope that you guys enjoy this! xxx