Thanks for all the wonderful reviews and your support. It means a lot to me. Also sorry for the long wait but I've had problems with internet access in the last weeks. Enjoy!

Caroline awoke with a startle. She had been having a weird dream of a cheating Tyler and hot hybrid sex with Klaus against the wall of a bar alley. She shook those wild thoughts from her head and looked at her surroundings. Wait…that was not her room…not her bed either and…why the hell was she naked? Had she been kidnapped? Was this a dream in a dream? God, she had watched Inception too much. Suddenly everything from last night came crashing down on her. Seeing Tyler cheat on her, going to a bar to get drunk, meeting Klaus and then…god…the alley! The thought alone got her aroused all over again, and she finally wondered where Klaus had wandered off to, when she heard the tell-tale sign of the shower running in the adjoining bathroom. She imagined him in the shower, little water droplets running down his sculpted body and she let out a quiet moan, feeling herself get even wetter.

Then she remembered what happened after their amazing coupling behind the bar. Her finally taking a chance and defying all her friends by doing so. But god, was that worth it. When they had left the alley, their alley, they had flashed themselves to Klaus' mansion and had continued exploring each other's bodies not only on the huge King sized bed, but also once on the stairs and on the couch in his room. After four rounds though, they had both been too exhausted and had fallen asleep arm in arm. Suffice to say she was happy with her decision.

Judging from the sun it was probably around noon, but she didn't have her phone with her to check as she had left it at her home last night when going out. She really hadn't wanted to be disturbed.

Caroline was just debating whether to join him in the shower when she heard it being turned off and seconds later a still wet Klaus emerged from the bathroom, clad only in a fluffy, white towel. He looked slightly surprised to see her but then a beaming smile crossed his features.

"You're still here," he unnecessarily said. Noting his surprise but also joy at seeing her, tugged at Caroline's heartstrings. He really thought she would be gone by now. Oh, Klaus. He was so insecure sometimes. She stood up, gathering the sheet around her, and walked towards Klaus until she was directly in front of him.

"Klaus, of course I'm still here. I'm taking a chance with you, remember? And I meant it," she said in a serious voice to him. But when he just stared at her with an unreadable expression her own insecurities overcame her and she took a step away. "But maybe you just finally got what you wanted and your infatuation with me is now gone and yeah…I'll just leave." She turned around when he didn't say anything and quickly gathered her shoes, the only clothing she had left from last night. That was just typical Caroline, actually thinking that some guy liked her, even loved her, instead of just lusting after her.

Suddenly she was grabbed by her arm and turned around. Before she could even process what just happened she was given a toe-curling, relatively quick kiss by the hybrid.

"Caroline, I love you. Do you really think last night would ever be enough to sate me and my desire to be with you? And I'm not just talking about the sex. I want to talk to you, get to know you. Remember? All your hopes and dreams, everything you've ever wanted in life. I want to know everything there is to know about you. I want to show you the world, go on dates with you and wake up each morning by your side." The last comment was accompanied by a small smile on his face. Caroline had tears in her eyes and she couldn't believe her luck. This man, the most powerful creature on the planet, wanted to be with her, Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls. She was first choice. A happy laugh escaped her and she swung her arms around his neck, letting the sheet fall in the process.

"God, Klaus, I want all of that as well," she said and then pressed her naked body to his while adding "But let's start by having more hot hybrid sex, what do you say?"

Klaus let out a groan at the contact and kissed her fiercely on her lips while bringing her even closer by grabbing her hips. "As you wish, my love."

They continued kissing for a while and one of Caroline's hand wandered to the knot of the towel, leaving Klaus bare. Her hand wrapped around his length and she was once again impressed by his size. She broke the kiss because curiosity got the better out of her and she had yet to see his dick in daylight. Her eyes grew wide. That had really fit inside her? She could barely believe it.

Wanting a chance to explore his member more closely, she dropped to her knees while still working him up and down with her hand. She hadn't really got a chance to explore him last night and the prospect of giving Klaus head was strangely arousing. She had always disliked doing blowjobs for Tyler, seeing as he just forced his dick down her throat. But she knew that Klaus would never do that to her and she liked the thought of bringing the almighty hybrid to his knees with just her mouth.

His already hard cock was now only a breath away and slowly started sucking his tip. Hmmmm…he even tasted better than Tyler, kind of salty but also so distinctively Klaus-like. She looked up at the hooded eyes of Klaus and let out a moan at that, feeling herself get even wetter if it was even possible. He was downright staring at her with such an intense gaze, enjoying everything she gave to him. She removed her mouth from his tip and licked the underside of his shaft eliciting a growl from him. Caroline then sucked him in as far as she could, slightly humming while doing so, giving him even more pleasure. Using her right hand she cupped his balls firmly while simultaneously squeezing his shaped butt in her other. That almost gave way to Klaus' orgasm, but he stopped himself in the last moment, stopping Caroline from her movements and hoisting her up. He kissed her lips furiously, tasting himself in the process.

She pushed him slightly away and pouted. She had really wanted to finish him off like that. But maybe another time. Right now though, Klaus' tip was positioned right at her entrance and he slowly pushed into her. They both gasped at the feeling of completeness. Somehow they had ended up against the wall, once again. Maybe that was their thing?

He pounded into her relentlessly, while nipping at her perky breasts, biting the nipples with his blunt teeth. Every time he did that, she screamed out loud. Just as she was about to come Klaus threw her at the large bed, effectively disconnecting their members.

"Hey! Why did you do that? I was just about to release!" Caroline asked angrily but when she saw him slowly walking to her further protests died. He was on the prowl towards her with glowing amber eyes, his fangs elongated and sexy as hell.

"Need… to take you. My wolf needs… you… to submit. Turn… around!" He barely could speak those words as he came closer and closer. Caroline almost came from his words. They were so desperate yet dominant. Sometime they had to test if she could come alone from his words. She definitely thought she could.

She turned around as commanded, propping herself up on all fours and sticking her ass out in his direction. She had barely turned around when she felt him suddenly at her entrance. He pushed in with his vampire speed and started a ruthless pace. It was wild and animalistic and Caroline loved every second of it. Klaus had grabbed her hips to steady her but suddenly one hand left her side and was moved to their joining, slightly pinching her clit. Caroline let out a scream. "YES! RIGHT THERE!"

He continued to assault her in the most delicious way until her knees gave up and she finally came undone, Klaus following right after. They lay on the bed, both exhausted from their vigorous love-making.

"Wow," Caroline sighed.


"That was just…wow."


They smiled at each other and Caroline proceeded to cuddle with him. She laid her head on his chest and he put an arm around her. Caroline could feel the pull of sleep, but she suddenly realized that she hadn't had any blood in over two days and she felt her gums aching.

"Klaus?" she asked.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I know that you didn't have any blood bags in your car, but do you have some here by any chance?"

Klaus looked at her and smirked. "Well, yes, we do. But why leave the bed when you can have your share of blood in bed?"

Caroline's eyes widened. Did he mean that she should drink from him? It's not like she hadn't had his blood before, but that was under different circumstances. This felt just more personal. But she was hungry and if she could remember correctly, she was dying so who knows, his blood was really delicious and warm. She licked her lips while thinking and Klaus' smirk grew bigger, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"Are you sure?" she asks instead of dwelling on her thoughts any longer.

"I wouldn't mind, love," he assured her.

"Okay, I'll do it then." She smiled at him nervously and pushed herself to a sitting position. Caroline grabbed his wrist and was immediately stopped by him.

"Wait, what? I thought…"

"Yes, Caroline, I want you to drink from me, but not from my wrist." He looked at her meaningful.

"Wait…you mean your neck?" Caroline was shocked. He truly trusted her with this and she felt a flutter in her stomach. This man who didn't even trust his own siblings most of the time trusted her with drinking from his vulnerable neck?

"No, I mean my big toe…of course, I mean my neck, sweetheart," he joked with her.

She gulped. Okaaaay, here we go then. She straddled the still lying hybrid and let her fangs out, the veins spreading around her eyes. Firstly, she kissed him on his neck while stroking his abs with her hands, wanting to make it pleasurable for him. She then gently bit into his neck, moaning as his blood hit her taste buds. It really was the most delicious thing.

Klaus seemed to enjoy it as well if the little grunts of pleasure were any indication. When she felt his member awaken against her ass, she was sure he was getting a kick out of it as well. When she didn't feel weak anymore she stopped, not wanting to take too much. She licked the little holes until they healed and then kissed him fully on his lips. They lazily kissed each other, enjoying the taste of blood on both their tongues. When they finished making out, Caroline let out a satisfied hum.

"Hmmmm…you taste delicious."

"Well, thank you, love. I bet you taste better though."

Not really thinking Caroline blurted out "Why don't you?" She immediately regretted it, when he pushed her gently off him and stood up, running his hand through his hair.

"Caroline. Love. You can't just say something like that if you don't mean it. It's just that it is so hard for me to withstand the smell of your blood. Did you know that when a wolf claims a mate, then the wolf bites them to really claim them as theirs? And this pull is only amplified by my vampire side, but I don't want to hurt you, Caroline. I'm deadly to you." At the end of his speech he had sat down on the bed again. Caroline moved until she was hugging the sad hybrid from behind.

"But Klaus, I trust you." At that he perked his head up. "If I say that I want you to drink my blood I mean it. And you might be deadly but you're also the cure. And I want you to mark me." At her last words she straddled him again and swept her golden locks to the right, leaving her neck exposed to him. Without further ado he bit down on her neck and Caroline felt euphoric. She had always despised letting Damon feed from her but this was different and she felt somehow powerful while he was drinking from her. She was giving her blood to the mightiest being on earth. Although she felt a new surge of arousal from Klaus and from her, she didn't think she could handle a second round right now. After a short while he let go of her neck and retracted his fangs, kissing her afterwards.

"I was right. You do taste like the best thing ever," he commented when they were finally done with making out and were cuddling again. He was stroking her silky hair and she was tracing random patterns on his chest. She looked up at his comment. "Yeah, nice and all but don't go all Edward Cullen on me, mister. I wouldn't know how to handle you then." Seeing his confused face she simply laughed into his chest and murmured something about sparkling vampires before she finally succumbed to sleep.

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