A/N: Hey guys! So first off, this is my first attempt at writing a fic. Characters will most likely be OOC at times, so I apologize in advance for that. It's just kind of necessary for this story.

The endgame pairing hasn't been decided yet. As stated in the summary, multiple pairings will be explored. However, if one pairing is particularly popular, that will most likely be the one that wins out in the end. But there's a whole lot of drama that has to go down before we get to that point.

Maya, Riley, Lucas, Farkle, and Zay are 16. Josh is 19.

Disclaimer: I don't own Girl Meets World.

Maya hadn't intended on being there that night.

Riley and Lucas had known this. They thought that Riley's bedroom was a place of privacy, where they could say and do whatever they wanted and it would stay between the two of them. They never noticed Maya's phone lying there on Riley's desk. It was what she had forgotten and left there earlier that afternoon. It was the reason she had come back. It was the reason that she was just outside Riley's window at the moment that her boyfriend of three years looked into her best friend's eyes and then kissed her.

Maya watched the scene in disbelief for a moment before it sunk in what was really and truly happening. And then she ran.

She didn't know where she was going. She didn't care. She just wanted to escape from the anguish that was now causing a physical ache in her chest.

Why, Lucas? I trusted you. How could you hurt me this way?

And did it have to be with Riley? Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be her?

Riley, you were supposed to be my best friend…

In Maya's experience, there weren't a whole lot of good people in this world. But Riley and Lucas were always indisputably good. They cared about other people. They cared about her.

Maybe they just cared about each other more.

She finally collapsed onto the grassy ground of a small local park, and she let the tears come pouring out of her eyes.

Don't cry, Maya. You're tougher than this. Don't cry.

But she couldn't stop. Two of the most important people in her world had betrayed her. What was she supposed to do now? Who did she have left? She loved Riley's family like they were her own, but they were just that—Riley's family. Zay was Lucas' friend years before he met the rest of them. Who knew where Farkle's loyalties would lie.

They hurt me. But I'm the one that's going to lose everything.

Josh tossed yet another empty beer can into the backseat of his car. He'd pulled the car over after a while because, even in this state, he knew better than driving drunk. But alcohol was the only thing that was helping numb him right now.

He picked up his phone and stared at his background picture of him and Kaylie at a college basketball game. He loved her. He had envisioned himself marrying her. And then she just tells him that there's somebody else? After two years?

He stumbled out of his car and threw the phone as far as he could. He couldn't look at it anymore. It hurt too damn much.

He turned around and his blurred vision caught sight of a blonde in the distance. She looked like she was curled up in a ball underneath a tree.

Josh ventured closer and closer until he found himself right next to her.


Maya's eyes instantly darted up towards the figure in a brief moment of fear, before she realized who the person was and relaxed.

"Hey," she mumbled, not bothering to move from her position.

"W-What are you doing?"

She noticed that his words were coming out slurred and looked up again. Something was really different about Josh. She hadn't seen him like this before, all shaky and not really in control of himself.

She forced herself to sit up. "You're drunk," she stated, bluntly.

"Mmm-hmm." He collapsed by her side. "My world just fell apart. Everything—just gone. Kaylie. My future. But not the beer. I still have three—four of those?"

"I could use one."

"Nah, you're too young. Don't be like me, Maya. Don't fall in love."

Josh's drunken advice was some that Maya wished she'd had a long time ago. She wished she hadn't fallen for him—a guy she could never have. She wished she hadn't fallen for Lucas—a guy that her best friend had first. The result was always the same. She was always hurt.

"Lucas cheated on me," she whispered. "Him and Riley…"

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she said the words out loud. She'd felt pain many times throughout her life, but she didn't know if she had ever felt pain like this.

"Hey, don't cry," Josh said, wrapping his arms around her.

"I j-just don't know what's w-wrong with me," Maya cried. "W-Why I wasn't good enough f-for him. Or for you. Or m-my dad. Or anyone."

She never expected Josh, even a drunk Josh, to do what he did next.

He kissed her.

A few years ago, this was a fantasy of hers. Now all it did was help to relieve some of the pain. But that was enough.

Just make the pain go away.

Maya slowly pulled Josh down on top of her, and from that point, she shut off all the parts in her brain that were telling her this was a bad idea. She didn't care anymore. She only had one thing left to lose, and she was in the process of doing just that.

She'd thought Lucas would be her first. And he would've been had he not insisted upon "waiting until they were ready." He'd said he cared about her too much to do something that they would regret later and wanted to wait until the time was truly right.

Or maybe he just didn't want me.

Josh didn't want her either. She wasn't naïve enough to think that this was anything more than sex to him—sex that he would regret the minute he sobered up. But it served as a temporary distraction from the devastating betrayal that she'd just witnessed—that she couldn't think about right now because it hurt so badly.

Let me have this one night. I'll start picking up the pieces left of my life tomorrow.

A/N: Let me know if you think this story's worth continuing?