Daisy had observed the team with Nick, and she was some what impressed. It was easy to know that most members aside from Wanda and Vision had prior training due to being in the military and SHIELD.

"What do you think?" asked Nick. He could see Daisy's expression. She looked intrigued and a little impressed.

"They are certainly good. Maybe rough around the edges but still good. Most of them have had prior combat training so they are easily adaptable. It is Wanda and Vision that have you worried, haven't they?" said Daisy. She was watching Romanoff spar with Colonel Rhodes. Despite being small in stature, the woman was easily able to incapacitate the man in the suit. Daisy smiled. Looking at Romanoff reminded her of the training her Aunt Dottie had put her through.

"Yeah, the thing is both of them are wildcards. We have no idea what they are really capable of." said Nick.

Daisy nodded. "The stone which powers Vision certainly holds untold possibilities. Also Nick, I think we have barely seen Ms Maximoff's true potential. In fact I think its barely scratched." she said.

"You think Wanda is more powerful than this?" asked Nick. If that is true then they had to train the young woman to control her powers because if she ever lost control, the result would be catastrophic.

"Yeah, I do Nick. Don't forget that the basis of Wanda's and Vision's powers is the same. That Mind Stone. I am sure Strucker had exploited it to its fullest when he began experimenting." said Daisy. She watched as Wanda trained with Captain Rogers. Her control was very minimal and it was worrying.

"So, what do you think we should do?" asked Nick. They both watched as the training session come to an end.

Daisy looked thoughtful. "Ms Maximoff, Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers can you three stay back. I would like to have a chat." she said, looking down at the three.

They nodded and stayed back as the rest of the team filed out. Daisy and Nick walked towards the three.

"You have an impressive team, Captain. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but still good enough to defend the civilians if needed." said Daisy, smiling at the War Hero.

"Thanks." said Steve, flushing a bit at the compliment.

Daisy chuckled at the flustered expression on the Captain's face. She turned towards Wanda. "Your powers are impressive, Wanda. However they are highly volatile. I could see you barely holding it together while the training was going on." she said.

Wanda nodded. She looked exhausted.

Daisy smiled. "You need to control your powers better. I know it's hard. Your emotions are all over the place. Plus you look like you have more nightmares than a Veteran soldier." she said.

Wanda sighed. "What should I do? I cannot sleep for more than 3 hours every day." she said.

"Not to worry. As I was assessing the team, I came up with a training regime for you." said Daisy.

The Captain, Wanda, Agent Romanoff and even Nick looked surprised.

"You came up with a training regime after just one evaluation?" asked Natasha.

Daisy smiled at her. "I have dealt with a number of people with powers. So some of it is the same regime they followed." she said.

Wanda looked interested.

"OK, so here it is. Every morning, you and I will do meditation for around an hour before your training starts." said Daisy. She continued, "Meditation helps you achieve good emotional control. It reigns your emotions in and calms a person down. Wanda, your powers are directly linked to your emotions and right now your emotions are all over the place, which is why they are volatile. Meditation will help in not just help in your emotional control, but also reduce your nightmares."

"OK, I will do that." said Wanda. She looked exhausted but also relieved. Daisy wondered if anyone had taught Wanda how to use her powers. But then she mentally scoffed. Hydra just cared about how powerful their assets are not how in control they are.

Daisy nodded. "Good, so tomorrow at 7:30 am in the morning, you and me." she said.

Wanda nodded.

"Well, that was the first part. The second is, I was hoping Agent Romanoff could help me teach you some self defence and martial arts." said Daisy looking at the red head spy.

Natasha looked a little pale at the prospect. Daisy could see a little fear in her eyes. Nick had told her how Wanda had messed with the mind of the Avengers. But soon the red head woman pulled her mask back on.

Natasha nodded. "I can do that." she said.

"Why do I have to learn all this though? I have my powers." said Wanda.

"You can't just rely on them, Wanda. Plus martial arts helps you find a balance between your mind and body." said Daisy.

"She has a point." said the Captain.

"OK, then. The new training regime starts tomorrow, at 7:30?" asked Wanda.

"Yup. You are welcome to join us, Agent Romanoff." said Daisy looking at Natasha.

"Maybe I will." said Natasha staring at Daisy.

Daisy smiled. "Thank you for listening. Please don't let me keep you from your other activities. Have a good day." she said.

"You too." said The Captain.

Daisy watched as the three left.

"Well, looks like you have this under control." said Nick, smiling.

Daisy nodded. "I hope I can be of help." she said.

"Oh, you will be." said Nick.