Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction! Be patient with me, I like to make my stories a little slow at first but then it starts to get better. At least to me it does. So, I don't know how long I plan to make this. Maybe several chapters, who knows? As for pairings, I don't know I'll maybe add some as the story goes along. Anyway, enjoy I guess.

"I AM MAGIC MAN AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!" A crazy wizard screamed and then laughed as the young justice team faced off against him.

"Come on, Magic Man? Seriously? That's such a stupid name!" Kid Flash almost laughed as he ran circles around the wizard. He eventually jumped toward a wall and kicked it so he could fling himself at the crazy man and then kicked the back of his head so hard the Magic Man tripped but caught himself before he could fall.

"Damn, you're fast." Magic Man rubbed his head then flicked his wrist which caused Kid Flash to fly and slam against a concrete pole, knocking him out cold.

"No!" M'gann used her telekinesis to detach the concrete pole and throw it toward Magic Man. The wizard shook his head and flung it back toward her. She dodged it but it ended up slamming into Aqualad, trapping him against the wall. "Sorry." She yelled to him. When she finished, the wizard took his chance to strike and he summoned a large, transparent hand to punch her in the face. She flew back with an "oomph" and then the hand did an uppercut which caused her to fly up and then he grabbed her head and slammed her into the ground. She was out cold now as well.

"Three down, three left." Magic Man cracked his knuckles. An arrow whizzed by his head and hit one of the poles standing nearby. It beeped and exploded, causing a piece of the roof to fall and land on him.

"Boo-yah!" Artemis raised her fist in victory.

"Clever." Magic Man said. "Not." He lifted the piece of the roof off of himself and threw it at her. Artemis jumped back and shot an arrow so quick it hit him in the eye. "OW! YOU B-" Another arrow hit him but this time in the stomach.

Superboy took that as his cue and jumped in and punched Magic Man so hard he flew through the wall and crashed inside the building next door.

"Good job, we're finally wearing him down!" Robin jumped in from nowhere and looked through the hole in the wall.

"I wouldn't celebrate yet." Magic Man flew right back in the building and flicked Robin's forehead. The boy wonder stumbled back and Magic Man backhanded him, making him fall to the floor. He stepped on his chest to hold him down. As he did so, Artemis shot another arrow but he caught it and threw it right back with twice the speed. She barely managed to twist away but it scraped her side, drawing blood.

"You guys were fun." Magic Man stepped down harder, making Robin gasp loudly and claw at his leg. "But, I have to go now." He turned the floor beneath Superboy into quick sand. "Might as well leave you all a remainder that I was here," Magic Man laughed and stepped away from Robin, moving toward the hole in the wall where he was thrown. He chanted a weird spell in a language the remaining conscious teammates couldn't recognize and with a wink, he vanished.

After he disappeared, the quick sand Superboy was trapped in was gone and he and Artemis looked at each other before suddenly falling unconscious.

'My head... What happened?'

Artemis groaned and sat up, rubbing her head. She looked around and struggled to remember what had happened before she blacked out.

'Team... Mission... Wait, where is everyone?'

She shakily stood up and really started to observe her surroundings. She was in a destroyed building, bits of the roof were falling down and a huge section of it was missing near the right side. One of the walls in front of her had a huge hole in it, letting in some light from a lowering sun. There were also several concrete poles, some cracked and others broken, spread along the room. Artemis took a step forward to search for anyone from her team but a sharp stinging feeling stabbed her in the side. She put a hand to it and saw blood.

'Right, Magic Man.'

The memories were back completely now. "I hope everyone else is okay." She said aloud, hoping someone will hear and say something. No luck. She sighed and began walking around. In the middle of the room, there was a large, circle dent. Behind the dent was a concrete pole that lied on its side against the wall. At the other side of the dent, there was a pole that curved inward, as if someone heavy was thrown at it.

'This is where Wally, Megan, and Kaldur were, where did they go? How long was I out?'

Artemis heard a noise and reached for an arrow, dismayed to find that she only had one left. The source of the noise was just another piece of the roof falling. The building was probably going to cave in any minute now.

"Where am I?"

She heard Wally's voice from somewhere. It seemed to be coming from underneath the dent in the floor. She observed it before shooting her last arrow at it, standing back as it detonated and the dent collapsed into another hole. She looked down to inspect the area and then jumped down. When she landed, she rolled and the area of the building she was just in collapsed, blocking and covering the hole she came in from. The room she was now in was dark now.

"This place is so dark."

Artemis heard Wally again and pulled a flashlight from her pocket and shined it in different areas of the room, trying to find what direction his voice came from. The whole room looked empty and her footsteps echoed off the walls. It felt like walking in a huge, abandoned parking garage.

"Wally! Robin?! M'gann!?" She called out as she continued walking, being on guard as well just in case a sudden enemy decided to give her a surprise. "Kaldur?!" She continued shouting.

Artemis walked all the way down to the end of the large room and groaned in irritation when she saw no windows or doors. Her side was starting to hurt even more too so she decided to stop and tend to that before going any farther.

After wrapping herself up, she starting to walk along the wall to see if there was another hallway or door in the corner or something. She found a small, thin hallway right by the corner and shuddered as she starting walking through it.

After what felt like an hour of walking straight to nowhere, she started hearing voices again.

"... Got to find Artemis and Robin."

"Something isn't right here."

Artemis gasped with joy as she began to run to the source. She ended up in an area with two hallways.

"I'm really worried about them."

It came from the left hall. Artemis ran there. She found herself in another hallway but this one had a small, dim light in the middle and there were three doors.

'Exactly how big is this place?'

"Do you think they noticed what happened, too?" That was M'gann's voice. It was coming from the middle door. Artemis ran to the door and opened it excitedly. She was so excited about it that when she opened the door, she ripped it off its hinges.

Inside the room, M'gann and Superboy were looking at her in shock.

"Uh, I don't know what just happened." Artemis threw the door aside and walked in. The room they were in was barely lit and had a small table with two wooden chairs, both of which were occupied.

"Artemis, we're so glad you're here!" M'gann, or rather, Megan stood up and hugged her.

"I'm so glad too but, why are you disguised as a civilian right now?" Artemis pulled away and looked at the martian, who looked like her normal human identity.

"Well, I woke up like this. I'm human now." Megan responded.

"What?" Artemis was so confused.

"Look, we think that stupid wizard switched all our abilities or whatever because when I woke up, I didn't have my super strength, super hearing, or super anything anymore." Conner looked at the floor angrily.

"I'm not even a martian anymore." Megan added.

"So, I have... Superboy's powers..." Artemis said breathlessly as she remembered the previous five minutes.

"We have to find the others and figure this mess out." Megan stood up.

"I agree," Artemis nodded and headed to the door, or where the door used to be, and stopped. "What made you guys stay here, in this room?"

"This is where we both woke up." Megan responded, walking out of the room.

"Artemis, can you use my hearing to find the others?" Conner asked.

"That sounds pretty weird but yes, I guess I'll try." Artemis closed her eyes and concentrated on her surroundings.

"Great, where the heck are the others? What the heck is going on?" That was Wally's voice!

"This way, guys." Artemis started running down the hall, opposite from where she came, and made a left then stopped when something sped past her. 'I guess Wally still has his-'

"OW!" Wally yelled in pain from the distance. She and Megan went to the source and saw Conner on top of Wally.

"Get off me, dude." Wally shoved him off.

"Sorry, I didn't know that would happen." Conner grumbled, standing up.

"Wait a second, that was you who was running super fast?" Artemis asked the ex Superboy.

"Yeah." He replied.

"This is so weird." Artemis leaned against the wall.

"It sure is, look at this!" Wally pointed to his neck.

"I don't see anything." Artemis said.

"Underneath my suit, I have gills! I felt them, they quivered and twitched when I woke up." Wally said the last part in a high pitched voice. He sounded disgusted.

"So, to peace things together, Artemis is the new Superboy, Superboy is the new Kid Flash, Wally is the new Kaldur, and I'm the new... Either Robin, or Artemis." Megan explained.

"Guess we'll have to see if you have mad archery skills now." Artemis said, only half joking.

"That also means either Robin or Kaldur is a martian now." Megan continued.

"That's so weird to think about." Artemis sighed.

"No kidding. Let's just find them and get out of here, we need to inform the League about this but we can't do until we leave this place 'cus there's no signal." Wally started heading down the hall.

"I can use my new enhanced hearing to find them." Artemis smiled. Having powers felt so good. She listened to the surroundings and groaned when all she heard was chewing. "Wally!" She snapped.

"What? I'm not gonna need these snacks anymore so might as well put them to use now." Wally said through mouthfulls of potato chips.

"That's gonna be me, isn't it?" Conner asked, a look of disgust on his face.

"Yep." Wally pat his back.

"You'd think that whoever became a martian would have set up a mind connection by now." Artemis said as she tried listening for anything.

"Well, they aren't as skilled as me so I don't think they even know how to." Megan peaked in one of the rooms they passed by.


"Guys, I just heard Kaldur's voice!" Artemis began running to the source. She turned down one hall and then made a left into a huge room like the one she was in by herself earlier.

"Seriously, how big is this place?" Wally asked when he caught up to her.

"Right?" Artemis said as something whizzed passed them. There was the sound of a loud crash and two voices groaning in pain.

"Sorry." Conner's voice echoed from somewhere.

"It's... okay." Kaldur responded.

"Man, you really need to learn how to stop yourself." Wally shook his head.

"I don't even know how to start, it just happens whenever I want to run." Conner walked back to them with Kaldur beside him.

"Yeah, we'll work on that." Wally wrinkled his now empty bag of chips and threw the bag over his shoulder.

"Now all we need to do is find Robin." Megan stepped forward. "Kaldur, what's over there?"

"Nothing, just a wall." Kaldur replied. "So you guys were affected too, I see." He added when he got a good look at Megan and Wally.

"Yeah." Megan nodded. "Where's the way out of here? It feels like there's just endless halls and rooms in here."

"Maybe this is another gift from that crazy wizard, locking us all in this endless maze until we die from starvation or dehydration." Wally cringed at the memory.

"Maybe, we did all wake up in this place." Kaldur said.

"No, I didn't. I woke up outside, I heard Wally's voice and went underground to follow it." Artemis gestured to the former Kid Flash.

"Hey, we could just escape from there!" Megan suggested.

"No, the building above me collapsed and blocked the exit." Artemis sighed.

"You know, once we find Robin, he could use his new telekinesis to just lift the debris off." Megan pointed out.

"Oh, duh. I just hope I can successfully lead us back." Artemis looked back at the way they came from.

"Where the heck is Robin?!" Wally yelled in exasperation.

"I hope he's okay." Megan said.

"We all do." Kaldur told her.

"This is all just so frustrating!" Artemis yelled angrily and punched the wall in frustration. The wall completely collapsed.

"Nice job." Wally walked through the hole and inspected the room. Artemis and everyone else followed.

"Wow, talk about convenience. This is the room I came from, look." Artemis shone the light from her flashlight onto the part of the roof that was covered in the collapsed debris. "It makes zero sense but this is literally where I came from."

Suddenly there was a loud crash and a large piece of the wall flew by them.

"What's with all the random flying debris?!" Wally screamed.

"Hey guys." They all turned and when Artemis flashed her light, they saw Robin standing at the end. His eyes were glowing. "Boy, did I miss you." He levitated a piece off the floor and threw it straight toward them. They all jumped and dodged it.

"What's wrong with you?!" Megan yelled at him. He chuckled.

"I was just thinking about what Magic Man told me." Robin ripped two chunks off the walls and clapped his hands together to make them smash against Artemis. She gasped in pain but then felt as if it didn't even happen.

"Woah, I have his indestructibility too!" She raised her fist in victory. "That's so sweet!"

"DAMN IT!" Robin screamed and the whole place started shaking.

"Okay, maybe not so sweet." Artemis looked around and noticed everything started cracking, as if the entire place was just going to shatter like glass.

"I'll knock him out." Conner ran super fast to Robin and stuck out his arm as he did so, make it smash against his face as he ran by. Robin fell back and before Conner could feel relief, he ran smack-dad into the wall in front of him and knocked himself out.

Wally facepalmed.

Robin stood up shakily and wiped some blood off his face. "That wasn't cool of you." He snarled.

"Robin, what happened to you?!" Megan gasped. "Why are you doing this?"

Robin chuckled again. "It's just what the Magic Man said..." He laughed again. "It's exactly what he said... Magic Man, he isn't crazy..." His laughter persisted. "It's the levels." He managed to say between the nonstop laughter. "There's levels!" He forced out.

"Levels?" Kaldur looked down.

"The floor, maybe if I..." Artemis looked at the floor beneath her and punched it, shattering it. The whole floor crumbled beneath them and they were all falling.

"DING DING DING, YOU GOT IT!" A voice yelled and suddenly they all landed on something soft, and bouncy. It was completely dark.

A light switched on and revealed a huge room full of nothing but colorful, squishy walls and floors. There was even a roof.

"What the..." Wally got up and looked around.

Robin stood up as well and rubbed his head. "That's what I told you guys, he trapped us all in a weird maze of levels. The first level was the one above us. In order to get the next level, you have to find the boss and solve the puzzle." He explained.

"What?" Artemis asked.

"Okay, the Magic Man set it up to where I was the boss. I managed to fight through it though and tell you guys about the levels. I also made the foundation weak to give you a hint about the puzzle. Artemis solved it by punching the floor and making it give, sending us all to the next floor." Robin explained.

"Wait, but, why did I wake up outside?" Artemis asked.

"He did tell me one of us was special... The special one is the only one who can solve puzzles or else it won't work." Robin replied.

"So he just told you all this?" Wally crossed his arms.

"Pretty much." Robin shrugged. His eyes were no longer glowing.

"It doesn't make sense." Kaldur spoke up. "But we have no choice but to trust what Robin said."

"Why would he only tell you this? And why didn't he tell me anything especially since I'm supposedly 'special.'" Artemis used air quotes when she said the last word.

"Look, I'm just as confused as you guys." Robin held his hands in an 'I surrender' fashion. "I did just attack you all so I don't blame you if you don't listen to me."

"We have no choice but to." Megan said.

"Uggghhhh, what happened?" Conner suddenly groaned. Everyone turned and saw the poor boy laying on the soft floor nearby just now regaining conscious.

"Do I have to explain everything again?" Robin pointed.

"No." Megan walked over to him. "I'll do it."