The bat's ears flew up at the sight of the hedgehog before her. He had suddenly paled and turned green, slamming a hand over his mouth at the loud grumble his stomach made. "Oh chaos, here, Shadow!" She quickly tried to guide him to the toilet. "Oh man!" The hero on the other side of her had done something similar, swiftly jumping over and pushing gently to get the other to move away from the sink and in the right direction.

But the hedgehog stood still, shaking his head as he clamped his eyes shut. Perhaps blocking the image would help settle his stomach. He locked his jaw, refusing to allow it open. Taking a couple deep breaths, he tried to swallow down what was threatening to come up. However his stomach had other ideas. The top half of his body lurched forward as his belly contracted, forcing its contents back up his esophagus. Crimson eyes flew open as the sink was suddenly much closer. He felt shame as his eyes started to water. Please don't, please don't!

Rouge was no longer trying to move him, she was forcing him. She saw his body heave forward, and immediately started to pull. I don't wanna clean up the sink later, It'll make me sick too! Luckily, he started to shuffle along with her, Sonic in tow, "C'mon, Shads, it's ok." With one hand on each arm, and the other on the ebony back, the two moved him to the latrine a few steps to his right. Rubies eyed the water hesitantly. He felt his body start to shake once again, surely the other occupants felt it as well. No, no! I can't! He tried one last time to swallow and take control over his body's urges. The hand still tight around his muzzle, tears threatening to spill as he stared the toilet down.

The bat beside him saw his uneasiness. Though she was unsure what the problem was, she rubbed his back gently in comfort, "Hey, it's ok. Don't hold it back. You'll only feel worse if you don't let it out." Seeing what the other was doing, Sonic tried soothe the other as well, "Yea, you'll feel lots better once it's over. Ya jus' gotta let it come out." The other glanced at him while he spoke, his trembles calming slightly.

Another loud groan erupted from the black stomach, making his eyes widen once again as he could no longer hold back. Flinging himself forward, his jaw unhinged, and he retched into the toilet. The two held on to him to keep him steady as he swayed slightly. Rouge turned her head away, trying not to upset her own stomach. The hero didn't seem as affected, and massaged the black back, "That's it. Get it all out." The half-breed coughed and gasped as the flow slowed, though it seemed as soon as he had stopped he would begin again, unable to keep up or have a chance to breathe. He panted heavily, tears freely falling into the toilet and on the seat, ears held tight against his skull in shame. He remained positioned over the latrine, unsure he was finished.

The bat felt him weighing her down, trying to adjust her grip she looked to the blue hedgehog, "Sonic, get me a couple washcloths, will you?" Said hero held onto the other with one hand as he opened the cupboard, where he assumed they were, and grabbed a few, handing them to the bat. She was sitting on the edge of the tub now, and reached behind her to dampen the towels. Turning her attention back to Shadow, she patted the sweat away that had accumulated on his brow. Said hedgehog's quills drooped, too emotionally and physically exhausted to stop her. The bat gently wiped the tears away as well, "Done? Any more?" The other could only manage a slight shake of his head, quills moving gently as his panting slowed. There was nothing left to come up, he hadn't remembered taking that much in either.

"M-mm," he let out a small protest as she used the other towel to wipe his mouth and face as his hands reached for it slightly, closing an eye in annoyance. The two held his arms firmly in place as the bat continued, "Shh. Just take it easy." The blue mobian watched her, holding the creation still, "Let us take care of you." He let out a grunt as she removed the towel and he let his head hang once again, unable to get his mind to focus enough to give a retort. Rubies stared at the mess below, the sight prompting memories of the past to flood his head. Striped arms trembled once again at them, before he shot a hand out and pulled the lever on the side of the toilet, not wanting to look at it anymore. He'd had enough of these flashbacks for one day.

The creature's jerk had surprised the blue mobian and he lost his grip for a moment. Though he calmed as the water swirled below them, grasping on the other's chest instead, not missing the flinch at the touch. The bat gave the other a moment before standing and bringing the hedgehog up with her, "C'mon. Let's get you back to bed." He shuffled along with the two mobians as they led him out of the bathroom, giving one last glance out of the corner of his eye to the tests on the sink to make sure he'd seen them correctly. Black ears lowered slightly as the sight was unchanged.

Shadow sat in his bed once again. His self proclaimed caretakers had propped him up on a few pillows so he could sit up and tucked him under the blankets, leaving a garbage can next to him in case his nausea returned. A glass of water was also placed on the night stand to help rid the taste of bile in his mouth. The blue hedgehog sat on the end of the bed on the other side, twiddling his thumbs nervously. The pair waited for the bat to return. She had gone to reheat the food that had gotten cold while taking care of the half breed. Said hedgehog was quietly staring off into space. He hadn't said a word since they brought him back to the room. He felt numb, as if he was incapable of feeling at the moment, or as if what had just happened was all a dream. He silently hoped it was.

The quiet was making the other room's occupant extremely uncomfortable. He fidgeted this way and that, still feeling his heart racing. I gotta say somethin'. I can't stand seein' 'im look like that. "U-um...How are ya doin'?" The blank stare was immediately erased, and a glare replaced it as crimson eyes flicked to him. He hates me. I really did it this time. Blue ears folded as emeralds glanced away, "I'm...sorry." He's gotta be so scared. I know he'd never consider killin' it, which I'm glad. But still. Everything's changing for him again. The Ultimate Lifeform simply stared at him as he scratched behind a ear, "I know ya hate me. Ya have every right to. I really am sorry fer all this. But, jus' remember that I'll always be here for ya. I'll do whatever I can ta help in anyway I can." The glare softened ever so slightly. His words reached Shadow, though he didn't show it. Knowing that he wouldn't be going through this alone, even if he didn't have a choice, was appreciated. He was indeed mad at the other, but hate was a strong word to use. He couldn't deny the feeling of wanting to be held in the peach arms and told everything would be alright. But he refused to move an inch, afraid of how his body would betray him next.

Thankfully the bat had returned, now holding three plates. She gave one to the blue mobian at the end of the bed, who had attempted to put a smile back on his face, before walking around to the other side, "Plain chicken and rice, with a little chicken flavoring added. It's bland, but it's good for upset tummies." She had purposefully made the bland food so that Shadow could eat with them. She had assumed dull food would be easier for his angry stomach to digest. "Sonic, you can help yourself if you need more spice," she glanced at the male before sitting down on the chair next to the bed. Luckily, Sonic was not a picky eater, though he did like setting his taste buds on fire. He took her up on the offer and ran to the kitchen.

The female handed the spare bowl to her 'patient'. The black hedgehog eyed it before glaring up at her, "You really expect me to eat after what just happened?!" His voice was slightly hoarse from the bile and he talked quietly to try not to draw attention to it. She frowned, "I don't expect you to, but hope you at least try to. Getting some food in your stomach might help calm it down a bit. Plus, you're eating for two now, you need to be feeding more than just yourself." He stared for a moment longer before submitting and taking the plate, though he simply held it for the time being.

The blue hedgehog returned, his food now a red tint with the spices added. Rouge had quite the variety, so he tried out a few before deciding to do a mixture. He hopped back on the bed as he started to eat, the jolt making the bed's other occupant lift his own plate to avoid spilling. Shadow glared at the other who apologized quickly before going back to his food. He stared at the dish in his hands again, he still felt a bit queasy, and eating wasn't something he normally took part in. He would drink coffee, but that was only to keep him awake since he had been having issues with that lately, and he rather enjoyed the flavor. He could only name a handful of times that he had actually eaten something. Most of those instances occurred over 50 years ago, and weren't exactly pleasant. Though, perhaps getting something in his stomach would help ease his nerves a bit, or at least spare him from Rouge's wrath. He scooped up a small amount and nibbled hesitantly at it, unsure he wanted to fill his suddenly empty stomach so soon. The food was indeed bland, but the chicken flavoring helped it be at least a little desirable. He saw the agent was pleased with him at least attempting to eat the food she'd prepared, even if he had to pause in between bites.

Meanwhile, the hero had already finished his bowl and scraped it clean before letting out a little sigh, "My compliments to the chef! Thanks for the food, Rouge." She smirked a little, "I know it isn't chilidogs, but I'm glad you liked it. I'm not going to cook for you every night, though. I expect you to cook for us every now and then!" Sonic grinned, "Then I hope ya like chili and hot dogs, cuz I dunno how ta make much else!" She shook her head a little, "We'll have to work on that."

The black hedgehog's ears perked. They way the two talked sounded as if Sonic would be coming around often. He shot a questioning look to the female beside him. Rouge caught his weary glance, "Sonic is going to be staying with us." Of course. Just what I need. Shadow glared at the bed sheets below him, "I assume you will not allow me to leave either?" The bat's face had grown rather stiff, "You would be correct." The blue hedgehog felt rather awkward, "I'm just gonna...put my dish away..." He quickly left the room to give the two time to talk. It was almost humorous that the mighty Ultimate Life form was being held hostage by a bat, but she could be rather scary if given the chance, and Sonic didn't want to cross her.

Now alone, the two sat in silence for a minute. The half breed continuing to stare down the blankets, finally muttered quietly, "...why is he here?" The bat replied softly, "He's worried about you. Plus under the circumstances, I need his help. And on top of that, you are carrying his child." Shadow almost flinched at the last statement. That was going to take some getting used to. For the sake of his own well being, and his unborn child's, he could accept living with Rouge for the time being. However, adding Sonic in to the mix was pushing the limit. He raised his glare towards the other, "You trust him more than I?" The fork in her hand was placed down roughly on the plate, turquoise eyes locked with his own, "Shadow, I would trust you with my own life. Don't ever think that I don't trust you." She went back to her food once again, "But, I also believe you may not be thinking in your right mind. I know you would never harm your baby intentionally, but you may do something that puts it at risk. And since I can't stay home with you, I need Sonic to be here in case something happens." She gave a good argument...he supposed. Taking another nibble of his food, he tried to picture living with the faker for the next several months. No doubt it would be stressing on his current state, something he was supposed to avoid, correct? Of course he could be wrong, he really had no idea what and what not to do while growing another being inside oneself. He stared at the covers, "I still cannot comprehend how this could happen." "I can't understand why you slept with Sonic if you can't stand him. So I guess we're both at a loss," She gave a sly smile towards him, trying to lighten the mood. The male humphed, "Perhaps that is the real question." The bat let out a little chuckle.

They spy's plate was now empty, though her counterpart's was only half gone. Still, it was more than she had been expecting him to eat. As she reached to take his plate from him, after she was sure he was finished, he gave her a sincere look, "I do appreciate your willingness to assist me in this...predicament." She smiled, "I'm here for you. Plus, I'm going to be the best aunt on Mobius!" There was the makings of a smirk on his muzzle, followed with an eyebrow raising, "'Aunt'?" She took the plate from him, tilting her nose up and she strode to the door with a smile, "Well someone's gotta spoil the kid! As well as teach proper fashion sense, and bestow a love of precious jewels at a young age!" "Sounds more as if you are attempting to create a clone of yourself." The mobian made a pose in the doorway, "Well I am rather dashing to look at, so it'd be like looking in a mirror! Which would fine with me, as long as I get the jewels." Shadow let out a snort as the bat left the doorway to put the dishes away.

Alone at last. The hedgehog let out a sigh as he tried to relax himself, laying back slightly. Everything still felt so surreal. He didn't feel any different, besides the occasional cramps and nausea. He could still tap into his chaos powers and felt as though he could achieve super sonic speed with relative ease. Perhaps he would fatigue a bit easier due to his lower energy levels, but physically he felt normal. How could something like this go unnoticed? He was the Ultimate Lifeform! He should be able to detect subtle changes within his own body. The half-breed scowled at no one in particular as his frustration over the situation built. His mind felt fuzzy, as if he couldn't quite focus clearly. Fingers gently massaged his temples as a headache started to form. A child cannot simply exist without somewhere to grow. How on Mobius is there one growing inside of me?! I do not produce eggs either, how could a child even be conceived? Not only was the concept bothering him, he had absolutely no idea how to care for a child. What if he was doing everything wrong? What if he already brought harm to his own offspring without realizing it?

A black ear flicked as he heard the footsteps of the hero coming back into the room, Sonic having caught him cradling his head, "Hey, you ok? Your head buggin' ya?" Shadow frowned at the other, at first refusing to answer. The other male took his seat at the foot of the bed again, and made no signs of leaving any time soon, so the black hedgehog gave a reply while turning his head away, "I'm fine." Sonic's eyebrows furrowed, "Please don't shut me out, Shadow. I jus' wanna help." The antihero gave him a sideways glance out of the corner of his eye, but didn't say anything. Luckily the awkward tension between the two was interrupted by the bat returning with another plastic bag in hand, "Alright, we have a lot to learn and only eight months to learn it in, so we're all going to have to do some research!" She sat next to the black hedgehog on the bed, crossing her legs and opening the bag. Azure lifted a brow, "'Research'? Whaddaya mean?"

Rouge replied by pulling out three maternity books, all different, and handing one to the hero and the one next to her. The book she kept for herself was entitled, "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth." Asking the clerks as well as mothers that she found in the store while purchasing the pregnancy tests, she went through the isles and found the three most recommended books to read. She chose this one for herself to get an idea of what to expect from the antihero beside her as well as inform him in case he refused to read his own book. The book Rouge chose for Sonic was titled, "The Expectant Father." The hero needed to know what to expect on his end as well! And if the book could give pointers on what he could to do to assist, then all the better. Lastly, the book she chose for Shadow was called, "Belly Laughs." Supposedly it covered everything one needed to know about the experience in detail that most everyone could understand. It even covered those embarrassing topics no one wanted to discuss.

While Sonic looked rather pleased with the book he had gotten, Shadow appeared rather criticizing. He knew he needed to know as much as possible, but it was rather embarrassing to have a book going in to so much detail. Why did he need the one written by a first hand experience? The bat smiled, "We each have our own books to read so we can all learn as much as we can. We can bounce ideas off each other as well so we're all on the same page." Cobalt was already opening the book to start reading before the agent cut him off once more, "One more thing. We need to decide who the doctor is going to be."

Ebony's head turned rather quickly towards her. Doctor? That meant going to the hospital, getting more tests, more prodding and poking, more...needles. Attempting to keep himself calm, he cleared his throat quietly, "Is it really necessary to have one?" The other occupants stared at him as if he'd said something obvious. "Of course it is! You need to have regular check ups to make sure everything is going ok!" The bat understood his hesitation, but seriously, this wasn't something like catching a cold! Shadow was bringing another life into the world. He needed to be under the supervision of someone who knew what they were doing. The other hedgehog nodded slightly, "She's right. What if somethin' goes wrong? We need ta make sure both you an' the baby are healthy. Plus, I dunno how ta deliver a baby, an' I'm sure Rouge don't either." Said mobian shook her head slightly as their gaze remained on him. Shadow glanced away again. He didn't think there was much of a chance of them going along with it, but he wanted to try. Still, he wasn't going to be a willing patient.

A hand rested on a feminine cheek as it's owner looked towards the ceiling in thought, "But...there might be an alternative to an actual doctor." That caught both the hedgehogs' attention. The hero leaned forward slightly, "Whaddaya mean?" The bat closed her eyes, "I know you don't like the whole hospital experience, Shadow. Needles aren't exactly your favorite thing, and they most certainly would be a part of something like this, especially with you being half Black Arms. So maybe we can dodge the doctor altogether and go with something a bit more low key? Like a midwife?" Rubies looked up as he pondered the suggestion. It would probably be the best option in their position.

A gloved hand picked a blue ear as their owner rolled the word around in his head, "'Midwife'? What exactly is that?" Turquoise eyes opened and looked at the hero in front of them, "A midwife is someone who specializes in pregnancy and birth, except they don't necessarily work in a hospital. They can be self employed and act more like a supportive figure, offering advice when needed rather than someone who tells you what to do and doesn't take your personal feelings into account. Not that all doctors do that, but midwives seem to offer a bit more calm atmosphere. They don't do a lot of medicine either, so it would be more of a natural thing. Plus they can come to your own home so you never have to leave." Hearing the explanation only offered more comfort in the idea to the black hedgehog. They could stay at Rouge's house instead of having to go to a hospital every few weeks, and hopefully needles wouldn't be such a common occurrence.

Azure smiled, "Oh, is 'at what they do? Well we're in luck! Vanilla, Cream's mom, she's a midwife! I never really knew what a midwife was, or I'da suggested her earlier. But I bet she'd help us out in a heartbeat!" The female smiled as well. Even better, someone they knew! She looked to her teammate, "Well, Shadow? How does that sound?" Said mobian sighed softly and covered crimson irises, "...better than being an experiment for another random doctor." Rouge grinned, "Then it's settled!" "Great! I'll contact Vanilla right away!" The blue hedgehog beamed, already using his communicator to look her up. The agent waved a hand at him, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Maybe we should just wait a bit. Shadow needs some time to come to terms with everything. We can call her in the morning. Besides, this baby isn't coming anytime soon." Emerald eyes were hidden for a split second as he blinked, "O-oh, sure! No problem. It's kinda late anyway, huh?" The hero sweat dropped, looking outside as he scratched his temple with a finger. A nod from the woman, "We should let Shadow get some sleep. He needs to rest." The black hedgehog frowned. They talked as if he wasn't there. He didn't need a mother telling him when to go to sleep, when to wake up, when to eat, and so on. He's lived on his own for this long, surely he knew how to take care of himself.

Before he knew it, the two were grabbing their books and getting ready to leave. The other male smiled at him, "I'll see ya in the mornin', Shads." He left the room as the bat walked around the bed. She took the book out of the hedgehog's hands, laying it on the dresser next to him, muttering a "sit up, please" as she took some of the pillows out from behind him. Shadow was getting rather annoyed, "Rouge, I am not incapable of doing things myself. I'm with child, not paralyzed." The last sentence still felt strange coming out of his mouth, but he wanted to prove his point. His teammate tapped his shoulder to get him to lay down, covering him up with the blankets soon after, "I'm not trying to baby you. You don't feel yourself, I'm just taking care of you. And if you keep denying my help, it's going to be a long eight months for you." He let out an annoyed groan as he frowned and glared at the covers once again. The bat smiled again, "Just try to get some sleep. Your body needs it right now and you'll feel better if you do. I'll see you in the morning." With that, she walked out, turning the light off and closing the door.

For a while he simply stared at the ceiling in stubbornness. How dare she order the Ultimate Lifeform to sleep if he didn't want to? He attempted to keep the events of today away from his mind, and focused on the anger he felt building inside him, from what exactly, he didn't know. Though the harder he tried, the more his body's exhaustion made itself known to him. It had been a long day. Most of it was spent in either pain or annoyance. Though after he became sick in the bathroom, his stomach cramps had given him a break. He felt his eyelids lowering as he fought to keep them open. He didn't need to sleep, he got his energy from the chaos in the atmosphere. But it felt as if the energy was literally being sucked out of him, similar to when he exhausted himself with his inhibitor rings removed fighting the Final Hazard. Now that he knew his condition, he assumed the energy was being used to grow the other life inside him. Still, he didn't want the other house's occupants to realize his weakened state. Rouge would only treat him more like an infant, and Sonic would be sick with worry...Sonic... Black eyelids felt heavy, and he finally allowed them to close, convincing himself he'd just rest them for a moment. He wouldn't allow himself to fall asleep. Though as these thoughts ran through his head, he unwillingly drifted away from the land of the conscious.

Rouge plopped a few blankets down on the couch. The blue hedgehog stood close by, "Thanks, Rouge." The bat put her hands on her hips, "Don't make me regret letting you stay here. Just take things nice and slow with Shadow. His mental state is going to be pretty fragile for the time being." Quills moved as he nodded, "Got it. I won't force myself on 'im an' jus' take things at his pace. Thanks fer trusting me, though. I know he means a lot ta ya." Her curls were slowly deflating after the long day, but they still bounced slightly as she gave a nod, "I have to work tomorrow, but I'll be around for a little while in the morning. We can call Vanilla and let her know what's up." Azure agreed. The bat gave a stretch and a yawn before turning towards her bedroom, giving a wave behind her, "G'night, hedgehog." "'Night, bat face." She shot a little glare over her shoulder as she walked into her room, closing it behind her. The hero giggled in return as he made his bed. Placing the pillow at one end, he flopped down and sighed, stretching and pulling off his socks. He didn't bother covering himself for the time being as he laid back. Peach arms crossed behind his head, thinking with his eyes closed. The couch may not have been the most comfy place to sleep compared to his own bed, but it was nice to finally not be alone all the time, and being with Shadow made it even better. His nerves were still on a rampage as well as his emotions, but overall, he was happy. Sure he didn't expect this to happen, but he wasn't going to complain about it either. It was his fault that this had happened, and he had to take responsibility for it. He just hoped Shadow would warm up to him with time.