Peter stood in the bed room, he looked at his beta as sat on the bed watching the pups as he reached out and ran a gentle finger over small bodies that was nestled together "What are you going to name them?" Peter asked, Stiles looked up at him and blinked as the alpha walked deeper into the room, the newly turned wolf looked down at the furry pups and tilted his head
"I've been thinking hard on that since I found out, but I hadn't know I was going to have triplets. I had thought if one was a girl I could call her Claudia after my mum, then then my favourite boys names are Ben and Ianto."
"Ianto?" Peter smiled
"It another name for John in Welsh." Stiles mumbled, he had a sheepish smile as he looked back at his pups
"What not just call him John?" Peter asked, as he warped his arms around Stiles.
The teen froze at the sudden hug from the wolf but his own wolf purred happily at the alpha's hug. "I don't know I just like it?" He said,
"So we have Ben, Claudia and Ianto." Peter said "McCall?" He asked, as he looked into Stiles face seeing a faint pink blush on his face.
"Stilinski." He said firmly, he wasn't going to change their last name not for the father no for anyone. Pulling away Peter smiled at him softly "Why did you kill him?" He asked Peter, the alpha tilted his head at him
"He attacked me, I was just defending myself I killed him and then I become alpha." He lied to him, Stiles frowned at him as he tried to detect the lie in the man's heart beat but he couldn't. So he just looked back at the pups.
When Derek retuned he found Stiles was a sleep once more he stood there watching the teen sleep as the small cot by the bed had the pups placed in side, he held the letter in his hands wondering if he should give it to Stiles. What he wanted to do was take Stiles and the pups and run a far as he could away from Beacon Hills he wanted to mate with Stiles and then watched as his stomach grew with life of their pups and watch in awe as he felt the pups from his nipples. He shook that thought from his mind as he walked up to Stiles and placed the letter on the bed side table and started to leave. "Derek." Stiles called out, the wolf stopped and turned to look at the teen, Stiles sat up rubbing his eyes as he looked towards the wolf
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." He whispered, Stiles frowned as he look to the letter on the small table "It's from Scott." He said, as he walked back to the bed and sat on as Stiles sits up more.
Stiles looked down at the letter biting his lips as he flicked the bed side lamp "He wrote it because he doesn't think you want to see him." Stiles looked up at him,
"I guess he right, I don't feel like seeing him at the moment." As he open the letter up, it wasn't every long but he still took time reading it.
"What does he say?" Derek asked, he wanted to reach out and pull Stiles close to him as he could feel the teen's become sad.
"He ummm…he says he's sorry for lying to me and pushing me away and making me think that the pack didn't want to see me. He is also sorry for not talking to me after we slept together, he said that he loves me but only as if we were brothers and it was his wolf that took over and thought it was a good idea to breed me." He said, as he wiped his eyes as put the letter back on the bed side tablet and pulled his knees up to his chest. Kicking his shoes off moved closer to Stiles and warped his arms around him letting the teen hold on to him and let him sob
"It's will be okay Stiles, listen I spoke to him not long ago and he hates himself for what he has done to you, but he is having trouble seeing pass the Void." Stiles looked at him, as angry tears rolled his face
"He can't see pass the Void?" He growled
"The void made him do things to you that he hates himself for." Derek said, as he ran his fingers though his hair as Stiles looked down at his hands
"The Void did things to me to, you know I have to get pass it and deal with it I know what he got Scott to do and I still don't blame him, because of the Void."
"Stiles look at me." The teen slowly looked up at him, his amber eyes shining in the dull light of the bed room "When I look at you all I see is just you. Bright, beautiful, funny Stiles and I wouldn't change you." He told him as he pulled him close to he was sat on his lap.
"You think I'm beautiful." Stiles asked as he placed his hand on Derek's shoulders "You mean it?"
"Of course." He purred, as he leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Stiles let out a soft moaned as he felt Derek pressed him down onto the bed.
They just laid there and kissed each other and nothing else as Stiles wasn't ready to go any further but he was just happy with the kissing. Pulling away Derek looked down at him and smiled as he let his fingers trace the line of the scarred bite. "Is this alright?" Derek asked
"Yeah this is alright. How about us?" Stiles asked, Derek frowned unsure what Stiles was meaning "You're not just going to have me Derek but my children to." He whispered, as he felt afraid to speak to loudly
"I want you and the pups. You 4 are all I want and when you are ready I hope to have pups with you to." Stiles face broke out into a smile and he cupped the wolf's face and pulled him down for a deep kiss.
"I've named them." Stiles whispered "Ben, Claudia and Ianto" He felt his cheek redden as Derek nuzzled his neck and shoulder
"You been watching Torchwood and Midsomer again haven't you." Derek grinned as he moved so he could spoon the younger wolf.
"What I just like the names." He smiled as he rolled over so he could hid his face on Derek's chest.